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The Friendly Chap's Wishlist

  1. More information about "Transylvania (Halloween)"


    Transylvania (Halloween)

    Transylvania is a corner of nature untouched by new technologies, which has remained alive in its Middle Ages. Crazy nature and valleys, conquer with their atmosphere and mysticism. On this map you have to be careful, because in the forests and valleys of this world, many strange creatures roam, in the form of zombies and unusual scientists. Also in this corner you will find many old villages and hollows, on the mountain itself there is a majestic Frankenstein Castle. A long railway and a ring road for the Convoy plugin are located throughout the map. Never forget about Facepunch monuments, most of them have been added to the map. This map is perfect for celebrating Halloween, but you can also use it for a regular wipe.
    Attention: the plugin shown in the video is a paid Armored Train plugin from the creator Adem and is not provided with the map.
    Prefab Count: ~51к prefabs Size: 3500 With the release of the map, the Halloween update of the Armored Train plugin will also be released A lot of interesting locations to explore Marketplaces and recycler have been added to fishing villages Railway Great Halloween party atmosphere Several interesting places to build a base Custom plugin for NPC control on the server, as well as random clothing for scientists (by Adem) This map is constantly supported and updated for the current version of the game with all updates!
    How can I view the map?
    You can do this in our Discord server by submitting a request for an invitation to our servers. There you will be given the rights of an “administrator” and without any difficulties you will be able to fly around the map and fully familiarize yourself with it.

    Custom Monuments:
    Sleepy Hollow Ghost Town Churchyard Sawmill Farmers Village Settlement of Believers Christian Church Sanctuary Three Level Cemetery Railway Post Coaling Tower Creepy Lake Abandoned Village Dark Forest Huts Caretakers House Border Post Water Base Frankenstein Castle  interesting places to build a base marked X Monument Facepunch:
    Launch Site Missile Silo  Junkyard Harbor 1 and 2 Arctic Research Base Satellite Dish Airfield Bandit Camp Outpost  Giant Excavator Pit Military Tunnel The Dome Sewer Branch Ranch Fishing Village 1,2,3 (Modified version) Lighthouse Underwater Lab Railway HQM, Sulfur, Stone Quarry Roadside Monument Radtown Water Well
  2. More information about "Timelines Custom Map"


    Timelines Custom Map


    In 1903, an exploratory vessel found a small uncharted island to the far north. After returning to port, the crew begins to tell the tales of a strange island at the edge of the sea. Where seasons change in a few steps and men turn to beasts that watch from old ruins. They told stories to whoever would listen, of great ships in the sky but no one to fly them, mighty forts but no one to hold them. A cursed isle where the dead are bound to be the watchers of its shores.
    Many would come to claim the island after hearing the rumours of its riches, but all would be driven away by the many nameless men that live there. These men are a mystery; who they are or why they reside at the world’s end leaves one to wonder.
    Timelines is a medium-sized map designed from the start to be totally custom nothing default from the roads to the monuments but don't worry we have created equivalent monuments in the world progression system plus a huge twin-track above-ground rail network (Cargo Train Event Compatible) running the full circumference of the map complemented by railway-related monuments along the way.
    Fully custom terrain, monuments and roads that brings a totally new unique look to your server.
    Scientist's have been replaced with our own set of NPC'S with varying attire and technology levels (if you do not like our NPC's simply don't install our plug-in and supply your own with any bot plug-in you want.
    Every monument across the map is from a different time and technology level in the past so you could be visiting the 1920s railway and then head into a mediaeval town.
    Size: 3500k
    Map Editing
    Yes, you are allowed to edit the map and add stuff etc.
    Windsword Wayward Stop Robs Hamlet Fangorn's Barrow Old Springs Launch Site Yawning Grave Old Ruins Everfall Pit Of Sorrow Timber Bay Ever Knot Keep Steens Farm Wolf Water Bog Settlers Station Proving Grounds Bog Water Fortress Fort Station Gunners Point Dryrot Pass Cracked Ship Turning Rails Sulfur Rig Metal Rig Help and Contact
    If you need to contact me discord is best: RobJ2210#2553
    For help/support however, my discord group is best: Join RustMaps Discord
  3. More information about "Forbidden Lands"


    Forbidden Lands

    Year 2030 epidemy spread across our island. Most of the population died, how ever others was not so lucky and experienced awful mutations.
    Present day:
    Year 2047, all this time there was no one who could take care of the infrastructure of the island. Because of that nature started to take over wat belongs to her. Factories became huge piles of rubble, dam that was main electricity supplier for island was destroyed and flooded nearest town. Those who managed to survive divided themselves into two groups: Gaja tribe, peaceful people that tried to rebuild wat was lost and Raja tribe,  marauders who banned Gaja people from they’re lands installed security cameras and declared themselves as saviours of the land.
    But something unexpected happened, Infected started to hunt survivors. They started making heartbeat sensor traps in largest cities and monuments, because of it its easier to track human pray. Those areas are called "Forbidden Lands" and are deadly for those who dear to enter it. Your main goal is to unite both tribes and defeat undead. Good luck soldier !
    Size: 4500 Prefab Count: 75k Now about the map: It was long 2 month period of hard non stop work. Lots of people asked for a bigger map so I decided to make it in 4500 size, so all standard monuments, rail road, simple roads part of the ocean could find its place on the map. Landscape is separate work of art made in high accuracy, because of that standard and custom monuments are laying in harmony with each other.Map have around 26 different size custom monuments, that has security cameras installed. You can find 12 different custom places for base building, plus there is some places for building you can find inside of monuments and bridges for better atmosphericall feeling. Map is highly detailed like crossroads that have traffic lights, all kind of signs with the names of security cameras so you could connect to them and follow custom monuments. I marked all custom monuments by the colour, from green (easy) to red ( hard ).You can also find some tunnels, one of them is going from central lake all the way to ocean.I hope you will like this creation, follow my works and stay Rust! This map is constantly supported and updated for the current version of the game with all updates!
    How can I view the map?
    You can do this in our Discord server by submitting a request for an invitation to our servers. There you will be given the rights of an “administrator” and without any difficulties you will be able to fly around the map and fully familiarize yourself with it.

    Custom Monuments:
    Oroville City New Hope City Destroyed Dam Oil Paradise Hotel Maelstrom Rad Town Diesel Storage Mining Camp Railway Post Fallen Hotel Raider Base Rocky Ridge City Crossroads Bunker 707 Farm Hermit Warehouse Market Plane Crash Road Beacon Destroyed Market Pumping Station Ruin Station Garage Gas Station Gas Station 2 Crossing 12 place to build (X) Custom Zipline Water tunnel Road tunnel Many Bridges Monument Facepunch:
    Launch Site Nuclear Missile Silo Junkyard Harbor 1 and 2 Arctic Research Base Satelitte Dish Airfield Giant Excavator Pit Train Yard Power Plant Outpost Bandit Camp Water Treatment Plant Military Tunnel Abandoned Military Base The Dome Sewer Branch Ranch 1 and 2 Fishing Village 1,2,3 (Modified version) Lighthouse Underwater Lab Railway Underground tunnel Road Ring HQM, Sulfur, Stone Quarry Radtown Water Well  
  4. More information about "Clockworks Medieval Mini Custom Map"


    Clockworks Medieval Mini Custom Map

    Updated for World Update 2.0
    In 1938, an exploratory vessel discovered a small, uncharted island far to the north. Upon their return to port, the crew began sharing tales of a mysterious island at the edge of the world—where seasons changed with each step, and people seemed to live in a more primitive time amid strange, ancient ruins. They spoke of incredible sights: great ships that defied gravity and soared through the skies, and mighty forts guarded by knights of an unfamiliar realm.
    Rumors of the island’s untapped wealth soon spread, drawing many eager to claim its riches. Adventurers sought to exploit the untouched coal and gold deposits, even constructing a railway to aid their efforts. Yet all who ventured there were ultimately driven away by the island's enigmatic inhabitants—nameless men whose origins and purpose at the world’s end remained an unsolved mystery.
    Clockworks is a small-sized map designed from the start to be totally custom nothing default from the roads to the monuments but don’t worry we have created equivalent monuments in the world progression system plus a twin-track above-ground rail network (Cargo Train Event Compatible) running the full circumference of the map complemented by railway-related monuments along the way.
    Fully custom terrain, monuments and roads that brings a totally new unique look to your server.
    Scientist’s have been replaced with our own set of NPC’S with varying attire and technology levels (if you do not like our NPC’s simply don’t install our plug-in and supply your own with any bot plug-in you want.
    Every monument across the map is from a different time and technology level in the past so you could be visiting the 1920s railway and then head into a mediaeval town.
    Size: 1600k
    Prefabs: 49312
    Map Editing
    Yes, you are allowed to edit the map and add stuff etc.
    Windsword Rob's Grain Mill Fangorn’s Barrow Old Springs Yawning Grave Old Ruins Everfall Ruins Of Sorrow Timber Bay Ever Knot Keep Bog Water Fortress Crashed Airship Turning Rails Sulfur Rig Metal Rig Help and Contact
    If you need to contact me discord is best: RobJ2210#2553 Or Cobalt#3344
    For help/support however, my discord group is best: Join RustMaps Discord

  5. More information about "Hostile Shores Custom Map"


    Hostile Shores Custom Map

    The map was designed from the ground up to contain a lot of monuments, yet the map still feels open and spacious and has room to add future monuments to the map with ease. There is also a huge rail network weaving around the map that also connects to a lot of my custom monuments.
    Besides the huge nuclear attack submarine, this map has many custom monuments ranging from underwater to underground.
    Size: 3800k
    Features a working surface railway with twin directional lines that runs around the full map and through underground tunnels and over rivers and even down to the subways and with no dead ends its perfect for other plugins like cargo train event also map comes with its own custom work cart and wagon spawning plugin. 

    Custom NPC
    I've replaced the normal RustEdit Scientists with my own set of NPCs from the different factions in the Rust world (Normal Scientist, Arctic Scientist, Tunnel Dweller, Underwater Dweller). If you do not like my NPCs, you can simply uninstall the plug-in and supply your own with any bot plugin you like.
    I would like to thank Steenamaroo for developing the plugin.
    Yes, you are allowed to edit the map and add stuff etc.
    Combined Outpost & Bandit w/ Stable (Custom Monument) Mini Desert Military Base (Custom Monument) Railway Maintenance (Custom Monument) Nuclear Attack Submarine (Custom Monument) Tuna Factory (Custom Monument) Felling Field (Custom Monument) Wooden Bridge (Custom Monument) Cargo Harbour (Custom Monument) Soft Drink Factory (Custom Monument) Mini Military Tunnels (Custom Monument) Mini Junkyard (Custom Monument) Early Warning Satellites (Custom Monument) Train Home Editing (Custom Monument) Radtown 1 Harbor (With Docking) Excavator Ferry Terminal  Nuclear Missile Silo Airfield Sewer Branch Fishing Village 3x Gas Station Launch Site Lighthouse 2x Warehouse Oil Rig Large Oil Rig Small Sphere Tank Supermarket Trainyard Water Treatment Underwater Labs 3x Arctic Research base Help And Contact
    If you need to contact me discord is best: RobJ2210
    For help/support my discord group is best: Join Rust Maps By RobJ Discord


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