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  1. More information about "Enchanting"



    Enchanting adds the ability for different types of weapons to be enchanted with over 29 specialized, unique abilities from freezing your target in place, to increasing the speed of your horse. Each enchantment is configurable and can be added to any weapon type, or even multiple times under the same weapon type with different durations/effect modifiers.
    Enchanting an item requires a cost of runes, which are found from different sources. See the "Runes" section below for more information on how players obtain runes.
    The plugin comes with a number of pre-made enchanted weapons, but you can add, remove or edit your own via the config file, allowing you to tailor this plugin for your on worlds.

    Runes are required to enchant a weapon. The enchantment costs can be seen under each weapon, and must be in the players inventory when they attempt to enchant their weapon.
    Runes drop from multiple sources, but each rune type has a uniquely flavoured drop source by default:
    Ice Runes: Obtained while mining, woodcutting or picking floora (hemp, mushrooms, pumpkins etc) in the acrtic biome. Life Runes: Obtained from collecting floora in any biome. Death Runes: Obtained while harvesting the flesh of NPCs and animals. Fire Runes: Obtained while mining, woodcutting or picking floora in the arid biome (desert). Dark Runes: Obtained while mining, woodcutting or picking plants during the night (after 6pm, before 6am). Light Runes: Obtained while mining, woodcutting or picking plants during the day (between 6am and 6pm). Water Runes: Obtained while gutting fish or harvesting flesh from sharks. Runes can be adjusted, renamed and changed in the config file, and additional rune types can also be added, all of which can be assigned to any of the 15 drop sources.

    There are 29 enchantments available as of version 1.0.0. These enchantements can be placed onto most held items, and can be activated as long as the player is not on cooldown.
    The cooldown works as a global cooldown, meaning that if a player uses any enchantment, they cannot use another enchantment until their cooldown finishes.
    Each weapon can have a unique cooldown period, allowing for more powerful enchantments to cause a longer cooldown, while having a shorter cooldown for less powerful ones.
    To enchant an item, simply place it into a repairbench, which will trigger the "Enchanting" button to appear. Clicking this button will display all available enchantments for that particular item. Click the desired enchantment, click enchant and you are done!
    All abilities require activation by pressing MOUSE3 (default) while the weapoin is active. Stowing or swapping the weapon so something else cancels the ability.

    Command: inspect
    Action: Shows the enchantment info for the active weapon.
    Permission: none
    Command: giverunes
    Parameters: <Optional: quantity>
    Action: Gives the user x amount of each rune.
    Permission: enchanting.admin
    Command: giverandomweapon
    Action: Gives the user a random enchanted weapon.
    Permission: enchanting.admin
    Command (CONSOLE): generaterandomweapon
    Parameters: <target name/ID>
    Action: Gives the user a random enchanted weapon.
    Permission: enchanting.admin

    enchanting.admin - required for admin commands. enchanting.free - enchanting requires no runes. enchanting.create - required to see the enchanting menu appear in the repairbench menu. enchanting.nocooldown - no cooldown is applicable after activating an ability.  

    [1] Freeze: Freezes the target in place when hit for x seconds. [2] Slow: Prevents the target from running when hit for x seconds. [3] Inferno: Sets the target on fire when hit for x seconds. [4] Bleeding: Applies x bleeding stacks when hit for the duration. [5] Radiation: Applies x radiation stacks when hit for the duration. [6] Poison: Poisons the target, dealing x damage every y seconds for z cycles. They also vomit. [7] Indestructable: Prevents condition loss on the weapon for the duration. [8] Lifesteal: Returns x% of the damage dealt to a target, back to the attacker. [9] PVPDamage: Increases the damage versus players by x% for the duration. [10] PVEDamage: Increases the damage versus animals and scientists by x% for the duration. [11] Blind: Blinds the player for x seconds when hit. [12] Splinter: Damages all players within x meters of the target for y% of the damage dealt to the target. [13] Explosive: Spawns and detinates an explosive at the landing point of a projectile weapon for the duration. [14] Healing: Prevents the damage that would be done to the target by the attacker, instead healing them for x% of the damage that would have been done. [15] Sleep: Forces the target into the sleep state for x seconds when hit. [16] Fumble: The target's active item is moved into their inventory when hit. It is dropped to the ground instead of there is no room in the inventory. [17] Curse: When the target is hit, their screen quickly flashes purple and black and they take 0.6 damage every 0.2 seconds for the duration. [18] GatherYield: Gather yield is increased by x% for the duration when using this enchanted tool to harvest. [19] AnimalSpawn: Spawns an animal at the hit market (default wolf) for the duration. [20] ReduceDamage: While active, this ability will reduce incoming damage by x% for the duration. [21] HealSelf: Instantly heals the player for x health. [22] HealOthers: Instantly heals other players for x health that are within y meters. [23] BradleyCloak: Makes the player invisible to bradley tank for the duration. [24] FeatherFall: Prevents fall damage while active. [25] RadiationResist: Removes all radiation stacks once per second for the duration. [26] Spectre: Makes the player invisible to turrets and base defences for the duration. [27] HorseCrop: Increases the horses stats by x for the duration. Will affect any horse that the player climbs onto while active. Horses the player dismounts from will no longer be affected. [28] ScientistCloak: Makes the player invisible to scientists for the duration. [29] ElementalDamageResist: Makes the player immune to fire and cold damage for the duration. [30] DamageIncrease: Increases the damage of the weapon to everything by x% for the duration.  

    void GenerateRandomWeapon(BasePlayer player) //gives the player a random weapon.  
  2. More information about "Craft Menu"


    Craft Menu

    Custom crafting panel at player's workbenches.
    Craft custom or non-craftable items, create your own blueprints.
    No chat commands required!

    oxide permission - craftmenu.use
    • How to create default blueprint.
    Simply leave ResearchCost as 0.
    •  Crafting Recycler.
    Plugins for placing entities usually utilizes specific item together with skin id.
    Here you can find list of examples PlaceableEntities.txt
    •  Adding same shortname multiple times.
    When you using same shortname for more than one blueprint you have add {number} at
    the end of it to prevent duplicates.    Ex.: "box.wooden.large{1}"

    •  Item is name too long.
    Inside lang file you can create replacements for default item names.
    •  Wiping blueprints manualy.
    There are two admin console commands. 
    "craftmenu_admin wipe" will wipe blueprints for all players
    "craftmenu_admin wipe <steamID>" wipes blueprints only for certain player.

    Premade blueprints from screenshots  Blueprints.json
  3. More information about "Consumable Effects"


    Consumable Effects

    Consumable Effects let you to modify metabolism values received after consuming specific item. Same goes for using medical items like 
    med kit, bandages and syringes. You can modify initial effect as well as add overtime effects with custom durations adding things like comfort, 
    oxygen, temperature, tea buffs . This includes also simple visual effects and sound/camera effects (only from ingame assets). 

    This plugin was developed to work with my Custom Mixing Table however you can use it with
    combination of any craft panel or shop plugin as long as it supports custom item names.

    List of values which can be modified
    Calories Hydratation Health Pending Health Bleeding Poison Radiation Dirty (overdose value) All tea boosts Oxygen Temperature Comfort Wetness Onscreen ui effect (from game assets) Prefab sound effect (from game assets)
    If you have any questions regarding to functionality and options, do not hesitate send
    me message or for faster response reach out on my discord.gg/rustplugins

    For more detailed documentation visit this link.


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