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Raidable Bases 3.0.2

$40.00 $30.00
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Dead Nasty


would it be possible to add tc's in this?

"Destroy Boxes Clipped Too Far Into Terrain": true,
      "Destroy Turrets Clipped Too Far Into Terrain": true

sometimes bases are clipped and tc breaks with loot lying underground just a hare. 


Posted (edited)

@Dead Nasty

hi, TC is included in the boxes option. that's why it breaks. ill make the loot spawn on the ground instead.

there is an issue with rocky cliffsides but that is fixed in next update

otherwise, anything spawned on normal terrain should have its height increased so it can't clip

      "Option": "height",
      "Value": "1.0"


Edited by nivex


Hi again nivex!
I have some new information about the remaining loot UI that dissapeared for some of the players on my server.
It seems to happend in the middle of the raid randomly when either they destroy the TC or die.
I have been watching them raiding on stream today, but nothing happend this time.
I asked them to watch the UI closely and tell me exactly what they do when it happends..
And if it happends, they will try to use the command to reset the UI and see if it comes back.
We will do some more research tomorrow.




ok, thanks for update


Posted (edited)

There might be something that could interfere with the raid UI......
The placement of the XP bar from SkillTree Plugin. 
Now the Raid UI overlaps the XP bar.

Edited by Hawkhill



you can move the raid ui by clicking the move arrows and put it above the xp bar




Will that effect all players or just me?




just you.

if you want to apply it to all players then type:

/rb setui status



"You have saved the default offsets for the Status UI."
Thanks for the help.

Another thing. In the config, ive set that the corpse loot should be transported outside the raid bubble when players die in raid.
Ive also restricted the bases to spawn on beaches...
Possible to make the corpsebag  spawn on land and not in the water?
Sometimes the bag floats in the water on the opposite side of the base when players respawns in the sleepingbag they have placed on the beach right outside the bubble.





I will change the direction towards the center of the map so that it spawns on the beach, 5 meters from the event.

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Fantastic! Your the best!
I will keep in touch if the UI thingy still happends..... bet there will be some heavy raiding this weekend.
Have a good night.

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Update about the UI thingy..... seems like moving the Raid UI away from the SkillTree XP Bar did the trick....
The 3 players that have been reporting this issue have been raiding like maniacs all night.... no problems at all.
I let you know if it happends again.....

Got another question from the guys.....
The NPCS..... possible to change their behaviour somehow?
Before, they were rushing out when you were destroying the wall.
Now they are running behind the raidbase hiding and poking out to shoot a few shoots at you and hiding again.
Now they are more annoying than difficult.




good to know!

I noticed the same npc behavior. I will note it down to be fixed

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That would be awesome!
Would be great if they were more aggressive and maybe reacts to gunshots / explosions and will come and take you out, instead of being cowards and hide.

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I bet the "Ai Think" behavior changes that Facepunch did a while ago might have something to do with it.
Cause the default scientist npc's have simlar behaviour..... taking cover and hiding.

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ok, I will check it out when I have some time. working on other changes atm

  • Like 1


No rush! Keep up the good work!



The other day, I wrote about frame rate drops during the despawn process of raidable bases.
Currently, even if the number of entities processed during despawn is set to 1, the frame rate still drops.
Could you make it asynchronous so that it doesn't block the main thread?




heya, async is not necessary. frame rate drops are normal and unavoidable. everything in the game uses frames. if you are experiencing drastic drops then that is a server issue. servers operating under normal conditions have no issues with a limit set to 1.



Thank you for your reply.
My server is running on a 7950X3D with almost the latest specs.
Processing bases with over 2000 entities is extremely demanding.
Of course, using bases with fewer entities would solve the issue, but that would compromise the player experience.
I would greatly appreciate it if you could consider implementing load balancing or similar measures.




hi, async would cause server crashes from cross threading. it is not necessary either. spawn and despawn limits exist for load balancing and they work. 

5800X3D handles a spawn and despawn limit of 500 where the FPS never dips below 50. it is a server issue if a 7950X3D cannot handle a despawn limit of 1. 


Posted (edited)

most common cause of server (RUST, not machine) performance issues is server degradation. either from being overloaded, or not being restarted frequently enough. server FPS, memory usage and CPU usage are not reliable indicators of server performance when it is experiencing degradation.

Edited by nivex

Posted (edited)

Hmm, I wonder if this is something only I am experiencing.
I'd like to hear the opinions of other users as well🙂

My server restarts every 12 hours.

Edited by norikazu

Posted (edited)


it is most certainly not limited to you. many server owners push the limits of their server beyond what it is capable of.

  • the majority of modded servers use way too many plugins
  • most plugins are not optimized for performance, or have very little performance in mind
  • servers have excessive entity counts from not using plugins which reduce the entity count, or not using entity limits to slow its impact
  • many servers experience degradation from not being restarted frequently enough because the owner incorrectly relies on FPS, memory usage and CPU usage

need I go on?

you've raised issues, I've stated it is not caused by the plugin, and you continue to push blame. it is not the plugins fault when the glass is overfilled.

7950X3D is not going to experience the issues as you've described them under normal conditions. it is a server issue.

Edited by nivex
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My server has 250,000 entities, so it can be considered a cause.
However, this is not an unusual number for servers running PvE.

I’ve been meticulously optimizing the performance of the plugins on my server by using a profiler and metrics.
Upon closer investigation, I found that the spawn and despawn processes for RaidableBases were putting a heavy load on the server, which is why I commented on it.
However, if you say it’s just due to server degradation, there’s nothing I can say in response.


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