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Everything posted by Zeeuss
Agree, don't think it's possible with normal client.
- #smart
- #workbench
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Version 0.1.8
What is it? Revolutionize your crafting experience with the Smart Workbench! Say goodbye to the repetitive clicking and hello to convenience and efficiency. This enhancement takes ordinary workbenches to the next level by simplifying research and repairs. Let your players focus on the fun, not the clicking; make their adventures smoother, faster and more enjoyable. Usage * Research all remaining blueprints with just one click - no more tedious individual unlocks! * Seamlessly access a Virtual Repair Bench or Research Table directly from the workbench. It's the ultimate quality-of-life improvement for any Rust server. Command /sw -- Opens UI menu (if player has workbench level 1+) Permissions smartworkbench.use -- Gives user permission to see and use the Smart Workbench Features Virtual Repair Bench Virtual Research Table Research All button Supported plugins: Server Rewards Economics (UI before Rust update) (UI after Rust update) Configuration { "Research All currency": "scrap", "Rate (Based on scrap)": 1.0, "Type of money (1 = default currency, 2 = Server Reward points, 3 = Economics cash)": 1 } Localization { "SWResearch": "RESEARCH ALL\n{0}\n{1}", "NoResources": "Not enough resources", "Success": "Successfully learned BPs from WB lvl {0}", "AlreadyKnow": "You already know everything from this workbench", "SRPoints": "Points", "Economics": "Cash", "SWResearchTable": "RESEARCH TABLE", "SWRepairTable": "REPAIR TABLE", "SWDisable" : "Smart Workbench disabled!", "SWEnable" : "Smart Workbench enabled!", }$10.00- 27 comments
- 1 review
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- #smart
- #workbench
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Version 0.1.4
What is it? A nice user-friendly warning system Usage When someone is breaking rules or trolling others just warn them, you can also set a command that will be executed through server console that will get executed upon reachin certain amount of warnings (can be configured in cfg) Permissions warnmenu.use -- Gives you full control to operate the WarnMenu Chat command /warn -- Opens the WarnMenu /warn "Name/SteamID" "Warning reason" -- Warns the specified player with your reason /warnmenu.save -- Force the plugin to write the data from memory to the data file /wmessage <NameOrID | * > <message> - Shows a gametip message (Doesn't count as a warning) to specific player or to all players when you put * instead of the name Data files All Data files can be located at: \oxide\data\WarnMenu\warns There you can find all the warnings for each player Features WarnMenu features * Online Tab - In this tab you can easily select any online player that you want to warn * Search All Tab - Once you open this tab, there you can see all the players and browse in them * Find player Tab - When you click on the button you will be able to search for a specific player using his Name or SteamID Warn Types * CUI-Based - A CUI warning message will pop-up on player's screen when he gets warned * Chat-Based - A chat message will pop-up in player's chat when he gets warned Executable commands * On reaching certain amount of warnings, you can make the server execute a command on a player(configurable in cfg) F.e.: "1": "say {0} just reached 1 warning! SHAME on him!", "3": "kick {0} Kicked for reaching 3 warnings", Localization { "Syntax": "Commands:\n/report (Opens Reporter GUI)", "CUI Online": "Online Players", "CUI Player": "Player: {0}", "CUI SteamID": "SteamID64: {0}", "CUI Warnings": "Warnings: <color=#8f1919>{0}</color>", "CUI NewWarn": "New\nWarning", "CUI WarningID": "Warning ID: {0}", "CUI WarnedBy": "Warned by: {0}", "CUI Date": "Date: {0}", "CUI Reason": "Reason: \n{0}", "CUI Remove": "Remove", "CUI Close": "close", "CUI Warn": "Warn", "CUI WarnAddMenuPlayer": "Warning for\n<color=#d43939>{0}</color>", "CUI SearchAll": "Search All", "CUI SelectPlayer": "Select a player to warn:", "CUI Find": "Find player", "CUI Find2": "Select", "CUI Find3": "Find player:\n(steamID/Name)", "CUI CantFindPlayer": "Couldn't find the player\nsearching argument: {0}", "CUI FoundPlayer": "Found player: {0}", "CUI Refresh": "Refresh", "CantFindPlayer": "Couldn't find that player", "WarnMessage": "Warned: <color=#8f1919>{0}</color>\nReason: {1}", "JoinMessage": "{0} has joined with <color=#8f1919>{1}</color> warnings", "WarnReceive": "You have received a <color=#8f1919>warning</color>\nBy: {0}\nReason: {1}", "CUI WarnReceive": "<color=#8f1919>Warning</color>\nreceived", "CUI WarnReceive2": "By: {0}\nReason: {1}" } Configuration { "Announce on join with warnings?(to admins)": true, "Execute commands on reaching count:": { "Enabled?": true, "(Format: 5 : mute {0}) where 5 is number of warns and {0} is player's id": { "5": "say {0} just reached 5 warnings! SHAME on him!", "7": "example.command {0}", "10": "example.command {0}" } }, "Warn message settings": { "Text-based warn message?": true, "CUI-based warn message?": true, "How long until CUI message gets removed (secs)": 5.0 } }$10.00 -
Version 0.1.1
What is it? A simple plugin that gives you ability to shift someone to other's team. Usage Let's say that somebody wants to join their friend's team, but the leader is offline, so they come for your help... what you gonna do? Yeet them into the team with this command Permissions teamshifter.use - Gives player ability to use /tshift teamshifter.bypass - Noone will be able to shift this player into any other team Functions * Bypass permission - Player with this permission cannot be shifted into any other team * Auto team-creator - If you do f.e. /tshift zeeuss someplayer and the "someplayer" is not in any team, this will automatically create one and will make the "someplayer" a leader and then put zeeuss into the team * If the player that will be shifted is in any team, this will remove him from the team and then shift him, if he wasn't in any then it will just shift him to the other team Localization ["NoPerms"] = "You don't have permission to use this!", ["Syntax"] = "Syntax: /tshift (player_to_move) (player_of_new_team)", ["NoPlayerToMove"] = "Couldn't find the player to move", ["NoPlayerOfNewTeam"] = "Couldn't find the player of new team", ["MoveMessage"] = "Moved {0} to {1}'s team", ["AlreadyInThatTeam"] = "{0} already is in {1}'s team", ["NeedsDifferentPlayers"] = "This command needs 2 different players and not the same one", ["CannotBeShifted"] = "{0} cannot be shifted by anyone into other teams",Free- 3 comments
Hi there, if you are experiencing any form of lags try deleting the data file of the specific category or in the worst case disabling that category in config. This can happen also if you don't have enough powerfull server/machine, because every time the hooks get called(when player picks up an item) it writes the stuff into the data folder.
Version 0.1.0
Force Joiner is an admin plugin, which allows administrators to force join players to different server Usage Let's say you want to wipe your server, but don't want to lose the playerbase, well just connect them for a while to your other server and then you can redirect them back Permissions: forcejoiner.use Gives user ability to use /fjoin command forcejoiner.useall Gives user ability to use /fjoinall command forcejoiner.bypass Admins won't be able to redirect this user Commands: /fjoin (player) (ip:port) This will force join the specified player to specified server. /fjoinall (ip:port) This will force join all players to specified server. Localization: ["Syntax fjoin"] = "Syntax: /fjoin (player) (ip:port)", ["Syntax fjoinall"] = "Syntax: /fjoinall (ip:port)", ["No Player"] = "Couldn't find the target player", ["Fjoin"] = "Forcing {0} to {1}:{2}", ["Fjoinall"] = "Forcing everyone({0} players) to {1}:{2}", ["Bypass"] = "{0} cannot be forced to other server.",Free -
- #reporting
- #report system
(and 12 more)
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- #reporting
- #report system
(and 12 more)
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- #administration
- #logging
- (and 6 more)
Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed Changed Fixed In to 0.2.3
Fixed in v0.2.3
Version 0.1.0
What is it? Zone Command Blocker is a tool which prevents using specific commands (in data folder) in specific zones Permissions: zonecommandblocker.bypass - None of your command will be blocked in any zone zonecommandblocker.clear - Access for the /zcb.clear command Commands: /zcb.clear - Clears/wipes the data folder which contains zones with saved permissions etc.. Features: Zone Command Blocker will make your life easy and will on load take all zones and add them into it's data file where you can just add blocked commands Multiple blocked commands - Supports multiple blocked commands for specific zone Data file: Data of all reports and staff's statistics are being saved into a data file. Path: Your_Server\oxide\data\ZoneCommandBlocker\ZoneCommandBlocker.json Localization: { "CommandBlocked": "This command cannot be used in zones!", "DataFileClear": "Cleared data folder" }$4.99- 1 comment
- #zone
- #zone manager
- (and 13 more)
Version 0.1.2
What is it? Reporter is the ultimate administration tool designed to enhance player satisfaction and ensure smooth server management. By providing your players with an easy way to report issues and your admins with powerful tools to address them, this plugin bridges the gap between players and staff. With its sleek UI and robust features, Reporter is a must-have for any server owner who values an active, happy community. Usage? Empower your players to report issues effortlessly through a polished and intuitive UI. Admins can manage live reports in real-time, teleport to report creators, claim reports, and resolve them with ease. Ensure transparency and efficiency in server moderation while keeping your playerbase satisfied. Permissions: reporter.use - Basic permission to allow open menu and create New report. reporter.admin - Admin permission to allow view to Live Reports and ability to see/manage pop-up report reporter.sadmin - SuperAdmin permission to allow view to Reports history and see stats of your staff team Commands: /report - Opens the UI menu /report.tp {id} - Teleports you to the creator of specified report /report.claim {id} - Claims specified report /report.finish {id} - Finishes specified report /report.clearall - ! Requires SAdmin permissions and will wipe your data folder - causing to delete all reports and staff's statistics ! Discord logging: Enable/disable and set webhookURL for report claim/create/finish/tp Data file: Data of all reports and staff's statistics are being saved into a data file. Path: Your_Server\oxide\data\Reporter\Reporter.json Config file: You can set here settings for discord notification F.e. Enable/Disable, embed color of the notification, WebhookURL Path: Your_Server\oxide\config\Reporter.json Localization: ["Syntax"] = "Commands:\n/report (Opens Reporter GUI)", ["SyntaxConsole"] = "Can't open GUI in console", ["claimMsg"] = "You have claimed a report\nID: {0}\nBy: {1}", ["finishMsg"] = "You have finished a report with ID: {0}", ["statusUnclaimed"] = "Unclaimed", ["statusClaimed"] = "Claimed", ["statusFinished"] = "Finished", ["reported"] = "Successfully reported", ["fillField"] = "<color=#c93232><--Fill this field</color>", ["noReports"] = "There are not any reports yet", ["noStaff"] = "There are not any staff stats yet", ["playerNotFound"] = "Couldn't find player", ["alreadyClaimed"] = "Report is already claimed", ["labelPAGES"] = "Page {0}/{1}", ["alreadyFinished"] = "This report is already finished", ["CUI newReport"] = "New report", ["CUI liveReport"] = "Live reports", ["CUI historyReport"] = "Reports history", ["CUI staffStats"] = "Staff stats", ["CUI close"] = "Close", ["CUI claim"] = "Claim", ["CUI finish"] = "Finish", ["CUI claimed"] = "Claimed", ["CUI tp"] = "TP", ["CUI next"] = "Next", ["CUI previous"] = "Previous", ["CUI newPopReport"] = "New Report -- ID: {0}", ["CUI reportBy"] = "Reported by <color=#4ccf49>{0}</color>", ["CUI reportedPlayer"] = "Reported player <color=#e00a0a>{0}</color>", ["CUI subject"] = "Subject of report: <color=#e0a00a>{0}</color>", ["CUI liveReportClaimed"] = "<color=#e0a00a>{0}</color> Report: {1}", ["CUI liveReportUnClaimed"] = "<color=#1bc2d1>{0}</color> Report: {1}", ["CUI historyReportFinished"] = "<color=#4ccf49>{0}</color> Report: {1}", ["CUI liveReportClaimedBy"] = "<color=#e0a00a>--Claimed by {0}</color>", ["CUI finishedBy"] = "<color=#4ccf49>--Finished by--\n{0}</color>", ["staffName"] = "Staff's Name", ["staffID"] = "Staff's ID", ["staffFinished"] = "Finished reports", ["Category"] = "Category", ["Message"] = "Message", ["dcCreate"] = "{0} has created report: {1}", ["dcClaim"] = "{0} has claimed report {1} by - {2}", ["dcFinish"] = "{0} has finished report {1} by - {2}", ["dcTp"] = "{0} has teleported to report {1} by - {2}", ["dcCatCreate"] = "Report Create", ["dcCatClaim"] = "Report Claim", ["dcCatFinish"] = "Report Finish", ["dcCatTp"] = "Report TP", Configuration: { "Claim report - discord": { "WebhookURL": "", "Enabled?": true, "Embed Color:": "16538684" }, "Finish report - discord": { "WebhookURL": "", "Enabled?": true, "Embed Color:": "16538684" }, "Create report - discord": { "WebhookURL": "", "Enabled?": true, "Embed Color:": "16538684" }, "TP to report - discord": { "WebhookURL": "", "Enabled?": true, "Embed Color:": "16538684" } }$10.00- 3 comments
- 1 review
- 2
- #reporting
- #report system
(and 12 more)
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OnLootEntity hook gets called whenever player is looting an entity, not when player is dropping items
ZLogs monitor item drops and pickups + item drop/pick spams (By players) https://codefling.com/plugins/zlogs
- #keybinds
- #keybind commands
- (and 12 more)
Could you change it back to Enabled : True and try changing it to look like this? "Item drop spam detection:": { "Enabled?": true, "WebhookURL": "", "Items needed to detect:": 15, "Time(seconds)": 8.0, "Ignored items(shortnames like: ammo.rifle etc..):": [ "wood", "horsedung" ] }, "Item pick spam detection:": { "Enabled?": false, "WebhookURL": "", "Items needed to detect:": 15, "Time(seconds)": 8.0, "Ignored items(shortnames like: ammo.rifle etc..):": [ "wood", "horsedung" ] } then reload plugin and see if it's still showing these errors
Could you try unloading the stack plugin and then try doing it with normal, not stacked items?