Version 1.0.7
This plugin allows you to mute players and prevent chats being sent when they use terms that you deem mutable.
This plugin relies on BetterChat, BetterChatMute, and DiscordMessages if you are using the Webhook option to log the messages in Discord.
This system comes with 272 predefined mutable words that are not listed here due to them being words related to racism or homophobia.
"Settings": {
"Blacklisted Term Checking": true,
"Blacklisted": [
"Enable Regex Checking": true,
"Blacklisted REGEXs": [
"Mute Enabled": true,
"MuteHours": 3,
"Ignore Team Chat": true,
"WebhookEnabled": true,
"WebhookURL": "WEBHOOK URL",
"Admin Bypass Permission": "betterchatautomatedfilter.bypass",
"Multiply By Mutable Words Count": false,
"Mute Reason": "Prohibited Word Usage Attempt - Automated"
Blacklisted Term Checking: This allows you to disable/enable term checking.
Blacklisted: These are terms that will be blocked and will result in a mute in chat.
Enable Regex Checking: This allows you to disable/enable REGEX checking.
MuteEnabled: This allows you to enable/disable muting.
MuteHours: This is a pre-defined time that players will be muted for.
Ignore Team Chat: Ignore messages sent in team chat.
WebhookEnabled: This will enable you to log mutes into a Discord channel via webhook.
WebhookURL: This is the Webhook URL you will use to log mutes.
Admin Bypass Permission: This is the permission that will allow you to avoid getting muted when using blacklisted terms.
Multiply By Mutable Words Count: This will multiply the MuteHours by the number of terms that were detected.
Mute Reason: The reason provided in the mute.