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Everything posted by RobJ

  1. RobJ


    My players love competing who can kill the furthest distance away. Example image
  2. Personal rates just admins? and blocked items for everyone? also some of the items I don't know what they are.
  3. RobJ


    Could you consider added top 10 long shots Eg. Rob killed a wolf at 342m
  4. Totally sick art 🖼
  5. RobJ

    Skill Tree

    My players have been saying this thought you would want to know "1.0.6" https://gyazo.com/bcaf997f9dc9525f643b430587b4f2d3
  6. RobJ

    Craft Menu

    My admin that looks after my server when I’m busy sent me this. The important part is the bottom paragraph. Thanks
  7. RobJ


    With that said this would be brilliant in event bots Spawn_Delay: 0 seconds Repeat_Spawns: 0 Repeat_Spawns_Delay: 300 seconds
  8. RobJ


    Sounds good does that replace the current re-spawn or in addition ?
  9. RobJ


    Hello mate, tiny request if possible Hackablecrate-hackstart could I have a delay timer option please say like player starts hacking and 10 seconds later bots spawn not instantly. One last suggestion about the hackable crate are the bots able to respawn twice or more? E.g Limit respawn to a number say 2 times but let respawn timer work every 6mins.
  10. RobJ


  11. RobJ


    Could I double check what these two do exactly please
  12. RobJ

    Failed hook

    Keep getting this spam my rcon. Any help would be great
  13. RobJ

    Skill Tree

    Hello can I please have a config option to turn of broadcasting the chat commands to open the plug. Make my life so much easier to stop that getting sent EDIT: AccessReminder
  14. RobJ

    Skill Tree

    Just a few suggestion from my players and I know some of these might not be possible and that’s ok just passing it on: Gain XP for completing a raidable bases. Gain XP for completing a quest from XDQuest. and I’am wondering if there is a api hook to call to and return a players xp level Thanks string wipe = Convert.ToString(SkillTree.CallHook("GetPlayerXP_API"));
  15. RobJ

    Skill Tree

    Could you possibly add increased recycling speed.
  16. RobJ

    Raidable Bases

    Its working for me but was not working before
  17. RobJ

    Raidable Bases

    how do i click on the buy raid UI as my screens cover it up when i have mouse control ? https://gyazo.com/35052ed1ae43f5b361b93bed6c401848 thanks
  18. RobJ

    Welcome Panel

    Was this added ? Can not find it thank you mate.
  19. I see a new version just released now. Thanks
  20. RobJ

    Cobalt Vaults

    Version 1.0.3


    This monument is largely underground set of secure storage vaults guarded with a team of scientists and APC defending the central control tower to the vaults battle your way up and start to open up the vaults one by one to see what cobalt is storing out of sight. Quick Start Extract the zip file into your RustEdit install folder. Start Rust Edit. Click on Prefabs at the top & open up your Prefab List. Under the Custom category you will now find RobJs Premium Prefabs. Double click on the prefab file and it will spawn it into the map for you. Drag it to the general area you want to place it and click on Snap To Terrain Apply the Height Mask, Topology Mask, and Splat Mask. Dependencies: Oxide and RustEdit.dll Contact And Help If you need to contact me discord is best: RobJ2210#2553 For help/support my discord group is best: Join RustMaps Discord
  21. RobJ

    Welcome Panel

    Thank you for the fast response. I would be very interested for some buttons that can be assigned to admin commands like /perms etc
  22. RobJ

    Wipe Countdown

    Can I trigger commands upon hitting zero? Eg. o.unload serverpve, o.unload deathlogs thanks
  23. RobJ

    Welcome Panel

    Would I be able to have a channel for oxide permission admin only and have buttons inside I can make assign commands to ?
  24. Version 1.1.4


    There are two main large custom monuments on the map as well as a range of smaller monuments as well as a set of default regular monuments and the space saving military tunnels buried deep underground and even two Bradley's to fight across the fully custom terrain that brings a unique look to your server. Size: 3050 Editing Yes you are allowed to edit the map and add stuff etc . M.O.T Centre This monument is based on the real world MOT test (Ministry of Transport, or simply MOT) is an annual test of vehicle safety, road worthiness aspects and it carried out in garages across the UK. In this game version, you can find more car related loot than normal and also a working car ramp to modify your cars as well as a blue card puzzle with some nice loot and to top it off a red card spawn. Cobalt Vaults This monument is largely underground with a set of secure storage vaults guarded with a team of scientists and APC defending the central control tower to the vaults battle your way up and start to open up the vaults one by one to see what cobalt is storing out of sight. Maunsell Forts This monument is based on the real-world red sands forts that I visited a few years ago. In game you will find a set of fully restored Maunsell Forts that have been co-opted by cobalt scientists to use as a central location to plan their nefarious experiments. Other Monuments: Desert Military Base Outpost Airfield Small Train Station Bandit Camp Gas Station Supermarket Military Tunnels Launch Site Train Yard Junkyard Fishing Villages Sewer Branch Water Treatment Above Ground Railway Jct Underwater Labs Warehouse Supermarket Subways Sphere Tank Oil Rig Large & Small Dependencies: Oxide and RustEdit.dll Contact And Help If you need to contact me discord is best: RobJ2210#2553 For help/support my discord group is best: Join RustMaps Discord


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