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Everything posted by Khan

  1. If you cloned your live server over to the test server you should have no issues re-creating your bug. & then doing the diagnostic steps, so honestly I don't see how you couldn't sort out what plugin is causing it.
  2. Again, its not stack modifier but most likely a plugin conflict since it literally works flawlessly for everybody else including myself. + it was working flawless for you until you either added a new plugin or updated one so more then likely a plugin conflict. if you use any of imthenewguys works it's more then likely one of his plugins causing issues with it since he directly harmony patches into the default hook methods & over-rides logic which can cause errors in stack modifier due to how he's handling the logic in his. In-fact if you remove all your other mods/harmony patches and rebooted with just stack modifier I would bet it boots without issue like mine does. So perhaps rex if you did that and found out which one is causing the bug for you then maybe just maybe we'd get somewhere..
  3. Changed Status from Pending to Can't Reproduce
  4. Or do you have another harmony patch installed already for industrial ?
  5. Are you on carbon or something ?
  6. No idea, perhaps you have a plugin conflict with something? Never seen an error like that before. I would recommend trying a vanilla server with no other plugins installed & then reboot with a fresh install of stack modifier & see if it boots. I currently have no issues with reboots on the latest update.
  7. Khan

    not work

    @r0gi Where you about to get it sorted?
  8. Khan

    No combat block in raid zone

    It should work just fine, but if you are free today sometime i will need help testing it on my test server since this is a player vs player issue & i'm alone, lol. My discord id is khan8615
  9. Khan

    Building Repairing

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  10. Khan

    Building Repairing

    At the moment technically no, not without a feature update. But doing so would change the vanilla game behavior that facepunch had intended to be. Perhaps you could simply set the repair time to the same time as the raid-block time? This won't be perfect but would increase the repair time by a fair bit.
  11. Khan

    Building Repairing

    Just so you understand how the default game logic works. Facepunch natively doesn't allow repairing of a recently damaged block. They make you wait 30 seconds before allowing repair of it. So what i do is allow you to change that time to whatever value you want it to be.
  12. Khan

    Building Repairing

    You can change the default repair time allowed inside the config, facepunch default is 30sec.
  13. Khan

    not work

    If you have either of these plugins installed you'll need to remove them & then reload console spam cleaner.
  14. Khan

    Stacks and XP System

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  15. Khan

    Stacks and XP System

    Alright so it looks like this plugin handles item creation wrong like i've been seeing with a bunch of others lately. The item.name field is reserved for custom item names only & this plugin is setting the vanilla names on the item.name field when natively their supposed to be null thus preventing stacks with other vanilla items from the game.
  16. Khan

    Stacks and XP System

    This is the first i am hearing of it. Things won't get fixed if you don't report issues you find ya know. What xp system are you referring to? Can you link the plugin page for me, pls.
  17. Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  18. Items should not be having the item.name field set unless its a custom name is the thing. If skinner is setting the item.name field for vanilla items then that is the problem. The item.name field should not be set for none-custom items & i do not recommend you removing this check either since it will break other stack support for other plugins that rely on only the item.name field being set to identify a custom item creation to do x y or z in their plugin/code logic. Overall it sounds like user-error.
  19. Khan

    Stack Modifier

    That's just the auto updater doing its job repairing your config. For whatever reason stack sizes on specific items got set to 0 or negative - digits which will break the items. So its also self repairing the server.
  20. Khan

    Stack Modifier

    @SlayersRust It has a built in auto updater function so yes it should just auto update without issues.
  21. Khan

    auto team

    There is no option to disable that feature. It's only triggered when you are in a team & Assign a Bed/bag/etc to someone when they have not yet joined your team.
  22. Khan

    2.5.2 version

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 2.5.7
  23. Khan

    Stack Modifier

    Update 2.5.7 Fixes any issues with this wipes changes. If you have not yet done so, pls update.
  24. Khan

    stacks completely not working

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 2.5.7
  25. Khan

    Stack Modifier

    @ZEODE You have been out of town / away on vacation so I've been waiting for you to come back before trying to reach out to you. & frankly it's been so long that I've forgotten. "But unless people are putting incorrect vanilla names" ?? That field is natively null on vanilla items. If it is supposed to be a vanilla item that field should never be set. Ever. Also for the record umod release is abandoned / not maintained. I only support codefling release. I haven't logged into umod in over a year. If you really wanted to reach out to me about a plugin you could simply do so in discord or here on codefling but umod is not a platform I even look at.


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