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Rust Admin


Quick question:   If a base is active with /sar - can the MLRS rockets damage it?  Thanks



19 hours ago, Rust Admin said:

Quick question:   If a base is active with /sar - can the MLRS rockets damage it?  Thanks

I believe it may need support added for MLRS. I can check this out once I fix the other issues


Posted (edited)

I may have overlooked this in the description somehow, but does this plugin block all damage to player bases as long as that player has logged in and been active within a certain time frame that we would set in the config files? The player could be offline and their base would not take damage. The player could be online and their base would not take damage. Then, if a player logs off and stays logged off long enough we get what is essentially a raidable base event (from your other plugin).

In other words, a players' base is not able to be damaged while they are online or offline, unless they have logged off and have been offline for a configurable amount of time and then once offline for that time the functionality from the raidable bases plugin takes over and players can then raid this base?

Nivex answered on discord, thanks! The plugin protects bases while the player is online AND offline.

Is it possible to only protect a player base if that player is offline?

Edited by Albonation


As stated in Discord, I may add the option in the future

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problem: when the server restarts, the abandoned databases are reset, the timer resets and starts the report from the server start

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chuck norris


12 hours ago, Pupsik said:

problem: when the server restarts, the abandoned databases are reset, the timer resets and starts the report from the server start

same ,I have set for 5 days, this player has not been on the server for more than 7 days, the notification says that the last time it entered the server was 8 hours ago



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@Pupsik@Covfefesorry for this issue! I will try to fix it asap

chuck norris


appeared in the log today:

[Abandoned Bases] SetupAbandonedRoutine ERROR: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at Oxide.Plugins.AbandonedBases.StartAbandonedRoutine (Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence.IPlayer user) [0x00088] in <534649639ecb45a3a2c02222e22f5759>:0 
  at Oxide.Plugins.AbandonedBases.SetupAbandonedRoutine () [0x0000f] in <534649639ecb45a3a2c02222e22f5759>:0 
  at Oxide.Plugins.AbandonedBases.TryInvokeMethod (System.Action action) [0x00000] in <534649639ecb45a3a2c02222e22f5759>:0  
(Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39)



@chuck norristrying to debug this so hopefully i can fix it soon

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chuck norris

Posted (edited)

4 hours ago, nivex said:

@chuck norristrying to debug this so hopefully i can fix it soon

the only thing that appears is this:



Sem Título.png

Edited by chuck norris
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Posted (edited)

guess I should have stated these issues were fixed when I released 1.1.9 on the 12th

I am aware of the issues with guntraps and tesla coils not doing damage, and also with the exception being thrown from OnPlayerSleep. releasing update for this shortly

@Albonationcan you provide details on what this option should do? the plugin already protects offline players so long as they haven't been offline more than the configured time

@Rust AdminI've added the Allow Players To Use MLRS option in next update

Edited by nivex


23 hours ago, nivex said:

@Albonationcan you provide details on what this option should do? the plugin already protects offline players so long as they haven't been offline more than the configured time

Hey, thanks for taking interest in my idea! I was thinking that while a player is online, their base is not protected. So, normal Rust while a player is online but then their base would be protected with your plugin when they are offline. Then, if they stay offline for too long your plugin takes over and makes the base raidable.



@Albonationit's an interesting combination of ideas. I'll consider it and I'm sure it'll appeal to many others too

  • Like 1
chuck norris


"Economics Cost To Manually Convert (0 = disabled)": 0.0,
 "ServerRewards Cost To Manually Convert (0 = disabled)": 0,


can you use scrap? Or can you add it in the future?

thanks 🙂



@chuck norrisI can add this in a future update yes

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chuck norris

Posted (edited)

Command /sar cancel

can configure some delay 30min for when a player is raiding the base owner does not cancel the raid immediately?


@nivexit would be great if you could add a cooldown to this command 🙏

Edited by chuck norris

Posted (edited)

Can this plugin be used to just destroy an abandoned bases? I am thinking of purchasing this plugin. But I do not want to have the player bases become "Raidable", instead just destroyed.


Thanks in advance if this has already been asked / answered.

Edited by MNfreakTim
  • Like 1

Posted (edited)

hit post twice

Edited by MNfreakTim


4 hours ago, MNfreakTim said:

Can this plugin be used to just destroy abandoned bases? I am thinking of purchasing this plugin. But I do not want to have the player bases become "Raidable", instead just destroyed.


Thanks in advance if this has already been asked / answered.

i do must admit, that aint a bad idea in my opinion for those willing to keep the server pure PvE instead of player made structure's. 

Fusion 3.64


On 5/27/2022 at 11:53 AM, MNfreakTim said:

Can this plugin be used to just destroy an abandoned bases? I am thinking of purchasing this plugin. But I do not want to have the player bases become "Raidable", instead just destroyed.


Thanks in advance if this has already been asked / answered.


Fusion 3.64

Posted (edited)

2 minutes ago, thepiercedweirdo said:

Pretty much works the same way. But just wipes bases instead of making them raidable.

*facepalm* Meant to edit my post. Not respond to it...

Edited by thepiercedweirdo


On 5/26/2022 at 9:29 AM, chuck norris said:

Command /sar cancel

can configure some delay 30min for when a player is raiding the base owner does not cancel the raid immediately?


@nivexit would be great if you could add a cooldown to this command 🙏

Require Event Be Finished Before It Can Be Canceled

this should prevent them from canceling immediately... it requires all boxes to be looted first. is this not good enough?


Posted (edited)

18 hours ago, thepiercedweirdo said:

Ty very much, much appreciated. I was willing to buy this plugin to make it work. But as this question has not been answered in here, I will look at this other plugin as an option to control the amount of entities on my server.

Edited by MNfreakTim
chuck norris


8 hours ago, nivex said:

Require Event Be Finished Before It Can Be Canceled

this should prevent them from canceling immediately... it requires all boxes to be looted first. is this not good enough?

hi nivex, Not because players want to use /sar and /sar cancel a cooldown prevented the player I was raiding from being able to continue the raid. the problem is that if a player activates /sar and after an hour or less wants to cancel /sar cancel
But if it's a lot of work, it doesn't matter. 

thx 🙂

Fusion 3.64


3 hours ago, MNfreakTim said:

Ty very much, much appreciated. I was willing to buy this plugin to make it work. But as this question has not been answered in here, I will look at this other plugin as an option to control the amount of entities on my server.

I mean I THINK you can configure this to just wipe bases.
But this plugin does it. That's all it does.
And understood where you're coming from. I've run servers in the past where base congestion/entity count was a massive concern.
And this did the job.

But depending on the type of server you run and your players wants however you may wind up circling back to this one at some point.
It doesn't have to involve pvp or any conflict between the players. Raids can be set to a first come first serve basis.

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