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Everything posted by RobJ

  1. RobJ

    Wrong Password

    Are you copying pasting or typing it in? If you are pasting, try removing one character from the end. I’ll just nip on the PC and doublecheck it works
  2. Version 6.0.1


    Located on a large island, this map features a large custom dam monument as the main focal point, divided by two meandering rivers. There are some great looting opportunities at the dam even though it is not buildable. Using hand-drawn island shapes and a custom heightmap, the map is built from the ground up to give it a unique look and feel. The island is linked with ether bridges or tunnels. There are lots of great new places to build that I like to call interesting building locations. Size 4600 but feel's like 3600 to players Classic Maps In my classic maps collection, I take an old map and bring it to life by updating the railways and rivers, changing materials to modern prefab components, lowering count adding new monuments and updating existing ones. Huge Railway The map features an extensive twin-directional railway system that winds along the coastlines of all three islands, offering stunning scenic views. Custom NPC I've replaced the normal RustEdit Scientists with my own set of NPCs from the different factions in the Rust world (Normal Scientist, Arctic Scientist, Tunnel Dweller, Underwater Dweller). If you do not like my NPCs, you can simply uninstall the plug-in and supply your own with any bot plugin you like. I would like to thank Steenamaroo for developing the plugin. Editing Yes, you are allowed to edit the map and add stuff etc. Monuments Radtown 1 Ferry Terminal Nuclear Missile Silo Airfield Sewer Branch Fishing Village x3 Gas Station x1 Launch Site Lighthouse x1 Excavator Warehouse Oil Rig Large Oil Rig Small Sphere Tank Supermarket x1 Trainyard Junkyard Underwater Labs x5 Arctic Research base Compound Bandit Town Military Tunnels Ranch x1 Satellite Dish Cargoship Harbor Collapsed Bridge (Custom Monument) Hydroelectric dam (Custom Monument) River Underpass (Custom Monument) Contact And Help If you need to contact me discord is best: RobJ2210 For help/support my discord group is best: Join Rust Maps By RobJ Discord
  3. RobJ

    Not available issue

    Fixed. Thank you very much.
  4. RobJ

    Not available issue

    hello am getting this when i buy raids of any type just want to know what i should look for the issue maybe just moved server using a backup all files seem to be here
  5. RobJ

    Witches House

    Version 1.0.1


    Hello and welcome to my creepy spider infested witches house, hidden behind these doors are some very dark secrets. A number of children from the nearby village have gone missing never to be heard from again, with the only trace being bitten candy matching their dental records. NPC’s This monument has built-in NPC’s powered by an included plug-in. If you do not wish to use the built-in bots simply do not install the plug-in and add your own bots at your leisure. Quick Start Extract the zip file into your RustEdit install folder. Click on Prefabs at the top & open up your Prefab List. Under the Custom category, you will now find RobJs Premium Prefabs. Double-click on the prefab file, which will spawn it into the map for you. Drag it to the general area you want to place it. Apply Height Mask, Topology Mask, Splat Mask. Done Contact And Help If you need to contact me discord is best: RobJ2210 For help/support my discord group is best: Join RustMaps By RobJ Discord
  6. Version 1.0.2


    I welcome you to my large railway station, which has four main lines, two sidings, four platforms, and an overhead bridge and elevators that facilitate disabled access to all platforms. Additionally, Snap-On Add-Ons are included with this pack to allow you to easily and quickly customize the monument to suit your needs. Many looting opportunities are available at the monument, including a blue card puzzle and underground tunnels. With ease, this monument can be integrated into a larger railroad network or used as a standalone piece. Included Snap-On Add-Ons Temperate Decor Pack Arid Decor Pack Cargo Train (4 Wagons) Cargo Train (2 Loco + 1 Wagons) Cargo Train (1 Workcart + 1 Wagons) Cargo Train (4 Wagons) Damaged And Rundown Decor Pack NPC’s This monument has built-in NPC’s powered by an included plug-in. If you do not wish to use the built-in bots simply do not install the plug-in and add your own bots at your leisure. Help And Contact If you need to contact me discord is best: RobJ2210 For help/support my discord group is best: Join Rust Maps By RobJ Discord
  7. Could you tell me what you have done to turn on the card, reader puzzle?
  8. RobJ

    please help please

    If they're all not sparking, the new have not installed rustedit.dll theres a link in the zip folder to download it
  9. RobJ

    please help please

    I'm gonna need a few more details for one, where are you and what you did exactly in order and is the fuse box sparking before you put the fuse in. If you would prefer it is quicker and easier to message me on discord. robj2210
  10. RobJ

    update please

    Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed Changed Fixed In from 1.0.2 to 2.0.0
  11. RobJ

    Plum Island Classic Map

    Thats how it should be. Just for show
  12. RobJ


    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug Changed Fixed In to 2.0.0
  13. RobJ


    QOL Update 2.0.0 Prefab Reduction All track parts have been rebuilt in new efficient ways to reduce prefab count per track part on average its 53 prefabs less however some track parts have saved a lot more for e.g Railway Station has been reduced by 3586. On a full railway set up this adds up to thousands less prefabs. New Parts Railway Station DuoTone ElevatedRailway Connection 3x18 (With Rail Paths) ElevatedRailway Connection 3x18 (Twin) (With Rail Paths) Modern and Legacy Packs Rebuilt parts in the new concrete theme are under modern and the original parts are under legacy.
  14. RobJ


    Hello, it is possible to connect it to it now yourself, but if you'd like me to install a piece that's done for you. Yes, I could name a short straight peace default track connector with paths lined up for you happy to help, I'll get that done.
  15. Version 1.0.2


    It is a large kit of underwater railway modular parts designed for you to easily add submerged railways to any map by simply snapping each part into place. Parts are available in twin railway lines. It took me so long to complete and I am pleased that it has finally been released. known issues: Sometimes a fish swims into the tunnel and you turn right to go left on the split track I will be adding more parts and snap-on decor packs to this in the coming weeks. Tunnels ~ UnderWater Moonpool 3x36 (Twin).prefab UnderWater Diver Access 3x 18 (Twin).prefab UnderWater 3x18 (Twin).prefab UnderWater 3x36 (Twin).prefab UnderWater 3x72 (Twin).prefab Underwater Bend 45 (Twin).prefab Underwater Smooth Incline Bottom (Twin).prefab Underwater Smooth Incline Top (Twin).prefab UnderWater Entrance 3x54 (Twin).prefab UnderWater 3x47 Siding (Twin).prefab UnderWater Split 3x72 (Twin).prefab UnderWater 3x47 Build Area (Twin).prefab UnderWater End 3x36 (Twin).prefab UnderWater Tunnel Ventilation 3x18 (Twin).prefab UnderWater Switch 3x54 (Twin).prefab UnderWater Blast Door Auto 3x18 (Twin).prefab UnderWater 3x216 (Twin).prefab UnderWater 3x144 (Twin).prefab UnderWater Entrance To Land (Twin).prefab UnderWater Legless 3x72 (Twin).prefab UnderWater Legless 3x18 (Twin).prefab UnderWater Legless 3x18 (Twin).prefab Snap-ons ~ Diver Access Gear Locker.prefab Tunnel NPC Guards.prefab Blastdoor Checkpoint Guards.prefab Build Zone Locomotive Spawn.prefab Build Zone Workcart Spawn.prefab Lights 2 3x18.prefab Build Zone S.prefab Build Zone L.prefab Build Zone M.prefab Repair Team End 3x36.prefab Hydraulic Seal Open.prefab Workcart Spawns End 3x36.prefab Sunken Tug End 3x36.prefab Sunken Tug+Loot End 3x36.prefab Leaks+Sparks End 3x36.prefab Hydraulic Seal Closed.prefab Backup Air Supply.prefab Overgrown Ocean Plants.prefab Moonpool Duo Sub Guard+loot 3x36.prefab Moonpool Duo Sub 3x36.prefab Moonpool Solo Sub Guard+loot 3x36.prefab Moonpool Solo Sub 3x36.prefab
  16. RobJ

    Hostile Shores Custom Map

    I am fixing the water as its a change in trigger after leaving the sub but as for the fuse box can you tell me what keypad is not powering up
  17. RobJ

    Plum Island Classic Map

    29210 Prefabs
  18. Version 5.0.1


    Details The map features a large island with two meandering rivers and a secret laboratory that can be explored and looted. The map is built from the ground up with a hand-drawn island shape and a custom height map to give it a unique look and feel. A railway network covers the entire island, connected by bridges or tunnels. Building locations that I like to call interesting building locations are plentiful. 3800K Classic Maps In my classic maps collection, I take an old map and bring it to life by updating the railways and rivers, changing materials to modern prefab components, lowering count adding new monuments and updating existing ones. Due to the fact that this is a classic map, the railway predates workcarts etc., I have updated it to have a working railway, but it is not a loop, but I have rearranged dead ends to make it loopable. Custom NPC I've replaced the normal RustEdit Scientists with my own set of NPCs from the different factions in the Rust world (Normal Scientist, Arctic Scientist, Tunnel Dweller, Underwater Dweller). If you do not like my NPCs, you can simply uninstall the plug-in and supply your own with any bot plugin you like. I would like to thank Steenamaroo for developing the plugin. Editing Yes, you are allowed to edit the map and add stuff etc. Monuments Rad Town 1 Ferry Terminal Nuclear Missile Silo Airfield Small Harbor Sewer Branch Fishing Village x4 Gas Station x3 Launch Site Lighthouse x3 Excavator Warehouse Oil Rig Large Oil Rig Small Sphere Tank Supermarket x2 Trainyard Junkyard Underwater Labs x5 Arctic Research base Compound Bandit Town Military Tunnels Ranch x2 Satellite Dish Customized Powerplant (Custom Monument) Humber Bridge (Custom Monument) Secret Laboratory (Custom Monument) Train Station (Custom Monument) Construction Crane x2 (Custom Monument) Contact And Help If you need to contact me discord is best: RobJ2210 For help/support my discord group is best: Join Rust Maps By RobJ Discord
  19. RobJ

    Hostile Shores Custom Map

    Both issues reported are fixed In version 1.0.3
  20. Version 2.0.2


    Details The map was designed from the ground up to contain a lot of monuments, yet the map still feels open and spacious and has room to add future monuments to the map with ease. There is also a huge rail network weaving around the map that also connects to a lot of my custom monuments. Besides the huge nuclear attack submarine, this map has many custom monuments ranging from underwater to underground. Size: 3800k Railway Features a working surface railway with twin directional lines that runs around the full map and through underground tunnels and over rivers and even down to the subways and with no dead ends its perfect for other plugins like cargo train event also map comes with its own custom work cart and wagon spawning plugin. Custom NPC I've replaced the normal RustEdit Scientists with my own set of NPCs from the different factions in the Rust world (Normal Scientist, Arctic Scientist, Tunnel Dweller, Underwater Dweller). If you do not like my NPCs, you can simply uninstall the plug-in and supply your own with any bot plugin you like. I would like to thank Steenamaroo for developing the plugin. Editing Yes, you are allowed to edit the map and add stuff etc. Monuments Combined Outpost & Bandit w/ Stable (Custom Monument) Mini Desert Military Base (Custom Monument) Railway Maintenance (Custom Monument) Nuclear Attack Submarine (Custom Monument) Tuna Factory (Custom Monument) Felling Field (Custom Monument) Wooden Bridge (Custom Monument) Cargo Harbour (Custom Monument) Soft Drink Factory (Custom Monument) Mini Military Tunnels (Custom Monument) Mini Junkyard (Custom Monument) Early Warning Satellites (Custom Monument) Train Home Editing (Custom Monument) Radtown 1 Harbor (With Docking) Excavator Ferry Terminal Nuclear Missile Silo Airfield Sewer Branch Fishing Village 3x Gas Station Launch Site Lighthouse 2x Warehouse Oil Rig Large Oil Rig Small Sphere Tank Supermarket Trainyard Water Treatment Underwater Labs 3x Arctic Research base Help And Contact If you need to contact me discord is best: RobJ2210 For help/support my discord group is best: Join Rust Maps By RobJ Discord
  21. Version 1.0.3


    As a space-saving alternative to Military Tunnels, this monument takes up a fraction of the space. It contains the same puzzles and loot as its predecessor. With a smaller footprint on the surface approximately 80% smaller and no protruding edges, it is also deeper underground and slightly larger, and though I have attempted to keep it faithful to the original, observant players will notice a difference where I took some creative liberties. With the annoying normal version, I had a problem blending it into a map and having it look natural and not stand out. With the new version, it is much easier to blend into your map with far less effort (add and play). NPC’s This monument has built-in NPCs powered by an included plug-in. If you do not wish to use the built-in bots simply do not install the plug-in and add your own bots at your leisure. Quick Start Extract the zip file into your RustEdit install folder. Start Rust Edit. Click on Prefabs at the top & open up your Prefab List. Under the Custom category, you will now find RobJs Premium Prefabs. Double-click on the Part One file and it will spawn it into the map for you. Drag it to the general area you want to place it and click on Snap To Terrain Apply the Height Mask, Topology Mask, and Splat Mask. Snap On Part Two. Watch Install Video Contact And Help If you need to contact me discord is best: robjp2210 For help/support my discord group is best: Join RustMaps By RobJ Discord
  22. RobJ

    Mini Junkyard

    Version 1.0.4


    This monument is a mini space-saving replacement for Junkyard. Besides all the same puzzles and loot, you also get a recycler and green card, along with a working magnet crane and shredder. With a smaller footprint and no protruding edges, it is ideal for one grid or smaller size maps. Quick Start Extract the zip file into your RustEdit install folder. Start Rust Edit. Click on Prefabs at the top & open up your Prefab List. Under the Custom category, you will now find RobJs Premium Prefabs. Double-click on the prefab file and it will spawn it into the map for you. Drag it to the general area you want to place it and click on Snap To Terrain Apply the Height Mask, Topology Mask, and Splat Mask. Contact And Help If you need to contact me discord is best: RobJ2210#2553 For help/support my discord group is best: Join RustMaps By RobJ Discord
  23. 3.2.2


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