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Raidable Bases 2.9.4

$40.00 $30.00
   (48 reviews)

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ich habe das Problem, das auf einmal alle Basen Grün auf der Karte markiert sind und im Chat als Normale Raidbasen geführt werden. In meiner Admin Konsole steht aber das Expert Basen usw gespawnt worden. Vorher hatte jede Schwierigkeitsstufe eine andere Farbe. Evtl kann mir ja jemand helfen 🙂image.png.a15e96985dfa857abbb6c1604ba46f45.pngimage.thumb.png.e4524ebf1c437a7c823b56151894449a.png

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hi, normal is available in the free version only. so something or someone has installed it. perhaps an auto updater, Rust Server Manager, etc

the plugin should be excluded from auto updates and installed manually by the server owner

you will need to reinstall the package before reinstalling the plugin

the plugin must be downloaded from this site. uMod is the free version

Edited by nivex
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42 minutes ago, copcopekcro said:

Hello ! 
How to add custom places for spawning raid bases ? TY

hi, Spawns Database plugin from uMod

after you save your spawn file you need to add it to Spawns Database File in the RaidableBases config, or in a profile if you want them to be used with specific bases

Edited by nivex
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ive a question.

i do a missconfig on my json file.


I would like to:

1. random spawn bases = pvp
2. buyraid = pve


atm its possible to counter pve bases so pve is pvp atm 😕

i thought i set the value convert pve to pvp = false but thats not the right setting i guess.

 so on my pve raidbase i s et the follwoing setting:

      "Convert PVE To PVP": false,

      "Convert PVP To PVE": true,

so what is wrong here?


  "Settings": {
    "Experimental [* = everything]": {
      "Apply Custom Auto Height To": [],
      "Bunker Bases Or Profiles": [],
      "Multi Foundation Bases Or Profiles": []
    "Raid Management": {
      "Grids To Block Spawns At": [],
      "Block Spawns At Positions": [
          "position": "(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)",
          "radius": 500.0
      "Additional Map Prefabs To Block Spawns At": {
        "test_prefab": 150.0,
        "test_prefab_2": 125.25
      "Eject Mounts": {
        "All Controlled Mounts": false,
        "All Other Mounts": false,
        "Boats": false,
        "Campers": true,
        "Cars (Basic)": false,
        "Cars (Modular)": false,
        "Chinook": false,
        "Flying Carpet": false,
        "Horses": false,
        "HotAirBalloon": true,
        "Jetpacks": true,
        "MiniCopters": false,
        "Pianos": true,
        "Scrap Transport Helicopters": false,
        "Snowmobiles": false
      "Max Amount Of Players Allowed To Enter Each Difficulty (0 = infinite, -1 = none)": {
        "Easy": {
          "Buyable Events": 0,
          "Maintained Events": 0,
          "Manual Events": 0,
          "Scheduled Events": 0
        "Medium": {
          "Buyable Events": 0,
          "Maintained Events": 0,
          "Manual Events": 0,
          "Scheduled Events": 0
        "Hard": {
          "Buyable Events": 0,
          "Maintained Events": 0,
          "Manual Events": 0,
          "Scheduled Events": 0
        "Expert": {
          "Buyable Events": 0,
          "Maintained Events": 0,
          "Manual Events": 0,
          "Scheduled Events": 0
        "Nightmare": {
          "Buyable Events": 0,
          "Maintained Events": 0,
          "Manual Events": 0,
          "Scheduled Events": 0
        "Bypass For PVP Bases": false
      "Max Amount Allowed To Automatically Spawn Per Difficulty (0 = infinite, -1 = disabled)": {
        "Allow Max Amount Increase From Difficulties Disabled On A Specific Day Of The Week": true,
        "Easy": 3,
        "Medium": 3,
        "Hard": 2,
        "Expert": 1,
        "Nightmare": 1
      "Chance To Automatically Spawn Each Difficulty (-1 = ignore)": {
        "Use Cumulative Probability": true,
        "Easy": -1.0,
        "Medium": -1.0,
        "Hard": -1.0,
        "Expert": -1.0,
        "Nightmare": -1.0
      "Player Lockouts (0 = ignore)": {
        "Apply Lockouts To PVE": true,
        "Apply Lockouts To PVP": true,
        "Apply All Lockouts Everytime": false,
        "Time Between Raids In Minutes (Easy)": 0.0,
        "Time Between Raids In Minutes (Medium)": 0.0,
        "Time Between Raids In Minutes (Hard)": 0.0,
        "Time Between Raids In Minutes (Expert)": 0.0,
        "Time Between Raids In Minutes (Nightmare)": 0.0,
        "Block Clans From Owning More Than One Raid": true,
        "Block Friends From Owning More Than One Raid": true,
        "Block Teams From Owning More Than One Raid": true,
        "Block Players From Joining A Clan/Team To Exploit Restrictions": false
      "Easy Raids Can Spawn On": {
        "Monday": true,
        "Tuesday": true,
        "Wednesday": true,
        "Thursday": true,
        "Friday": true,
        "Saturday": true,
        "Sunday": true
      "Medium Raids Can Spawn On": {
        "Monday": true,
        "Tuesday": true,
        "Wednesday": true,
        "Thursday": true,
        "Friday": true,
        "Saturday": true,
        "Sunday": true
      "Hard Raids Can Spawn On": {
        "Monday": true,
        "Tuesday": true,
        "Wednesday": true,
        "Thursday": true,
        "Friday": true,
        "Saturday": true,
        "Sunday": true
      "Expert Raids Can Spawn On": {
        "Monday": true,
        "Tuesday": true,
        "Wednesday": true,
        "Thursday": true,
        "Friday": true,
        "Saturday": true,
        "Sunday": true
      "Nightmare Raids Can Spawn On": {
        "Monday": true,
        "Tuesday": true,
        "Wednesday": true,
        "Thursday": true,
        "Friday": true,
        "Saturday": true,
        "Sunday": true
      "Additional Containers To Include As Boxes": [
      "Difficulty Colors (Border)": {
        "Easy": "000000",
        "Medium": "000000",
        "Hard": "000000",
        "Expert": "000000",
        "Nightmare": "000000"
      "Difficulty Colors (Inner)": {
        "Easy": "00FF00",
        "Medium": "FFEB04",
        "Hard": "FF0000",
        "Expert": "0000FF",
        "Nightmare": "000000"
      "Entities Allowed To Drop Loot": {
        "Auto Turrets": false,
        "Flame Turret": false,
        "Fog Machine": false,
        "Gun Trap": false,
        "SAM Site": false
      "Additional Blocked Colliders": [
      "Allow Teleport": true,
      "Allow Cupboard Loot To Drop": true,
      "Allow Players To Build": true,
      "Allow Players To Use Ladders": true,
      "Allow Players To Upgrade Event Buildings": false,
      "Allow Player Bags To Be Lootable At PVP Bases": true,
      "Allow Player Bags To Be Lootable At PVE Bases": true,
      "Allow Players To Loot Traps": false,
      "Allow Npcs To Target Other Npcs": false,
      "Allow Raid Bases Inland": true,
      "Allow Raid Bases On Beaches": true,
      "Allow Raid Bases On Ice Sheets": false,
      "Allow Raid Bases On Roads": false,
      "Allow Raid Bases On Rivers": true,
      "Allow Raid Bases On Railroads": false,
      "Allow Raid Bases On Building Topology": true,
      "Allow Raid Bases On Monument Topology": false,
      "Amount Of Spawn Position Checks Per Frame (ADVANCED USERS ONLY)": 25,
      "Allow Vending Machines To Broadcast": false,
      "Backpacks Can Be Opened At PVE Bases": true,
      "Backpacks Can Be Opened At PVP Bases": true,
      "Backpacks Drop At PVE Bases": false,
      "Backpacks Drop At PVP Bases": false,
      "Block Npc Kits Plugin": false,
      "Block Helicopter Damage To Bases": false,
      "Block Mounted Damage To Bases And Players": false,
      "Block Mini Collision Damage": false,
      "Block DoubleJump Plugin": true,
      "Block RestoreUponDeath Plugin For PVP Bases": false,
      "Block RestoreUponDeath Plugin For PVE Bases": false,
      "Block LifeSupport Plugin": true,
      "Block Rewards During Server Restart": false,
      "Bypass Lock Treasure To First Attacker For PVE Bases": false,
      "Bypass Lock Treasure To First Attacker For PVP Bases": false,
      "Despawn Spawned Mounts": false,
      "Do Not Destroy Player Built Deployables": true,
      "Do Not Destroy Player Built Structures": true,
      "Divide Rewards Among All Raiders": true,
      "Draw Corpse Time (Seconds)": 300.0,
      "Destroy Boxes Clipped Too Far Into Terrain": true,
      "Destroy Turrets Clipped Too Far Into Terrain": true,
      "Eject Sleepers Before Spawning Base": true,
      "Eject Scavengers When Raid Is Completed": true,
      "Extra Distance To Spawn From Monuments": 0.0,
      "Move Cookables Into Ovens": true,
      "Move Food Into BBQ Or Fridge": true,
      "Blacklist For BBQ And Fridge": [
      "Move Resources Into Tool Cupboard": true,
      "Move Items Into Lockers": true,
      "Lock Treasure To First Attacker": true,
      "Lock Treasure Max Inactive Time (Minutes)": 20.0,
      "Assign Lockout When Lock Treasure Max Inactive Time Expires": false,
      "Lock Players To Raid Base After Entering Zone": false,
      "Only Award First Attacker and Allies": false,
      "Only Award Owner Of Raid": false,
      "Mounts Can Take Damage From Players": false,
      "Player Cupboard Detection Radius": 75.0,
      "Players With PVP Delay Can Damage Anything Inside Zone": true,
      "Players With PVP Delay Can Damage Other Players With PVP Delay Anywhere": false,
      "PVP Delay Between Zone Hopping": 10.0,
      "Prevent Fire From Spreading": true,
      "Prevent Players From Hogging Raids": false,
      "Prevent Fall Damage When Base Despawns": false,
      "Require Cupboard To Be Looted Before Despawning": false,
      "Destroying The Cupboard Completes The Raid": false,
      "Require All Bases To Spawn Before Respawning An Existing Base": true,
      "Turn Lights On At Night": true,
      "Turn Lights On Indefinitely": false,
      "Turn Lights On Bypasses NightLantern": false,
      "Traps And Turrets Ignore Users Using NOCLIP": false,
      "Use Random Codes On Code Locks": true,
      "Wait To Start Despawn Timer When Base Takes Damage From Player": false,
      "Maximum Water Depth For All Npcs": 3.0,
      "Minutes Until Despawn After Looting (min: 1)": 15,
      "Minutes Until Despawn After Looting Resets When Damaged": false,
      "Minutes Until Despawn After Inactive (0 = disabled)": 20,
      "Minutes Until Despawn After Inactive Resets When Damaged": true
    "Map Markers": {
      "Marker Name": "Raidable Base Event",
      "Radius": 0.25,
      "Radius (Map Size 3600 Or Less)": 0.25,
      "Use Vending Map Marker": true,
      "Show Owners Name on Map Marker": true,
      "Use Explosion Map Marker": false,
      "Create Markers For Buyable Events": true,
      "Create Markers For Maintained Events": true,
      "Create Markers For Scheduled Events": true,
      "Create Markers For Manual Events": true
    "Buyable Events": {
      "Max Amount Purchasable Per Difficulty (0 = infinite, -1 = disabled)": {
        "Easy": 0,
        "Medium": 0,
        "Hard": 0,
        "Expert": 0,
        "Nightmare": 0
      "Cooldowns (0 = No Cooldown)": {
        "Reset Cooldown Costs": {
          "Custom Currency": {
            "Enabled": false,
            "Item Shortname": "scrap",
            "Item Name": null,
            "Amount": 0,
            "Skin": 0
          "Economics Money": 0.0,
          "ServerRewards Points": 0
        "Easy": {
          "VIP Permission: raidablebases.vipcooldown": 60.0,
          "Admin Permission: raidablebases.allow": 0.0,
          "Server Admins": 0.0,
          "Normal Users": 60.0
        "Medium": {
          "VIP Permission: raidablebases.vipcooldown": 60.0,
          "Admin Permission: raidablebases.allow": 0.0,
          "Server Admins": 0.0,
          "Normal Users": 60.0
        "Hard": {
          "VIP Permission: raidablebases.vipcooldown": 60.0,
          "Admin Permission: raidablebases.allow": 0.0,
          "Server Admins": 0.0,
          "Normal Users": 60.0
        "Expert": {
          "VIP Permission: raidablebases.vipcooldown": 60.0,
          "Admin Permission: raidablebases.allow": 0.0,
          "Server Admins": 0.0,
          "Normal Users": 60.0
        "Nightmare": {
          "VIP Permission: raidablebases.vipcooldown": 60.0,
          "Admin Permission: raidablebases.allow": 0.0,
          "Server Admins": 0.0,
          "Normal Users": 60.0
        "Apply Cooldown To Entire Clan And Team": false,
        "Apply All Cooldowns": false
      "Refunds": {
        "Refund Despawned Bases": true,
        "Base Becomes Ineligible For Rewards On Despawn": true,
        "Block Refund If Base Is Damaged": true,
        "Block Despawn If Base Is Damaged": true,
        "Block Despawn If Anything Is Looted": true,
        "Refund Percentage": 75.0,
        "Refund Resets Cooldown Timer": false
      "Allow Players To Spawn Specified Base Files": false,
      "Allow Players To Buy PVP Raids": true,
      "Allow Ally With Lockouts To Enter": true,
      "Lock Raid To Buyer And Friends": true,
      "Max Buyable Events": 20,
      "Reset Purchased Owner After X Minutes Offline": 20.0,
      "Use Permission (raidablebases.buyraid)": false,
      "Spawn At Closest Position From Player": true,
      "Convert PVE To PVP": false,
      "Convert PVP To PVE": true,
      "Ignore Safe Checks": false,
      "Ignore Safe Checks In X Radius Only": 0.0,
      "Ignore Player Entities At Custom Spawn Locations": false,
      "Spawn Bases X Distance Apart": 150.0,
      "Spawns Database File (Optional)": "none"
    "Maintained Events": {
      "Always Maintain Max Events": true,
      "Max Maintained Events": 15,
      "Chance To Randomly Spawn PVP Bases (0 = Ignore Setting)": 0.0,
      "Include PVE Bases": true,
      "Include PVP Bases": true,
      "Minimum Required Players Online": 1,
      "Maximum Limit Of Players Online": 300,
      "Time To Wait Between Spawns": 15.0,
      "Convert PVE To PVP": true,
      "Convert PVP To PVE": false,
      "Ignore Safe Checks": false,
      "Ignore Safe Checks In X Radius Only": 0.0,
      "Ignore Player Entities At Custom Spawn Locations": false,
      "Spawn Bases X Distance Apart": 100.0,
      "Spawns Database File (Optional)": "none"
    "Manual Events": {
      "Convert PVE To PVP": true,
      "Convert PVP To PVE": false,
      "Max Manual Events": 10,
      "Spawns Database File (Optional)": "none"
    "Scheduled Events": {
      "Enabled": true,
      "Every Min Seconds": 600.0,
      "Every Max Seconds": 1200.0,
      "Max Scheduled Events": 10,
      "Max To Spawn At Once (0 = Use Max Scheduled Events Amount)": 0,
      "Chance To Randomly Spawn PVP Bases (0 = Ignore Setting)": 0.0,
      "Include PVE Bases": true,
      "Include PVP Bases": true,
      "Minimum Required Players Online": 1,
      "Maximum Limit Of Players Online": 300,
      "Time To Wait Between Spawns": 15.0,
      "Convert PVE To PVP": false,
      "Convert PVP To PVE": false,
      "Ignore Safe Checks": false,
      "Ignore Safe Checks In X Radius Only": 0.0,
      "Ignore Player Entities At Custom Spawn Locations": false,
      "Spawn Bases X Distance Apart": 100.0,
      "Spawns Database File (Optional)": "none"
    "Allowed Zone Manager Zones": [
    "Buyable Event Costs": {
      "Require Custom Costs": true,
      "Require Economics Costs": false,
      "Require Server Rewards Costs": false
    "Economics Buy Raid Costs (0 = disabled)": {
      "Easy": 250.0,
      "Medium": 500.0,
      "Hard": 1000.0,
      "Expert": 1500.0,
      "Nightmare": 2000.0
    "ServerRewards Buy Raid Costs (0 = disabled)": {
      "Easy": 500,
      "Medium": 750,
      "Hard": 1500,
      "Expert": 2000,
      "Nightmare": 3000
    "Custom Buy Raid Cost": {
      "Easy": [
          "Enabled": true,
          "Item Shortname": "scrap",
          "Item Name": null,
          "Amount": 250,
          "Skin": 0
      "Medium": [
          "Enabled": true,
          "Item Shortname": "scrap",
          "Item Name": null,
          "Amount": 500,
          "Skin": 0
      "Hard": [
          "Enabled": true,
          "Item Shortname": "scrap",
          "Item Name": null,
          "Amount": 1000,
          "Skin": 0
      "Expert": [
          "Enabled": true,
          "Item Shortname": "scrap",
          "Item Name": null,
          "Amount": 1500,
          "Skin": 0
      "Nightmare": [
          "Enabled": true,
          "Item Shortname": "scrap",
          "Item Name": null,
          "Amount": 2000,
          "Skin": 0
    "Use Grid Locations In Allowed Zone Manager Zones Only": false,
    "Extended Distance To Spawn Away From Zone Manager Zones": 25.0,
    "Blacklisted Commands (PVE)": [
    "Blacklisted Commands (PVP)": [
    "Automatically Teleport Admins To Their Map Marker Positions": true,
    "Automatically Destroy Markers That Admins Teleport To": false,
    "Block Archery Plugin At PVE Events": false,
    "Block Archery Plugin At PVP Events": false,
    "Block Wizardry Plugin At PVE Events": false,
    "Block Wizardry Plugin At PVP Events": false,
    "Chat Steam64ID": 0,
    "Expansion Mode (Dangerous Treasures)": false,
    "Remove Admins From Raiders List": false,
    "Show X Z Coordinates": false,
    "Buy Raid Command": "buyraid",
    "Event Command": "rbe",
    "Hunter Command": "rb",
    "Server Console Command": "rbevent"
  "Event Messages": {
    "Ineligible For Rewards": {
      "Flying": false,
      "Vanished": false,
      "Inactive": true,
      "Not An Ally": true,
      "Not The Owner": true,
      "Not A Participant": true,
      "Remove Admins From Raiders List": false
    "Announce Raid Unlocked": false,
    "Announce Buy Base Messages": false,
    "Announce Thief Message": false,
    "Announce PVE/PVP Enter/Exit Messages": true,
    "Show Destroy Warning": false,
    "Show Opened Message For PVE Bases": false,
    "Show Opened Message For PVP Bases": false,
    "Show Opened Message For Paid Bases": false,
    "Show Prefix": true,
    "Notify Plugin - Type (-1 = disabled)": 0,
    "Notification Interval": 1.0,
    "Send Messages To Player": true,
    "Save Thieves To Log File": false
  "GUIAnnouncements": {
    "Enabled": false,
    "Banner Tint Color": "Grey",
    "Maximum Distance": 300.0,
    "Text Color": "White"
  "Ranked Ladder": {
    "Award Top X Players On Wipe": 3,
    "Enabled": true,
    "Show Top X Ladder": 10,
    "Assign Rank After X Completions": {
      "Assign To Owner Of Raid Only": false,
      "Easy": 15,
      "Medium": 10,
      "Hard": 5,
      "Expert": 3,
      "Nightmare": 1
    "Difficulty Points": {
      "Assign To Owner Of Raid Only": false,
      "Easy": 1,
      "Medium": 2,
      "Hard": 3,
      "Expert": 4,
      "Nightmare": 5
  "Skins": {
    "Boxes": {
      "Include Workshop Skins": true,
      "Preset Skin": 0,
      "Use Random Skin": true
    "Loot Items": {
      "Include Workshop Skins": true,
      "Use Random Skin": true,
      "Use Imported Workshop Skins File": false
    "Deployables": {
      "Partial Names": [
      "Preset Door Skins": [],
      "Include Workshop Skins": true,
      "Use Random Skin": true,
      "Skin Everything": true
    "Randomize Npc Item Skins": true,
    "Use Identical Skins For All Npcs": true,
    "Ignore If Skinned Already": true
  "Treasure": {
    "Resources Not Moved To Cupboards": [
    "Use Day Of Week Loot": false,
    "Do Not Duplicate Base Loot": false,
    "Do Not Duplicate Difficulty Loot": false,
    "Do Not Duplicate Default Loot": false,
    "Use Stack Size Limit For Spawning Items": false
  "UI": {
    "Advanced Alerts UI": {
      "Enabled": true,
      "Anchor Min": "0.35 0.85",
      "Anchor Max": "0.65 0.95",
      "Time Shown": 5.0,
      "Title Background Color": "#000000"
    "Buyable Events UI": {
      "Enabled": true,
      "Offset Min": "-34.159 86.718",
      "Offset Max": "179.959 254.682",
      "Panel Alpha": 0.98,
      "Cursor Enabled": false,
      "Background Color": "#252121",
      "Title Background Color": "#000000",
      "Button Alpha": 1.0,
      "X Text Color": "#FFFFFF",
      "Font Size": 14,
      "Use Contrast Colors For Text Color": true,
      "Use Difficulty Colors For Buttons": true,
      "X Button Color": "#497CAF",
      "Easy Button Color": "#497CAF",
      "Easy Text Color": "#FFFFFF",
      "Medium Button Color": "#497CAF",
      "Medium Text Color": "#FFFFFF",
      "Hard Button Color": "#497CAF",
      "Hard Text Color": "#FFFFFF",
      "Expert Button Color": "#497CAF",
      "Expert Text Color": "#FFFFFF",
      "Nightmare Button Color": "#497CAF",
      "Nightmare Text Color": "#FFFFFF"
    "Buyable Cooldowns UI": {
      "Enabled": true,
      "Offset Min": "-117.966 -77.055",
      "Offset Max": "-17.834 -33.74",
      "Panel Alpha": 0.98,
      "Background Color": "#242020",
      "Title Text Color": "#FFFFFF",
      "Title Embed Color": "#242020",
      "Title Panel Color": "#000000"
    "Delay UI": {
      "Enabled": true,
      "Offset Min": "-34.488 87.056",
      "Offset Max": "179.631 124.804",
      "Font Size": 14,
      "Panel Alpha": 0.98,
      "Text Color": "#FF0000",
      "Background Color": "#252121",
      "Title Background Color": "#000000"
    "Lockouts UI": {
      "Enabled": true,
      "Offset Min": "-117.966 -149.658",
      "Offset Max": "-17.834 -106.342",
      "Panel Alpha": 0.98,
      "Background Color": "#242020",
      "Title Text Color": "#FFFFFF",
      "Title Embed Color": "#242020",
      "Title Panel Color": "#000000"
    "Status UI": {
      "Font Size": 12,
      "Panel Color": "#252121",
      "PVP Color": "#FF0000",
      "PVE Color": "#008000",
      "Show Loot Left": true,
      "Enabled": true,
      "Offset Min": "191.957 17.056",
      "Offset Max": "327.626 79.024",
      "Panel Alpha": 0.98,
      "Background Color": "#252121",
      "Title Background Color": "#000000",
      "No Owner Color": "#FFFFFF",
      "Negative Color": "#FF0000",
      "Positive Color": "#008000"
  "Weapons": {
    "Infinite Ammo": {
      "AutoTurret": true,
      "FlameTurret": true,
      "FogMachine": true,
      "GunTrap": true,
      "SamSite": true
    "Ammo": {
      "AutoTurret": 256,
      "FlameTurret": 256,
      "FogMachine": 5,
      "GunTrap": 128,
      "SamSite": 24
    "Fog Machine Allows Motion Toggle": true,
    "Fog Machine Requires A Power Source": true,
    "SamSite Repairs Every X Minutes (0.0 = disabled)": 5.0,
    "SamSite Range (350.0 = Rust default)": 75.0,
    "SamSite Requires Power Source": false,
    "Spooky Speakers Requires Power Source": false,
    "Test Generator Power": 100.0
  "Log Debug To File": false



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4 hours ago, m3dus4 said:



ive a question.

i do a missconfig on my json file.


I would like to:

1. random spawn bases = pvp
2. buyraid = pve


atm its possible to counter pve bases so pve is pvp atm 😕

i thought i set the value convert pve to pvp = false but thats not the right setting i guess.

 so on my pve raidbase i s et the follwoing setting:

      "Convert PVE To PVP": false,

      "Convert PVP To PVE": true,

so what is wrong here?

that config won't spawn PVP for buyable events unless you type /buyraid 0 pvp


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45 minutes ago, m3dus4 said:

oh ok.

some guys told me they can shoot from outside the zone and hurt the ppl inside.



Plenty of settings inside the config, you can complete remove the dome and allow NPC to chase outside of the  zone etc. Make sure something isn't set incorrectly, settings to also turn pve or pvp zones inside the config too,


Edited by Sjd6795
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hmm checked everything agaion and cant see any logic why other palyer can shoot outside freom a pve buyraid 😕

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2.7.4 released

Requires Rust update

lots of notes so please read them thoroughly and let me know if you have issues

enjoy ❤️


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I bought this is January as bundle but now it seems like that bundle has been removed for the store so now I have lost access to updates. I can verify all purchase info. Has this happened to anyone else?


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3 minutes ago, 0athbound said:

I bought this is January as bundle but now it seems like that bundle has been removed for the store so now I have lost access to updates. I can verify all purchase info. Has this happened to anyone else?


They had issues this morning with checkout and it seems to have affected other things. Go to purchases, purchases then manage and you should be able to see a download button from there. If not, just wait for Code Fling to be fixed tonight. 

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4 minutes ago, Rendon said:

They had issues this morning with checkout and it seems to have affected other things. Go to purchases, purchases then manage and you should be able to see a download button from there. If not, just wait for Code Fling to be fixed tonight. 

That was the first place I checked when I realized I couldn't download the update and it is completely removed from my purchases but I can see it in my order history, although if I click the bundle I bought it doesn't exist any more. I hope they fix this soon in case the plugin breaks on wipe.

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did you get it sorted? I see you downloaded it

the bundle is still available btw

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5 minutes ago, nivex said:


did you get it sorted? I see you downloaded it

the bundle is still available btw

Something was just messed up with the store. I checked back an hour later and everything was back. Thanks for the response.

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@nivex I use the cashr revive button plugin, which was working normally until today's update. A player reported to me that when they die and revive, they are being thrown out of the dome. This happened when they died on the second floor and on the roof of a base. The issue doesn't occur on the ground floor.

Is there any option responsible for causing this, or could it be a problem?

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12 hours ago, nivex said:


if Allow Teleport is false then it will eject them when they revive


Another issue with this: "ixed issue with owner being prematurely reset when disconnected" I think the change in this is causing a problem because a player just reported to me that they took flyhack on a ladder (this is happening a lot in this forced wipe), and when they returned, the raid interface no longer appears, and they can't deal damage, place ladders, or anything else, even after leaving and re-entering the base. Their base was purchased using /buyraid.

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it won't cause the flyhack, and I can check the ownership still being lost. there is nothing that resets the owner in that order though.

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48 minutes ago, nivex said:


it won't cause the flyhack, and I can check the ownership still being lost. there is nothing that resets the owner in that order though.

I'm not saying that this is causing the flyhack, it's the Facepunch update that is. The issue is that the player is losing the purchased raid(/buyraid) due to the disconnect caused by the flyhack.


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I am having this error upon latest update. I have tried to delete the config and reload the plugin but it doesnt work.

Error while compiling RaidableBases: Newline in constant | Line: 17812, Pos: 47

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2 minutes ago, salientKill said:

I am having this error upon latest update. I have tried to delete the config and reload the plugin but it doesnt work.

Error while compiling RaidableBases: Newline in constant | Line: 17812, Pos: 47

you need to update oxide or something. that error is not accurate

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