Hello, i have to say that the plugins looks very cool. My problem appears when i try to add pictures to the rewards, they just dont show up. This is my code:
"Commands": [
"Commands to activate the promo code": [
"Permission (example: referrals.use)": "",
"Work with Notify?": true,
"Use auto-wipe?": false,
"Promo Code Chars": "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789",
"Promo Code Length": 8,
"Minimum play time (seconds)": 0,
"Awards": [
"Invites Amount": 1,
"Type": "Command",
"ID": 1,
"Image": "https://i.imgur.com/4xYN8Fg.png",
"Title": "500 RustyCoins",
"Command (%steamid%)": "deposit %steamid% 500",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "Withdraw",
"Plugin name": "Economics",
"Amount": 0
"Display Name (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "",
"Skin": 0,
"Amount": 1,
"Chance": 100.0
"Invites Amount": 2,
"Type": "Command",
"ID": 2,
"Image": "https://i.imgur.com/4xYN8Fg.png",
"Title": "750 RustyCoins",
"Command (%steamid%)": "deposit %steamid% 750",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "Withdraw",
"Plugin name": "Economics",
"Amount": 0
"Display Name (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "",
"Skin": 0,
"Amount": 1,
"Chance": 100.0
"Invites Amount": 3,
"Type": "Command",
"ID": 3,
"Image": "https://i.imgur.com/4xYN8Fg.png",
"Title": "1000 RustyCoins",
"Command (%steamid%)": "deposit %steamid% 1000",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "Withdraw",
"Plugin name": "Economics",
"Amount": 0
"Display Name (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "",
"Skin": 0,
"Amount": 1,
"Chance": 100.0
"Invites Amount": 4,
"Type": "Command",
"ID": 4,
"Image": "https://i.imgur.com/4xYN8Fg.png",
"Title": "1000 RustyCoins",
"Command (%steamid%)": "deposit %steamid% 1000",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "Withdraw",
"Plugin name": "Economics",
"Amount": 0
"Display Name (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "",
"Skin": 0,
"Amount": 1,
"Chance": 100.0
"Invites Amount": 5,
"Type": "Command",
"ID": 5,
"Image": "https://i.imgur.com/4xYN8Fg.png",
"Title": "1000 RustyCoins",
"Command (%steamid%)": "deposit %steamid% 1000",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "Withdraw",
"Plugin name": "Economics",
"Amount": 0
"Display Name (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "",
"Skin": 0,
"Amount": 1,
"Chance": 100.0
"Invites Amount": 6,
"Type": "Command",
"ID": 6,
"Image": "https://i.imgur.com/4xYN8Fg.png",
"Title": "1000 RustyCoins",
"Command (%steamid%)": "deposit %steamid% 1000",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "Withdraw",
"Plugin name": "Economics",
"Amount": 0
"Display Name (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "",
"Skin": 0,
"Amount": 1,
"Chance": 100.0
"Invites Amount": 7,
"Type": "Command",
"ID": 7,
"Image": "https://i.imgur.com/4xYN8Fg.png",
"Title": "1000 RustyCoins",
"Command (%steamid%)": "deposit %steamid% 1000",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "Withdraw",
"Plugin name": "Economics",
"Amount": 0
"Display Name (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "",
"Skin": 0,
"Amount": 1,
"Chance": 100.0
"Invites Amount": 8,
"Type": "Command",
"ID": 8,
"Image": "https://i.imgur.com/4xYN8Fg.png",
"Title": "1000 RustyCoins",
"Command (%steamid%)": "deposit %steamid% 1000",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "Withdraw",
"Plugin name": "Economics",
"Amount": 0
"Display Name (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "",
"Skin": 0,
"Amount": 1,
"Chance": 100.0
"Invites Amount": 9,
"Type": "Command",
"ID": 9,
"Image": "https://i.imgur.com/4xYN8Fg.png",
"Title": "1000 RustyCoins",
"Command (%steamid%)": "deposit %steamid% 1000",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "Withdraw",
"Plugin name": "Economics",
"Amount": 0
"Display Name (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "",
"Skin": 0,
"Amount": 1,
"Chance": 100.0
"Invites Amount": 10,
"Type": "Command",
"ID": 10,
"Image": "https://i.imgur.com/4xYN8Fg.png",
"Title": "2000 RustyCoins",
"Command (%steamid%)": "deposit %steamid% 2000",
"Plugin": {
"Hook": "Withdraw",
"Plugin name": "Economics",
"Amount": 0
"Display Name (empty - default)": "",
"ShortName": "",
"Skin": 0,
"Amount": 1,
"Chance": 100.0