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Raul-Sorin Sorban


Everything posted by Raul-Sorin Sorban

  1. Changed Status from Work in Progress to Can't Reproduce
  2. Nexus integration is already there and tested it on the staging branch, it all works as expected. We're just waiting for Facepunch to push the update which enables it.
  3. Version 1.0.3


    Ruster.NET Addons is a service that allows plugin developers to create and server owners to upgrade and change Ruster.NET in almost any way possible. This plugin provides API and hook support that gives you access to interactions users make in Ruster.NET, from creating your own DM bots with custom commands, to use all the modular panels Ruster.NET provides for your own purposes. Read documentation here or get Addons on this tag. Features API Access Open / close users' browser Open modals with custom (required) fields Open color picker Get users or a specific user Check if users are admins, moderators, verified, developer or a bot Create your own users with custom profile pictures and user configurations (for bots) Get friends of users Get friend requests Get posts for a specific feed or user Get marketplace or advert posts Get blocked users Send or handle friend requests for an user Pin/unpin posts Like/dislike posts Get feed information, such as feed title, type, owner Create posts and publish them on feeds or users' profiles Get or create conversations between users Send messages to players Mark message status (read/unread), and much more. Hook Access On coupons added or removed On language change On custom nickname update On wallet withdraw On restock On hashtag filter On post created/removed On post viewed/closed On post with audio played/stopped On DM sent, and much more. Type Examples Feed Post Marketplace Listing Story Coupon Transaction User Gif Flipbook Modal Field Licensed Item Gift Card User Configuration User Notification Conversation Direct Message Emoji Friend Request Hashtag Business Card Bot Bot Command Check the documentation for more in-depth examples and what you can do so far in Ruster.NET and Ruster.NET Addons.
  4. The curse of the Pyramid stirs influencers' attention. Get "Seven Wonders" on Codefling now! Synopsis Years ago, national news are on a rampage by the loss of the explorers that have been missing for decades in the Pyramid. Modern day generation brings two influencers motivated by internet clout and sponsorships to make it in the news, doing the unthinkable. Pay attention to the details & easter-eggs. Credits Video by Raul-Sorin Sorban. Map by @Niko. Thanks to @David for starring in the video. Shots
  5. Yes. Most likely.
  6. Please double-check if the item shortname for that lootable's contents is correctly set and it exists. Use this to check.
  7. Do you have ImageLibrary installed?
  8. It's still in development Please bear with me.
  9. Credits Video by Raul-Sorin Sorban. Prefab by Electrik.
  10. Try this: Unload both SL and ImageLibrary Delete ImageLibrary data Make sure ImageLibrary is loaded, if it's loaded: Load in SL Try and see if icons are loading
  11. Are the imgur URLs accessible in the config when requested in your server in a browser?
  12. Added. Releasing in a few hours. It says Paper because it's a paper item with a skin, for testing.
  13. Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed
  14. That's a bit hard to reproduce, but I'll have a look and will double check so no errors will be thrown.
  15. Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  16. Did you modify the config?
  17. Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  18. Can you please give me some more info of when this occurs? Do players interact with a certain container that triggers this?
  19. Raul-Sorin Sorban

    Multiverse 1.0.5

    I've already tested Nexus out and it's ready to go and 100% seamless. It does actually change the server for you and as soon as you're fully connected, you'll be spawned in the event you left the other server from. At the moment you have to manually input the IP and port to connect to the server you've been sent to. As I am not able to automatically type out or execute the connect command for you as of now, you gotta do it yourself. Once you've connected you'll be on the same spot on the Cargo Ship / CH47 where you left of, but on the other server, arriving to the pod where it's going to land with your inventories as you previously had on the other server.
  20. Raul-Sorin Sorban

    Multiverse 1.0.5

    No, as stated in the description, until Nexus is not implemented (which will come out soon), the connection is manual as of now.
  21. Raul-Sorin Sorban

    Multiverse 1.0.5

    By the way, you're not supposed to be at the center of the cargo ship to transfer, as shown in the description, you have to be here:
  22. Raul-Sorin Sorban

    Multiverse 1.0.5

    Working on it as we speak.
  23. I've tried replicating this but didn't manage, my hacks are always completing. Any pointers how I can reproduce your situation?
  24. SkinId and RandomSkins are different. SkinId is just 1 skin (e.g "SkinId": 123456789), RandomSkins is a list of skins (e.g "RandomSkins": [ 12345, 67890, 12342 ]). You must enable UseRandomSkins for RandomSkins to be used for the skin randomisation. Disabling it (which is the default) will only use the one skin, which is SkinId. To get the updated config properties, please install latest StaticLootables version then run save in your console. Open the config file up, and you should find 2 new properties for each content definition. (UseRandomSkins and RandomSkins) Hope this helped.


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