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Clearallbuttons command throws exception
NooBlet replied to RuGRustServer's Support Request in Support
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Clearallbuttons command throws exception
NooBlet replied to RuGRustServer's Support Request in Support
Thanks for ticket . Its 9pm right now for me and my country is in a power cut ... ill tend to your issue in the morning . Hope thats ok . Im not able to start pc at moment . But will lookinto it as soon as i can -
as of the morning I realize I never put in place a persistence to the tug setting on server restart . so players loos there speed and duel consumption... Im realy sorry guys . i have a working fix . but you will loose all the other subs alive on server so best time is to do an update next wipe . or help all players replace what they got as the data file needs to be remade. so ill release the update on thursday
Changed Status from Pending to No Response
Version 1.3.6
MyTugBoat Gives players the ability to own and spawn TugBoats players will be limited to one , and can call command once per IRL day (ex . if you have a tug boat you cant spawn new one un till it breaks but only once a day) Permissions MyTugBoat.use - allows use of command MyTugboat.fetch - allows the fetch Command MyTugboat.Vip - allows the player to get VIP settings tug Commands /tugboat - Spawns TugBoat at look location /tugboat fetch - pulls you tug boat to you 40 meter infront of you Config { "1. Incincible Tug ": false, "2. Tug no decay": false, "3. Fetch Cooldown in Minutes": 10, "4. Limit Admins to Spawn Limits (dalse will allow admin to unlimited spawns)": true, "5. Use 24Hour spawn Restriction (False will alow spawn after tug death)": true, "6. Group Settings": { "playertug": { "TugboatSpeed": 200000, "TugBoatFuelPerSec": 0.33, "StartingFuelAmmount": 100 }, "viptug": { "TugboatSpeed": 400000, "TugBoatFuelPerSec": 0.2, "StartingFuelAmmount": 200 }, "admintug": { "TugboatSpeed": 800000, "TugBoatFuelPerSec": 0.0, "StartingFuelAmmount": 1000 } }, "7. Tug Health Settings (default = 3000)": 3000.0, "8. Door Health Settings": { "Wooden Door Health (default = 200) ": 200.0, "Metal Door Health (default = 250) ": 250.0, "Industrial Door Health (default = 250) ": 250.0, "Armor Door Health (default = 1000) ": 1000.0 } }$5.00 -
Subwars don't do anything to backpacks(plugin) but player inventory does get saved and restored . please supply the console logs surrounding event . ill try to see what went wrong
Version 1.2.0
HeliWars is a Death Race style Event for your Server with race catchup speed boost and rockets or c4 to fight other players TruePVE supported Commands heliwars - manualy starting event (admin only) hwtop - view leaderboard of wipe jhw - join event lhw - leave event heliwarsconfig - ingame config settings (admin only) Player Inputs primary Fire - Shoots rockets (only active after reaching first waypoint) secondary Fire - Drops suspended C4 behing you (only active after first waypoint) reload - Detonates droped c4's ( if setting is on) Permission HeliWars.use - gives player ability to use open event command Video Demo Config { "1. Event Settings": { "Auto Spawn Event (false will disable spawn commands)": true, "Min Players requered to start Event": 2, "Time to enter Event in minutes": 1, "Auto Spawn Timer Minimum (in minutes)": 120, "Auto Spawn Timer Maximum(in minutes)": 180, "Ping System - use on event players": true, "Ping System - min amount of players to start ping": 3, "List of Monuments to Exclude (Prefab Name ex. assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/fishing_village/fishing_village_a.prefab or fishing_village)": [ "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/cave/cave_small_medium.prefab", "cave", "underwater", "bunker", "power_sub", "launch_site", "radtown", "tiny", "ice" ] }, "2. Heli Settings": { "Use Set amount of ammo (if false - ammo will refill on a player elimination)": true, "Start Ammo ammount": 500, "Use Remote controlled C4 (Detonate with Reload Button)": true }, "3. Prize Settings": { "Give Random Item in list (false will give all)": true, "Give Random Command in list (false will give all)": true, "All Custom Commands": [ "GiveRank {playerid} VIP", "GiveRank {playerid} VIP+" ], "All Prize Items": [ { "Item Amount": 2000, "Item Short Prefab Name": "scrap", "Item Skin ID (0 = Default)": 0, "Item Display Name (empty = Default)": "" } ], "Winner Prize : 0 None , 1 = Item , 2 = Customcommand , 3 = Item + Customcommand": 1 }, "4. External Plugin Settings": { "Chat commands to block in event": [ "shop", "shops", "tp", "tpa", "home" ], "Console commands to block in event": [ "god" ] }, "5 HeliWars Chat Commands": { "Chat command to start HeliWars": "heliwars", "Chat command to enter HeliWars": "jhw", "Chat command to leave HeliWars": "lhw", "Chat command to see HeliWars LearderBoard": "hwtop" }, "6. Debug Settings": { "Enable Debug? (enabled will start event without notify and no limit on entry)": false } } Lang File { "alreadyenteredMessage": "You have already Entered, please wait for admin to start event", "notinlistMessage": "You have not entered the Event to leave sed Event", "enteredeventMessage": "You are now entered the HeliWars event , Wait for Admin to start", "lefteventMessage": "You now left the HeliWars event", "capreachedMessage": "Event is full!", "WinnerMessage": "<size=14>Congratz to <color=green>{playername}</color> for winning the HeliWars!!</size>", "EventOpenTooltip": "HeliWars Now Active!!!!", "EventopenMessage": "<size=20>HeliWars Event is now open to join . use <color=green>{commandjoin}</color> to enter and ,<color=green>{commandleave}</color> to leave..And to see LeaderBoard <color=green>{commandleaderboard}</color> .You got {timetoevent} min's</size>", "GoGoMessage": "<color=green><size=20> Go! Go! Go!</color></size>", "jointimerMessage": "<color=green><size=18> The Admin started the Event</color></size>", "eventalreadystartedMessage": "Event already started, you cant join in , Sorry!", "MINPlayersEnterd": "Min Requered Players to Enter not met ", "QuePlayersText": "Queuing Players!!", "EventActiveText": "Active!!", "EventStatusText": "Event Status :", "PlayercountText": "Player Count :", "YouKilled": "You killed <color=#FFD700>{playername}</color>", "KilledBy": "You Got Killed by <color=#FFD700>{playername}</color>", "Joinbutton": "Join HeliWars", "Rejectbutton": "Reject HeliWars" } Players with sleeping bags in there building prev will be teleported to one after event . Naming a bag yo heliwars . Will then use only that bag . If no bags will return to original pos . All inv does get saved Credits We would like to thank Noobhub & Meinrust Community's for the help in testing$10.00 -
Thanks to all codefling admins thats on the ball. And a big thanks to raul for not taking nonsens from liers. Been sitting here in a power outage in my country reading rhis saga unfold
o wow didnt know you can do that .... yes heli wars is like subwars just in the air . all functions are same as subwars . but all entered players spawn center map in air in there helis . 5 waypoints spawn random on map at monuments . with ping system you will be shown the order of the waypoint to follow (purple for 1 to 4 and green for finishingline). but as soon as you past first waypoint . you activate your weapons .. HB rockets on primary fire , c4 on secondery fire , and if allowed in settings , reload to detonate c4s (c4s are suspended in air so where you deploy them they stay) nice little air mine trap :DDDD
Changed Status from Work in Progress to Can't Reproduce
Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
morning . ok ill have a look . seems fishy.... please provide me with version number and a list of current outher plugins in server . and config file
Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
At work now . NooBlet#1804 if you need to do quicker