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Everything posted by GloryToUkraine

  1. GloryToUkraine

    Marker Icon

    Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  2. GloryToUkraine

    Marker Icon

    Hello Glad to hear you like the plugin! It's a good idea to add the ability to use "Marker Manager", I will do it as soon as possible!
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Auto Repair About AutoRepair is a plugin that automatically repairs items in a player's inventory when they are near a workbench. The plugin allows customization of item categories for automatic repair and the interval between notifications about insufficient resources. Key Features ✔ Customizable Item Categories Server owners can choose which item categories (weapons, clothing, tools, etc.) will be automatically repaired. ✔ Easy Configuration via JSON File Easy settings that even a person who has not long started working with plugins can understand. ✔ Workbench Levels Items in the inventory will be repaired only on those workbenches on which they are fashionable to learn or higher. ✔ logically request The plugin is configured to logically request resources when starting. ✔ Customizable Item Categories You сan choose which item categories (weapons, clothing, tools, etc.) will be automatically repaired. An example of a Config file view { "NotificationInterval": 10.0, "RepairCategories": { "weapon": true, "attire": true, "tool": true, "medical": false, "ammo": false } } NotificationInterval - Interval of messages about lack of resources when the player is near the workbench RepairCategories - Categories you want to be repaired automatically near the workbench (True - yes, False - no) You can see the above described plugin in the video Help If you have any questions or need any help, feel free to send me a private message on Discord My Discord: callofglory_anytime
  4. Version 1.0.0


    LootCrateSpawner is an exciting and innovative Rust plugin designed to add dynamic and thrilling events to your gameplay. This plugin automatically spawns loot crates in random locations on the map, ensuring unpredictability and constant player engagement. With configurable event intervals and crate lifespans, administrators can fine-tune the frequency and duration of these events to suit their server's needs. Each crate appears with a map marker, guiding players to its location and fostering competitive spirit as everyone rushes to claim the loot. Notifications in the chat inform players of the crate's appearance and lifespan, adding urgency and excitement to the hunt. The randomization of crate locations encourages exploration and keeps players on their toes, creating an ever-changing and vibrant game environment. Easy to configure and use, LootCrateSpawner is the perfect addition to any Rust server looking to enhance player interaction and elevate the gaming experience. Features Easily customisable. Сommands to start the event and to clear all the boxes and markers. (/crateventstart - start the event, /clearcratevents - clear all active LootCrateSpawner events) Customisable marker display time on the map. Customisable minimum and maximum time interval between the start of the event. If you use custom loot table, it will be applied to the Military Box. Does not load your server too much. An example of a Config file view { "CrateLifetime": 40.0, "MarkerLifetime": 40.0, "MaxEventInterval": 60.0, "MinEventInterval": 50.0 } As you can see above, the file configuration is as simple as possible, which everyone can understand, there is nothing complicated in it and it is as easy to configure as possible. CrateLifetime - Military Box lifetime on the map MarkerLifetime - the lifetime of a marker on the map MaxEventInterval - the maximum time after which a new event should start MinEventInterval - the minimum time after which the new event should start If you have any questions or need any help, feel free to send me a private message on Discord My Discord: callofglory_anytime You can see the above described plugin in the video
  5. Hmm, yes it is a good idea, l will do it as soon as possible. Thank you for idea! Can l ask you to left a comment? Thank you very much!
  6. Good afternoon! I updated the plugin, added everything you listed above. Also added functions to change the design of the sign that displays the season and the ability to disable it, as well as the ability to move it to a place convenient for you. You can read all the detailed information in the "Updates" tab, if you have any problems, do not hesitate to write, I will always be happy to help! Also, if you have any other ideas, I will be happy to hear them! I will also be very grateful if you leave a comment on the plugin! Enjoy using it!
  7. Ooo, yes, this is a very good idea, already in the works!
  8. Good evening, thank you very much for your comment, I will definitely try to implement all these features as soon as possible
  9. Version 1.0.1


    This is a plugin that includes seasons in the game such as Winter-Spring-Summer-Autumn. Each season is individually customisable, and for each season you can change the appearance of clouds, the probability of rain and how heavy it will be, the growth rate of plants, cloud cover, fog, the frequency of weather changes and the frequency of season change, Interface that displays the current season (can be disabled), The function continues the current season after a server restart or wipe by saving the remaining time and correctly resuming the season with the remaining duration. So you are able to add dynamic seasonal changes to the game, affecting the environment and gameplay Features Customisable weather Customisable plant growth rate for each season Customisable cloud views Customisable rain and its intensity Сhat messages Customisable fog Customisable time interval between seasonal weather changes Mention of the season and the time during which the season is already running Displaying the interface with the current season • It is possible to edit the position of the plate • Change the background colour • Change the size of the text • Possibility to disable the display of the plate An example of a Config file view { "Autumn": { "Clouds": 0.4, "GrowthMultiplier": 1.0, "MaxFog": 0.3, "MaxRain": 0.2, "MinFog": 0.2, "MinRain": 0.15, "WeatherChangeInterval": 600.0 }, "SeasonDurationAutumn": 1800.0, "SeasonDurationSpring": 1800.0, "SeasonDurationSummer": 1800.0, "SeasonDurationWinter": 1800.0, "Spring": { "Clouds": 0.3, "GrowthMultiplier": 2.0, "MaxFog": 0.2, "MaxRain": 0.1, "MinFog": 0.1, "MinRain": 0.05, "WeatherChangeInterval": 600.0 }, "Summer": { "Clouds": 0.1, "GrowthMultiplier": 5.0, "MaxFog": 0.0, "MaxRain": 0.0, "MinFog": 0.0, "MinRain": 0.0, "WeatherChangeInterval": 600.0 }, "UISettings": { "AnchorMax": "0.95 0.97", "AnchorMin": "0.88 0.92", "BackgroundColor": "0.1 0.1 0.1 0.7", "DisplayUI": true, "FontSize": 20 }, "Winter": { "Clouds": 0.7, "GrowthMultiplier": 0.5, "MaxFog": 0.5, "MaxRain": 0.5, "MinFog": 0.4, "MinRain": 0.4, "WeatherChangeInterval": 600.0 } } If you have any questions or need any help, feel free to send me a private message on Discord My Discord: callofglory_anytime You can see the above described plugin in the video(The speed of changing seasons is variable, the seasons change quickly in the video for clarity of work)
  10. Version 1.0.1


    History about "Flooded Town" ‘Floaded Town’ - It used to be a quiet and peaceful town, not a big city, but after the flood, part of the city went underwater, all the roads were washed away, but only rusty and dilapidated buildings remained underwater. A small part of the city remained on the surface, and it is this part of the land that gives people a chance to survive! About "Flooded Town" Small Map (2500) ‘Floaded Town’ is a small map with a size of 2500 and with a lot of attractions placed around the map. You won't find huge, open fields or unoccupied areas here, but at the same time the map is very picturesque and full of beauty, as you can see in the photo above. Another distinctive feature of the map is that there are railways around it, which allows players to make their game more diverse. The biggest feature of the map is that it has monuments underwater for which you will need a diving suit with an oxygen tank, or underwater transport to get to these monuments, this will allow players to experience new impressions of the game as there will be not only ground shootings, but also underwater battles, which will make the game more diverse. Also on the map are some custom monuments that players will need to find. The map is optimised and will not load your hosting heavily, so don't hesitate and give your players a new taste of survival! Notes Map size: 2500 Map Optimized for Performance! No PVP problems on small pop servers rails way that run around the entire map Underwater monuments Custom monuments If you need any help, join to my discord server @ discord.gg/e9f8s7aEpr Or write to me in Discord`s PB @ callofglory_anytime Monuments Large Oil Rig Small Oil Rig Satellite dish Water Treatment Plant The Dome Junkyard Sewer Branch Harbor Lighthouse Fishing Village(x2) Aboundad Supermarket(x2) Mining Outpost Sulfur Quarry HQM Quarry Missile Silo CUSTOMS Gun Shop Csr Repair Train Station(x2)
  11. Version 1.0.1


    About "Tiny Hollow" MAP "Tiny Hollow" This is a small map with many large monuments, and its feature is the rails way that run around the entire map. You won't find huge, open fields or unoccupied areas here, but at same time the map is very picturesque and full of beautiful, you can see it all in the photo above. This gives players great survival skills, and their activities take on different colors! Due to the small size of the map, players will always have a high FPS, because prefabs will not heavily load the hosting, and the problem with the lack of PVP on small pop servers will disappear in a flash! Notes Map size: 2500 Map Optimized for Performance! No PVP problems on small pop servers rails way that run around the entire map If you need any help, join to my discord server @ discord.gg/e9f8s7aEpr Or write to me in Discord`s PB @ callofglory_anytime Monuments Large Oil Rig Military Tunnels Harbor Small Oil Rig Lighthouse(x2) Fishing Village(x3) Aboundad Military Base Aboundad Supermarket Junkyard Trainyard The Dome Mining Outpost Water Treatment Plant Bandit Camp Abounded Supermarket Sulfur Quarry Stone Quarry
  12. Thank you very much for answer!!!
  13. Hey everyone. Does anyone know?How long usually you need to wait for approving you map. Thank you!


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