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Raidable Bases 2.9.2

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Having an issue with RB. I cant seem to get arena walls to spawn. 

 "Arena Walls": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Stacks": 2,
    "Ignore Stack Limit When Clipping Terrain": true,
    "Use Stone Walls": true,
    "Use Iced Walls": false,
    "Use Least Amount Of Walls": false,
    "Use UFO Walls": false,
    "Radius": 65.0

this is the section from my config. Ive seen other servers with walls spawning and they used to spawn for us but they havent been for a couple wipes for now. not sure what im doing wrong or if its a setting in another section that i need to change.v

Edited by aussie4life
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19 minutes ago, aussie4life said:

Having an issue with RB. I cant seem to get arena walls to spawn. 

 "Arena Walls": {
    "Enabled": false,
    "Stacks": 2,
    "Ignore Stack Limit When Clipping Terrain": true,
    "Use Stone Walls": true,
    "Use Iced Walls": false,
    "Use Least Amount Of Walls": false,
    "Use UFO Walls": false,
    "Radius": 65.0

this is the section from my config. Ive seen other servers with walls spawning and they used to spawn for us but they havent been for a couple wipes for now. not sure what im doing wrong or if its a setting in another section that i need to change.v

 "Arena Walls": {
    "Enabled": false, <-- Should be True

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4 hours ago, Rendon said:

 "Arena Walls": {
    "Enabled": false, <-- Should be True

yeah sorry. its been true the whole time. ive just been changing settings to see if it made a difference. must have copied the text when i changed that. 


even with it set true, no walls spawn.


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17 minutes ago, aussie4life said:

yeah sorry. its been true the whole time. ive just been changing settings to see if it made a difference. must have copied the text when i changed that. 


even with it set true, no walls spawn.


the default is

  "Arena Walls": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Stacks": 1,
    "Ignore Stack Limit When Clipping Terrain": true,
    "Use Stone Walls": true,
    "Use Iced Walls": false,
    "Use Least Amount Of Walls": true,
    "Use UFO Walls": false,
    "Radius": 25.0


a radius of 65 seems huge

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its either disabled, theres an error, or you have a plugin deleting them

i tested with 65.0 and it spawns fine, though it should not have a radius higher than the protection radius - 5, or 45.0

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38 minutes ago, nivex said:


its either disabled, theres an error, or you have a plugin deleting them

i tested with 65.0 and it spawns fine, though it should not have a radius higher than the protection radius - 5, or 45.0

well ive made some progress. ive gotten the walls to spawn but theyre up in the air like 4 layers high. nothing below it. are there any known plugins that conflict with it?


EDIT: https://imgur.com/a/FFjvu4v this is what ive got so far. this was just with a radius of 10. i cant figure out why theyre spawning in the air

Edited by aussie4life
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"Arena Walls": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Stacks": 1,
    "Ignore Stack Limit When Clipping Terrain": true,
    "Use Stone Walls": true,
    "Use Iced Walls": false,
    "Use Least Amount Of Walls": false,
    "Use UFO Walls": false,
    "Radius": 25



I got no wall after change the "Force All Bases To Spawn At Height Level (0 = Water)": 0, and  "Option": "autoheight",
      "Value": "true"

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changed the "Force All Bases To Spawn At Height Level (0 = Water)": 0,  to -1 and wall is back lol



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Sometimes the arena walls wont despawn when the raidbase despawns.....
Anything i can do to fix?

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2 hours ago, byond1991 said:

changed the "Force All Bases To Spawn At Height Level (0 = Water)": 0,  to -1 and wall is back lol



you sir/madam/other are a genius. changed it to -1 and it worked. i originally changed it to 0 or 1 because we didnt want the bases spawning inland. only coastal. because when they spawned in inland, they were spawning half in the air and people were able to rocket the foundys from under. any suggestions as to what i can do besides changing "Force All Bases To Spawn At Height Level (0 = Water)": 0 to 1?


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4 minutes ago, Aussie4life said:

you sir/madam/other are a genius. changed it to -1 and it worked. i originally changed it to 0 or 1 because we didnt want the bases spawning inland. only coastal. because when they spawned in inland, they were spawning half in the air and people were able to rocket the foundys from under. any suggestions as to what i can do besides changing "Force All Bases To Spawn At Height Level (0 = Water)": 0 to 1?



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yeah i did try those settings before messing with the force spawn value. didnt seem to help but will try again. thanks again, muchly appreciated

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when a raid ends the entities despawn in the order of walls, blocks and then deployables last. they're all in the same list, so if the walls don't despawn then the base won't either. this means that the kill messages were sent to those walls, because your base despawned afterwards.

its unknown why this happened. any number of things can break it such as bad server performance, other plugins blocking the kill, the server canceling the invokes, oxide throwing errors, etc. i would need more information.

i suspect its an oxide issue as i have seen IOCore exceptions being thrown from OnEntityKill which can't happen unless oxide is bugged or another plugin is bugging out oxide. this was from one other report. other than that i've heard nothing else about this, and that one was bases not walls.



bases won't float unless you've modified a autoheight or height setting, or if the base was not copied properly to begin with. many other packages did not copy the bases properly. my packages were all copied at 1.5 meters so they will paste as intended

Edited by nivex
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Was noclipping around the map earlier and found 3  places with only  a ring of external walls....
No dome, no base inside....

Gonna try to replace oxide with carbon soon..... can see if that makes any difference.

Thx for answer

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oh I'm not doubting that you saw walls, but you're certain there was a raid base there beforehand? I mean I know the walls were definitely there, but sometimes annoying questions need to be asked to be sure. just like a tech that asks you, "is it plugged in?" "did you turn it on?" "is the issue between the keyboard and chair?"



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Yep... 100% sure..... perfect made circle  and stacked.... and yep.... server is plugged in 🤣

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Anyone having issues with 2.7?  Server crashes after attempting to spawn a couple of bases.  Someone in the Lone Wolf discord has the same issue.   Upon disabling the plugin, the server is normal.   

Heres the specific log entry related:

You've successfully pasted the structure 
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

  at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Component.get_transform(UnityEngine.Component)
  at MissionPoint.DropToGround () [0x00023] in <bb8c566a420f442c982c04bfa383880a>:0 
  at InvokeHandlerBase`1[T].DoTick () [0x00109] in <b6161a43c79d48e2a41b6055d260ad81>:0 
  at InvokeHandlerBase`1[T].LateUpdate () [0x0000c] in <b6161a43c79d48e2a41b6055d260ad81>:0 
(Filename: <bb8c566a420f442c982c04bfa383880a> Line: 0)

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Hello, everytime i tried to download the new update (2.7.0) it  download the 2.6.9 version and throws this error: Error while compiling: RaidableBases.cs(3690,22): error CS0310: The type `System.Collections.Generic.ICollection' must have a public parameterless constructor in order to use it as parameter `T' in the generic type or method `Facepunch.Pool.Free(ref T)'.   i need help please.

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2 minutes ago, Bellotta said:

Hello, everytime i tried to download the new update (2.7.0) it  download the 2.6.9 version and throws this error: Error while compiling: RaidableBases.cs(3690,22): error CS0310: The type `System.Collections.Generic.ICollection' must have a public parameterless constructor in order to use it as parameter `T' in the generic type or method `Facepunch.Pool.Free(ref T)'.   i need help please.

you made a mistake somewhere, I downloaded 2.7.0 and everything works fine .. check

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Destroying The Cupboard Completes The Raid is a little buggy in 2.7.0

your players just need to loot or destroy a box after destroying the TC to get around this issue until its fixed

I changed the check to end the raid to only check when something is looted or destroyed, rather than every second. this helps performance a tad bit. unfortunately i didn't account for the entity not being destroyed in the same frame so it does not work properly atm. it is fixed in next update

I've looked into the reported performance issues and do not see any changes that would cause this. I have this running on quite a few servers with no issue aside from the above TC bug. I suggest updating your servers to revert the Facepunch pool changes and see if that resolves the issue for you.

if you're having performance issues when the base is pasting via CopyPaste but not afterwards then you need to reduce the paste batch limit in CopyPaste config from its default of 15 to 3-5. this is not a plugin issue if it continues to happen after making this config change. though this issue may have been fixed by the forced update.

Edited by nivex
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