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About Loadouts

Designed to bring some call of duty-like feel to your server's game-play experience.
You can set up permission-based loadouts or simply grant them loadouts.spawn which will allow them to spawn randomly with 1 of 3 random pre-configured basic loadouts
If you wish to allow them to make their loadouts simply grant them the loadouts.use permission!
There is a fully functional UI Limit Editor for admins/staff to use to control and limit what players can and cannot save/make into a loadout.
Supports Custom Ammo, Skins, Container type, Bullet count, fuel, water, snow weapons, attachments, slot positions, stacks, etc


  • Permissions
 loadouts.spawn - is required to spawn with any config saved loadouts or player-created/saved loadouts

 loadouts.use - is for players to create their own loadouts, not required for players to receive random/perm-based loadouts.

 loadouts.manage - is for the admin/owner to set up the default config loadouts


  • Player commands for loadouts.spawn
/loadout list - shows the player all available loadouts that they have permissions for "if any"

/loadout select name - sets loadout on next respawn only works for players that have multiple permission-based loadouts assigned


  • Player commands for loadouts.use
/loadout rewrite name - rewrites existing loadout

/loadout create name  - creates loadout

/loadout select name  - sets loadout on next respawn

/loadout remove name  - removes loadout

/loadout list - shows the player all available/saved loadouts


  •  Admin commands for loadouts.manage
/loadout setnew <number> - a new number that does not already exist as a loadout, creates a new config permission-based loadout

/loadout delete <number> - deletes permission saved config loadout and removes from all players that had permission to use it

/loadout set 1           - 1 through 5 sets the server permissions based config loadouts 
permission loadouts are only given to players who you give permission to & the last permission granted is the one they will get

/loadout random 1        - numbers 1 through 3 "defaults" sets / overwrites the selected random given config loadout

/loadout randomnew 1     - numbers 1 through 3 already exist by default creates/adds a new random config loadout to the list

/loadout randomremove 1  - 1 through 3 already exist doing so removes random selected loadout from the config/available list

/loadout wipe            - wipes the whole data file for loadouts

/loadout reset < name or ID > - resets a specified players data file back to defaults

/loadout ban             - bans all items in your inventories

/loadout unban           - unbans all items in your inventories


  • UI Limits Editor Search Bar Commands
/loadoutedit - opens the UI Limits Editor for player created/saved loadouts.

set used true - true or false sets that whole category

set stacks true - true or false sets that whole category



* Container Limits that = 0 || Max Limits that get set to 0, means that item cannot be saved to a loadout.

* If you have questions or require help please feel free to add & message me directly on Discord @Khan#8615

* You can use the UI Editor without needing the ImageLibrary plugin installed set this config option to true & reload the plugin

"Disable ImageLibrary Requirement / Images for UI Editor": false,

* Shout Out to all my Beta Testers + JBird for sending his config over and allowing me to provide you all with his defaults out of the box.



* Add Currency Systems / Limits / Cooldowns

* Add Player UI Limits Viewer / Builder

* Add ability for players to buy / gift / earn loadouts

* Add Lang API Support for multi lang

* Add Arena Support / Hooks / Ability to lock loadouts to prevent items from being taken out of inventory

* Add more features


Lang File

  "perm": "Requires {0} permission",
  "argc": "Invalid arguments: /loadout create <name>",
  "arge": "Loadout by that name already exists.",
  "argm": "Max Loadout limit of {0} has been reached",
  "rewritten": "Loadout {0} was rewritten and set as next respawn",
  "rewrittennew": "Loadout {0} was rewritten and set as next respawn \n Because one or more of your saved loadout items exceeded the new server limits",
  "created": "Loadout {0} created and set as next respawn",
  "argis": "Invalid arguments: /loadout select <name>",
  "argni": "Loadout by that name {0} does not exists.",
  "argperms": "You do not have permission to use this loadout",
  "selected": "Loadout {0} set.",
  "arga": "Available saved loadouts \nDo /loadout select name\n{0}",
  "argre": "Invalid arguments: /loadout remove <name>",
  "removed": "Loadout {0} removed.",
  "deleted": "{0} Successfully removed from config and all players",
  "default": "Successfully Updated config loadout for {0}",
  "createdperm": "Successfully Created config loadout {0}",
  "invalidcreation": "Invalid Creation, /loadout set new <number>",
  "wiped": "Loadout data wiped.",
  "banned": "Loadouts has banned all items in your inventory",
  "unbanned": "Loadouts has unbanned all items in your inventory",
  "stacked": "Stacked items are not allowed to be saved in a loadout",
  "banneditem": "\n This item is banned {0}",
  "banneditemnew": "\n This item is now banned {0} and will be removed from your loadout",
  "stacknotallowed": "Item {0} is not allowed to be saved as a stack",
  "stacknotallowednew": "Item {0} is not allowed to be saved as a stack anymore and will be reduced from your loadout as 1",
  "stacknotallowednewlimit": "Item {0} is not allowed to be saved as a {1} stack anymore and \n will be reduced from your loadout to the new limit of {2}",
  "maxslot": "Max stacksize for {0} is {1}",
  "maxslots": "Max Slot Limit per container for {0} is {1} \n Used are not counted unless stacked",
  "maxitemlimit": "Maximum Item Limit for {0} is {1} \n You have {2}",
  "maxitemlimitnew": "New Maximum Item Limit for {0} is {1} \n You had {2} and will be reduced",
  "maxslotlimit": "Maximum Slot Limit for {0} is {1} \n You have {2}",
  "maxslotlimitnew": "New Maximum Slot Limit for {0} is {1} \n You have {2} and will be reduced",
  "zeroloadouts": "Zero Saved Loadouts found, Create one! \n /loadout create name",
  "pminvalidcreate": "Invalid syntax: Options are /loadout <create> <rewrite> <select> <remove> <list>",
  "pminvalidset": "Invalid syntax: Options are /loadout <setnew> <set> <delete> <random> <wipe> <ban> <unban>",
  "InvalidSearch": "Wrong input please do /loadout reset name or id",
  "playersfound": "Multiple players were found, please specify: {0}",
  "noplayersfound": "No players found with name or ID '{0}'",
  "resetplayer": "You have successfully reset {0}, {1} loadout data file!",
  "permgranted": "You have been granted {0} permission, loadout is now set for next respawn!",
  "permrevoked": "You have been removed from {0}! next default is now set",
  "permwiped": "You have been removed from loadouts.use! personal loadouts where cleared!",
  "wrong": "Invalid Selection {0} does not exist",
  "wrongrandom": "Invalid Selection random loadout {0} does not exist\n Available selection is {1}",
  "randomexist": "This random loadout {0} already exists please choose a different number",
  "randomcreated": "Successfully Written random loadout {digit} to the config!",
  "randomremoved": "Successfully Removed random loadout {digit} from the config!",
  "randomerror": "Please do /loadout randomnew <number that is not currently in use>",
  "randomerrordelete": "Please do /loadout randomremove <number that is currently in use>"


Config File

  "Enable Console Logs": false,
  "Set Max Player Saved Loadouts": 3,
  "Enable Item Limits": true,
  "Chat Prefix": "<color=#32CD32>Loadouts</color>: ",
  "Sets global command prefix": "loadout",
  "Enable UI Editor": true,
  "Disable ImageLibrary Requirement / Images for UI Editor": false,
  "Sets GUI Editor command": "loadoutedit",
  "Sets Default Category to open": "Attire",
  "UI - Background Image Url": "https://i.imgur.com/DU7995V.jpg",
  "Sets any item to this image if image library does not have one for it.": "https://imgur.com/BPM9UR4.png",
  "UI - Text Settings": {
    "Loadout Editor Welcome Msg": "Loadouts Editor ◝(⁰▿⁰)◜",
    "UI - Filter Label": "Search",
    "UI - Stack Size Label": "<color=#81d4fa>Stack Size</color>",
    "UI - Container Item Limit Label": "<color=#81d4fa>Container Limit</color>",
    "UI - Max Item Limit Label": "<color=#81d4fa>Max Limit</color>",
    "UI - Back Button Text": "◀",
    "UI - Forward Button Text": "▶",
    "UI - Close Label": "✖"
  "UI - Color Settings": {
    "UI - Display Name Text Color": "#FFFFFF",
    "UI - Text Color": "#FFFFFF",
    "UI - Search Text Color": "#bfbfbf",
    "UI - Input BackGround Color": "#0E0E10",
    "UI - Close Button Text Color": "#bfbfbf",
    "UI - Editable Input Field Color": "#728c44",
    "UI - Button Text Color": "#9ab36d",
    "UI - True/False Button Text Color": "#01579b",
    "UI - Forward & Backward Text Color": "#9ab36d"
  "Randomly Selected Given Loadouts": {
    "RandomList": {
      "1": [
          "Shortname": "arrow.wooden",
          "ItemID": -1234735557,
          "SkinID": 0,
          "Amount": 15,
          "Slot": 0,
          "IsWeapon": false,
          "Ammotype": 0,
          "AmmoAmount": 0,
          "Container": 2,
          "Mods": []
          "Shortname": "ammo.handmade.shell",
          "ItemID": 588596902,
          "SkinID": 0,
          "Amount": 82,
          "Slot": 1,
          "IsWeapon": false,
          "Ammotype": 0,
          "AmmoAmount": 0,
          "Container": 2,
          "Mods": []
          "Shortname": "ammo.rocket.smoke",
          "ItemID": -17123659,
          "SkinID": 0,
          "Amount": 1,
          "Slot": 3,
          "IsWeapon": false,
          "Ammotype": 0,
          "AmmoAmount": 0,
          "Container": 2,
          "Mods": []
          "Shortname": "ammo.rocket.fire",
          "ItemID": 1638322904,
          "SkinID": 0,
          "Amount": 1,
          "Slot": 4,
          "IsWeapon": false,
          "Ammotype": 0,
          "AmmoAmount": 0,
          "Container": 2,
          "Mods": []
          "Shortname": "ammo.rocket.hv",
          "ItemID": -1841918730,
          "SkinID": 0,
          "Amount": 1,
          "Slot": 5,
          "IsWeapon": false,
          "Ammotype": 0,
          "AmmoAmount": 0,
          "Container": 2,
          "Mods": []
          "Shortname": "ammo.rifle.explosive",
          "ItemID": -1321651331,
          "SkinID": 0,
          "Amount": 101,
          "Slot": 6,
          "IsWeapon": false,
          "Ammotype": 0,
          "AmmoAmount": 0,
          "Container": 2,
          "Mods": []
          "Shortname": "ammo.rifle",
          "ItemID": -1211166256,
          "SkinID": 0,
          "Amount": 70,
          "Slot": 7,
          "IsWeapon": false,
          "Ammotype": 0,
          "AmmoAmount": 0,
          "Container": 2,
          "Mods": []
          "Shortname": "ammo.rifle.hv",
          "ItemID": 1712070256,
          "SkinID": 0,
          "Amount": 100,
          "Slot": 8,
          "IsWeapon": false,
          "Ammotype": 0,
          "AmmoAmount": 0,
          "Container": 2,
          "Mods": []
          "Shortname": "ammo.rifle.incendiary",
          "ItemID": 605467368,
          "SkinID": 0,
          "Amount": 100,
          "Slot": 9,
          "IsWeapon": false,
          "Ammotype": 0,
          "AmmoAmount": 0,
          "Container": 2,
          "Mods": []
          "Shortname": "ammo.nailgun.nails",
          "ItemID": -2097376851,
          "SkinID": 0,
          "Amount": 84,
          "Slot": 2,
          "IsWeapon": false,
          "Ammotype": 0,
          "AmmoAmount": 0,
          "Container": 2,
          "Mods": []
          "Shortname": "crossbow",
          "ItemID": 1965232394,
          "SkinID": 0,
          "Amount": 1,
          "Slot": 0,
          "IsWeapon": true,
          "Ammotype": 0,
          "AmmoAmount": 0,
          "Container": 1,
          "Mods": []
          "Shortname": "stonehatchet",
          "ItemID": -1583967946,
          "SkinID": 0,
          "Amount": 1,
          "Slot": 1,
          "IsWeapon": false,
          "Ammotype": 0,
          "AmmoAmount": 0,
          "Container": 1,
          "Mods": []
          "Shortname": "stone.pickaxe",
          "ItemID": 171931394,
          "SkinID": 0,
          "Amount": 1,
          "Slot": 2,
          "IsWeapon": false,
          "Ammotype": 0,
          "AmmoAmount": 0,
          "Container": 1,
          "Mods": []
          "Shortname": "pistol.eoka",
          "ItemID": -75944661,
          "SkinID": 0,
          "Amount": 1,
          "Slot": 3,
          "IsWeapon": true,
          "Ammotype": 588596902,
          "AmmoAmount": 5,
          "Container": 1,
          "Mods": []
          "Shortname": "attire.hide.boots",
          "ItemID": 794356786,
          "SkinID": 0,
          "Amount": 1,
          "Slot": 4,
          "IsWeapon": false,
          "Ammotype": 0,
          "AmmoAmount": 0,
          "Container": 0,
          "Mods": []
          "Shortname": "pants.shorts",
          "ItemID": -1695367501,
          "SkinID": 0,
          "Amount": 1,
          "Slot": 5,
          "IsWeapon": false,
          "Ammotype": 0,
          "AmmoAmount": 0,
          "Container": 0,
          "Mods": []
          "Shortname": "tshirt",
          "ItemID": 223891266,
          "SkinID": 0,
          "Amount": 1,
          "Slot": 6,
          "IsWeapon": false,
          "Ammotype": 0,
          "AmmoAmount": 0,
          "Container": 0,
          "Mods": []
      "2": [
          "Shortname": "arrow.wooden",
          "ItemID": -1234735557,
          "SkinID": 0,
          "Amount": 15,
          "Slot": 0,
          "IsWeapon": false,
          "Ammotype": 0,
          "AmmoAmount": 0,
          "Container": 2,
          "Mods": []
          "Shortname": "crossbow",
          "ItemID": 1965232394,
          "SkinID": 0,
          "Amount": 1,
          "Slot": 0,
          "IsWeapon": true,
          "Ammotype": 0,
          "AmmoAmount": 0,
          "Container": 1,
          "Mods": []
          "Shortname": "stonehatchet",
          "ItemID": -1583967946,
          "SkinID": 0,
          "Amount": 1,
          "Slot": 1,
          "IsWeapon": false,
          "Ammotype": 0,
          "AmmoAmount": 0,
          "Container": 1,
          "Mods": []
          "Shortname": "stone.pickaxe",
          "ItemID": 171931394,
          "SkinID": 0,
          "Amount": 1,
          "Slot": 2,
          "IsWeapon": false,
          "Ammotype": 0,
          "AmmoAmount": 0,
          "Container": 1,
          "Mods": []
          "Shortname": "attire.hide.boots",
          "ItemID": 794356786,
          "SkinID": 0,
          "Amount": 1,
          "Slot": 4,
          "IsWeapon": false,
          "Ammotype": 0,
          "AmmoAmount": 0,
          "Container": 0,
          "Mods": []
          "Shortname": "pants.shorts",
          "ItemID": -1695367501,
          "SkinID": 0,
          "Amount": 1,
          "Slot": 5,
          "IsWeapon": false,
          "Ammotype": 0,
          "AmmoAmount": 0,
          "Container": 0,
          "Mods": []
          "Shortname": "tshirt",
          "ItemID": 223891266,
          "SkinID": 0,
          "Amount": 1,
          "Slot": 6,
          "IsWeapon": false,
          "Ammotype": 0,
          "AmmoAmount": 0,
          "Container": 0,
          "Mods": []
  "Permission Based Loadouts": {
    "SetPermission": {
      "loadouts.1": [
          "Shortname": "hatchet",
          "ItemID": -1252059217,
          "SkinID": 0,
          "Amount": 1,
          "Slot": 0,
          "IsWeapon": false,
          "Ammotype": 0,
          "AmmoAmount": 0,
          "Container": 1,
          "Mods": []
          "Shortname": "pickaxe",
          "ItemID": -1302129395,
          "SkinID": 0,
          "Amount": 1,
          "Slot": 1,
          "IsWeapon": false,
          "Ammotype": 0,
          "AmmoAmount": 0,
          "Container": 1,
          "Mods": []
          "Shortname": "woodtea.pure",
          "ItemID": -557539629,
          "SkinID": 0,
          "Amount": 1,
          "Slot": 2,
          "IsWeapon": false,
          "Ammotype": 0,
          "AmmoAmount": 0,
          "Container": 1,
          "Mods": []
          "Shortname": "oretea.pure",
          "ItemID": 1729374708,
          "SkinID": 0,
          "Amount": 1,
          "Slot": 3,
          "IsWeapon": false,
          "Ammotype": 0,
          "AmmoAmount": 0,
          "Container": 1,
          "Mods": []
          "Shortname": "potato",
          "ItemID": -2086926071,
          "SkinID": 0,
          "Amount": 3,
          "Slot": 4,
          "IsWeapon": false,
          "Ammotype": 0,
          "AmmoAmount": 0,
          "Container": 1,
          "Mods": []
      "loadouts.2": [
          "Shortname": "arrow.hv",
          "ItemID": -1023065463,
          "SkinID": 0,
          "Amount": 12,
          "Slot": 0,
          "IsWeapon": false,
          "Ammotype": 0,
          "AmmoAmount": 0,
          "Container": 2,
          "Mods": []
          "Shortname": "fish.cooked",
          "ItemID": 1668129151,
          "SkinID": 0,
          "Amount": 5,
          "Slot": 1,
          "IsWeapon": false,
          "Ammotype": 0,
          "AmmoAmount": 0,
          "Container": 2,
          "Mods": []
          "Shortname": "bow.compound",
          "ItemID": 884424049,
          "SkinID": 0,
          "Amount": 1,
          "Slot": 0,
          "IsWeapon": true,
          "Ammotype": 0,
          "AmmoAmount": 0,
          "Container": 1,
          "Mods": []
          "Shortname": "hammer.salvaged",
          "ItemID": -1506397857,
          "SkinID": 0,
          "Amount": 1,
          "Slot": 1,
          "IsWeapon": false,
          "Ammotype": 0,
          "AmmoAmount": 0,
          "Container": 1,
          "Mods": []
          "Shortname": "tshirt",
          "ItemID": 223891266,
          "SkinID": 0,
          "Amount": 1,
          "Slot": 6,
          "IsWeapon": false,
          "Ammotype": 0,
          "AmmoAmount": 0,
          "Container": 0,
          "Mods": []
          "Shortname": "attire.hide.boots",
          "ItemID": 794356786,
          "SkinID": 0,
          "Amount": 1,
          "Slot": 5,
          "IsWeapon": false,
          "Ammotype": 0,
          "AmmoAmount": 0,
          "Container": 0,
          "Mods": []
          "Shortname": "pants.shorts",
          "ItemID": -1695367501,
          "SkinID": 0,
          "Amount": 1,
          "Slot": 4,
          "IsWeapon": false,
          "Ammotype": 0,
          "AmmoAmount": 0,
          "Container": 0,
          "Mods": []


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