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Ionut Shiro

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Everything posted by Ionut Shiro

  1. Version v1.3.6


    The Oxide Islands 3K is a rust custom map containing 7 big islands with procedural monuments and unique base opportunities and 5 small islands with no monuments or whatsoever to encourage building! Terrain of the map is 3000 with all islands together , 5000 with ocean included. Map is done in a very unatural way for rust casual players with the terrain being split in different islands not too close together, the islands are connected via railways from one end to the other having stations at every major island and Terminus at important islands or monuments where one line ends. The map features Terminus Safe Zone which combines both Compound and Bandit Camp features all in 1 place in an unique reproduction i attempted at remaking Terminus and Alexandria from The Walking Dead show. On the mountains you will find a very tactical location for helicopters hunting , a unique custom Heli Tower prefab. Between the 3 major monuments in south you can find a custom military underwater base with elite loot and a bradley guarding it! Don't forget to upload MAPLock to your oxide plugins otherwise your server won't boot. If you have any questions or need help don't hesitate to contact me via website or my discord https://discord.gg/54P3mv4n93 The map features custom and procedural monuments ~Procedural Monuments : - Launch Site - Excavator - Military Tunnels - Airfield - Power Plant - Water Treatment Plant - Trainyard - Sewerbranch - Sphere Tank - Desert Military Base - Roadside monuments including Supermarkets - Mining Outposts - Fishing Villages - Lighthouses - Stables - Several underwater Labs ~ Custom Monuments : - Terminus Safezone - Public Heli Tower - Military Underwater Base made by Immp & edited by me ~ Entity Count : 37571 ~ Map Size : 5000 Password Comes with the map.
  2. Version v1.2.1


    Deutschland 4K has been made after the shape of Germany (Deutschland) in collaboration with @Ixis monuments to resemble the country's tactical monument placements and several aspects , maps terrain and roadside / miscellaneous prefabs spread around were placed to encourage players interactions and PVP , it features all popular procgen monuments and couple custom monuments aswell. This map features Colditz from @Niko. Map been optimized to run on low entity count and ensure players satisfaction. If you have any questions or need help don't hesitate to contact me via website or my discord https://discord.gg/54P3mv4n93 Place DeutschlandMapLock in your plugins folder before starting your server! Password in the ReadMe file. ~Procedural Monuments : - Launch Site - Excavator - Military Tunnels - Airfield - Power Plant - Water Treatment Plant - Trainyard - Sewerbranch - Bandit Camp - Compound - Junkyard - Sphere Tank - Satellite Dish - Desert Military Base - Roadside monuments including Supermarkets - Mining Outposts - Fishing Villages - Lighthouses - Stables - Supermarkets & Mining Outposts and Gas Stations - Large and Small Oil Rigs - Several underwater Labs ~ Custom Monuments & Prefabs: - Colditz - Shiro's Repairs Garage - Frida's Frostkauf - Aral - Bandit Swamps - Hanseatenhallen - A variety of small prefabs to encourage action and interactions , explore to find out more! ~ Entity Count : 24932 ~ Map Size : 4000
  3. Version v1.2.4


    Hydrae Oxide 4K UNLocked is the paid version of our free map projects , i've released it with password aswell after having so much demand for the password ! Map has unique landscape and base building opportunities , unique roadside loot locations and a large railway network system connecting all monuments together to ensure a pleasant experience for the players while enjoying your server/s! You and your players will find exquisite monuments and easter eggs in those monuments which will make you giggle for sure! Around the main island there are a couple small islands scattered for the hermits who want to build far from the others and have no neighbours. Map is optimized for low entity count and proper terrain to ensure rendering is not a problem no matter the PC specs! The map features custom and procedural monuments Big thanks to Abracadaver for helping me with the electrics problem we had before publishing! Our featured files on this map are from @Niko @Ixis LAMBO7000 @Kaho and @38-Ra for his jetfighter and of course me. Join my discord for any questions or comissions : https://discord.gg/54P3mv4n93 ~Procedural Monuments : - Launch Site - Excavator - Military Tunnels - Airfield - Power Plant - Water Treatment Plant - Trainyard - Sewerbranch - Harbor - Junkyard - Sphere Tank - Satellite Dish x2 - Desert Military Base - Roadside monuments including Supermarkets - Mining Outposts - Fishing Villages - Lighthouses - Stables - Supermarkets & Mining Outposts and Gas Stations - Large and Small Oil Rigs - Several underwater Labs ~ Custom Monuments & Prefabs: - Museum Heist Monument - Area 52 Monument - Farm Monument - FckboyShed - Bandit Swamp - Winter Cabin - Ranger Lookout - Offshore Bunker ~ Entity Count : 32058 ~ Map Size : 4000.
  4. Yes , they're the same old railways that were used before facepunch railways update!
  5. Version v1


    A broken custom lighthouse with a apocalyptic themed reconstruction and additions . Being a broken monument and has nothing to do with procedural Lighthouse it may not work with plugins that use procedural monuments ! It has no masks it's just simple drag and drop ! Entity Count : 204
  6. Version v1


    Overgrowth Version of the Spermket Supermarket for Temperate Biome , it is not a procedural supermarket but a broken version modified. Prefabcount: around 1094 If you need help or have any questions don't hesitate to join my discord aswell ! https://discord.gg/QDkgfzjJdq
  7. Version v1.4.1


    North America 4K has been shaped after the North American continent in an attempt to do biomes and terrain elevations accordingly , map features solely procgen monuments no customs Map has been optimized to run with low entity count to ensure performance and players satisfaction. Password is given along with map for edits Put NorthAmericaMapLock in your plugins folder before starting your server. ~Procedural Monuments : - Launch Site - Military Tunnels - Airfield - Water Treatment Plant - Trainyard - Bandit Camp - Compound - Harbor - Junkyard - Sphere Tank - Satellite Dish - Arctic Research Base - Roadside monuments including Supermarkets - Mining Outposts - Fishing Villages - Lighthouses - Stables - Supermarkets & Mining Outposts and Gas Stations - Large and Small Oil Rigs - Several underwater Labs ~ Entity Count : 8480 ~ Map Size : 4000
  8. Version v1.4.2


    Tsukuyomi 4K is a rust custom map with all procedural monuments featured in unique locations and couple custom prefabs/monuments for players to build and enjoy the beauties of a well made rust map terrain The map contains all procedural monuments and couple custom monuments spread around Password comes with the map inside the "Read me" file , zip file also contains a Map Lock plugin make sure to upload it into your plugins folder for the server to start! The map features custom and procedural monuments ~Procedural Monuments : - Launch Site - Excavator - Military Tunnels - Airfield - Power Plant - Water Treatment Plant - Trainyard - Junkyard - Sewerbranch - Sphere Tank - Satellite Dish - Desert Military Base - Bandit Town - Outpost - Couple Caves & Ice Lakes & Swamps - Roadside monuments including Supermarkets - Mining Outposts - Fishing Villages - Lighthouses - Water Wells & Quarries - Stables - Several underwater Labs ~ Entity Count : 10398 ~ Map Size : 4000
  9. Version 1.3.2


    Volcano Islands4K is a rust custom map featuring procedural and custom monuments & unique base opportunities with smaller islands to encourage exploring and building abroad! Map features a unique Volcano in the middle with damage trigers around it and nice terrain elevation levels Password comes with the map in readme file The map features custom and procedural monuments ~Procedural Monuments : - Launch Site - Excavator - Military Tunnels - Airfield - Power Plant - Water Treatment Plant - Trainyard - Sewerbranch - Sphere Tank - Satellite Dish - Desert Military Base - Roadside monuments including Supermarkets - Mining Outposts - Fishing Villages - Lighthouses - Stables - Supermarkets & Mining Outposts and Gas Stations - Large and Small Oil Rigs - Several underwater Labs ~ Custom Monuments : - Abandoned Cloning Facility - Public Heli Tower - Area 52 ~ Entity Count : 10341 ~ Map Size : 4000 Password Comes with the map.
  10. Thanks you , really appreciate the feedback ! Don't forget to leave a review on it too , i will be uploading a paid version with password included soon aswell for those who wish to modify the map as they want without having to contact me !
  11. Version 1.0.0


    A large location with abandoned warehouses flooded by radioactive water , zombies and scientists guarding a hackable locked crate and multiple elite/green crates locked behind a red key card jumping puzzle! Entity count : 900 If you have any questions or need help do not hesitate to join my discord aswell ! https://discord.gg/QDkgfzjJdq
  12. Version v1


    A custom safezone with elements from both procedural safezones Outpost and Bandit Camp. Terminus Safezone is inspired from The Walking Dead giving aspects and vibes of both Alexandria Safezone and Terminus for the ones who know Terminus includes ~A library ~Garage ~Workbench area ~Sleeping quarters ~Canteen ~Small gambling area ~Loading / unloading station ~Airwolf Vendor ~Mission NPC's spread across the various buildings in the safezone ~ An underground mining cave ~And a couple of recreational area also including a hidden red room puzzle with not big loot but a gift , room can only be opened with 2 persons due to only access to is via a jumping puzzle and the fuse box is below it. Entity Count is roughly 7000 All triggers are placed to prevent building in the area and around it and also enforce it as a safezone! Bunch of NPC's and Sentry Turrets to make everyone feel safe
  13. For that tunnel you need to use the plugin i mentioned above as the plugin attaches to the workcart a trigger to pass thru alpha , if you spawn a workcart yourself it will not pass thru as native workcarts cannot go thru alpha!
  14. Thank you for your feedback , the map has been released way before railways update but only recently released on CF , to have trains around the map you should use the Workcart Spawner plugin which you can find on google for free some plugins work with those type of rails also like i know the Workcart Event i think it was called it worked just fine with them!
  15. Hei there , you are right looks like i forgot to add it , now it's there though! Enjoy!
  16. Hmm that looks like a client side visual bug , i've had no other reports of it , could you tell me the exact location so i could check later today if it's global or just local for you?
  17. Hello , definetly all of my maps are used on my personal server by my player base a month before i release them and we run majority of events so i can assure you they all work as intended!
  18. Did you upload the plugin before the map ?
  19. Version 1.0.0


    Gas Station for snowy and arctic areas that fits in far better than the default supermarket in the arctic biome. Prefabcount: around 800 If you need help or got questions don't hesitate to join my discord aswell ! https://discord.gg/QDkgfzjJdq
  20. Version 1.0.0


    Supermarket for snowy and arctic areas that fits in far better than the default supermarket in the arctic biome. Prefabcount: around 800 For help or any questions don't hesitate to reach out to me via discord aswell ! https://discord.gg/QDkgfzjJdq
  21. Version 1.0.0


    Mining Outpost for snowy and arctic areas. Prefabcount: around 300 For help or any questions don't hesitate to reach out to me via discord aswell ! https://discord.gg/QDkgfzjJdq
  22. Good evening , yes it's same version i will update the version on here aswell
  23. Version v1.2.1


    Belgium Juggernaut 4K has been shaped after Belgium in an attempt to do biomes and terrain elevations accordingly , map features procedural monuments with a small variety of roadside custom monuments and train stations. Map has been optimized to run with low entity count to ensure performance and players satisfaction. Password is given along with map for edits ~ Custom Roadside Monuments : - Bandit Caves - Frozen Gas Station - Frozen Mining Outpost - Various Train Stations ~ Entity Count : 12480 ~ Map Size : 4000
  24. Version v1.1


    A modified Fishing Village with elements combined from both Compound & Bandit Camp: ~Casino ~All vending machines ~Airwolf vendor for helicopters and minis Entity Count : 244
  25. Version 1.0.0


    A custom swamp made for building purpouses , not a monument , no loot inside it. The mysterious swamp has a hidden rabbit hole that will lead you to a massive underground cave system with space for building , you can find down there a hobo barrel and a recycler! It comes with height mask , splat mask , biome mask, alpha mask and topology mask. Entity Count : 150 To use this on your map copy the files into your "CustomPrefabs" folder in RustEdit directory and after that you can see your new prefab in the Custom Prefabs list in Rust Edit.


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