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8o8 Designs


UKoR6K v1.0.1 should be uploaded today!

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hello there, does it give a video tour ? and do i need the plugins for what you give us the configs !?

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8o8 Designs

Posted (edited)

On 5/5/2022 at 5:54 AM, Nachtschatten72 said:

hello there, does it give a video tour ? and do i need the plugins for what you give us the configs !?


I don't have a video tour no. I am looking for someone to create me one.
You only need the 'Automated Workcarts' plugin, and this makes the trains work with NPC drivers. The other plugin configs are optional.

Edited by 8o8 Designs


ok thx for fast answer, great map. big streets many houses, cool.

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8o8 Designs

Posted (edited)

UKoR6K v1.0.2 should be uploaded today!

Just scanning for duplicates. It takes a while

Edited by 8o8 Designs


hay there how come you cant build on the left island is there a way to disable it

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Posted (edited)

On 7/23/2022 at 3:32 AM, Terry Gibson said:

hay there how come you cant build on the left island is there a way to disable it

The description page says that Ireland is a no-build area.

EDIT: Under "Features" it says "Ireland is a no-build zone (Hardcore PVP/PVE Zone)". As to whether you can disable this or not, you would have to buy the paid version to edit this yourself in RustEdit.

Edited by Christopher Swords
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8o8 Designs

Posted (edited)

That's correct. Thanks Christopher 👍

Most of the end game monuments are on Ireland. I did this to provide an end game area that would be more of a challenge than the vanilla game, both for PVE and PVP. You can easily remove this prefab if you have supported the maps development by purchasing the RustEdit version.

EDIT: To anyone that supports the maps development by purchasing the RE version, and they're aren't confident about editing it. I can do small edits (like removing no-build zones) for them as long as it's not too time consuming. 

Edited by 8o8 Designs
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ok cool thanx for that 


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Posted (edited)

Hi, firstly I would like to show my appreciation for an awesome map and the hard work that you have obviously put into it, I am currently running this on one of my servers and I am testing various things on it.

Until now it has been very satisfying and I have no issues worth mentioning, how ever I have run into a little issue with the smart switches, I have tested these on various generated seeds Vanilla and modded with no apparent issues, but when I connect the Rust+ + the app there is no communication at all between the switches and the app  on the UK map.

I am wandering if there is something in the map data like coordinates and such that are used in the connection to the smart switches?

Or are you aware of this particular problem, or even am I missing something? 🙂

Any info on this would be greatly appreciated.


Edited by BadAzZ
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8o8 Designs


Hello BadAzZ

Thank you 🙂 I'm glad you enjoy the map.

I don't think the issue is with the map. I use the rust+ app all the time and I never have any issues

8o8 Designs



🇬🇧  Supporters of the map have been immortalised on a sign in the London Outpost  🇬🇧

Thanks everyone ❤️

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The Cobalt Harbour recycler in the green door room is accessible from the window.

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Just a curiosity. I am wondering if you're going to have a channel on your Discord where member can talk. I've joined it, but every channel is locked to read only?

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One error that I've seen a bit of is:

assets/rust.ai/agents/stag/stag.prefab failed to sample navmesh at position (397.1, 35.7, -1485.4) on area: Walkable

I've teleported there to see what's going on and it's over the middle of the water, but there is a chair hovering just above the surface of the water.

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8o8 Designs


On 8/8/2022 at 5:45 PM, ChristopherS said:

I've teleported there to see what's going on and it's over the middle of the water, but there is a chair hovering just above the surface of the water.

That's a random glitch that can happen. I see it sometimes.. It's the centre point of the map




Love your work, bro! 

Currently running the UK 6K map and the excav has been working all wipe but yesterday morning the output disappeared so we can't empty it even though it consumes fuel. Scientists are all there and the supply drops seem to be working.  Is there any solution or workaround? We've tried restarting, updating RE etc, but can't seem to get it to work again. 


Thanks in advance!




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Hi 🙂  Love the map - I'm running it on a hardcore server and enjoying exploring it without map/compass/mini.  The automated workcart is great - love the touch of including data files for some key plugins (although in the zip the data file should be embedded in /data/AutomatedWorkcarts/ rather than just /data).

I've only explored part of the map so far but loving the detail that you've put into it.  Some more names of towns would be good, although I might have missed them.  I noticed there's a few wooden signs around - were these meant to have pictures on them?  Could these perhaps be saved to a datafile using Monument Addons and included with the map?

I've been using Static Lootables and was great to see a custom config included for that.  Would be nice to see something in the lockers (even if it's just random burlap clothes).

Have you considered a betterloot config to reduce the standard loot tables a little?  I removed hazmat as it was too easy to get from normal crates and reduced crates from 5 items to 3.

There's an area at the sat dish where there's a wire running off the sat dish to a tower w/keycard door - I was kinda expecting to see a switch (to activate card-reader) at the top of the dish.

Also, is this the rock you fixed?  (I can't tell the location, apart from being near harbour, as I'm running in hardcore mode).



Anyway, thanks for the great map!  Will be buying the editable version to support you soon.

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Hola a todos!.
@808, tenqo que felicitarte!. No solo por la labor en este mapa, sino en todos los que he visto (Donut, Mundi y London). En este último he quedado maravillado del enorme trabajo realizado. Mi enhorabuena.
Encontrar tus mapas free, me ha dado la oportunidad de probar en mis servidores mapas custom (hasta ahora había tenido algunas dificultades).
No obstante, querría preguntarte algo (si la información que solicito la puedo hallar en otro lugar, te agradecería me lo indicases para no hacerte perder el tiempo.

-1- Aún teniendo solo el server de London corriendo, los caballos tienen verdaderos problemas para transitar. Alguna sugeréncia?
-2- En cuanto a la instalación del mapa, adjuntas las configuraciones de 4 plugins... Entiendo que tengo que tener instalados para que el mapa tenga total funcionalidad, no?. Tal y como sucede, y he leido, con AutomatedWorkcarts (mis players se quejaban de que no había trenes). Persona mi desconocimiento pero, asumía que los plugins ya estaban incluidos en dichas carpetas y me he dado cuenta de que no era así.
-3- Echo en falta un mini-tutorial para la implementación correcta del mapa y no tener que estar preguntando. Quizás exista, pero no lo he visto.

Saludos! Y gracias por el trabajo realizado. No te extrañe que en breve adquiera la versión de pago de London. Es impresionante ese mapa!
Hello everyone!.

@808 I have to congratulate you!.  Not only for the work on this map but on all the ones I've seen (Donut, Mundi and London).  In this last one I have been amazed at the enormous work done.  My congratulations.

Finding your free maps has given me the opportunity to test custom maps on my servers (until now I had had some difficulties). However I would like to ask you something (if the information I request can be found elsewhere I would be grateful if you could tell me so as not to waste your time.

-1- Even with only the London server running the horses have real trouble transiting.  Any suggestion?

-2- Regarding the installation of the map you attach the configurations of 4 plugins... I understand that I have to have them installed so that the map has full functionality right?  As it happens and I have read with AutomatedWorkcarts (my players complained that there were no trains).  Person my ignorance but assume that the plugins were already included in these folders and I have realized that it was not.

-3- I miss a mini-tutorial for the correct implementation of the map and not having to ask.  It may exist but I haven't seen it.

Cheers!  And thanks for the work done.  It does not surprise you that I will soon acquire the paid version of London.  That map is awesome!

  • Love 1


Hola de nuevo...
Sigo sin que me funcione correctamente AutomatedWorkdcarts...
Hay algo que debería de saber? He descargado el plugin... pero sigue mal.
Puede ser que el fichero UKoR6Kv1.0.5.json se tenga que renombrar?
En el .zip existe la carpeta data para el plugin, pero he leido un usuario que indica que dentro de data debe de existir tambien una carpeta de mismo nombre, y dentro de la misma, ese fichero. Es correcto?. 
Cada vez que haya un update del mapa, el fichero de configuración de AutomatedWorkcarts, cambiará de nombre?

Hello again...
AutomatedWorkdcarts still doesn't work for me...
Is there something I should know?  I've downloaded the plugin... but it's still wrong.
ould it be that the UKoR6Kv1.0.5.json file needs to be renamed?
In the .zip there is the data folder for the plugin but I have read a user who indicates that within data there must also be a folder of the same name and within it that file.  It is right?.
Every time there is a map update will the AutomatedWorkcarts configuration file change its name?
Thank you


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14 hours ago, Druid said:

Hello again...
AutomatedWorkdcarts still doesn't work for me...
Is there something I should know?  I've downloaded the plugin... but it's still wrong.
ould it be that the UKoR6Kv1.0.5.json file needs to be renamed?
In the .zip there is the data folder for the plugin but I have read a user who indicates that within data there must also be a folder of the same name and within it that file.  It is right?.
Every time there is a map update will the AutomatedWorkcarts configuration file change its name?
Thank you


Hopefully 808 answers, however in the meantime if it helps you: the umod page for AutomatedWorkcarts states it needs to be in oxide/data/AutomatedWorkcarts/ folder.  I did this and made sure the filename matched the map name (so oxide/data/AutomatedWorkcarts/UKoR6Kv1.0.5.json) and it's working fine.


It seems the mapmaker will include a new datafile for AutomatedWorkcarts with an updated filename so if there's an update you should be able to just copy the new file into the data/AutomatedWorkcarts/ folder (just double-check that the version number on the file has been updated to match the map as it wasn't updated for version 1.0.4, but was correctly named this time).



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6 hours ago, PlaguedRust said:

Hopefully 808 answers, however in the meantime if it helps you: the umod page for AutomatedWorkcarts states it needs to be in oxide/data/AutomatedWorkcarts/ folder.  I did this and made sure the filename matched the map name (so oxide/data/AutomatedWorkcarts/UKoR6Kv1.0.5.json) and it's working fine.


It seems the mapmaker will include a new datafile for AutomatedWorkcarts with an updated filename so if there's an update you should be able to just copy the new file into the data/AutomatedWorkcarts/ folder (just double-check that the version number on the file has been updated to match the map as it wasn't updated for version 1.0.4, but was correctly named this time).




Yesterday after posting the query I did what you told me in another post @PlaguedRust.  That comment gave me the right clue.  And so I did.  I got it to work (although I still have the 1.0.4 map with the .json (1.0.3.)

Yes I understood yesterday that the name of the .json file must be that of the map that is working.
Well only the train works in the tunnels (it doesn't work on the surface) at least for version 1.04.
Now I have to update the map and not destroy anything that my players have built.!!
Thank you very much for the reply.  Before having provided it to me your previous post had already been of interest.


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Ah, yes - I'm running 1.0.4 currently as well (as you have to be very careful upgrading maps mid-wipe, it's not recommended) and had to rename the workcart filename from 1.0.3 to the correct map name.


I renamed the filename, placed it into the data/AutomatedWorkcarts file, downloaded AutomatedWorkcarts, installed the rest of the map/config files and it just worked for me - carts zipping around above surface.  I haven't even looked in tunnels yet but I didn't think that option was activated in the config file 808 provided (config\AutomatedWorkcarts.json)?

  • Love 1


10 hours ago, PlaguedRust said:

Ah, yes - I'm running 1.0.4 currently as well (as you have to be very careful upgrading maps mid-wipe, it's not recommended) and had to rename the workcart filename from 1.0.3 to the correct map name. [Ah, sí, actualmente también estoy ejecutando 1.0.4 (ya que debe tener mucho cuidado al actualizar los mapas a mitad de la limpieza, no se recomienda) y tuve que cambiar el nombre del archivo del carrito de trabajo de 1.0.3 al nombre del mapa correcto.]


I renamed the filename, placed it into the data/AutomatedWorkcarts file, downloaded AutomatedWorkcarts, installed the rest of the map/config files and it just worked for me - carts zipping around above surface. [Cambié el nombre del archivo, lo coloqué en el archivo data/AutomatedWorkcarts, descargué AutomatedWorkcarts, instalé el resto de los archivos de mapa/configuración y simplemente funcionó para mí: los carros se deslizaban por encima de la superficie.]   I haven't even looked in tunnels yet but I didn't think that option was activated in the config file 808 provided (config\AutomatedWorkcarts.json)? [Ni siquiera he mirado en los túneles todavía, pero no pensé que esa opción estuviera activada en el archivo de configuración 808 proporcionado (config\\AutomatedWorkcarts.json)?]


Yes I got it and did the same as you when I saw that the config file had the wrong map name.  And indeed it worked for me both on the surface and subway.

I don't understand what you're saying about not updating maps in the middle of cleaning...

My intention is to use the downloaded map (1.0.5). To keep the player structures I just have to rename the .sav file with the name of the new map.  And it should work fine, right?


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8o8 Designs


Hey guys. Use the support system because I don't get notifications when anyone posts in the comments. I have only just noticed all these messages 🙂

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