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Limit Entities 2.2.3

   (8 reviews)
Message added by MON@H,
  • If you want to know what prefab some entity is using, I suggest you to use Entity Owner plugin. Connect to your server, stand in the front of any entity you want to get prefab name for and use /prod command.
  • If you want to get a full list of all supported prefabs into log file - use limitentities.list console command

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RustTranslationAPI does not seem to work



It works. Make sure to read the documentation page on uMod. You need to download translation file(s) and place it into oxide/data/Translations or install extention that will do it automaticaly on each server boot. It's needed to track new added items/languages.


Posted (edited)

can you show me your translation plugin configuration

Edited by RICK

Posted (edited)

I have a default config, nothing needs to be changed or configured. Just install the extention, the plugin and then restart the server

  "API key (if required)": "",
  "Translation service": "google"

Then check the console log of the server there should be like this:

05:14 [Warning] Start downloading the translation files.
05:14 [Warning] Translation files were successfully downloaded(2.15MB) and extracted to '/oxide/data/Translations'.

Means extension works like expected. Also check for this:

05:06 [Info] Loaded plugin Rust Translation API v1.0.3 by Arainrr

Means plugin loaded fine.

Edited by MON@H


my translation plugin configuration is different from yours, mine is like this





Sorry, pasted wrong one, mine is just like yours, since it is default one:

  "Translations override": {
    "zh-CN": {
      "fogmachine": "喷雾机"

Config file is only used to override translation phrases if you don't like Rust native ones. So config file is not metter, if you are not trying to replace phrases. So, please, forget about your config file. Follow my instructions above to check your console log to make sure both Rust Translation API plugin and TranslationsDownloader Extension works as expected.



okay, thanks for your answer, I will try again



I have found the reason, the RusterNET plug-in will cause the translation to fail, do you know why this is?



No idea. Try to ask author of that plugin



Is there a reason this plugin would be spamming the RCON with the following messages?


Calling 'OnEntityKill' on 'LimitEntities v1.3.1' took 106ms

Calling 'OnEntitySpawned' on 'LimitEntities v1.3.1' took 112ms

Calling 'OnEntityKill' on 'LimitEntities v1.3.1' took 104ms

Calling 'OnEntityKill' on 'LimitEntities v1.3.1' took 106ms


These messages have been spamming for the last day or two and I am concerned its causing the instability on my server the last 2 days with lag. I wanted to confirm this would not affect the server before deleting the plugin entirely.



@MNfreakTim, despite the fact that the plugin is optimized as much as possible, checking each building for compliance with the limit in any case occurs and uses some part of the resources - this is inevitable and I hope it is obvious. I have done everything I can to optimize this plugin in order to minimize the load on the server. As far as I know, any server, regardless of the amount of its resources, will start lagging when a certain number of buildings is reached. The more resources the server has, the more buildings it allows to build without lags. Perhaps you have reached this very threshold of the maximum allowable number of buildings that the server can withstand without lags. Also, according to my observations, a large number of entities of a certain type (for example, wind turbines) in one place (for example, on the roof of the same building) significantly reduce FPS and can cause lags. Actually, to prevent all these problems, similar plugins were created. You can, of course, remove it completely, but most likely this will not solve your problem.


Posted (edited)

Well, my current server has ran with 310,000 + entities in a wipe without any issues. At this stage of this wipe my server has 230,000 entities. So I am going to go with my service is more than capable of handling the load of the buildings on it. Its the fact this plugin is pinging my server 20-30 times in one minute. I have at this stage removed the plugin from my server and all is good. Just figured I would give you a heads up, and possibly seek out a remedy for the amount of pings. It is odd that it doesnt do this all the time and it is quite random, it did this earlier today right after a server restart when there was just 3 people on and all of them were not building or doing any type of construction when it happened. I like the plugin, but cant have a plugin pinging the server constantly with that frequency and potentially causing an issue.


P.S. I thought of this after this response. This was when raidable bases was pasting in the bases for my server and I was also pasting down a base for a player who was moving from one of my servers to another one of my servers. This might or might not be related to how it interacts with the copy paste plugin. Its an outside the box thought that might or might not help you identify and possibly limit the interaction and pinging of this command. I hope it helps you out.



Edited by MNfreakTim

Posted (edited)

OnEntityKill called when an entity is destroyed. So it's not related to building new entities, it's related to destroying ones. If you want to figure out what is causing your issue, feel free to add me on discord, I will give you a version with some additional logging for debugging. @M_#8888

In case with 
Copy Paste plugin, you can try to edit those options in it's config file to also reduce performance impact:

"Amount of entities to paste per batch. Use to tweak performance impact of pasting": 15,
"Amount of entities to copy per batch. Use to tweak performance impact of copying": 100,
"Amount of entities to undo per batch. Use to tweak performance impact of undoing": 15,

"EntityOwner (true/false)": true

Try to set entityowner to false and see results

Edited by MON@H


@MNfreakTimit has nothing to do with how performant his code is because next to nothing is called in them. this is because these entities from raid bases have no owner assigned to them, and so his plugin ignores them. you're seeing those time warnings (not pings) due to how frequently those hooks are called.

even so, it is unusual that you would see these time warnings. this only happen for very few reasons

1) code is not optimized, which has already been excluded as the reason

2) low end machine. stating your machine can handle the load is subjective and takes a lot of experience to accurately make this assertion. the majority of times when someone tells me this i find out their machine is not up to par after all. they're often being ripped off, even. either way, i should be able to help you lessen this issue

3) too many plugins bogging the machine down - a very likely cause as many people use in excess of 80 plugins or more, as many as 200 sometimes!

4) too many entities being spawned or destroyed causing the hooks to be called far too frequently

5) oxide hook is not the issue, but how many times its called by the game itself. this isn't an issue for these hooks. it is an issue for CanBeTargeted, and OnNpcTarget however. especially for HTNPlayer entity targetting.



"Amount of entities to paste per batch. Use to tweak performance impact of pasting": 15,

this is copypaste config. 15 is far too high and should be set to 5


Delay Between Entity Death While Despawning Base

this is raid bases config. 0.002 is default and you can certainly raise this to make it take longer and reduce the load on your server. you can try 0.02. it should help.

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Howdy Nivex,


Thank you so much for the information. To be completely transparent the server I am running is not on a dedicated machine. I do run an insane amount of plugins as well, I believe its around 80-85 total. However the machine I am on has on other than 3-4 occasions over the last year run very smooth with very good server fps (70-80) after multiple days running without a restart. It averages roughly 20 people at peek and around 50-60 unique players per day. I have a high CPU priority server with 16 GB of ram and I rarely use more than 12 GB of the existing package on average as well. The machine itself is hosted on HostHavoc. I am not one to say it could not be server/network related to the machine, I have been through 3 hosts now trying to find a really good host up to this point and do eventually see my server needing a dedicated machine if it grows much more. I might have been overconfident, however as I mentioned previously the server has run on this host for a while now and we have had larger structures and more entities in previous wipes with the same plugin load. With the exception being I added this plugin for this wipe to limit entities such as fires, furnaces, pumpjacks and the like as these were getting a bit out of hand during previous wipes.

I will adjust the items you suggested. I really appreciate the help both of you have offered with regards to this issue. I will message you on discord Mon@h. I will try to get in contact with you in the next few days. I have a few projects in real life that I have to deal with over the next day or two but I will reach out.


Thanks again to both Nivex and Mon@h

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Posted (edited)

Mon@h, you are a rockstar. TY so much for the help

Edited by MNfreakTim

Posted (edited)

On 9/13/2021 at 8:46 PM, Rust Admin said:

this looks just like the free uMod plugin Entity Limit

Read the description tab, I described the difference. While they look similar, my plugin was written from scratch and optimized much better, among other differences.

Edited by MON@H
David Jackson



The server I admin for has just purchased this plugin and we will be using it on our next wipe cycle, I've et it up already and it looks awesome, well done!

Would it be possible to add a feature in future for players to check their remaining allowance of limited items?

So when they use /limit it would report

Your global limits are:

fireplace.deployed 0 of 5 limit used

cupboard.too.deployed 2 of 5 limit used


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This is a good suggestion I would love to see it as well!



Would it be possible to limit/block an entire category type? 



3 hours ago, RocketMyrr said:

Would it be possible to limit/block an entire category type? 


David Jackson


9 hours ago, MON@H said:

@David Jackson, @dwwillia, added in latest version

Awesome, thank you so much!

We noticed a bug today, I think it only relates to certain entity types. We have large furnaces limited to 6 per player and 6 per building but the building priv element is ignored so teams can place 6 per member with no limit. I tried dropping the building limit down to 4 so I could easily test it myself but it still let me place 6 up to my per player limit. Config file here https://pastebin.com/fUtNQxXU in case its useful, other limits are working fine.


Posted (edited)

14 hours ago, David Jackson said:

Awesome, thank you so much!

We noticed a bug today, I think it only relates to certain entity types. We have large furnaces limited to 6 per player and 6 per building but the building priv element is ignored so teams can place 6 per member with no limit. I tried dropping the building limit down to 4 so I could easily test it myself but it still let me place 6 up to my per player limit. Config file here https://pastebin.com/fUtNQxXU in case its useful, other limits are working fine.

The building limit for entities deployed on building blocks will not restrict entities placed on the ground.

Edited by MON@H

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