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Raidable Bases 2.9.2

$40.00 $30.00
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Having sudden issues with the bases spawning without foundations. I noticed that a corner of this base was attached to land and then floated out over water. Is there a setting I need to change to ensure it "seats" fully on land? Thanks 

floating raid base.jpg

Raid No Foundations.jpg

Edited by RoxyGal
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I don't know if it has to do with the plugin but some players had already reported it to me and now it happened to me, sometimes when you die inside the base by explosion the body disappears..

I think that due to the explosion the body is thrown into a wall, I don't know, would that be possible @nivex?

Edited by chuck norris
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13 hours ago, chuck norris said:

I don't know if it has to do with the plugin but some players had already reported it to me and now it happened to me, sometimes when you die inside the base by explosion the body disappears..

I think that due to the explosion the body is thrown into a wall, I don't know, would that be possible @nivex?

I had similar issues when I first set it up. I'm a pvp server but we had some of the pve section turned on regarding event owners. If you're not the event owner, when your loot drops, it gets moved outside the zone. Just a thought to rule out.

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I regards to stability, where copy paste files must be edited you said "hi, yes, sorry this was changed in the latest update. I will change it back"

Are you moving back to the way it was? I don't want to edit everything and then find out I have to reverse it again.


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it has been reversed in 2.6.6 

simply enable the main copypaste option (Enable CopyPaste Stability) in the profiles

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On 12/11/2022 at 11:08 AM, nivex said:

enable the main copypaste option

ive been out of the loop for a bit, had a skip back to read, but could quite grasp it.. and i never hit a prob with stability.

i see there was a prob with it.. but are you saying its all good in 2.6.6? and i can just reenable it..


also, would it be possible to have a "Force All Doors To Have Same Skin" option? like the boxes one

i was collecting workshop skins to use in the imported list (its magic thankyou), and thinking 'some of these are so well done' but they kind of get lost in any bases with a bunch of doors. 

i like how the boxes with the same skin give personality to each base, i think the doors would help even more so.

cheers, ta

Edited by Swedish Chef
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@Swedish ChefIm not certain but I've heard no further reports of it causing issues for quite some time now. I just force that option so that everyone is made aware that it is a potential issue out of my control

sure I can note that down for later

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Sometimes in some regions where the raidbases could spawn there is a different letter (C) visible instead of the green or red X marker in the grid view.
What does this mean?


Edited by Dr.D.Bug
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C means its temporarily cached and will be available when its refreshed again. it's normal.

Edited by nivex
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I'm back with another silly question... In it's last update, CopyPaste added the option to copy a tree with the build which naturally meant I should build a treehouse raid base. The build copies and pastes fine but Raidable Bases throws an NRE when I try to spawn it w/rbe.  Will you be updating Raidable Bases to include this feature at some point? Thank you!

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Turrets have a chance to not spawn weapons


  "Auto Turrets": {
    "Aim Cone": 5.0,
    "Wait To Power On Until Event Starts": false,
    "Minimum Damage Modifier": 1.0,
    "Maximum Damage Modifier": 1.0,
    "Start Health": 1000.0,
    "Sight Range": 30.0,
    "Double Sight Range When Shot": false,
    "Set Hostile (False = Do Not Set Any Mode)": true,
    "Requires Power Source": false,
    "Remove Equipped Weapon": false,
    "Random Weapons To Equip When Unequipped": [



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@Xandraa tree? trees are deleted by the plugin. what tree are you speaking of specifically? the exact prefab name

@CraftI see no issue with this for any of my tests. make sure each profile is configured as above. the best I can do is allow a bit longer of a delay before equipping a weapon. there is no other fix

Edited by nivex
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@nivex The one I used in my build is oak_b.prefab that I spawned in using the Build plugin.


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25 minutes ago, palich said:

Failed to call hook 'OnEntityBuilt' on plugin 'RaidableBases v2.6.6



me too

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3 hours ago, palich said:

Failed to call hook 'OnEntityBuilt' on plugin 'RaidableBases v2.6.6

They fixed issues for the OnEntityBuild hook with the newest oxide patch. Update your oxide and the error should go away. 

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