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Everything posted by MuB-Studios

  1. MuB-Studios


    Version 1.0.0


    OneHit is a powerful plugin that allows players to destroy or kill barrels, NPCs, animals, and road signs with just one hit. This plugin provides a comprehensive configuration that enables server administrators to customize the functionality of OneHit to their liking. Key Features: Customizable Configuration: In the plugin configuration, server administrators have full control over how OneHit operates. They can specify when OneHit should be active for specific animals, NPCs, barrels, and road signs. Activation and Deactivation: The plugin offers the "/onehit" command, which allows players to toggle the OneHit functionality on or off as needed. To activate this command, players require the "onehit.use" permission. Radius Setting: Server administrators can also set a radius in the configuration within which the OneHit functionality will be applied. This provides precise control over how far-reaching players' OneHit actions should be. AutoLoot Functionality: In the configuration, there is an option to enable or disable the AutoLoot function for barrels and road signs. This allows players to conveniently gather loot or turn off this option to create a more realistic gaming experience. OneHit offers a user-friendly way to customize destruction and killing in your game, allowing server administrators to tailor the player experience to their preferences. To enable the OneHit command, make sure to grant players the "onehit.use" permission. { "OneHitEntities": { "stag": true, "boar": true, "bear": true, "polarbear": true, "wolf": true, "testridablehorse": true, "chicken": true, "loot-barrel-1": true, "loot_barrel_1": true, "loot-barrel-2": true, "loot_barrel_2": true, "oil_barrel": true, "scientistnpc_patrol": true, "scientistnpc_junkpile_pistol": true, "scientistnpc_peacekeeper": true, "scientistnpc_excavator": true, "scientistnpc_full_any": true, "scientistnpc_full_lr300": true, "scientistnpc_oilrig": true, "scientistnpc_heavy": true, "scientistnpc_full_shotgun": true, "scarecrow": true, "roadsign1": true, "roadsign1static": true, "roadsign2": true, "roadsign2static": true, "roadsign3": true, "roadsign3static": true, "roadsign4": true, "roadsign4static": true, "roadsign5": true, "roadsign5static": true, "roadsign6": true, "roadsign6static": true, "roadsign7": true, "roadsign7static": true, "roadsign8": true, "roadsign8static": true, "roadsign9": true, "roadsign9static": true }, "UsePermission": true, "EnableCommand": true, "CommandName": "onehit", "AutoLootBarrels": true, "AutoLootRoadSigns": true, "OneHitRadius": 5.0, "AutoLootRadius": 5.0 } If you have any questions or problems, join my discord https://discord.gg/2ftdtaTQ6S
  2. I'm currently working hard on it I have released a working version and will test the latest one better
  3. You are welcome to request a refund If you have any problems applying, please join my Discord
  4. What functions do you need? I've only had this problem since I added the latest stuff You are welcome to use the older version I'm working on a solution to the problem
  5. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  6. MuB-Studios

    Add imthenewguy

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  7. MuB-Studios

    Add imthenewguy

  8. You can add it yourself /newevent
  9. MuB-Studios

    Add imthenewguy

    Yes, it would be possible. If you want, create a support ticket in Discord and I will send you the file. I don't want every user to have to create all events from scratch. You can also simply add the event to another developer or to FacepunchEvents
  10. Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.6
  11. I'm working on an update
  12. MuB-Studios

    add a event kill time

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  13. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  14. MuB-Studios

    Froze server(

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 2.2.0
  15. I haven't planned it at the moment But I will think about how and whether I can do this
  16. In which language? What would you like to change?
  17. This plugin only has items that can be placed Here you have the config to see what is included { "Auto-fill missing entities?": true, "Chat prefix": "<color=red>[Limits]</color>: ", "A message when the player reaches the maximum limit of objects": "You have <color=red>reached</color> the limit of this object ({0})", "Use teams for sum them constructions": false, "Use clans?": false, "Global player limit - Enabled?": true, "Global player limit - A message when the player reaches the maximum limit of objects": "You have <color=red>reached</color> the limit.", "Global player limit - amount": 10, "Clans plugin for sum player constructions (Mevent, k1lly0u)": "Mevent"
  18. Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.6
  19. Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.6
  20. Do they use carbon or oxides? Latest version contains the fix
  21. Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 2.1.8
  22. You can do everything in the UI. You don't need to edit the config for this
  23. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  24. MuB-Studios

    Plugin suggestions

    Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed
  25. Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed


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