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Limit Entities 2.1.9

   (6 reviews)
Message added by MON@H,
  • If you want to know what prefab some entity is using, I suggest you to use Entity Owner plugin. Connect to your server, stand in the front of any entity you want to get prefab name for and use /prod command.
  • If you want to get a full list of all supported prefabs into log file - use limitentities.list console command

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How do I allow players to place ladders on other players bases that are at the limits or their own? Is there a way to whitelist the Wooden Ladder item and twig entities? Without this it makes this plugin unusable for people trying to raid or climb bases in any way for any server.

How can I implement this into the plugin? Or am I missing something? I'd like to whitelist ladders and twig thank you ❤️


Screenshot 2023-02-12 at 5.15.13 PM.png

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Awesome! Really appreciate you adding this. Having this really perfects this plugin! What are the entity names for twig square floor and twig triangle floor if I were to add to blocked list with the ladder?

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@MON@HI tried the NEW config like this and only the ladders now work. I can't get twig square floors to add or twig triangle floors? Do I ahve the item wrong or? I can't find any other twig floor assets in the items list.

  "Excluded list": [
    "assets/prefabs/building core/floor/floor.twig.prefab"

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@SlayersRustbuilding blocks is a different story, you can't use this logic to them, since they are all build as twig tier. You'll have to increase litits accordinaly, because adding Raidable base territory check into plugin can impact performance and people who don't want this feature will hurt.

Maybe I'll come up with something later

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How do the Priorities work Monah? I have Default Group 5k, VIP 7500, ELITE 15,000. How do I make sure Elite group can build to 15k? I have other vips that also have elite and vip and default. How do I make sure their elite works? For some reason they are stuck at 7500 entities. Do I give elite 0,1,2,3 priority? I don't understand? I feel like one is overlapping the other and not allowing them to build to 15,000.

In this scenario i showed above what Number Priority would my elite vip need to be to have the highest building limit?|

      "Priority": 2,

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On 2/18/2023 at 9:46 PM, SlayersRust said:

How do the Priorities work Monah? I have Default Group 5k, VIP 7500, ELITE 15,000. How do I make sure Elite group can build to 15k? I have other vips that also have elite and vip and default. How do I make sure their elite works? For some reason they are stuck at 7500 entities. Do I give elite 0,1,2,3 priority? I don't understand? I feel like one is overlapping the other and not allowing them to build to 15,000.

In this scenario i showed above what Number Priority would my elite vip need to be to have the highest building limit?|

      "Priority": 2,

Damn, I missed this message for some reason. In your example you can just keep the default priority and it should work. The higher tier of your group, the higher priority you should set. Like default = 10, VIP = 20, Elite = 30, Ultimate = 40, GODLIKE = 50 etc... If player has several permissions, the one with highest priority will be applied. Isn't this clear from description? I hope you figured it out already...

UPD: Oh, now I see... There were a typo in default config file and vip priority = elite = 1. Fixed in latest version.

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Is there a way to limit prefabs based on a "wildcard"? For example, I'd like to restrict the number of foundations a player can place, regardless of the type of foundation. In other words, if I want a foundation limit of 50, I want the player to be able to place 50 regular foundations, 50 triangle foundations, 25 of each, whatever they want. 

Also, just to confirm, the foundation limits are based on TC, right? So if there's a limit of 50 foundations and 2 players build foundations, it'll still be limited to 50 total due to the TC?

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@BetterDeadThanZed there are no wildcards. I was thinking about adding entities grouping, but it would add complexity to the code and probably performance loss, with a payoff from little to nothing. Limiting by exact prefab doing 99% scenarios and for 1% it doesn't it's still possible to just set lower limit. For your example you can set regular foundation to 50 and triangle foundation to 25 and it may be pretty much it.

About TC, "Limits Global" is personal per player and has nothing to do with TC but "Limits Building" has. For building limit check, if there is a cupboard placed - the limits of the owner of the cupboard will apply, if the cupboard is not placed - the restrictions of the owner of the first block will apply.

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59 minutes ago, MON@H said:

@BetterDeadThanZed there are no wildcards. I was thinking about adding entities grouping, but it would add complexity to the code and probably performance loss, with a payoff from little to nothing. Limiting by exact prefab doing 99% scenarios and for 1% it doesn't it's still possible to just set lower limit. For your example you can set regular foundation to 50 and triangle foundation to 25 and it may be pretty much it.

About TC, "Limits Global" is personal per player and has nothing to do with TC but "Limits Building" has. For building limit check, if there is a cupboard placed - the limits of the owner of the cupboard will apply, if the cupboard is not placed - the restrictions of the owner of the first block will apply.

Thanks for the fast reply. So, if the owner of a base places 25 foundations and they are limited to 50, then any other players that are authed on the TC will only be able to place up to 25 more foundations (the owner's limit)?

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@Chill Roleplay there is no user interface, you have to edit the config file. I just don't see the point in wasting time creating a UI for one setup that will most likely never change again (or very rarely)

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Prior to this plugin, I used another plugin that limited entities. This other plugin worked a bit different from this one. For example, two players, having separate build limits, could build on the same TC up to their build limits. So, if these players each had a limit of 50 foundations, the two could build 100 foundations on one TC.

This plugin obviously works different. However, if prior to me having this plugin, the above situation happened (100 foundations on one TC), then I switched to this plugin and it limited the players to 50 foundations per TC, would the excess foundations be removed/decayed due to the way this plugin limits entites?

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@BetterDeadThanZed, No. This plugin only limits the ability for players to build more than the limit. Existing buildings will be included in the calculation, but overlimits will not be destroyed.

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I see that this plugin creates limits per player, but it would be great if we could set this per clan, with a percentage increase with extra clan members

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@Baro support for clans, friends, teams is not planned. It just doesn't make sense, as it's easy to get around by leaving/returning.

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On 4/21/2023 at 9:17 AM, MON@H said:

@BetterDeadThanZed there are no wildcards. I was thinking about adding entities grouping, but it would add complexity to the code and probably performance loss, with a payoff from little to nothing. Limiting by exact prefab doing 99% scenarios and for 1% it doesn't it's still possible to just set lower limit. For your example you can set regular foundation to 50 and triangle foundation to 25 and it may be pretty much it.

About TC, "Limits Global" is personal per player and has nothing to do with TC but "Limits Building" has. For building limit check, if there is a cupboard placed - the limits of the owner of the cupboard will apply, if the cupboard is not placed - the restrictions of the owner of the first block will apply.

I think the only entity that needs to be grouped are foundations.  If there was away for triangle & square foundations to count towards a total number of foundations only, I think most server owners would be very pleased with that.  It is the only thing players request specifically.

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29 minutes ago, MON@H said:

@BadLands what do you mean?

people uses multi tc to avoid limits. so if is possible add restriction tc range .
limit each tc, but on multi tc,  is like multiple bases.

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@BadLands I con't understand what exactly are you talking about. I'm not aware of any method which allows to avoid limits. Give me detailed description of what exactly going on on your server and maybe I'll be able to help you.

If you are talking about building limit with multi TC, then range will not help

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