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Raidable Bases 3.0.2

$40.00 $30.00
   (58 reviews)

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Hi Nivex!
Amazing plugin you have made, but damn its pain in the ass to configure and balance right.
The premium version should have included  atleast 1 or 2 bases from each difficulty, but thats my opinion.

One thing about the plugin. Could you add wood external walls to the options for the bases?
Would be great to use that instead of stonewalls on the easy bases, since those bases is meant for low geared players with little resources.


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Posted (edited)

@Herrcooles I didn't ignore anything. You were given the answer by Swedish Chef and I thanked him for it by giving him a thumbs up...

thanks again Swedish Chef ❤️


Edited by nivex
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@Hawkhillthanks. no plans to include bases in the plugin. that would require all of the config, profiles and loot tables to go with it and I already have tiered packages that provide all of that 🙂

you can change the walls in the profiles to wood, stone or ice, oxide/data/RaidableBases/Profiles/

ice walls were bad on server performance so I suggest not using them if they stll are (client bug, not plugin bug)



16 hours ago, Swedish Chef said:

/home/container/oxide/data/RaidableBases/Profiles/Nightmare Bases.json

go to line 375, position 38

and around that position, there'll be a character out of place, i dont know exactly what it will be, but it could be comma, or could be missing a comma, a quote, or missing some quotes.. but you should be able to see the odd thing out.


the same as an answer would have sufficed.

Thanks for the help it was missing -> } <- at the end

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Posted (edited)

"Arena Walls": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Extra Stacks": 1,
    "Use Stone Walls": true,
    "Use Iced Walls": false,
    "Use Least Amount Of Walls": true,
    "Use UFO Walls": false,
    "Radius": 25.0

No wood walls here..... But the base itself i can change into the tier i want.
UFO Walls is wood, but kinda weirdo.... would prefer normal wood external walls

Edit:  Nevermind... just had to set false to all other walls....
Was looking for a option to set true / false..... 

Edited by Hawkhill
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Posted (edited)

@Hawkhillah right sorry for the confusion, setting Stone Walls to false does indeed spawn Wood Walls for anyone else looking for the answer. I don't plan to add a third option for this as it's intended to work this way, but I will update the documentation 

Edited by nivex
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On 8/3/2022 at 10:27 AM, Hawkhill said:

Hi Nivex!
Amazing plugin you have made, but damn its pain in the ass to configure and balance right.
The premium version should have included  atleast 1 or 2 bases from each difficulty, but thats my opinion.

One thing about the plugin. Could you add wood external walls to the options for the bases?
Would be great to use that instead of stonewalls on the easy bases, since those bases is meant for low geared players with little resources.


Hey, you will figure everything while very quickly. When I purchased it for the first time I was overwhelmed by all these settings, but at the end you ll understand it and figure out that its extremely powerful and customizable. Its one of the most used plugin on my server (pop online 70-100 at evening). I just limited number of concurent raids. cheers

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2 hours ago, romanulrich said:

Hey, you will figure everything while very quickly. When I purchased it for the first time I was overwhelmed by all these settings, but at the end you ll understand it and figure out that its extremely powerful and customizable. Its one of the most used plugin on my server (pop online 70-100 at evening). I just limited number of concurent raids. cheers

First time i tried the free version on umod, i ended up giving up cause i didnt manage to get the bases to spawn.
But after endless begging from my friends to try again, and maybe get help to get it working i ended up trying again.....
Think i saw the 40min+ video from Rust Admin Academy on youtube like 4-5 times before i started to get the hang of it and bases magically spawned 😛
The last couple of days ive been trying to balance the loot tables correctly.....
Made a spreadsheet and categorized each weapon and clothing into tiers to help myself giving the items from the same tier equal  dropchance on each 5 difficulties. Best weapons and armor having low dropchance on the easiest bases and increasing on higher difficulties....
The bad gear have high dropchance on lower difficulties and get lower the higher difficulty you get.
Hope the time and effort ive put into this will pay.

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@Hawkhillsounds like a good plan but i do suggest removing any useless items from the higher difficulties. mainly beginner items such as burlap etc

also you will always have that 1 player that complains the loot isn't good so unless everyone is complaining then just ignore them. they just want instant gratification and thats not the way to go using this plugin

however make sure there's specific loot that always spawns. the Base Loot tables should be used for this, with the Always Spawn Base Loot Table enabled in each profile. the loot in this file should have a range of min and max amounts so that a random amount of each item will spawn. so for example rockets with min 1 and max 3 for easy bases and whatever else. obviously the amounts will differ server to server as each has a different gather rate and mods that offer varying gather rates so there's no universal numbers to use

if it becomes popular and people are constantly raiding the bases then you've done it right. if they're not then you should revisit it

i suggest to spawn 3-5 bases at all times as well to retain more players and not focus efforts solely on purchasing bases. a mixture of both is ideal on almost every server because raiding is one of the most important objectives in the game and this provides an abundance of that so its very appealing to players and they wont disappoint

i strongly advise against anyone using loot in their copypaste files. it should be spawned from the loot tables. this allows the loot to be in different boxes each time. static loot in the same boxes every time is predictable and boring no matter the intention behind it. some randomness goes a long way to retaining players and retaining players is my main selling point

these are just common mistakes i've observed users doing so i try to provide valid points so that others understand the negatives of them and don't repeat them

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Swedish Chef


Id add that if youre tweaking numbers, better to go up slowly, youll always get ppl that cry if you tweak down.. no matter how correct or needed it is. 

And yea totally agree, if youve done the maths, and seen many results, dont make changes because someone gets unlucky...

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Ive actually disabled baseloot and defined in each difficulty how much of each item i want to spawn with 100% dropchance.
Seems to work pretty well. Thought it was confusing with multiple loot tables. Now i have just 1 for each difficulty.
Loot gets better and better the higher the difficulty is, and the worst  items get lower and lower droprate and dissapears on the higher difficulties.
I thought that through.
But finding the balance on how much loot is pretty hard. Specially on C4 / Rockets. Some players goes in hard and others goes more economical.
I dont want people to get too much, but at the same time they need to get enough so its worth their time.
Im running a PvE server with XP system and the SkillTree plugin found here.
So the players dont have the rush to get loot fast to raid other players and protect their bases. XP is what they want, so they can unlock features and perks.



On 8/6/2022 at 12:41 AM, Swedish Chef said:

Id add that if youre tweaking numbers, better to go up slowly, youll always get ppl that cry if you tweak down.. no matter how correct or needed it is. 

And yea totally agree, if youve done the maths, and seen many results, dont make changes because someone gets unlucky...

Drop is random, and that is how it should be.... Sometimes you get more loot than other times.....
The overall feedback from the players that is important. Not that single player that just had bad luck.



multiple loot tables exist to minimize the chance of raids becoming too predictable and boring. players will quit playing when this happens so it's important for player retention. 

1 loot table limits you too much because you will not have any items that spawn each time. if all items spawn each time then it brings me back to my first point where it makes the loot too predictable and boring

loot should have a large variety (150+ items) of items to pick from with some guaranteed drops as well. by using difficulty loot and base loot tables with Always Spawn Base Loot Table enabled then you can achieve the following:

1. your primary loot table is the difficulty loot table so this lets the plugin choose from a large selection of items randomly. this will ensure that loot is different each time

2. base loot will guarantee that items like scrap, explosive ammo, c4 and rockets spawn every time.

now for number 2 you do not want too much of these guaranteed items to spawn otherwise you are enabling instant gratification and that will hurt player retention 

it's up to you to determine how much loot spawns, and to ignore the entitled players that say it isn't enough. you should have a good understanding of how much is too much, and if you don't understand this then you can do so by raiding the bases yourself and determining how profitable it should be. profits should be acquired gradually over multiple raids for best results for player retention. like you said, sometimes you get more loot than other times... that's perfect.

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Swedish Chef


4 hours ago, nivex said:

2. base loot

(if you have resources -> TC) put upkeep resources in baseloot too.. raidbases dont decay.. but its nice to see proper mats in cupboard



Just did a raid on hard difficulty on my server.
Worked fine for me with just the difficulty loot table. The items i defined  with 100% drop, dropped as they was suppose to do.
Rest of the loot table was random with the dropchances i defined......
Only difference as i see is that i have to increase the amount of items that drops since ive defined both 100% drop and random drop in the same loot table. Got 200+ items that doesent have 100% drop
So i will stick with my sollution for now and just balance the amount that drops so it matches each difficulty.
But to do that i need to keep raiding to have some more numbers to work with.
Need to know how much it costs me to raid each difficulty to get the numbers right.

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Posted (edited)

well you can do it however you want, and you have it configured correctly for the most part, but all I'm saying is you're going to have issues where items don't spawn when they should. how often this happens is irrelevant, just that it can and will happen. this is because probability does not guarantee the item will spawn. it must be randomly picked first, and only after this does probability determine if it spawns

Edited by nivex
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Swedish Chef


7 hours ago, Hawkhill said:

Need to know how much it costs me to raid each difficulty to get the numbers right.

Thats the key. Yea you can see theres different ways to do the loot, but If your server is vanilla-ish rates, that right there is more important.

Its easy to adjust loot tables, but its hard to adjust bases

I know all bases in my easy tier cost about 8500 sulphur to raid. So i know the easy tier loot is appropriate. 

(The higher your servers gather rates, the less important this is. It just matters more down at vanilla rate)



Doesent seem like its randomly picked as long as i set it to 100% dropchance.
So far every single item ive set to 100% drop in the difficulty loot table has dropped every time.
The  rest is randomly picked until the Min / Max limit of items has been reached.
If this hadnt worked, i would use the baseloot.
But i dont  see any reason to put it into a separate loot table as long as i got it working  the same way.
Only thing i need to remember is if i want 50-70 random items to drop, i have add the number of guaranteed items in addition to that number.
If i got 30 guaranteed items, i just need to set the min/max to 80-100 instead. Then 50-70 random items will drop.



30 minutes ago, Swedish Chef said:

Thats the key. Yea you can see theres different ways to do the loot, but If your server is vanilla-ish rates, that right there is more important.

Its easy to adjust loot tables, but its hard to adjust bases

I know all bases in my easy tier cost about 8500 sulphur to raid. So i know the easy tier loot is appropriate. 

(The higher your servers gather rates, the less important this is. It just matters more down at vanilla rate)

Easy Bases ive made very easy to raid. Small honeycombed stone bases with wooden doors and wooden external walls.....
Raidable with just explosive bullets / molotows / flamethrowers and are not not meant to go hard with rockets and c4's on.
Made them this easy so new players with few resources can start raiding early and get gear and stuff for their bases.
But there isnt guaranteed C4/Rocket drops as i have on the medium and above bases, since its that easy.



Hello where is the setting to show a player that a turrent/gun trap etc has been killed. I cant seem to find it


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@nivex i was wondering if you could tell me how spawning it handled? seems as though ground units take priority? sleeping bags, rugs don't. is this randomized or not? i have spawning npcs of murders and scientists and currently using latest version. thanks in advance



22 minutes ago, 406_Gromit said:

@nivex i was wondering if you could tell me how spawning it handled? seems as though ground units take priority? sleeping bags, rugs don't. is this randomized or not? i have spawning npcs of murders and scientists and currently using latest version. thanks in advance

look inside your data folder at raidable bases.. look at each difficulty json



    "Spawn Inside Bases": {
      "Spawn On Floors": false,
      "Spawn On Beds": true,
      "Spawn On Rugs": false,
      "Spawn On Rugs With Skin Only": 1,
      "Bed Health Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Rug Health Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Spawn Murderers Outside": false,
      "Spawn Scientists Outside": false,
      "Minimum Inside (-1 = ignore)": -1,
      "Maximum Inside (-1 = ignore)": -1


    "Random Names": [],
    "Enabled": true,
    "Amount That Can Throw Weapons": 2,
    "Amount Of Murderers To Spawn": 0,
    "Minimum Amount Of Murderers To Spawn": 0,
    "Spawn Random Amount Of Murderers": false,
    "Amount Of Scientists To Spawn": 6,
    "Minimum Amount Of Scientists To Spawn": 6,
    "Spawn Random Amount Of Scientists": false,
    "Allow Npcs To Roofcamp": false,
    "Allow Npcs To Counter Raid": true,
    "Allow Npcs To Leave Dome When Attacking": true,
    "Allow Npcs To Shoot Players Outside Of The Dome": true,
    "Allow Npcs To Play Catch When Equipped With Explosives": false,
    "Aggression Range": 100.0,
    "Block Damage Outside To Npcs When Not Allowed To Leave Dome": true,
    "Block Damage Outside Of The Dome To Npcs Inside": false,
    "Despawn Inventory On Death": false,
    "Health For Murderers (100 min, 5000 max)": 275.0,
    "Health For Scientists (100 min, 5000 max)": 275.0,
    "Kill Underwater Npcs": true,
    "Kits Are Unique When Applicable": false,
    "Player Traps And Turrets Ignore Npcs": false,
    "Use Dangerous Treasures NPCs": false

  • Like 2
Swedish Chef


14 hours ago, LostSoul said:

the setting to show a player that a turrent/gun trap etc has been killed

ive never seen this, you sure its a thing?

Swedish Chef

Posted (edited)

nivex could you look at having a config entry for steamid to use for the chat notifications please? makes the chat look so much nicer having icons..


edit: actually just remembered i havent even looked at the gui notifications, but im not a fan of gui stuff, gets a bit much the more plugins.. and  i just got on a roll of sorting out my icons.

Edited by Swedish Chef
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chuck norris

Posted (edited)

unfortunately I have problems with the bases again, most come without tc and lack a lot of loot :s
Does anyone else here have the same problem?

Here is an example:

(16:45:59) | [Raidable Bases] Error: No usable containers found for hardbase004 @ E23!❌

(16:45:59) | [Raidable Bases] hardbase004 @ E23 : 0 items❌

(16:47:45) | [Raidable Bases] raidexpert4 @ Y9 : 211 items✅

(17:05:36) | [Raidable Bases] raidnightmare5 @ K2 : 233 items✅

(17:46:54) | [Raidable Bases] mediumbase010 @ E22 : 179 items✅

(17:49:23) | [Raidable Bases] raidnightmare4 @ Y9 : 229 items✅

(18:07:17) | [Raidable Bases] expertbase4 @ K2 : 210 items✅

(18:50:55) | [Raidable Bases] expertbase2 @ Y9 : 30 items❌

(19:06:02) | [Raidable Bases] expertbase3 @ E23 : 139 items✅

(19:07:44) | [Raidable Bases] raidmed8 @ K2 : 88 items❌

(19:52:34) | [Raidable Bases] raidhard10 @ Y9 : 187 items✅


There is no error in the server log :s

Edited by chuck norris

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