0g.Ghost.7373's Wishlist
The Trapper
Purchase a License, Trap, Sell, Profit.
Works with Kits.
Requires Economics or Server Rewards to handle sales.
With “The Trapper” you open a new lane of Economic gameplay for your server.
Set a License fee in order to be able to skin and claim customizable items from animals and sell for monetary gain.
Set drop rates on all of your Custom Trapper Items, Sell to the Trapper with Economics or Server Rewards.
Spawn the Trapper House, Via Copy Paste, MarkerManager & ZoneManager Or AutoSpawn at Outpost Automatically with Copy Paste to handle paste, ZoneManager to handle decay and looting prevention etc.
Output all Sales to Discord to track your Economy and make Adjustments as needed to The Trapper NPCS “Bonus Buy” & “Discount Buy” as needed to suit your taste.
/gw – Requires Admin Permission – Will spawn your custom Trapper items into your inventory, Good for testing sale rates.
/spawntrapper – Requires Admin Permission – Will spawn a Trapper NPC in your Position.
/removetrapper – Requires Admin Permission – Will remove the Trapper NPC you are looking at.
/BuyTL – With Sufficient funds, the player can purchase a Trapper License
/pastetrapperhouse - places the trapper building in front of you, creating a zone if you have zone manager installed, that handles no build no decay and more.
{ "Tool Blacklist": [ "axe.salvaged", "knife.bone", "knife.combat", "rock" ], "Position of Building for Outpost Spawn": { "x": 89.42, "y": 0.34, "z": 81.47 }, "Rotation Correction of The Building": 77, "NPC Positioning If using Outpost Spawn": { "x": 88.1, "y": 2.43, "z": 80.59 }, "Rotation Correction of The NPC": -90, "Dynamic (Outpost) Spawn Of The NPC Building and NPC Enabled?(CopyPaste Req. MarkerManager & Zone Manager Recommended)": true, "Discord Webhook URL": "INSERT_WEBHOOK_URL", "Chat Icon": 0, "NPC Kit Enabled?": false, "NPC Kit Name?": "", "Trapper license Fee?": 10000, "Remove license on Death?": true, "Sales to NPC Enabled?": true, "Map Markers Enabled via Marker Manager Plugin?": true, "Maximum Amount of Items Sold at a Time": 3, "NPC Interaction Cooldown In Seconds": 3, "Economy Plugin - 1 Economics - 2 Server Rewards": 1, "Amount of each Item to spawn via Command?": 5, "Custom Wares": [ { "Item Name": "Common Pelt", "Skin ID": 3150749844, "Is Marketable?": true, "Sale Price?": 40, "Max Discount Buy Variation in %? (Negative Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": -10, "Maximum Bonus Variation in %? (Positive Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": 5, "Chance out of 100% to Spawn on Skinning?": 10 }, { "Item Name": "Rare Pelt", "Skin ID": 3150751184, "Is Marketable?": true, "Sale Price?": 124, "Max Discount Buy Variation in %? (Negative Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": -10, "Maximum Bonus Variation in %? (Positive Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": 5, "Chance out of 100% to Spawn on Skinning?": 5 }, { "Item Name": "Legendary Pelt", "Skin ID": 3150751925, "Is Marketable?": true, "Sale Price?": 220, "Max Discount Buy Variation in %? (Negative Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": -10, "Maximum Bonus Variation in %? (Positive Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": 5, "Chance out of 100% to Spawn on Skinning?": 1 }, { "Item Name": "Low Quality Meat Cut", "Skin ID": 3150796688, "Is Marketable?": true, "Sale Price?": 40, "Max Discount Buy Variation in %? (Negative Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": -10, "Maximum Bonus Variation in %? (Positive Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": 5, "Chance out of 100% to Spawn on Skinning?": 10 }, { "Item Name": "Mid Quality Meat Cut", "Skin ID": 3150796598, "Is Marketable?": true, "Sale Price?": 124, "Max Discount Buy Variation in %? (Negative Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": -10, "Maximum Bonus Variation in %? (Positive Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": 5, "Chance out of 100% to Spawn on Skinning?": 5 }, { "Item Name": "High Quality Meat Cut", "Skin ID": 3150796490, "Is Marketable?": true, "Sale Price?": 220, "Max Discount Buy Variation in %? (Negative Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": -10, "Maximum Bonus Variation in %? (Positive Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": 5, "Chance out of 100% to Spawn on Skinning?": 1 } ], "NPC Clothing Options": [ { "Shortname": "burlap.trousers", "Skin": 1760352876 }, { "Shortname": "burlap.shirt", "Skin": 719989461 }, { "Shortname": "burlap.shoes", "Skin": 1594058564 }, { "Shortname": "hat.wolf", "Skin": 0 } ] }
{ "NoPerms": "[<color=#8b0101>The Trapper</color>] You do not have permission to run this <color=red>Command</color>!", "NoWares": "[<color=#8b0101>The Trapper</color>] :nervous: You have no <color=yellow>Items</color> on you that I am in the Market for. \nSwing by when you do, though! \n\n:happy:", "WaresSpawned": "[<color=#8b0101>The Trapper</color>] :wave: <color=green>All</color> <color=#8b0101>Trapper Wares</color> have been deposited to your Inventory.", "TrapperCooldownMessage": "[<color=#8b0101>The Trapper</color>] :wave: Hold on, give me <color=green>{0}</color> second(s), I'm cleaning this carcass...", "EconomicsMessage": "[<color=#8b0101>The Trapper</color>] :eyes: \n\n Best I can offer is <color=#85bb65>$</color><color=yellow>{0}</color> for your <color=orange>{1}x</color> <color=green>{2}</color>(s).", "SrMessage": "[<color=#8b0101>The Trapper</color>] :eyes: \n\n Best I can offer is <color=orange>{0}</color> <color=#cd5c5c>RP</color> for your <color=yellow>{1}x</color> <color=green>{2}</color>(s).", "SaleDisabled": "[<color=#8b0101>The Trapper</color>] <color=orange>Sales</color> are Disabled in the Config, Enable and Try again.", "NoTrapperLicense": "[<color=#8b0101>The Trapper</color>] You don't have a valid <color=orange>Trapper License</color>. \nUse <color=orange>/BuyTL</color> to purchase one if you have the means.", "AlreadyHasLicense": "[<color=#8b0101>The Trapper</color>] You already have a <color=orange>Trapper License</color>.", "BuyTrapperLicenseSuccess": "[<color=#8b0101>The Trapper</color>] Trapper License Obtained. \nYou were charged {0}<color=#3e9c35>{1}</color> Happy Hunting <color=#8b0101>{2}</color>!", "InsufficientFunds": "[<color=#8b0101>The Trapper</color>] You don't have enough funds to purchase the Trapper License. \nIt costs <color=orange>{0}</color><color=green>{1}</color>." }
Bounty Hunter
Unlock a new lane of economic gameplay in Rust with the Bounty Hunter plugin: purchase a license, hunt NPC scientists, cash out rewards, and profit, with full customization and Discord integration.
The Bounties are not Players, They are Scientists That you set up in config & Spawn in Randomly At FP Monuments.
Works with Kits. Requires Economics or Server Rewards to handle cashout. With “Bounty Hunter” you open a new lane of Economic gameplay for your server. Set a License fee in order to be able to "Legally" Cashout Bounty Tokens (License is optional) to sell for monetary gain. Outfit your Bounties, You are able to set whatever outfit or clothing you like, as well as skin, weapon and skin id for that Bounty Tier. Once the bounty is taken down players can cashout tokens with Economics or Server Rewards. Spawn in the Bounty Hunter NPC, With Marker Manager Enabled, the cashout location will be displayed on the map. Output all Sales to Discord to track your Economy and make Adjustments as needed to The Bounty Hunter NPCS “Bonus Buy” & “Discount Buy” as needed to suit your taste.
/spawnbountyhunter – Requires Admin Permission – Will spawn a Bounty Hunter NPC in your Position.
/removebountyhunter – Requires Admin Permission – Will remove the Bounty Hunter NPC you are looking at.
/BuyBL – With Sufficient funds, the player can purchase a Bounty Hunter License (Configurable to be disabled and bypassed)
/ab - Will Setup a custom spawn point in data for bounties to spawn at
BuyBL is configurable, target your players id and sell them the license via shop.
Usage "BuyBL playerid
Quick Demo
{ "Discord Webhook URL": "INSERT_WEBHOOK_URL", "Enable Skill Tree Xp Gain?": false, "Require License for Xp Gain?": true, "Enable Monument Spawns?": true, "Enable Custom Spawns?": false, "Clear Custom Spawns File On Wipe?": false, "Chat Icon": 0, "Maximum Active Bounties": 3, "Drop Bounty Tokens In Pouch?": true, "Base Item for the Bounty Tokens?": "blood", "Tokens Marketable to the Bounty NPC?": true, "Console Command to Purchase a Bounty License? (For GUI Shops)": "buybl", "Require a Bounty License To Cash In Tokens to the Bounty NPC?": true, "Price to Purchase a Bounty License?": 10000, "Lose Bounty License on Death?": true, "Clear Licenses on Wipe?": false, "Dynamic (Bandit Camp) Spawn Of The NPC Enabled?": true, "Economy Plugin - 1 Economics - 2 Server Rewards": 1, "Maximum Amount of Like Tokens Sold at a Time": 3, "NPC Interaction Cooldown In Seconds": 3, "NPC Kit Enabled?": false, "NPC Kit Name?": "", "Amount of Time In Seconds Between Bounty Spawns": 600, "Amount of Time In Seconds for a Bounty to Despawn": 1200, "Enable Spawn SFX?": true, "Enable Despawn SFX?": true, "Announce to Chat When Bounty is Active?": true, "Announce to Chat When Bounty is Claimed?": true, "Enable Marker Manager from UMOD, To Mark Bounties?": true, "Bounty Tiers": [ { "Tier Name": "Tier 1 Bounty Target", "Skill Tree Xp Value": 100, "Bounty Clothing Options": [ { "Shortname": "hazmatsuittwitch", "Skin": 0 } ], "Bounty Total Health": 150, "Bounty Damage Scaling": 1, "Aim Cone Scale": 2, "Weapon to Equip?": "rifle.ak", "Weapon Skin ID": 3140321604, "Bounty Token Name": "Tier 1 Bounty Token", "Bounty Token Skin": 3155517347, "Is the Token Marketable to the Bounty NPC?": true, "Sale Price?": 1000, "Max Discount Buy Variation in %? (Negative Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": -10, "Maximum Bonus Variation in %? (Positive Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": 5, "Bounty Optional Drops": [ { "Shortname": "stones", "Skin": 0, "Custom Name": "", "Amount Min": 3, "Amount Max": 10, "Chance to Drop": 20 }, { "Shortname": "scrap", "Skin": 0, "Custom Name": "", "Amount Min": 5, "Amount Max": 30, "Chance to Drop": 30 }, { "Shortname": "paper", "Skin": 3048132587, "Custom Name": "Cash", "Amount Min": 1, "Amount Max": 3, "Chance to Drop": 40 } ] }, { "Tier Name": "Tier 2 Bounty Target", "Skill Tree Xp Value": 200, "Bounty Clothing Options": [ { "Shortname": "hazmatsuit.arcticsuit", "Skin": 0 } ], "Bounty Total Health": 225, "Bounty Damage Scaling": 1.5, "Aim Cone Scale": 2.5, "Weapon to Equip?": "rifle.lr300", "Weapon Skin ID": 2715918380, "Bounty Token Name": "Tier 2 Bounty Token", "Bounty Token Skin": 3155517539, "Is the Token Marketable to the Bounty NPC?": true, "Sale Price?": 2000, "Max Discount Buy Variation in %? (Negative Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": -5, "Maximum Bonus Variation in %? (Positive Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": 15, "Bounty Optional Drops": [ { "Shortname": "metal.fragments", "Skin": 0, "Custom Name": "", "Amount Min": 200, "Amount Max": 500, "Chance to Drop": 30 }, { "Shortname": "scrap", "Skin": 0, "Custom Name": "", "Amount Min": 240, "Amount Max": 300, "Chance to Drop": 30 }, { "Shortname": "paper", "Skin": 3048132587, "Custom Name": "Cash", "Amount Min": 10, "Amount Max": 15, "Chance to Drop": 40 } ] }, { "Tier Name": "Tier 3 Bounty Target", "Skill Tree Xp Value": 300, "Bounty Clothing Options": [ { "Shortname": "scientistsuit_heavy", "Skin": 0 } ], "Bounty Total Health": 325, "Bounty Damage Scaling": 2, "Aim Cone Scale": 3, "Weapon to Equip?": "rifle.ak.ice", "Weapon Skin ID": 0, "Bounty Token Name": "Tier 3 Bounty Token", "Bounty Token Skin": 3155517732, "Is the Token Marketable to the Bounty NPC?": true, "Sale Price?": 3200, "Max Discount Buy Variation in %? (Negative Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": -3, "Maximum Bonus Variation in %? (Positive Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": 20, "Bounty Optional Drops": [ { "Shortname": "metal.refined", "Skin": 0, "Custom Name": "", "Amount Min": 200, "Amount Max": 500, "Chance to Drop": 30 }, { "Shortname": "scrap", "Skin": 0, "Custom Name": "", "Amount Min": 440, "Amount Max": 600, "Chance to Drop": 30 }, { "Shortname": "paper", "Skin": 3048132587, "Custom Name": "Cash", "Amount Min": 20, "Amount Max": 35, "Chance to Drop": 40 } ] } ], "NPC Clothing Options": [ { "Shortname": "burlap.trousers", "Skin": 1760352876 }, { "Shortname": "burlap.shirt", "Skin": 1760350097 }, { "Shortname": "shoes.boots", "Skin": 547978997 }, { "Shortname": "hat.boonie", "Skin": 3077061771 }, { "Shortname": "burlap.gloves", "Skin": 1338273501 } ] }
{ "NoPerms": "[<color=#b5a642>Bounty Hunter</color>] You do not have permission to run this <color=#b54251>Command</color>!", "NoTokens": "[<color=#b5a642>Bounty Hunter</color>] :coffeecan: You have no <color=#b5a642>Bounty Tokens</color> on you that I can cash out. \nBe on the look out, see you soon!\n\n:exclamation:", "BountyHunterCooldownMessage": "[<color=#b5a642>Bounty Hunter</color>] :angry: Wait <color=#a642b5>{0}</color> second(s)!, I think I spotted a [<color=#b5a642>Bounty</color>...", "EconomicsMessage": "[<color=#b5a642>Bounty Hunter</color>] :eyes: \n\n I can net you <color=#85bb65>$</color><color=#42b5a6>{0}</color> for your <color=#42b5a6>{1}x</color> <color=#a642b5>{2}</color>(s).", "SrMessage": "[<color=#b5a642>Bounty Hunter</color>] :eyes: \n\n I can net you <color=#42b5a6>{0}</color> <color=#cd5c5c>RP</color> for your <color=#42b5a6>{1}x</color> <color=#a642b5>{2}</color>(s).", "SaleDisabled": "[<color=#b5a642>Bounty Hunter</color>] <color=#42b5a6>Sales</color> are Disabled in the Config, Enable and Try again.", "NoBountyHunterLicense": "[<color=#b5a642>Bounty Hunter</color>] :eyebrow: Are you out there targeting Bounties without a <color=#42b5a6>License</color>? \nUse <color=#42b5a6>/BuyBL</color> to purchase one.", "AlreadyHasLicense": "[<color=#b5a642>Bounty Hunter</color>] You already have a <color=#b54251>Bounty Hunter License</color>.", "BuyBountyHunterLicenseSuccess": "[<color=#b5a642>Bounty Hunter</color>] <color=#b54251>Bounty Hunter License</color> Obtained. \nYou were charged {0}<color=#3e9c35>{1}</color>, Stay Vigilant, <color=#8bb542>{2}</color>!", "InsufficientFunds": "[<color=#b5a642>Bounty Hunter</color>] You don't have enough funds to purchase a <color=#b5a642>Bounty Hunter License</color>. \nIt costs <color=#42b5a6>{0}</color><color=#a642b5>{1}</color>.", "Despawn": "[<color=#b5a642>Bounty Hunter</color>] The <color=#42b5a6>{0}</color> has <color=#b54251>Fled</color> the Island.", "BountySpotted": "[<color=#b5a642>Bounty Hunter</color>] A <color=#42b5a6>{0}</color> has been spotted.", "BountyEliminated": "[<color=#b5a642>Bounty Hunter</color>] The <color=#42b5a6>{0}</color> was <color=#b5a642>Eliminated</color> by <color=#8bb542>{1}</color>!", "BountyDrop": "[<color=#b5a642>Bounty Hunter</color>] The <color=#42b5a6>Bounty</color> dropped a pouch! Open it and deliver the <color=#42b5a6>Bounty Token</color> to the Bounty Hunter for your Reward!", "Revoked":"[<color=#b5a642>Bounty Hunter</color>] Your <color=#42b5a6>Bounty License</color> has been <color=#42b5a6>Revoked</color> be wary of Death next time!" }
Simple VIP
Gift your supporters / VIP Tier players.
Customizable loot table for items to be claimed on a daily cooldown (or set the cooldown in seconds to what you desire)
Supports skins and custom item names.
Discord Webhook Logging
/resetallvip - Resets all player cooldown data.
/resetvip "PlayerName" or "ID" - Resets a specific player.
/vip - Claims the vip package
Both Clear Commands Work in RCON
VIP - Grant this permission to the players that can claim.
RESET - For admins and moderators to reset in game via chat
RESETALL - For admins and moderators to reset in game via chat
Example Config.
{ "Discord Webhook URL": "INSERT_WEBHOOK_HERE", "Cooldown (Seconds)": 86400, "Clear Data on Wipe?": true, "Effect On Claim?": "assets/prefabs/misc/easter/painted eggs/effects/gold_open.prefab", "VIP Items": [ { "Shortname": "scrap", "Amount": 50, "SkinId": 0, "CustomName": "" }, { "Shortname": "blood", "Amount": 250, "SkinId": 0, "CustomName": "fake blood" }, { "Shortname": "rifle.ak", "Amount": 1, "SkinId": 1167207039, "CustomName": "" }, { "Shortname": "paper", "Amount": 50, "SkinId": 0, "CustomName": "CASH" }, { "Shortname": "sticks", "Amount": 50, "SkinId": 0, "CustomName": "" } ] }
Thank you for viewing. - Wrecks
Chop Shop
Unlock another lane of economic gameplay in Rust with the Chop Shop plugin: pulling inspiration from NOPIXEL GTA RP, I have created the Car Chopping Mechanic with my own spin. Your "Criminal" players can now seek out Choppable Cars out in the world and make some ill-gotten gains.
Via config, you can set up how many Chop Cars can spawn within the world at once and set whether you want to notify "Law Enforcement" (for RP Servers).
When a Chop Car spawns in the world, only players with the Criminal Perm are able to see the message/notification, and only those players with the Criminal Perm can chop said vehicles.
The vehicles cannot be stolen and will auto-despawn if a player can't /chop it in time.
When a vehicle is being chopped, players with the Law Enforcement Permission have a chance via config to be notified of said crime, creating some interesting scenarios for your server.
When a vehicle is being chopped, you can set the weight of items and customize them to the fullest as well. You can also set a "fail" item that you can also customize, which a player will get if the chop fails on that chopping chance.
Skill Tree can be used to grant players XP on each part chop. This is optional.
NOTE - Parts Chopped and Time Between chops is how we calculate our Total Chop Time.
Works with Kits.
Requires Economics or Server Rewards to handle cash out.
I pre-made 12 custom car parts. You can also add your own custom parts via config, and choose whether they are marketable to the Chop Shop Dealer as well.
You can set the spawn time for the NPC and despawn time. Criminal players will be notified when the dealer has arrived and left his station.
The NPC can dynamically spawn at monuments on its own, or you can use /spawnchopdealer to have him spawn where you choose, with the dynamic option toggled off.
Output all sales to Discord to track your economy and make adjustments as needed to the Chop Shop NPCs' “Bonus Buy” & “Discount Buy” as needed to suit your taste.
/SPAWNCHOPDEALER – Requires Admin Permission – Will spawn a CHOP SHOP NPC in your Position. (ONLY IF NPC DYNAMIC SPAWN IS FALSE!!!)
/REMOVECHOP – Requires Admin Permission – Will remove the CHOP SHOPNPC you are looking at.
/GC - Requires Admin Permission – Will spawn all Chop Shop Items to your inventory, handy for testing discount and bonus buy rates.
/GT - Requires Admin Permission – Will spawn a "Chop Tool" in your inventory. You can also set this items required skin in Config, I created my own, but you can also add this tool to your own in game shops, all you need is the matching SkinID. I used the "pipetool" to mimic a hand tool
/CHOP - Requires Criminal Permission - Will allow the player to "Chop" the Vehicle & starts the item pulling minigame on a valid vehicle that is spawned via the Chop Shop Plugin.
{ "Discord Webhook URL": "INSERT_WEBHOOK_HERE", "Chat Icon": 0, "Enable Sale To NPC?": true, "Enable Skill Tree Xp Gain On Successful Chop (Per Part)?": true, "Skill Tree Xp Value (Per Part)": 5, "Enable Random Spawning of the Chop Shop Dealer? (Disabling allows you to Manually set Pos Via Command)": true, "What time to allow NPC to Spawn?": 12, "What time should we be over for the NPC to Despawn?": 18, "Enable NPC Active/Inactive SFX?": true, "Enable Marker Manager from UMOD, To Mark NPC Location?": true, "Economy Plugin - 1 Economics - 2 Server Rewards": 2, "Max Amount of Chopped Items to Sell at One Time": 3, "NPC Interaction Cooldown In Seconds": 5, "NPC Kit Enabled?": false, "NPC Kit Name?": "", "Require a ChopTool?": true, "SkinID Required for the ChopTool": 3253162295, "Amount of Items To Spawn": 5, "Time Between Part Chops In Seconds? (Multiply Amount of Items to Spawn by this value to get total Chop Time.)": 10, "Chance to Fail an Item Chop": 10, "Drop Item On Failed Item Chop?": true, "Item to Drop on Fail Shortname": "scrap", "Amount of Fail Item To Drop": 25, "Fail Item SkinID": 0, "Fail Item Custom Name": "CUSTOM SCRAP", "Chance To Notify Police?": 80, "Broadcast Chop In Progress?": true, "Max Amount Of Chop Cars to Exist in the World": 3, "Time Between Auto Spawns In Seconds": 60, "Time in Seconds for a Chop Car to Despawn if Not Chopped": 690, "NPC Weapon": "pipetool", "NPC Weapon Skin": 3253162295, "NPC Clothing Options": [ { "Shortname": "pants", "Skin": 1402353612 }, { "Shortname": "shirt.collared", "Skin": 1402339549 }, { "Shortname": "shoes.boots", "Skin": 1196740980 }, { "Shortname": "hat.cap", "Skin": 1137543887 }, { "Shortname": "burlap.gloves", "Skin": 1402323871 } ], "Obtainable Items": [ { "Item ShortName": "battery.small", "Item CustomName": "Steering Wheel", "Skin ID": 3253851366, "Is Marketable?": true, "Sale Price?": 50, "Max Discount Buy Variation in %? (Negative Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": 0, "Maximum Bonus Variation in %? (Positive Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": 0, "Item Weight - Higher Values Drop More": 50 }, { "Item ShortName": "battery.small", "Item CustomName": "Chrome Wheel", "Skin ID": 3253851496, "Is Marketable?": true, "Sale Price?": 50, "Max Discount Buy Variation in %? (Negative Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": 0, "Maximum Bonus Variation in %? (Positive Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": 0, "Item Weight - Higher Values Drop More": 50 }, { "Item ShortName": "battery.small", "Item CustomName": "Instrument Cluster", "Skin ID": 3253851605, "Is Marketable?": true, "Sale Price?": 50, "Max Discount Buy Variation in %? (Negative Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": 0, "Maximum Bonus Variation in %? (Positive Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": 0, "Item Weight - Higher Values Drop More": 50 }, { "Item ShortName": "battery.small", "Item CustomName": "Drilled Slotted Rotor", "Skin ID": 3253851805, "Is Marketable?": true, "Sale Price?": 50, "Max Discount Buy Variation in %? (Negative Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": 0, "Maximum Bonus Variation in %? (Positive Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": 0, "Item Weight - Higher Values Drop More": 50 }, { "Item ShortName": "battery.small", "Item CustomName": "Smoked Headlamp", "Skin ID": 3253855834, "Is Marketable?": true, "Sale Price?": 200, "Max Discount Buy Variation in %? (Negative Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": 0, "Maximum Bonus Variation in %? (Positive Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": 0, "Item Weight - Higher Values Drop More": 30 }, { "Item ShortName": "battery.small", "Item CustomName": "Burn Tip Muffler", "Skin ID": 3253855929, "Is Marketable?": true, "Sale Price?": 200, "Max Discount Buy Variation in %? (Negative Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": 0, "Maximum Bonus Variation in %? (Positive Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": 0, "Item Weight - Higher Values Drop More": 30 }, { "Item ShortName": "battery.small", "Item CustomName": "Deep Cycle Battery", "Skin ID": 3253856046, "Is Marketable?": true, "Sale Price?": 200, "Max Discount Buy Variation in %? (Negative Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": 0, "Maximum Bonus Variation in %? (Positive Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": 0, "Item Weight - Higher Values Drop More": 30 }, { "Item ShortName": "battery.small", "Item CustomName": "Black Chrome Wheel and Tire", "Skin ID": 3253856327, "Is Marketable?": true, "Sale Price?": 200, "Max Discount Buy Variation in %? (Negative Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": 0, "Maximum Bonus Variation in %? (Positive Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": 0, "Item Weight - Higher Values Drop More": 30 }, { "Item ShortName": "battery.small", "Item CustomName": "Sport Drilled Slotted Rotor", "Skin ID": 3253857441, "Is Marketable?": true, "Sale Price?": 350, "Max Discount Buy Variation in %? (Negative Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": 0, "Maximum Bonus Variation in %? (Positive Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": 0, "Item Weight - Higher Values Drop More": 15 }, { "Item ShortName": "battery.small", "Item CustomName": "Sport Instrument Cluster", "Skin ID": 3253857631, "Is Marketable?": true, "Sale Price?": 350, "Max Discount Buy Variation in %? (Negative Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": 0, "Maximum Bonus Variation in %? (Positive Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": 0, "Item Weight - Higher Values Drop More": 15 }, { "Item ShortName": "battery.small", "Item CustomName": "Black Chrome Wheel", "Skin ID": 3253857774, "Is Marketable?": true, "Sale Price?": 350, "Max Discount Buy Variation in %? (Negative Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": 0, "Maximum Bonus Variation in %? (Positive Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": 0, "Item Weight - Higher Values Drop More": 15 }, { "Item ShortName": "battery.small", "Item CustomName": "Sport Steering Wheel", "Skin ID": 3253857894, "Is Marketable?": true, "Sale Price?": 350, "Max Discount Buy Variation in %? (Negative Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": 0, "Maximum Bonus Variation in %? (Positive Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": 0, "Item Weight - Higher Values Drop More": 15 } ] }
{ "NoPerms": "[<color=#ff757a>Chop Shop</color>] You do not have permission to run this <color=#75fffa>Command</color>!", "NoItems": "[<color=#ff757a>Chop Shop</color>] :coffeecan: You have no <color=#75fffa>Items</color> on you that I can cash out. \nBe on the look out for Choppable Vehicles, see you soon!\n\n:exclamation:", "ChopShopCooldownMessage": "[<color=#ff757a>Chop Shop</color>] :angry: Wait <color=#75fffa>{0}</color> second(s)!, I think someone tailed you here...", "EconomicsMessage": "[<color=#ff757a>Chop Shop</color>] :eyes: \n\n I guess I can give you <color=#85bb65>$</color><color=#42b5a6>{0}</color> for your <color=#42b5a6>{1}x</color> <color=#a642b5>{2}</color>(s).", "SrMessage": "[<color=#ff757a>Chop Shop</color>] :eyes: \n\n I guess I can give you <color=#42b5a6>{0}</color> <color=#cd5c5c>RP</color> for your <color=#42b5a6>{1}x</color> <color=#a642b5>{2}</color>(s).", "SaleDisabled": "[<color=#ff757a>Chop Shop</color>] <color=#75fffa>Sales</color> are Disabled in the Config, Enable and Try again.", "ChopCarSpotted": "[<color=#ff757a>Chop Shop</color>] A <color=#ffb575>Vehicle</color> ready to be chopped has been spotted near <color=#75ffb5>{0}</color> :eyes:", "DenyCops": "[<color=#ff757a>Chop Shop</color>] <color=blue>Law Enforcement</color> cannot Chop Vehicles.", "DenyCivs": "[<color=#ff757a>Chop Shop</color>] Law Enforcement cannot Chop Vehicles.", "ChopToolRequired": "[<color=#ff757a>Chop Shop</color>] You need a <color=green>ChopTool</color> To Chop Vehicles.", "NotACrim": "[<color=#ff757a>Chop Shop</color>] :angry: Hold up!, Are you a <color=blue>Cop</color>?", "DealerOpenDynamicFalse": "[<color=#ff757a>Chop Shop</color>] The Chop Shop Dealer is open for <color=#75ffb5>Business</color>.", "DealerOpenDynamicTrue": "[<color=#ff757a>Chop Shop</color>] The Chop Shop Dealer is waiting near <color=#75ffb5>{0}</color>.", "DealerClosed": "[<color=#ff757a>Chop Shop</color>] The Chop Shop Dealer has closed up Shop.", "NotifyCops": "[<color=#ff757a>Chop Shop</color>] An Anonymous Tip says a Car is being <color=#ff757a>Chopped</color>, The Marked Location is on your Map.", "ChopStarted": "[<color=#ff757a>Chop Shop</color>] <color=#75ffb5>{0}</color> has started Chopping a Vehicle.", "AlreadyChopped": "[<color=#ff757a>Chop Shop</color>] This Vehicle is already <color=#75ffb5>Claimed</color>.", "Failed": "[<color=#ff757a>Chop Shop</color>] Damn, that part is <color=#75ffb5>Scrap Metal</color> now.", "ChopItemsSpawned": "[<color=#ff757a>Chop Shop</color>]All <color=#75ffb5>Chop Shop Items</color> have been spawned.", "ChopToolSpawned": "[<color=#ff757a>Chop Shop</color>] <color=#75ffb5>Chop Tool</color> sent to your Inventory." }
Looking to add another layer of gameplay for your players?
Or just to keep them a little busier gathering geodes and having "Rockhound" crack them open for some "Fair Trades"?
Now you can add your own Customizable Geodes to your Server.
When a player mines a node, you can configure drop rate and loot content.
When a player picks up ore, you can enable or disable a chance of them finding a geode, based on your geodes spawn rate.
You can also configure for a chance for the geode to be empty like in the "Real World"
Jackhammer harvest is also configurable.
You can blacklist tools as needed.
Spawn the Geode Shed Via Copy Paste, MarkerManager & ZoneManager Or AutoSpawn at Outpost Automatically with Copy Paste to handle paste, ZoneManager to handle decay and looting prevention etc.
MarkerManager via Umod can be used to mark the NPCS Location on the map.
Use /SpawnRockhound to set the NPC Trader Position
To remove
Use /RemoveRockhound
On new save, the data will clear to prevent any floaters.
NPC clothing is configurable, I set it up with some basic clothing with Skins as an Example, You can also use Kits to Set up your NPC as you wish.
Use /pastegeodes to set the npc shed. Relies on Copypaste, and ZoneManager to handle decay and other flags.
Use /givegeodes to spawn all custom geode items in your inventory, good for testing trade and crack open item pulls.
Demo Vid for Paste Instructions
{ "RockhoundCooldownMessage": "[<color=#70b8db>Rockhound</color>] Give me <color=#9370db>{0}</color> seconds, Let me rest my swinging arm...", "EmptyGeodeMessage": "[<color=#9370db>Geodes</color>] Your <color=#db9370>{0}</color> was empty!", "NoPerms": "[<color=#9370db>Geodes</color>] You don't have permission to run this command!", "GeodeInteractionNoGeodes": "[<color=#70b8db>Rockhound</color>] :nervous: \n\nCome back when you have enough <color=#db9370>Geodes</color>.\n\n Until then! \n\n:happy:", "GeodeInteractionTradeMessage1": "[<color=#70b8db>Rockhound</color>] :nervous: \n\nI can give you...", "GeodeInteractionTradeMessage2": "\nin exchange for your <color=#db9370>Geode(s)</color>.\n\nSeems like a fair trade to me! \n\n:happy:", "GeodeHarvestMessage": "[<color=#9370db>Geodes</color>] <color=#db9370>{0}</color> Harvested!", "GeodeHarvestMessage1": "[<color=#9370db>Geodes</color>] A <color=#db9370>{0}</color> was found on the <color=#db9370>ground</color>!", "GeodeInteractionFullInventory": "[<color=#70b8db>Rockhound</color>] Your <color=#9370db>Inventory</color> is full, I'll place the Item(s) on the <color=#db9370>ground</color>.", "GeodesSpawned": "[<color=#9370db>Geodes</color>] All Custom <color=#db9370>Geode</color> Items sent to your Inventory." }
{ "Discord Webhook URL": "INSERTURLHERE", "Chat Icon": 0, "Position of Building for Outpost Spawn": { "x": -80.45, "y": 0, "z": -35.73 }, "Rotation Correction of The Building": -77, "NPC Positioning If using Outpost Spawn": { "x": -80.3, "y": 0.2, "z": -34.34 }, "Rotation Correction of The NPC": 90, "Dynamic (Outpost) Spawn Of The NPC Building and NPC Enabled?(CopyPaste Req. MarkerManager & Zone Manager Recommended)": true, "Enable Harvest Message?": true, "Enable Harvest On Collectable Pickup(Stone, Sulfur, Metal Ore)?": true, "Tool Blacklist": [ "icepick.salvaged", "knife.bone" ], "Ability To Harvest With Jackhammer?": true, "Maximum Amount of Like Geodes Traded at a Time": 3, "NPC Interaction Cooldown (seconds)": 3, "Enable Marker Manager from UMOD, To Mark Rockhound Location?": true, "Enable NPC Kit": false, "NPC Kit Name": "", "Geode Types": [ { "Geode Name": "Magnetite Geode", "Geode SkinID": 3157464677, "Geode Harvest Probability - 100 = 100%": 5, "Minimum Items on Trade": 1, "Maximum Items on Trade": 2, "Geode Loot Table on Crack": [ { "Shortname": "lowgradefuel", "Skin": 0, "Custom Name": "", "Amount Min": 10, "Amount Max": 20, "Chance to be given this Item upon Cracking (1.0 = 100%)": 0.5 }, { "Shortname": "hq.metal.ore", "Skin": 0, "Custom Name": "", "Amount Min": 5, "Amount Max": 20, "Chance to be given this Item upon Cracking (1.0 = 100%)": 0.5 } ], "Geode Loot Table on Trade": [ { "Shortname": "scrap", "Skin": 0, "Custom Name": "", "Amount Min": 50, "Amount Max": 100, "Chance to be given this Item on Trade (1.0 = 100%)": 0.5 }, { "Shortname": "ammo.pistol.fire", "Skin": 0, "Custom Name": "", "Amount Min": 2, "Amount Max": 4, "Chance to be given this Item on Trade (1.0 = 100%)": 0.5 } ] }, { "Geode Name": "Septarian Geode", "Geode SkinID": 3157464875, "Geode Harvest Probability - 100 = 100%": 5, "Minimum Items on Trade": 1, "Maximum Items on Trade": 2, "Geode Loot Table on Crack": [ { "Shortname": "scrap", "Skin": 0, "Custom Name": "", "Amount Min": 10, "Amount Max": 20, "Chance to be given this Item upon Cracking (1.0 = 100%)": 0.5 }, { "Shortname": "metal.fragments", "Skin": 0, "Custom Name": "", "Amount Min": 6, "Amount Max": 15, "Chance to be given this Item upon Cracking (1.0 = 100%)": 0.5 } ], "Geode Loot Table on Trade": [ { "Shortname": "metalspring", "Skin": 0, "Custom Name": "", "Amount Min": 1, "Amount Max": 2, "Chance to be given this Item on Trade (1.0 = 100%)": 0.5 }, { "Shortname": "roadsigns", "Skin": 0, "Custom Name": "", "Amount Min": 1, "Amount Max": 3, "Chance to be given this Item on Trade (1.0 = 100%)": 0.5 } ] }, { "Geode Name": "Irradiated Geode", "Geode SkinID": 3157465353, "Geode Harvest Probability - 100 = 100%": 3, "Minimum Items on Trade": 1, "Maximum Items on Trade": 2, "Geode Loot Table on Crack": [ { "Shortname": "lowgradefuel", "Skin": 0, "Custom Name": "", "Amount Min": 10, "Amount Max": 20, "Chance to be given this Item upon Cracking (1.0 = 100%)": 0.5 }, { "Shortname": "hq.metal.ore", "Skin": 0, "Custom Name": "", "Amount Min": 4, "Amount Max": 12, "Chance to be given this Item upon Cracking (1.0 = 100%)": 0.5 } ], "Geode Loot Table on Trade": [ { "Shortname": "ammo.rocket.hv", "Skin": 0, "Custom Name": "", "Amount Min": 1, "Amount Max": 2, "Chance to be given this Item on Trade (1.0 = 100%)": 0.5 }, { "Shortname": "ammo.pistol.hv", "Skin": 0, "Custom Name": "", "Amount Min": 1, "Amount Max": 3, "Chance to be given this Item on Trade (1.0 = 100%)": 0.5 } ] } ], "NPC Clothing Options": [ { "Shortname": "pants", "Skin": 2919986425 }, { "Shortname": "tshirt", "Skin": 844217778 }, { "Shortname": "shoes.boots", "Skin": 2090776132 }, { "Shortname": "hat.cap", "Skin": 812550226 }, { "Shortname": "metal.facemask", "Skin": 905114071 } ] }
Thanks for viewing! - Wrecks
Thanks to @imthenewguy for the tips!
& to @Luuxen for the help testing.