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Raidable Bases 3.0.2

$40.00 $30.00
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Posted (edited)

fixed in 2.6.3 @HowlingWolf

download it =]

Edited by nivex
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chuck norris

Posted (edited)

hi all when I put the updated plugin I got this message on the console and the server crashed
[RaidableBases] Invalid shortname in config: chocholate -> chocholate
but the configuration is correct right?
"shortname": "chocholate",
    "name": null,
    "amount": 10,
    "skin": 0,
    "amountMin": 5,
    "probability": 1,
    "stacksize": -1

Edited by chuck norris

Posted (edited)

@chuck norris no. Old shortname "chocholate" was changed to "chocolate". You should use "chocolate" now.

Edited by MON@H
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chuck norris


4 minutes ago, MON@H said:

@chuck norris no. Old shortname "chocholate" was changed to "chocolate". You should use "chocolate" now.

thanks 😄


Posted (edited)

What is this 

[RaidableBases] Invalid shortname in config: chocholate -> chocholate  But where do I change this then

Mine server dont start or it crash all time


Edited by MrIce

Posted (edited)

@MrIceso sorry about this. Rust corrected their spelling of chocolate and it exposed a bug within my plugin that causes it to loop however many times you have Amount Of Items To Spawn set to, which can crash the server when its set excessively high. this is fixed in next update

tier packages would have the item in the Difficulty Loot folder for each file. just search choc and rename that to chocolate. the next update fixes this as well by renaming it automatically so you don't have to

I will release it in a few moments

Edited by nivex


Nivex I have change all that in the loot tables and I think server is up and runing, And raidbases are spawning, so I hope it stay like that now 🙂

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chuck norris

Posted (edited)

anyone having problems using spawn points for bases?
i'm using 3 spawn points on 3 flat islands but the bases only appear on 2 islands

[RaidableBases] Loaded 3 scheduled spawns.

[RaidableBases] Loaded 3 maintained spawns.

Edited by chuck norris
chuck norris


4 hours ago, nivex said:

use rbe debug @chuck norris

it says safe zone but i don't understand lol

[RaidableBases] DEBUG: 1x - Safe Zone: 1274.1 1.4 -535.8



Posted (edited)

@chuck norristhat's not going to be the only reason. turn off the debug and let it run for 10 minutes and then use the debug to get a full report.

then look at the highest occurrences and figure it out

Edited by nivex
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chuck norris


29 minutes ago, nivex said:

@chuck norristhat's not going to be the only reason. turn off the debug and let it run for 10 minutes and then use the debug to get a full report.

then look at the highest occurrences and figure it out

thanks for your time, now it's working 🤩

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Vadim Belov


Can you add permisson like a 'raidablebases.vip' for bypass default cooldown? For example, default group has cooldown 1800s, and VIP group has 600s 

Vadim Belov

Posted (edited)

I see vipcooldown permission, but not sure it is lockout

Edited by Vadim Belov
Vadim Belov

Posted (edited)

For example:

// private void TrySetLockout(Raider ri)

                double time;
                if (ri.id.HasPermission("raidablebases.vipcooldown"))
                    time = config.Settings.Management.Lockout.VipCooldown * 60;
                    time = GetLockoutTime(Options.Mode);


// Config:

public class PluginSettingsBaseLockout
            [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Time Between Raids In Minutes (VipCooldown)")]
            public double VipCooldown { get; set; } = 60;

Edited by Vadim Belov


hello, how do you like the idea of resetting the CD for the raid by the economics money in buying raids? thanks)

  • Like 1


Testing bases with my other admins and they are not getting rewarded money after completeing the raid and it isnt showing up in chat that they raided the base. I can not find what permission affects it since we all have the same one for RB. Is there another plugin that could be affecting this or am i just missing something. 



4 hours ago, Eurynoms said:

Testing bases with my other admins and they are not getting rewarded money after completeing the raid and it isnt showing up in chat that they raided the base. I can not find what permission affects it since we all have the same one for RB. Is there another plugin that could be affecting this or am i just missing something. 

Check these sections; of the cfg/RaidableBases.json;


  "Event Messages": {
    "Ineligible For Rewards": {
      "Flying": false,
      "Vanished": false,
      "Inactive": true,
      "Not An Ally": true,
      "Not The Owner": true,
      "Not A Participant": true,
      "Remove Admins From Raiders List": false

      "Divide Rewards Among All Raiders": true,

    "Announce Raid Unlocked": true,
    "Announce Buy Base Messages": true,
    "Announce Thief Message": true,
    "Announce PVE/PVP Enter/Exit Messages": true,
    "Show Destroy Warning": true,
    "Show Opened Message For PVE Bases": true,
    "Show Opened Message For PVP Bases": true,
    "Show Opened Message For Paid Bases": true,

Then in data/raidablebases/profiles/

for each difficulty you need to setup ; 

  "Rewards": {
    "Custom Currency": {
      "Enabled": false,
      "Item Shortname": "scrap",
      "Item Name": null,
      "Amount": 0,
      "Skin": 0
    "Economics Money": 0,
    "ServerRewards Points": 0,
    "SkillTree XP": 0,
    "Do Not Reward Buyable Events": false



Like i said i get the reward  and annoucment when i raid a base but they do not. We are both admins and have the exact same permissions. 

  • Haha 1


4 hours ago, Eurynoms said:

Like i said i get the reward  and annoucment when i raid a base but they do not. We are both admins and have the exact same permissions. 

those config options Markiii has listed would be the only reasons why they wouldn't.

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Posted (edited)

with this config, the bases never disappear, if you do not pick up all the items, example, looted only cupboard, but if you change variable "Minutes Until Despawn After Inactive Resets When Damaged": to TRUE, base correctly despawns..
and i try change all variable of cupboards and treasure, if i missed can u explain how i can release despawn without update time with dmg? thanks)

even untouched bases don't disappear with this config..

      "Move Resources Into Tool Cupboard": true,
      "Move Items Into Lockers": true,
      "Lock Treasure To First Attacker": false,
      "Lock Treasure Max Inactive Time (Minutes)": 0.01,
      "Assign Lockout When Lock Treasure Max Inactive Time Expires": false,
      "Lock Players To Raid Base After Entering Zone": false,
      "Only Award First Attacker and Allies": false,
      "Only Award Owner Of Raid": false,
      "Minutes Until Despawn After Looting (min: 1)": 10,
      "Minutes Until Despawn After Looting Resets When Damaged": false,
      "Minutes Until Despawn After Inactive (0 = disabled)": 1,
      "Minutes Until Despawn After Inactive Resets When Damaged": false,

Edited by aimacak


@aimacakyou need to update the plugin

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I'm using the Pack 1 base pack by @onehitterquitter and some of the bases have vehicles (Scrap heli and mini and such) on top of them. These same buildings also have Turrets and SAM Sites in the area. When these bases spawn in, the Turrets and SAM Sites go HAM and destroy the vehicles, taking out any turrets and SAM sites within AOE splash damage range. Is there a setting that can be changed in RB that can prevent this from happening, or is this something that needs to be changed elsewhere in my server config (potentially an issue with TruePVE or maybe the vehicle being "owned" by the server and therefor is being seen as hostile to the turrets/SAM Sites of the spawned bases?)?

Any guidance on where to seek a fix would be appreciated.


Posted (edited)

@Jinxtnah, I just haven't written any code to prevent that from happening yet. it is quite fun to watch it happen though =P

itll be added next update

Edited by nivex
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