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Raidable Bases 3.0.2

$40.00 $30.00
   (58 reviews)

1 Screenshot

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@Tiddyit looks nice! can you have it scale down the size so it doesn't include lockouts with no time? 



14 hours ago, nivex said:

@Emigono, but that is fixed next update which will be out soon

@Tiddytoo many complaints about users accidentally turning it off. just sick of dealing with that. the ui class needs a rewrite anyway.

I would use a better UI yes. I suck at UI. =P 

Thanks nivex. It was driving me crazy not knowing if i messed something up.



1 hour ago, nivex said:

@Tiddyit looks nice! can you have it scale down the size so it doesn't include lockouts with no time? 

This is just a mock up with a screenshot. I have no knowledge of how to implement this with the plugin 


Posted (edited)

np @Emigo

@Tiddy oh so I gotta do it. lol. ok ill try

Edited by nivex
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is there a way to make it only spawn on specific locations?


Posted (edited)

@BeePssY yes, you can use the spawns database plugin and just set that filename under whatever event type in the config, "Spawns Database File (Optional)": "none",

so if the filename is maintainedspawnpoints.jsosn then you would replace none with maintainedspawnpoints. don't include the .json extension

Edited by nivex


Anyone knows how to configure this part in the config:
"Grids To Block Spawns At": [],

I want to prevent bases to spawn in certain locations




"Grids To Block Spawns At": ["A2", "AA1", "Z5"],


  • Like 1


In regards to this setting: "Max Buyable Events", is this the maximum bases a player can buy in a period of time? At once? Does it include his team? There's no description of this setting.

Gordon Freeman


Всем привет. Кто знает как убрать покупные базы из очереди.



Posted (edited)

Hello, can u help me? it was before i will change something, thanks



p.s. was repair after restart, thanks

Edited by aimacak


@Gordon Freemanyou can't remove anything from the queue and it would break the plugin if you did. it is fixed next update

@aimacakyes sometimes the language API does not work. as far as I know this is an Oxide issue but deleting the language file or restarting the server will fix it.


Posted (edited)

Hello, i want change text color "Expert" in button on white, how i can make it?


With it CFG i always have a blue color text in button expert base

Buttons color:

 "Difficulty Colors (Inner)": {
        "Easy": "00B900",
        "Medium": "C1C100",
        "Hard": "C10000",
        "Expert": "0000C1",
        "Nightmare": "202020"


Text color change only text "Buyraid" and balance, contrast too, if Difficulty colors for buttons is false, i have color from "Expert Button Color": "#0000C1", if difficulty colors for buttons is true, i have color from upper CFG. How i can change color of text in button without changing color of inner of base?

"Buyable UI": {
      "Enabled": true,
      "Cursor Enabled": true,
      "Anchor Min": "0.522 0.136",
      "Anchor Max": "0.639 0.372",
      "Panel Color": "#000000",
      "Panel Alpha": 0.7,
      "Button Alpha": 0.7,
      "Text Color": "#FFFFFF",
      "Font Size": 13,
      "Use Contrast Colors For Text Color": false,
      "Use Difficulty Colors For Buttons": false,
      "X Button Color": "#497CAF",
      "Easy Button Color": "#00C100",
      "Medium Button Color": "#C1C100",
      "Hard Button Color": "#C10000",
      "Expert Button Color": "#0000C1",
      "Nightmare Button Color": "#202020"


and it would be cool if the close button also became transparent along with the panel 😉

Thanks a lot.





and i have troubles with spawn bases, theyre spawning only on a border a map

default elevation lvl 1.0, for what meaning i can up it and be carefully?)

example profile easy base:

  "Profile Enabled": true,
  "Maximum Elevation Level": 4.0,
  "Allow Players To Use MLRS": true,


from main CFG:

  "Allow Raid Bases On Roads": true,
      "Allow Raid Bases On Rivers": true,

Edited by aimacak

Posted (edited)

@aimacakthere aren't settings for each label text color unless you use contrast, otherwise only the button colors can be changed and Text Color is used for the labels. you're meant to only change the buttons color and have the contrast adjusted if necessary.

i will see if i can add support for all labels to use their own color

i've fixed the alpha in next update

spawning issues are fixed next update. i'm just trying to work out one last issue with the elevation level. you definitely cannot use 4.0 next update.

Edited by nivex




using the colors you posted for the buttons colors and the default white for the text colors, along with the alpha being set to 0.7


here i've swapped the text colors with the button colors, the panel and button alpha to 0.1 and the text alpha is 1.0 (no option to change it) but it is a bit hard to see.


so i opted to use bold text instead for better readability

either way itll be more configurable 


Posted (edited)

contrast dont work on text in button, it work only Buyraid and Economic balance text, maybe button close, in this window, thanks)

Edited by aimacak


anyone have problem when pvp to pve ture, players still can kill eachother in the raid zone?




rather a criptic question.. not really  sure what youre asking ?  But if you are talking about teamates having the ability to kill each other then check your profiles and  change

  "Allow PVP": false,
  "Allow Friendly Fire (Teams)": true,                          to FALSE


Posted (edited)

I got a pve server, when me and my teammate enter the pve raidbase,  if I throw a c4 or rocket on him I can kill him, normally that's not a problem on pve raid, just want know if any setthing I have missed out on the new update, and there is no  "Allow Friendly Fire (Teams)": true,  in the config 

Edited by byond1991


3 minutes ago, byond1991 said:

I got a pve server, when me and my teammate enter the pve raidbase,  if I throw a c4 or rocket on him I can kill him, normally that's not a problem on pve raid, just want know if any setthing I have missed out on the new update, and there is no  "Allow Friendly Fire (Teams)": true,  in the config 

its not in the config its in the profiles in the data folder for each raidbase profile

  • Love 1


thank you so much! problem fixed!



Posted (edited)

здравствуйте еще раз, не могли бы вы подробно объяснить про переменные, очень прошу подробное описание, так как не могу нормально настроить плагин, 10 баз встают нормально, но есть одна, которая упирается в одну сторону бугра и виснет над остальными текстурами.


«Максимальный уровень высоты»

высота \ автовысота (почему бы не использовать?)




И не подскажете, какие еще параметры я могу изменить?


основная проблема, тоже пытаюсь побороть появление даже не по краям карты, а в левом нижнем углу карты, не могу и не хочу выбирать ровную карту каждый вайп, хочу адаптировать плагин, спасибо


это рейдхард8 с ручной высотой 1.5 и уровнем возвышения 6.5
я не понимаю, почему она не может появиться чуть правее? она лежит на пригорке



но в это время рейдхард1 с ручной высотой 2.0 стоит абсолютно нормально



its normally?) 4000 size procedural...


Edited by aimacak

Posted (edited)

I can't use Hv Rockets to damage turret in the raidbase,  only the regular rockets works,  is there a setting I need turn off or on?

Edited by byond1991


i dont think that this problems in cfg of this plugin, i havent problems like u say

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