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Raidable Bases 3.0.2

$40.00 $30.00
   (58 reviews)

1 Screenshot

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  • 7.11 MB
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20:40 [Info] -
Loaded 211 items from RaidableBases\Difficulty_Loot\Hard
Loaded 192 items from RaidableBases\Difficulty_Loot\Expert
Loaded 213 items from RaidableBases\Difficulty_Loot\Nightmare
Loaded 4 items from RaidableBases\Base_Loot\Expert Bases
Loaded 4 items from RaidableBases\Base_Loot\Hard Bases
Loaded 4 items from RaidableBases\Base_Loot\Nightmare Bases

20:40 [Warning] Calling 'OnServerInitialized' on 'RaidableBases v2.4.7' took 492ms
20:40 [Info] Loaded plugin Raidable Bases v2.4.7 by nivex
20:41 [Info] [Raidable Bases] Grid initialization completed in 33 seconds and 964 milliseconds on a 4500 size map. 9512 locations are on the grid.

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Swedish Chef


14 hours ago, DiDreamer said:


your server must settings must be horrible.

ill say it again for language translation

you must be really bad at configuring server

you need to learn computers first. 

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4 hours ago, Swedish Chef said:

your server must settings must be horrible.

ill say it again for language translation

you must be really bad at configuring server

you need to learn computers first. 

you and the cook look good, just unique, iq above all

  • Like 1


20 hours ago, DiDreamer said:

put it with the full package, let's see what you will have with the server, the download is long, the drawing is also, and the bases are not erased sometimes


20 hours ago, DiDreamer said:

it's not the first time I've written about jambs, they don't fix them, I'm ruling myself now, there are lags and brakes from this plugin

I mean, just because you can't set it up properly... Been using this for a year or so. I've personally made more than a dozen raids for the server I admin. It does have the occasional problem but always gets fixed. The only time I've ever seen lag is if the base is of an exceptional size with lots of entities spawning or despawning. Which should be expected. The erasure problem was fixed. I've only seen one exception of this since the fix and I think it was tied to a bad save on the server. Your other complaints, I don't really understand because of translation.

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  • Administrator


23 hours ago, DiDreamer said:

Bad plugin, don't buy

Not really the place for this. If you'd like to leave a review you can do so at https://codefling.com/plugins/raidable-bases?tab=reviews. Though keep in mind if your review only consists of "bad plugin" with no meaningful insight it will not make it passed approval.

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добрый день...базы после рестарта сервера не удаляются. остаются на прежних местах но без купола и забора и замков. игроки могут зайти и забрать лут. что делать?


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Light Hammer


Привет, надеюсь, ты в порядке. Я использую плагин в течение последних 6-7 месяцев с несколькими проблемами. Моя самая большая проблема заключалась в том, чтобы получить экономические награды, которые можно было применить к игрокам после рейда на базу. Для целей моего сервера (ов) я достаточно хорошо знаю плагин. Это ни в коем случае не было легко и определенно было настолько усугублено, что мне пришлось вернуться к этому. Тем не менее, мои потребности теперь довольно просты, поэтому мой подход может не соответствовать вашим потребностям в настройке. В настоящее время у меня есть только запланированные спавны, поддерживающие 10 рейдовых баз в любой момент времени. Я не использую покупаемые рейды или поддерживаемые рейды (по нескольким причинам), только запланированные. У меня иногда есть TC, который остается позади с базы, но это легко исправить. У меня 1 раз осталась целая база, которая была разграблена, после последнего (facepunch) обновления больше такого не было. Не уверен, что вы имеете в виду в «автономно работают купольные ограждения и замки исчезают» - пожалуйста, уточните это. Что касается турелей, работающих/не работающих... моя установка использует купол, и они не могут стрелять в игроков за его пределами. Они также не будут сразу стрелять при входе в купол, так как дальность прицеливания по умолчанию составляет «30», что не очень далеко. У меня есть турели, настроенные на «двойную дальность обзора при выстреле»: правда, что дает игрокам возможность войти в купол, не будучи немедленно косимым. Что касается игроков, которые могут грабить все, для этого есть несколько возможностей, и они могут не иметь никакого отношения к Raidable Bases. Возможно, неправильные разрешения, данные для инструмента удаления, например, или, если это связано с плагином, возможно, варианты Players to Build" или "Allow Players to Upgrade Event Buildings" должны быть изменены в основной конфигурации. Даже для «Не уничтожать объекты, созданные игроком» или «Не уничтожать строения, построенные игроком» должно быть установлено значение «Ложь». Есть много переменных, которые могут затруднить интерпретацию этого плагина. А пока, если вы еще не в нем, попробуйте присоединиться к Discord Nivex и загляните в это сообщество... там есть очень полезные люди, которые могут иметь/имели те же проблемы, что и вы. Надеюсь это поможет!

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sorry for those having difficulties with the plugin. i will do whatever it takes to make it work properly as i've always strived to do

however hounding me with negativity will get you no where

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@Light Hammer


"dome guardrails work autonomously and locks disappear" - please clarify.

I don't understand this translation


As for turrets working/not working... my rig uses a dome and they can't fire at players outside of it. They also won't immediately fire upon entering the dome, as the default aim range is "30", which isn't very far.

i will attempt to reproduce and fix this

Light Hammer


14 hours ago, nivex said:

@Light Hammer

I don't understand this translation

i will attempt to reproduce and fix this

Lol, I didn't really understand the translation either and Google's janky translation didn't do his question(s) justice. I was trying to respond to OP (sexiponi) with something positive and hopefully be helpful in some way. I see so many people trashing this plugin and it's kind of aggravating (I know I'm preaching to the choir) because I got this to work. It took me a bit of time and many shots of a very fine whiskey to get it there, but now it's perfect. If an idiot like me can figure this out so can anyone else!

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I have my server set to have a specific number of maintained events. Recently it has not been maintaining that number (12) across the server and only spawns 3. I ran RBE Debug in my console and came up with this. I made no changes from when it was running flawless until now and I don't remember if it happened after the last update for sure.

Debug mode: True

Scheduled Events Running: False

Maintained Events Running: True

DEBUG: Last 10 messages:

PREVIOUS DEBUG: Maintained: Failed to find position; trying again...

PREVIOUS DEBUG: Maintained coroutine is waiting for 1 second.

PREVIOUS DEBUG: Maintained: Failed to find position; trying again...

PREVIOUS DEBUG: Maintained coroutine is waiting for 1 second.

PREVIOUS DEBUG: Blocked by vendingmachine.deployed (-415.7, 0.7, -1295.5)

PREVIOUS DEBUG: Blocked by vendingmachine.deployed (-415.7, 0.7, -1295.5)

PREVIOUS DEBUG: Maintained coroutine is waiting for 1 second.

PREVIOUS DEBUG: Blocked by coffinstorage (606.0, 9.5, -320.6)

PREVIOUS DEBUG: Blocked by coffinstorage (606.0, 9.5, -320.6)

PREVIOUS DEBUG: Maintained coroutine is waiting for 1 second.

[Raidable Bases] DEBUG: Maintained: Failed to find position; trying again...

[Raidable Bases] DEBUG: Maintained coroutine is waiting for 1 second.

[Raidable Bases] DEBUG: Maintained: Failed to find position; trying again...

[Raidable Bases] DEBUG: Maintained coroutine is waiting for 1 second.

[Raidable Bases] DEBUG: Blocked by coffinstorage (1265.2, -0.2, -143.1)

[Raidable Bases] DEBUG: Blocked by coffinstorage (1265.2, -0.2, -143.1)

[Raidable Bases] DEBUG: Maintained coroutine is waiting for 1 second.

[Raidable Bases] DEBUG: Too close to another raidable base

[Raidable Bases] DEBUG: Too close to another raidable base

[Raidable Bases] DEBUG: Maintained coroutine is waiting for 1 second.

[Raidable Bases] DEBUG: Blocked by newyeargong.deployed (1317.2, 0.0, -110.6)

[Raidable Bases] DEBUG: Blocked by newyeargong.deployed (1317.2, 0.0, -110.6)

[Raidable Bases] DEBUG: Maintained coroutine is waiting for 1 second.

[Raidable Bases] DEBUG: Maintained: Failed to find position; trying again...

[Raidable Bases] DEBUG: Maintained coroutine is waiting for 1 second.

[Raidable Bases] DEBUG: Maintained: Failed to find position; trying again...

[Raidable Bases] DEBUG: Maintained coroutine is waiting for 1 second.

[Raidable Bases] DEBUG: Blocked by vendingmachine.deployed (-415.7, 0.7, -1295.5)

[Raidable Bases] DEBUG: Blocked by vendingmachine.deployed (-415.7, 0.7, -1295.5)

[Raidable Bases] DEBUG: Maintained coroutine is waiting for 1 second.

[Raidable Bases] DEBUG: Maintained: Failed to find position; trying again...

[Raidable Bases] DEBUG: Maintained coroutine is waiting for 1 second.

Debug mode: False

Scheduled Events Running: False

Maintained Events Running: True

DEBUG: Last 10 messages:

PREVIOUS DEBUG: Maintained coroutine is waiting for 1 second.

PREVIOUS DEBUG: Maintained: Failed to find position; trying again...

PREVIOUS DEBUG: Maintained coroutine is waiting for 1 second.

PREVIOUS DEBUG: Maintained: Failed to find position; trying again...

PREVIOUS DEBUG: Maintained coroutine is waiting for 1 second.

PREVIOUS DEBUG: Blocked by vendingmachine.deployed (-415.7, 0.7, -1295.5)

PREVIOUS DEBUG: Blocked by vendingmachine.deployed (-415.7, 0.7, -1295.5)

PREVIOUS DEBUG: Maintained coroutine is waiting for 1 second.

PREVIOUS DEBUG: Maintained: Failed to find position; trying again...

PREVIOUS DEBUG: Maintained coroutine is waiting for 1 second.

  • Like 1


@Light Hammerah ok ty for explaining

@Y2kcavy your debug shows it cant find a position. the map is poor quality 



Да вы все охуели кто гонит на Нивекса. 

P.S. Выздоравливай.😉

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chuck norris


@nivex many bases are not despawning, they still have full loot and codelocked ports. I removed the plugin because other bases appear inside this base.

I know you need an error, but then is it a copy paste plugin problem?



  • Like 2
Swedish Chef


1 hour ago, chuck norris said:

not despawning

what version of RaidableBases are you using?

  • Like 1
chuck norris


2 hours ago, Swedish Chef said:

what version of RaidableBases are you using?

last version

  • Like 3


тоже последнюю версию RaidableBases используем.. может правда плагин copy paste мудрит ?

On 20.06.2022 at 20:43, Light Hammer said:



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chuck norris


On 6/25/2022 at 2:39 AM, chuck norris said:

@nivex many bases are not despawning, they still have full loot and codelocked ports. I removed the plugin because other bases appear inside this base.

I know you need an error, but then is it a copy paste plugin problem?




  • Like 1


ya I don't really have an answer without an error =/ sorry @chuck norrisi will figure it out somehow as always...

  • Like 1


Does the Parameter

"Max Buyable Events": 15,

limit the buyable events overall or by player/team?

When set a limit per tier to 1, can i set the limit overall parallel to 3 for all with this?
I don't want to have more than 3 simultaneous RB's on my map.

pls help

  • Like 1


19 hours ago, Dr.D.Bug said:

Does the Parameter

"Max Buyable Events": 15,

limit the buyable events overall or by player/team?

When set a limit per tier to 1, can i set the limit overall parallel to 3 for all with this?
I don't want to have more than 3 simultaneous RB's on my map.

pls help

I have had to limit the raid bases on my map as well due to high entity counts (400k+ entities). I have done this using the buyable command as well as this helps keep the "inactive" raid bases from lowering the fps of the server even further. From my understanding the buyable limit is global and not individual. So it should limit the total bases active for you as you hope.

  • Like 2


6 hours ago, MNfreakTim said:

I have had to limit the raid bases on my map as well due to high entity counts (400k+ entities). I have done this using the buyable command as well as this helps keep the "inactive" raid bases from lowering the fps of the server even further. From my understanding the buyable limit is global and not individual. So it should limit the total bases active for you as you hope.

I just set the parameter to 1 as a test and tried to start a second base with another player. It really seems to work that way. tnx

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@MooDDangyou would need to place cupboards there

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8 hours ago, nivex said:

@MooDDangyou would need to place cupboards there

That's a great way I hadn't thought of!
But it's a temporary measure.

I wish the plugin could add coordinates such as z20 to prevent summoning.

Looking forward to future updates.
Thank you for answer.

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