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Message added by ZEODE,

PLEASE NOTE: Since Facepunch removed the usual Parachute prefab, the Bradley will not parachute down from the plane currently. Instead it will fall without, but the plugin will still work normally otherwise. I am working at ways to try and fix this for the new parachute prefab, which eludes me at the moment. Hopefully this will be resolved soon.

Message added by ZEODE,

Thank you for looking at my plugin, if you have any questions or if you need help, please open a Support Thread or reach out to me on my Discord at https://discord.gg/jnyg3FvDnc

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2 hours ago, Neighigh said:

Do your config names match like so?
      "Angry Bradley Signal": {
        "APC display name": "Angry Bradley Signal",

I had the same problem, the plane would never spawn unless the names were listed the same in both lines for every signal I made for our server.

i kept them default so i hope they match and was using the bdbuy easy command so i would have thought they should work


Edited by bradh79
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1 hour ago, bradh79 said:

i kept them default so i hope they match and was using the bdbuy easy command so i would have thought they should work


Ahhh, so its working ok for you now? Do you mean the PlaneSpeed? in which case the plane would have spawned miles outside the map and never came yeah.

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need to prevent players droping it in tc range or to close building, this bradley feldown upside down couse of building


Edited by Robis
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22 minutes ago, Robis said:

need to prevent players droping it in tc range or to close building, this bradley feldown upside down couse of building


Hmmm, yes, this could be a problem. I will incorporate this into the next update, thanks for the report.

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7 hours ago, ZEODE said:

Hmmm, yes, this could be a problem. I will incorporate this into the next update, thanks for the report.

also one moment, when you drop it, supply signal also get called.... maybe can you change main supply drop item to a smoke nade ? but some how it need to have a smoke tail on a position where it will going land. Long story short: need some how to prevent supply drop coming together with apc drop if possible

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4 minutes ago, Robis said:

also one moment, when you drop it, supply signal also get called.... maybe can you change main supply drop item to a smoke nade ? but some how it need to have a smoke tail on a position where it will going land. Long story short: need some how to prevent supply drop coming together with apc drop if possible

Unless there is a conflict with another plugin I don't know about, that issue should be resolved. Please post a support request in the support section with details so I can investigate. Thanks.

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On 1/7/2023 at 11:13 AM, Neighigh said:

You're awesome! Thank you!!

I didn’t have time to add the console command option to this update, but I wanted to release the update to remove a couple bugs. I will work on adding this option in the next couple of days.

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On 1/5/2023 at 7:03 PM, Covfefe said:

Place add commands /buybradley easy/medium or hard with configurable scrap prices so players can just 

/buybradley medium to get their signals

This is added. Command descriptions are in the plugin documentation. 👍🏻

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thats it, last update killing my server, have to remove this plugin. loottable spamming non stop supply drops if bradley droped to close anyones base and get refunded....

OR PLEASE can you change drop item to smoke grenade if you cant make it work with loottable plugin ?


Edited by Robis
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On 1/8/2023 at 10:21 PM, Robis said:

need to prevent players droping it in tc range or to close building, this bradley feldown upside down couse of building


stack outdoor chairs under one side it will flip it over

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24 minutes ago, Robis said:

thats it, last update killing my server, have to remove this plugin. loottable spamming non stop supply drops if bradley droped to close anyones base and get refunded....

OR PLEASE can you change drop item to smoke grenade if you cant make it work with loottable plugin ?


OR PLEASE TELL ME HOW TO CHANGE IT TO SMOKE NADE TO AVOID CONFLICT WITH SUPPLY SIGNALS... jesus swear to good this was my last time when i buy any plugins from anyone... to many complicated everything, not for me.


also i wondering why you didnt add in cfg file options what to use to call it like most other plugins doing it

for example: this plugin 



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8 minutes ago, bradh79 said:

stack outdoor chairs under one side it will flip it over

if you dont have anything useful to say then dont talk at all.... clown keep your jokes in right place and time

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29 minutes ago, Robis said:

if you dont have anything useful to say then dont talk at all.... clown keep your jokes in right place and time

i was being seriious i had one land on its roof and thats how i flipped it over

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4 hours ago, Robis said:

OR PLEASE TELL ME HOW TO CHANGE IT TO SMOKE NADE TO AVOID CONFLICT WITH SUPPLY SIGNALS... jesus swear to good this was my last time when i buy any plugins from anyone... to many complicated everything, not for me.


also i wondering why you didnt add in cfg file options what to use to call it like most other plugins doing it

for example: this plugin 




4 hours ago, Robis said:

if you dont have anything useful to say then dont talk at all.... clown keep your jokes in right place and time

Robis, the Discussion page is not meant for this, your posts are support related and you already opened a support thread, why spam your issues here too?

I am trying to help you but you are giving me very little information in which to investigate your issue. Also, keep in mind that I am in the UK, so I have been asleep for the last few hours and am now at work. I do this in my spare time as a hobby and while I don't like to have issues, inevitably with a new plugin there are teething problems, which may or may not be directly related to my plugin. It could be due to the coding of another plugin not handling custom signals very well instead for example.

Nobody else is reporting your issues, which leads me to believe there is a plugin conflict with another you have on your server.

Now if you would please, kindly take your discussion to your open support thread where I can try and assist you after you have provided me with more information as requested.. The plugin you shared still relies on supply signals to function, its not as simple to just replace it with a different item.

Please take any further discussion on this to the support thread and I'm sure we can fix your issue. Please also be respectful of others in your replies. Thank you.

Edited by ZEODE
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3 hours ago, bradh79 said:

stack outdoor chairs under one side it will flip it over

@bradh79this issue shouldn't happen anymore since it now wont allow people to throw signals in or near to buildings. Please let me know if any issues in the support section. 🙂

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Подскажите имеет ди данный танк владельца? игрок не вызывавший его может наносить урон?  для пве важен приват на команду для вызывного танка

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9 minutes ago, Чао Пэрсик said:

Подскажите имеет ди данный танк владельца? игрок не вызывавший его может наносить урон?  для пве важен приват на команду для вызывного танка

Привет, спасибо за ваш вопрос.

В настоящее время плагин не блокирует танк для человека или команды, которая его вызвала. Вы должны быть в состоянии защитить танк от других с помощью плагина PVE, однако я добавлю эту функцию в будущее обновление, если это поможет.

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4 minutes ago, ZEODE said:

Привет, спасибо за ваш вопрос.

В настоящее время приложение не блокирует танк для человека или команды, которая его вызвала. Вы должны быть в состоянии танка от других с использованием дополнения PVE, однако я добавлю эту функцию в будущее обновление, если это будет.

было бы замечательно, так как игрок купивший шашку на пве , будет крайне недоволен, если танк у него перехватят

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On 1/10/2023 at 8:51 AM, Чао Пэрсик said:

было бы замечательно, так как игрок купивший шашку на пве , будет крайне недоволен, если танк у него перехватят

теперь в плагине есть эта функция и многое другое. Спасибо, что посмотрели.

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@ZEODEIs it possible we can have control of the variable for the distance from objects/buildings we're allowed to throw the signals? I've noticed for buildings and objects it looks to be using the patrol distance currently. For us that's a little much so I went in and divided it by 10 in the .cs(this way I was able to keep our large patrol distance while shortening the distance from objects/buildings) but it would be super helpful to have a variable to control in the config. 

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24 minutes ago, Neighigh said:

@ZEODEIs it possible we can have control of the variable for the distance from objects/buildings we're allowed to throw the signals? I've noticed for buildings and objects it looks to be using the patrol distance currently. For us that's a little much so I went in and divided it by 10 in the .cs(this way I was able to keep our large patrol distance while shortening the distance from objects/buildings) but it would be super helpful to have a variable to control in the config. 

I can certainly add this into a future update yes.

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