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  1. More information about "Ferry Terminal Event"


    Ferry Terminal Event

    Want to spice up the Ferry Terminal location on your map? Look no further! Captors have taken hostages and are going to execute them if they cannot enslave them. Liberate the hostages while waves of backup arrive Johnny Blaze style on their motorcycles. They will be relentless and merciless. It's recommended that you bring a friend or two for this one!

    The event will begin with a notification that captors have taken hostages and will be trying to take them away to enslave them from the Ferry Terminal monument.
    First you will want to dispatch as many of the enemies on site as possible without alerting them of your intent or presence. Once you are ready though, alarms will be sounded and they will attempt to call for backup.
    Once the backup begins coming on motorcycle they will continue to send units to keep you from liberating the hostages, or execute them as opposed to letting you get them to freedom!
    Each hostage will have a small radius and a configurable countdown will begin as you work on releasing them from their shackles. Once freed you will still need to escort them to a ferry nearby, and they will thank you by opening a hackable crate for you.
    There are indicators that help highlight important event items such as the hostages. The configuration file gives plenty of options to customize the event, from NPCs, timers, rewards, and plenty of other options like integration with plugins you already own, in game UI, and more!
    Dependencies (optional, not required)
    True PVE Pve Mode GUI Announcements Notify Discord Messages Alpha Loot Custom Loot NTeleportation Economics Server Rewards IQEconomic XPerience Kits Better Npc Monument Owner  
    Chat commands (only for administrators)
    /ftstart - start the event
    /ftstop - end the event
    /ftpos - determining the position coordinates for changing the location of NPCs and crates. It should write in the configuration (Attention! The event must be started, the current position of the administrator in relation to the monument is read)
    Console commands (RCON only)
    ftstart - start the event
    ftstop - end the event
    Plugin Config
    en - example of plugin configuration in English ru - example of plugin configuration in Russian  
    void OnFerryTerminalEventStart(Vector3 pos, float radius) – called when the event starts
    void OnFerryTerminalEventEnd() – called when the event ends
    void OnFerryTerminalEventWinner(ulong winnerId) – called at the end of the event, where the winnerId is the player who did more actions to complete the event
    My Discord: kpuctajl
    Join the Mad Mappers Discord here!
    Check out more of my work here!
  2. More information about "Arena Tournament"


    Arena Tournament

    Event-tournament duels between players (1x1, 2x2, 3x3, etc)
    Event goal
    Players duel among themselves until the last survivor. In a situation with team muzzles, first they duel in teams, and then if there are not enough players for a team duel, then among themselves.

    What features:
    - Outsiders cannot enter the arena
    - Tournament participants in the role of spectators do not take damage and have a hardened metabolism
    - All things are saved and given to the participants after leaving the tournament, in the same form in which they were
    - After the event, the player returns to the same place from where he teleported to him
    - After a duel in the arena, all items dropped from duelists are cleaned
    - There is an API for compatibility between plugins
    - There is a blocking of prohibited chat and console commands in the tournament
    - Very thoughtful matchmaking generator for duels
    - Present UI
    - There is a full-fledged plugin setting with great functionality
    - There is an automatic start of tournaments after a certain time
    - Easy installation and configuration

    - Install CopyPaste [https://umod.org/plugins/copy-paste]
    - Install ArenaTournament
    - Ready 🙂

    /qq - register for the tournament [optional, as there is a button with UI]

    Admin commands:
    /o - launch a random tournament [admin or permission arenatournamentbeta.admin]
    at.start - start random tournament [admin]
    at.copy name of existing name of new - copy arena settings to create a new one [admin]

    Creating a new arena:
    Build an arena
    Put resources in the closet so that it would be enough for a wipe and hide it
    Place the spawn point of the first team using regular chairs [https://rustlabs.com/item/chair]
    Set a spawn point for the second team using gaming chairs [https://rustlabs.com/item/secret-lab-chair]
    Set a spectator respawn point using sirens [https://rustlabs.com/item/siren-light]
    Save arena /copy name
    Add the arena to the config using the command at.copy nameexisting namenew
    Open plugin config
    Change in the config in your new arena "Position [coordinates]" to random, but within the map (not outside the grid!)
    Set up the arena (Important! Do not specify "Tournament Modes" more than you have specified spawn locations for each of the teams)
    Restart plugin
    API: [PluginReference] Plugin ArenaTournament; private bool IsOnTournament(ulong userid) { return ArenaTournament != null && ArenaTournament.Call<bool>("IsOnTournament", userid); } private bool IsDueling(BasePlayer player) { return ArenaTournament != null && ArenaTournament.Call<bool>("IsOnTournament", player); }  
    Arena pack:

    from the buyer
  3. More information about "RaidableSleeper [Works with HallOfShame]"


    RaidableSleeper [Works with HallOfShame]

    The RaidableSleepers plugin allows players to loot sleeping players that appear on the map. These sleepers appear randomly and contain valuable loot that can be stolen by the active players. The sleepers spawn automatically at set intervals and disappear again after a certain amount of time.

    Random Sleeper Spawns: Sleeping players spawn at random locations on the map.
    Loot distribution: Each sleeper is filled with random items from the preconfigured loot list.
    Cooldown mechanism: There is a configurable cooldown time between sleeper spawns.
    Loot Notification: Players will receive a notification when a Sleeper has been looted.
    Admin commands: Admins can manually spawn, test or delete sleepers.
    Cluster spawns: Multiple sleepers can be spawned in a certain radius around a central position.
    /spawnsleepers - Spawns a random sleeper on the map cooldown 5 minutes for this command
    /testsleepers - Spawn a test sleeper at your position
    /clearallsleepers - Removes all sleepers on the map
    /clearsleepers - Removes the sleeper you are looking at
    raidablesleepers.admin - Allows admins to spawn, test and delete sleepers.
    raidablesleepers.raid - Allows players to raid sleeping players.
    { "NumberOfSleepers": 10, // Maximum number of sleepers on the map "AvailabilityDuration": 600.0, // Minutes when position change if not found "CooldownDuration": 300.0, // Minutes when a new sleeper should spawn if the NumberOfSleepers is not reached "EnableLootNotification": true, // Chat message who loots a sleeper? "ItemsToSpawn": [ { "Shortname": "ammo.rifle.explosive", "SkinId": 0, "MinimumAmount": 100, "MaximumAmount": 256 }, { "Shortname": "explosive.timed", "SkinId": 0, "MinimumAmount": 1, "MaximumAmount": 2 }, { "Shortname": "wood", "SkinId": 0, "MinimumAmount": 2000, "MaximumAmount": 6000 } ] } ---
    load, run, enjoy💝
    Support Discord
  4. More information about "Stranded cargoship"


    Stranded cargoship

    An old, stranded version of the cargoship.
    This monument is constantly supported and updated for the current version of the game with all updates!

    2 versions are included, one that can be placed on the shore, and one that can be placed as an addon to the ferry terminal, like I've done on my cresis map / or anywhere on the ocean. Contains loot, recycler, a blue keycard puzzle (you can edit this) This monument offers great performance, as it doesn't have the massive amount of lights that the original cargo ship has. NOTES
    – If you need support, I’m most active on my discord server @ discord.gg/TJxwpKT2Ge
    – You can edit the monument.
  5. More information about "Train Build Plugin Remastered"


    Train Build Plugin Remastered

    This plugin allows any player to find and build on a train directly on the rails in either a 1x5 or 1x3 configuration. 
    Throttle syncing for trains (syncs throttles when updated) Electrical entities powered by trains Build anything on trains! land Helis on trains automatically edits the map to allow building on trains (does not automatically adjust custom maps)
      How To Use:
    To use this plugin you need to
    1. Delete any maps already generated
    2. Have the plugin in the plugin folder before starting the server
    3. Once you start the server the plugin will edit the rails to allow building
    4. If you wish to use a custom map such as one from RustMaps you will need to edit the rail topology manually, set this to Building
    5. (Oxide Only) Oxide users may need to restart twice if they encounter a "cannot build on road" issue. The second restart will allow building on the rail again. This is an unintended behavior and a fix will be pushed soon!
    Bounds defines the buildable area on the train, default is 1x5 or 1x3 for work carts. Larger building bounds will not be supported, use at your own volition.
    { "Version Number": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 2 }, "Upgrade Chance (0-100 = %0-100 chance)": 50.0, "Train Enabled Properties": { "Enable/Disable Specific Train Presets": { "trainwagonb.entity": { "1": true }, "trainwagona.entity": { "1": true }, "workcart_aboveground2.entity": { "1": true }, "workcart_aboveground.entity": { "1": true }, "workcart.entity": { "1": true }, "trainwagonc.entity": { "1": true, "2": true, "3": true } } }, "Train WagonB Start Health": 5000.0, "Max Car Speed": 25.0, "Max Train Engine Speed": 12.0, "Train Engine Force": 250000.0, "Allow Turrets": true, "Sync Train Throttles": true, "Max Train Pop": 24.0, "Max Train Couple Speed": 9.0, "Train Bounds": { "Train Building Bounds": { "trainwagonb.entity": { "Item1": { "x": 1.5, "y": 1.55, "z": 7.5 }, "Item2": { "x": -1.5, "y": 1.45, "z": -7.5 }, "Item3": { "x": 0.0, "y": 4.45, "z": 6.0 }, "Item4": { "x": 0.0, "y": 1.45, "z": -6.0 } }, "trainwagona.entity": { "Item1": { "x": 1.5, "y": 1.55, "z": 7.5 }, "Item2": { "x": -1.5, "y": 1.45, "z": -7.5 }, "Item3": { "x": 0.0, "y": 5.0, "z": 6.0 }, "Item4": { "x": 0.0, "y": 1.45, "z": -6.0 } }, "workcart_aboveground2.entity": { "Item1": { "x": 1.5, "y": 1.55, "z": 4.5 }, "Item2": { "x": -1.5, "y": 1.45, "z": -4.5 }, "Item3": { "x": 0.0, "y": 4.45, "z": 0.0 }, "Item4": { "x": 0.0, "y": 1.45, "z": -3.0 } }, "workcart_aboveground.entity": { "Item1": { "x": 1.5, "y": 1.55, "z": 4.5 }, "Item2": { "x": -1.5, "y": 1.45, "z": -4.5 }, "Item3": { "x": 0.0, "y": 4.45, "z": 0.0 }, "Item4": { "x": 0.0, "y": 1.45, "z": -3.0 } }, "workcart.entity": { "Item1": { "x": 1.5, "y": 1.55, "z": 4.5 }, "Item2": { "x": -1.5, "y": 1.45, "z": -4.5 }, "Item3": { "x": 0.0, "y": 4.45, "z": 0.0 }, "Item4": { "x": 0.0, "y": 1.45, "z": -3.0 } }, "trainwagonc.entity": { "Item1": { "x": 1.5, "y": 1.55, "z": 7.5 }, "Item2": { "x": -1.5, "y": 1.45, "z": -7.5 }, "Item3": { "x": 0.0, "y": 4.45, "z": 6.0 }, "Item4": { "x": 0.0, "y": 1.45, "z": -6.0 } }, "traincaboose.entity": { "Item1": { "x": 1.5, "y": 1.55, "z": 7.5 }, "Item2": { "x": -1.5, "y": 1.45, "z": -7.5 }, "Item3": { "x": 0.0, "y": 4.45, "z": 6.0 }, "Item4": { "x": 0.0, "y": 1.45, "z": -6.0 } } } } }  


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