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Raidable Bases 3.0.2

$40.00 $30.00
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I'm using Zone Manager, can I run "zonemanager.ignoreflag.noturrettargeting" only in the event area?

I want the turrets to work only for Raidable Bases.


Posted (edited)

9 hours ago, Killeroox said:

Thx for your time


"Allow Players To Buy PVP Raids": false,

this should be true since you have enabled Convert PVP To PVE. it's going to convert it to PVE.

otherwise the only time you'd want to block PVP raid purchases is when you have profiles with Allow PVP true and false, which would allow you to have profiles specific to buyable events (PVE), and profiles which are specific to maintained events (PVP). but that is a more advanced option, and isn't necessary when all of your profiles have Allow PVP set to true. when all are set to true you can just use the Convert PVE To PVP and Convert PVP To PVE options instead.

Edited by nivex
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Posted (edited)

5 hours ago, K9N_Twitch said:

I'm using Zone Manager, can I run "zonemanager.ignoreflag.noturrettargeting" only in the event area?

I want the turrets to work only for Raidable Bases.

sorry, I don't know what that is. you shouldn't set these type of flags in a zone with zone manager. truepve can handle damage / targeting, so set it there, and raid bases will override that behavior to allow it inside of its zones. raid bases zones are not related to zone manager zones. they're entirely different


Edited by nivex


Sorry my English is not very good.
We are using Zone Manager and have disabled turrets in Zone Manager zones.
If Raidable Bases are created within Zone Manager's zone, the turrets are disabled by Zone Manager.
I would be happy if Zone Manager could remain enabled and enable the turrets within the event area of Raidable Bases.


Posted (edited)

3 minutes ago, K9N_Twitch said:

Sorry my English is not very good.
We are using Zone Manager and have disabled turrets in Zone Manager zones.
If Raidable Bases are created within Zone Manager's zone, the turrets are disabled by Zone Manager.
I would be happy if Zone Manager could remain enabled and enable the turrets within the event area of Raidable Bases.

remove turret flag from zone manager. it is not compatible with raid bases

truepve plugin can use TurretsIgnorePlayers flag instead

raidable bases will enable turrets regardless

if you do not use truepve plugin then this will not work. the zone manager plugin does not provide override for this

Edited by nivex


1 minute ago, nivex said:

ゾーン マネージャからタレット フラグを削除します。レイドベースとは互換性がありません

truepve プラグインは、代わりに TurretsIgnorePlayers フラグを使用できます


Thanks for the reply.
I really needed Zone Manager so I give up.
Thank you very much.

Texas Rust Server


1 hour ago, K9N_Twitch said:

Thanks for the reply.
I really needed Zone Manager so I give up.
Thank you very much.

Are you trying to spawn a raidable base within a zone? If not then there is no need to worry about flags. If you are, I would reconsider spawning them outside of whatever zone you have created. Zone Manager's purpose is create a unique zone, not to cover a whole map. I'd hate for you to give up on it. Only trying to help but can you clarify what you are using zone manager for? I'm using it and have no problems with raidable bases.



18 hours ago, Rendon said:

ゾーン内に襲撃可能な基地を出現させようとしていますか? そうでない場合は、フラグについて心配する必要はありません。もしそうなら、私はあなたが作成したゾーンの外でそれらをスポーンすることを再考します. ゾーン マネージャーの目的は、マップ全体をカバーすることではなく、独自のゾーンを作成することです。あきらめてはもったいないです。助けようとしているだけですが、ゾーンマネージャーを何のために使用しているのか明確にできますか? 私はそれを使用しており、襲撃可能な基地に問題はありません。

A portion of the zone is set up as a PvE zone in Zone Manager to prevent turrets from attacking players in the PvE zone.
Therefore, if Raidable Bases are generated in the zone, the turrets of Raidable Bases will not assault the player.
I would be happy if only Raidable Bases could turret the player.

Texas Rust Server


4 hours ago, K9N_Twitch said:

A portion of the zone is set up as a PvE zone in Zone Manager to prevent turrets from attacking players in the PvE zone.
Therefore, if Raidable Bases are generated in the zone, the turrets of Raidable Bases will not assault the player.
I would be happy if only Raidable Bases could turret the player.

Okay. I understand a little better how you might be using it but . Try adjusting this line in the config file so it does not spawn within a zone "Extended Distance To Spawn Away From Zone Manager Zones": 100.0," It's on line 451 of the Config. It came at 100 default so maybe you adjusted it when you set it up?

Second. I don't know if you are a PVP or PVE server. But if you are a full PVE server and don't want turrets to shoot other players, you could use PVE Turrets. It tells you how to setup with Raidable Bases and will prevent you having to use zones for this.

Last, I find it hard to believe a Raidable base spawned within one of your zones. It's unlikely unless you have a huge zone and adjusted the config I mentioned before. If you are just assuming this might happen and haven't seen it happen. Please let me know. Thanks!




2 hours ago, Rendon said:

わかった。私はあなたがそれをどのように使用しているのかを少しよく理解していますが. ゾーン内でスポーンしないように設定ファイルのこの行を調整してみてください。あなたはそれを設定しましたか?

2番。あなたが PVP サーバーなのか PVE サーバーなのかわかりません。しかし、あなたが完全な PVE サーバーで、タレットが他のプレイヤーを撃ちたくない場合は、PVE タレットを使用できます。Raidable Bases をセットアップする方法が説明されており、このためにゾーンを使用する必要がなくなります。

最後に、レイド可能な基地があなたのゾーンの 1 つに出現したとは信じがたいです。巨大なゾーンがあり、前に述べた構成を調整しない限り、それはありそうにありません。これが起こるかもしれないと仮定しているだけで、それが起こるのを見たことがない場合。私にお知らせください。ありがとう!


My server has both PvP and PvE areas.
The two types of players play together on one server.

I wanted to generate it in the zone I have set up in the PvE area.
But I understand and it's ok.
Thanks also for the great plugin introduction.


Posted (edited)

there is a bug with raid bases still spawning in zone manager zones that use a radius. fix one bug and create another! yay 😛

it does work properly if using a size though

/zone size "100 100 100" where 100 is the radius you want to use

you can of course set different numbers and it will draw on your screen the box it will use. make sure this box touches the ground at every point of contact, or you will have bases spawning under it still!

Edited by nivex
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Posted (edited)

On 3/29/2023 at 8:44 AM, nivex said:

there is a bug with raid bases still spawning in zone manager zones that use a radius. fix one bug and create another! yay 😛

it does work properly if using a size though

/zone size "100 100 100" where 100 is the radius you want to use

you can of course set different numbers and it will draw on your screen the box it will use. make sure this box touches the ground at every point of contact, or you will have bases spawning under it still!

Hi, that means rectangle box zones will currently work? Does it work if i set the z coordinate to a negative value, where all corners of the cube definetely  are in underground? Additional question, do i have to set the previously used radius of the sphere to zero?
YES, YES, YES! It now works with rectangled zones!!  TNX!! 😘 
I keep my fingers crossed that the sphere zones will be running again soon. They are easier to handle 😉

Screenshot 2023-03-30 111625.jpg

Edited by Dr.D.Bug



the radius is fixed by changing

if (size is Vector3)


if (size is Vector3 && !size.Equals(Vector3.zero)

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Posted (edited)

Hey Nivex I was wondering what the Min and Max would be to move the UI box to here, I'm confused on the numbers, and have given up on trying to figure out the confusing numbers.. Thanks


Edited by TwoShoes
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11 hours ago, nivex said:


the radius is fixed by changing

if (size is Vector3)


if (size is Vector3 && !size.Equals(Vector3.zero)

But certainly only in the next version, right?

Will it then also be possible again to automatically remove the structures built by players within the dome?

➡️  "Do Not Destroy Player Built Structures": false,



55 minutes ago, TwoShoes said:

Hey Nivex I was wondering what the Min and Max would be to move the UI box to here, I'm confused on the numbers, and have given up on trying to figure out the confusing numbers.. Thanks


You can move the dialog by klicking on the arrow next to PVE. By clicking several times you can move the dialog to where you want it to be. To activate the clickable arrow for example just press t for chat.

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30 minutes ago, Dr.D.Bug said:

You can move the dialog by klicking on the arrow next to PVE. By clicking several times you can move the dialog to where you want it to be. To activate the clickable arrow for example just press t for chat.

Cool I'll try that now thanks



36 minutes ago, Dr.D.Bug said:

You can move the dialog by klicking on the arrow next to PVE. By clicking several times you can move the dialog to where you want it to be. To activate the clickable arrow for example just press t for chat.

So does this move this for everyone or just me?



as far as i know for each player individual

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5 hours ago, Dr.D.Bug said:

as far as i know for each player individual

Thank you for the help 

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Is there a setting for raidbase, that player can foundation raid? like when wipe out foundations, base collapse?


Posted (edited)


yes that is also fixed. I posted about this some time back and included instructions for the fix in my post too if you want to use the fix now. the rust update is going to break the plugin so I will wait to release until then, or perhaps the night before as I sometimes do.


if you want to change all positions by default then you can set them in the config

set your own positions in game, unload the plugin, open oxide/data/RaidableBasesUI.json and copy the settings from your own offsets that you just created into the config into the relevant UI for each. save and reload plugin. then everyone will start with your defaults, but they will still be able to move it to where they want it afterwards.


use the stability paste option in each of the profiles, oxide/data/RaidableBases/Profiles/

if you do not have stability option then add it as seen below to each base that you want to change stability on.

i will add command rb.config stability true and rb.config stability false in next update so you can do this for all profiles with ease

    "raideasy1": [
        "Option": "stability",
        "Value": "true"
        "Option": "autoheight",
        "Value": "false"
        "Option": "height",
        "Value": "1.0"


Edited by nivex
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thank you so much!

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Bro you are the freakin man.. Thank you

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np, update is done but the forced Rust update will break the plugin so I will wait until then to release for any last minute changes of theirs that could break my new fixes.


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