About The Extinguisher
TheExtinguisher gives players with permission the ability to put out fires with snowball's
{ "ShortName -> Items": { //// Spawning snowball and guns into world "crate_elite": [ { "1. ShortName": "snowballgun", "2. Chance": 10.0, "3. Minimal amount": 1, "4. Maximal Amount": 1, "6. Display Name": "SnowballGun" }, { "1. ShortName": "snowball", "2. Chance": 20.0, "3. Minimal amount": 2, "4. Maximal Amount": 10, "6. Display Name": "SnowBall" } ], "crate_normal": [ { "1. ShortName": "snowballgun", "2. Chance": 10.0, "3. Minimal amount": 1, "4. Maximal Amount": 1, "6. Display Name": "SnowballGun" }, { "1. ShortName": "snowball", "2. Chance": 20.0, "3. Minimal amount": 2, "4. Maximal Amount": 10, "6. Display Name": "SnowBall" } ] }, "Max Extra Items Per Container": 1, "Max Shots to Extinguish crates": 25 //// how many snowball to use to open a burning crate }