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Everything posted by mrdecoder

  1. small update on the last part it seems after update it again wants to take the data from the old loot table so what i did now is import alter to my needs and addng the grey neutral categories after all s added and accepted as custom i refreshed the plugin to be safe and after that i removed the old loottable after removing the plugin foor the loot seemd to no longer try to get old info and works ok now the gathering, mainly wood from trees not work i am using a difrent gather plugin now cause im losing players
  2. after the last 2.0 update alot of things got messed up it seems that alot of barrels or boxes for loot are not working from import because it noe asks for an item that will be default so without a default item it simply not give the custom loot i think i have most fixed on this now but its very anoying gathering it seems that regardless of setting up the gathering tree chopping will still give vanila also after changing and adding all the grey items to barrels and crates it works. but after a reboot all the changes go back to how it was before how can i make sure it saves my changes
  3. yes offcourse
  4. Hello members/creators/designers on codefling Im bringing back LPR. originaly build by the team of project nova, i want to bring it back to live i was planning to do this much much sooner but due to IRL i was not able to. most work goes into making maps and i have special ideas for this, and because i do this alone its taking way to much time to make a good map and thats just talking about 1 map i want to have multiple cool maps so just to speed things up ive decided to give other designers a chance to make maps that i might use on LPR but there are some rules on the design and size of map 1. Low poly as in low polygons (this means no use of prebuild prefabs or atleast as littile as possible ) i dont care what it is but if you can build it with cubes then use cubes 2. total map size +-500 (its ment for pvp) smaller or bigger , not real matter just keep it pvp size small 3. map file size max 1MB but preferred below 500kb , yes you heard me KB as in kilo bytes 4 if possible try remaking some old maps from the old days, known arenas is also good DUST 2 INFERNO LOOKOUT NUKE TOWN are already made so no need for those im also remaking some old Unreal Tournament maps in which you are the size of a toy (see screenshot below what you get in return.!!! well uhm nothing besides your name in history, as of one of the creators of maps for LPR if you want to be a part of this, then now is your chance. i will hand pick the map or maps personaly contact me for mare information ps: im very picky when it comes to design, so good luck Bommies resort (unreal tournament) Lookout (halo2)
  5. mrdecoder

    auto team

    you should make this optionable cause alot of plugins mess this up i have clans that auto make teams and vice versa so when giving bag i send them an auto invite to the clan atm i just quoted that part of the code but i suggest you make the whole team thing an option
  6. mrdecoder

    auto team

    how i stop this "You can assign a bed to a friend on your friends list in game & when they join it will give them the invite to join your team to get the bed/bag/towel/etc!"
  7. same is for stask sizes
  8. there seems to be a problem it could be carbon related Loaded plugin Loottable v1.0.36 by The_Kiiiing [1461ms] [Loottable] Loading NPC spawn points ... [Loottable] Import 107 images Failed to call internal hook 'OnServerInitialized' on plugin 'Loottable v1.0.36' [1330569572] () at Component UnityEngine.Component.GetComponentInParent(Type t, bool includeInactive) at PrefabParameters UnityEngine.Component.GetComponentInParent<PrefabParameters>() at NpcSpawnPointId Oxide.Plugins.Loottable+LootManager.GetSpawnPointId(BasePlayer npc) in /home/container/carbon/plugins/Loottable.cs:line 11873 at void Oxide.Plugins.Loottable+LootManager.CacheNpc(BasePlayer npc) in /home/container/carbon/plugins/Loottable.cs:line 11917 at void Oxide.Plugins.Loottable+LootManager.PopulateNpcCache() in /home/container/carbon/plugins/Loottable.cs:line 11863 at void Oxide.Plugins.Loottable.OnServerInitialized() in /home/container/carbon/plugins/Loottable.cs:line 1455 at object Oxide.Plugins.Loottable.InternalCallHook(uint hook, object[] args) in Loottable.cs/Internal:line 696 Loottable v1.0.36 by The_Kiiiing hook 'OnServerInitialized' took longer than 100ms [218ms] [Loottable] Refreshed vanilla loot profiles in 334ms its not loading in the loot tables from start it does however when you open the loottable and then refresh the loottable from inside the ui but restarting the plugin will make it revert back to vanilla
  9. mrdecoder

    carbon problem

    atm i seem to be having a carbon problem 1. 'CustomEntities.CustomHandler' does not contain a definition for 'Load' and no accessible extension method 'Load' accepting a first argument of type 'CustomEntities.CustomHandler' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) maybe you have a small fix for it
  10. ok im using this for a while now and its a cool plugin, BUT!!! lol im missing some little things in it that maybe can be added (im also willing to pay for this to get it in ) 1. old commands from known loadout plugins /loadout save (automatic create a name ) /loadout save {name} (saves it with name) /loadout list (shows list in chat with small information) 2. when lose vip not lose the loadout from list , but just cant select it anymore atm it compleetly deletes it which is realy annoying on pvp servers and i mostlikely have some other ideas but i think these are the ones that people are looking for the most greets from mrdecoder
  11. mrdecoder

    overal stats still not work

    can someone help me with this somehow the stats are not send to overall stats
  12. mrdecoder

    Smooth Night

    could you send me your config and do you have any other time plugins cause it not work if having other plugins that controll time
  13. mrdecoder

    oilrig placement

    it seems you are able to place them on oilrig
  14. mrdecoder

    Smooth Night

    hi uhm it should still work, if issues let me know
  15. lol i need to think about that, its not something thats build in
  16. maybe make it so that it can only be build on mainland topology or something
  17. you basicly not need a start foundation
  18. ok lol new glitch when you build a normal base realy far in the occean, or anywhere basicly you can then hit any floor while having skyfoundations on you and it will place the sky on that location you can basicly build your way up then and build even outside of the map
  19. mrdecoder

    overal stats not working

    i removed all stats and sql and i re added it but still not worked
  20. mrdecoder

    overal stats not working

    i tryed to add those in but i still got same problem but ill remove the sql compleetly ltr today and try again
  21. mrdecoder

    overal stats not working

    a while back i also placed this but it seems i cant locate it anymore so im trying again plugin works perfect but it seems its not sending the stats over to overall after a wipe
  22. mrdecoder

    higher then set limit

    all turrets, i also have the big sentry ones but major problem atm is the glitching of the drione floors
  23. mrdecoder

    higher then set limit

    no lol i mean the entier skybase you can keep on adding higher floors with drones untill you reach 500 mtr for example you then deleted the ones below and you have a base that nobody can reach @CASHR
  24. mrdecoder

    higher then set limit

    hi uhm some of my players found a glitch that they can place the turrets higher then the 100mtr lol double or tripple the height atm i do not know how this is done yet
  25. mrdecoder

    PLease Fix or Refund

    yes its for everybody this plugin has not been working for a longgggg time


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