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Everything posted by robfruin

  1. robfruin

    Something strange

    Interesting. Okay i will try those settings. I was lowering them more and more because i am still seeing resource nodes in places i dont want them. Example, Arctic biome for stone only, and Arid for Sulfur only.
  2. robfruin

    Something strange

    { "Debug": true, "Metal": { "BiomeProbabilities": { "ArcticBiome": 0.1, "AridBiome": 0.02, "TemperateBiome": 0.4, "TundraBiome": 0.4 }, "GridSize": 300, "Prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/resource/ores/metal-ore.prefab", "SnowPrefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/resource/ores_snow/metal-ore.prefab" }, "Stone": { "BiomeProbabilities": { "ArcticBiome": 0.6, "AridBiome": 0.01, "TemperateBiome": 0.2, "TundraBiome": 0.2 }, "GridSize": 300, "Prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/resource/ores/stone-ore.prefab", "SnowPrefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/resource/ores_snow/stone-ore.prefab" }, "Sulfur": { "BiomeProbabilities": { "ArcticBiome": 0.01, "AridBiome": 0.8, "TemperateBiome": 0.2, "TundraBiome": 0.2 }, "GridSize": 300, "Prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/resource/ores/sulfur-ore.prefab", "SnowPrefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/resource/ores_snow/sulfur-ore.prefab" } }
  3. robfruin

    Fine Tuning

    For example, "Spawn Hackable Death Crate Percent" can go to 5% minimum. Can We have the options to make these like, 1% for example or 2% etc. Same for other settings that work in 5's
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  4. robfruin

    Console Spam

    Nice, Thank you. Will give it a whirl on next restart.
  5. robfruin

    Something strange

    So i've been changing numbers around and it seems my changes are not actually affecting anything, and when i copy the pos from console and teleport to it in game it brings me to a parachute under the ground, ALL of the coords it makes in console bring me to that location. That location has a White blob on it on the map. AND there's a floating code lock in the air about 2 stories up from the ground, and when a player goes near it they crash, if i go near it with noclip i get spammed with red text on the left side of my screen. This is a weird one....
  6. robfruin

    Console Spam

    Roger that thank you.
  7. robfruin

    Console Spam

    Where is this coming from? (Filename: <38c34a652c174823ade415f049640445> Line: 0) NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Oxide.Plugins.BotReSpawn.SelectWeapon (ScientistNPC npc, Oxide.Plugins.BotReSpawn+BotData bData, BaseAIBrain brain) [0x00194] in <38c34a652c174823ade415f049640445>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.BotReSpawn+BotData.SelectWeapon () [0x00000] in <38c34a652c174823ade415f049640445>:0 (Filename: <38c34a652c174823ade415f049640445> Line: 0) NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Oxide.Plugins.BotReSpawn.SelectWeapon (ScientistNPC npc, Oxide.Plugins.BotReSpawn+BotData bData, BaseAIBrain brain) [0x00194] in <38c34a652c174823ade415f049640445>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.BotReSpawn+BotData.SelectWeapon () [0x00000] in <38c34a652c174823ade415f049640445>:0 (Filename: <38c34a652c174823ade415f049640445> Line: 0) NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Oxide.Plugins.BotReSpawn.SelectWeapon (ScientistNPC npc, Oxide.Plugins.BotReSpawn+BotData bData, BaseAIBrain brain) [0x00194] in <38c34a652c174823ade415f049640445>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.BotReSpawn+BotData.SelectWeapon () [0x00000] in <38c34a652c174823ade415f049640445>:0
  8. robfruin

    NPC's not damaging Buildings

    Hello, I was hoping you could guide me here, i have the NPC's with the following you've set. Yet when i hit them, then run into a wooden base, they will throw plenty of grenades into the building, but the grenades will not damage anything besides the player. Also it seems they will not defend themselves against other NPC's no matter what i set with them, they will not target mobs from "BotReSpawn" or "ZombieHorde" for example. "Belt items": [ { "ShortName": "rifle.lr300", "Amount": 1, "skinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [ "weapon.mod.flashlight", "weapon.mod.holosight" ], "Ammo": "" }, { "ShortName": "grenade.f1", "Amount": 10, "skinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [], "Ammo": "" }, { "ShortName": "explosive.timed", "Amount": 5, "skinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [], "Ammo": "" }
  9. robfruin

    NPC's not damaging buildings

    Hello, I have given the NPC's grenades - the grenades seem to not damage player made buildings, I was wondering if there was a Setting we could have implemented with this, along with the ability to Target other NPC's from "ZombieHorde" or "BotReSpawn" plugins for example.
  10. Hello - If for example we're running a zombie plugin, or "BotReSpawn" to add other NPCs to the map that will attack each other , everything can aggo onto the HeliCrash NPC's but the HeliCrash NPC's will not respond or defend themselves.
  11. robfruin

    Registering Other NPC's

    So , example - Some wood archers that spawn naturally in wood biome spawned with "BotReSpawn" aggro onto the convoy - they hit the convoy, the convoy stops and all the Convoy NPC's walk around not realizing or reacting to being attacked by the BotReSpawn NPC's. Can this be a setting to attack / get aggo with other NPC's? or does it already exist but i'm just not seeing it?
  12. robfruin

    OIL RIG profile gone?

    Gotcha - was curious because no vanilla npcs were spawning on it so i thought maybe this was overriding that, havent found out whats causing vanilla mobs to not spawn on it yet. But i dove into the weeds and found that stationary was the dependency for this to work. Thank you for your response, happily bought this , making my life SO much easier. Question though - do flash bangs/ molotovs etc count as weapons? I had a flamethrower mob with a flash bang throw the flashbang, but the mob with ONLY the flashbang refused to throw it.
  13. robfruin

    OIL RIG profile gone?

    Hello - so i just got this on the server, turned autospawn true with 5 mobs for dome - worked perfectly - then went to oil rig , did same thing and nothing happened. I messed around with some respawn timers and what not to try to figure it out, nothing. So i reloaded the plugin and now Oil Rig is flat out not even a default profile lol. What should i do here?
  14. robfruin

    Roaming Bradley

    Okay , i will try to tinker with adding weapons to the NPCs' - is there a way to set it to where if the NPC's chase to their maximum range set, then they will run back to the cargo? Currently what i'm seeing is players will aggro the npcs, then run to the edge of their chase range, then snipe from JUST outside of the npcs range. So the npcs run to player, cant reach player, run back a bit, then turn around and do it again. All the while players are sniping them for free as they just run back and forth haha
  15. robfruin

    Roaming Bradley

    Hard to tell really, They were acting rather strange. Camping certain places seemingly for no reason- Is there a modifier to use so Convoy NPC's can actually damage buildings ?
  16. robfruin

    Convoy Reforged

    How to enable the npc grenades to do Building Damage ?
  17. robfruin

    Roaming Bradley

    Hello, I was wondering where the source is to prevent this Random Bradley from Roaming around the map on the roads.
  18. robfruin

    Heli Crash Event

    Also , Secondary question. Which Loot altering plugins are your Heavy Events Plugins Compatible with?
  19. robfruin

    Heli Crash Event

    How would i find you on discord by just searching "Cahnu" ? I was referring to like a discord link that would get us all to the correct place. I have fixed the previous issue, however we have been playing with the HeliCrashEvent and for some reason the AI that spawn ignore any efforts put forth to have them roam. Regardless of being in combat or not., they will just stand perfectly in the same place. (They do aggro and shoot however)
  20. robfruin

    Heli Crash Event

    Hello , can I please have a link to the discord? I can't seem to find the link. Thank you, I have bought the bundle and Military Tunnel and have installed them all on my server at the same time, however when putting in any of the commands to start an encounter I get "Unknown command: HeavyExcavatorStart" for example regardless of which plugin encounter i'm trying to trigger.


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