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Billy Joe

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Everything posted by Billy Joe

  1. Billy Joe

    NPC's Dissapearing

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  2. Billy Joe

    How to use the icon/skin?

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  3. Billy Joe

    How to use the icon/skin?

    Yes, you apply the workshop id as a skin to the item. So create the item and when it ask for the skin, you put as the workshop id.
  4. Changed Fixed In to 1.1.1
  5. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  6. Fixed.
  7. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  8. Sorry for the late response! Not as of right now.
  9. Billy Joe

    NPC's Dissapearing

    What exactly do you mean, when a server restarts it clears all entities off map. When the server starts up, it spawns all ents on map. Not sure I understand what you mean.
  10. Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.9
  11. I have a lot made already, hit me up on discord! Billy Joe#2213
  12. Version 1.0.1


    Rust Snippets is a tool for developers to enable them to speed up programming and avoid them to have to visit forums or repeat repetitive tasks. Rust Snippets currently has all hooks built in to your visual studio so you never have to go look at the docs again, code on the fly with comments per hook. There is some other secrets and ideas I have for this, so expect updates Shortcuts: Setup - Sets up default oxide plugin setup Harmony - Sets up default Harmony oxide plugin Config - Sets up basic config file Language - Sets up base language file Rest are hooks, so typing "On" or "Can" will bring up all the hooks Tutorial is included in download, its very easy and well guided. Feel free to message me with any questions. Credits: JMarkson - Getting me the uMod link with hooks and giving me the idea
  13. Version 1.0.3


    No Building Debris is a plugin that will help improve players client fps a lot by getting rid of the gibs on Building Blocks destruction. I provided 4 options so if you want to keep some gibs on you can! These will work on all objects that are considered building blocks, such as high external walls! PLEASE READ BEFORE BUYING! For this to work it requires the server to disable sandbox, it uses Harmony code which allows me to modify the server code to allow this to be possible. You can find out how to disable sandbox below. After disabling, you can drop the plugin in the plugin folder like normal. To disable Sandbox, head to your RustDedicated_Data/Managed folder and create a file called oxide.disable-sandbox then restart your server to apply the change. Config { "Remove Admin Kill Gibs?": true, "Remove Stability Gibs?": true, "Remove Demolish Gibs?": true, "Remove Killed Gibs?": true }
  14. Version 1.0.5


    Voice Levels is a plugin that allows players to modify how far they can be heard. At the execution of command the player can switch between a select of voice distances created through the config file of the server owner. The UI Fades in and Fades Out smoothly which can be edited in the .cs file. Each voice level has ability to be permission locked, if that's something of interest. EXAMPLE VIDEO PLEASE READ BEFORE BUYING! For this to work it requires the server to disable sandbox, it uses Harmony code which allows me to modify the server code to allow this to be possible. You can find out how to disable sandbox below. After disabling, you can drop the plugin in the plugin folder like normal. To disable Sandbox, head to your RustDedicated_Data/Managed folder and create a file called oxide.disable-sandbox then restart your server to apply the change. Permission voicelevels.use - Allow creating and deleting of Store Clerks Commands /switch or /sv - Switch between voice levels Features Permission for using voice levels plugin Add/Remove Voice Levels Lock voice levels behind a permission Fully Configurable! Config { "Require Permission?": false, "Permission": "voicelevels.use", "Voice Levels": [ { "requiresPermission": false, "permission": "voicelevels.whisper", "LevelDisplayName": "WHISPERING", "voiceDistance": 5.0, "color": "#068016" }, { "requiresPermission": false, "permission": "voicelevels.normal", "LevelDisplayName": "NORMAL", "voiceDistance": 25.0, "color": "#805706" }, { "requiresPermission": false, "permission": "voicelevels.yell", "LevelDisplayName": "YELLING", "voiceDistance": 100.0, "color": "#630505" } ] }
  15. message me on discord. Billy Joe#2213
  16. Changed Status from Pending to Can't Reproduce
  17. Billy Joe


    Good to know, didnt know that mattered haha. Guess they have a max file size limit.
  18. Billy Joe


    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  19. Billy Joe


    Yes make sure it’s no bigger then 512x512
  20. Billy Joe

    CuiButton don't save

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  21. Billy Joe

    CuiButton don't save

    Unfortunately, it’s not setup to do this. You can add a image behind a invisible button and that should work!
  22. Whenever it needs one, or I get feature requests
  23. Each sub does go off separate ids. Button is do able.
  24. Can’t add support for this really as each have there own vars. You can customize it yourself tho, just gotta find the bar for it
  25. I can add this


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