About Battlemetrics Moderation Bot
The BattleMetrics Moderation Bot is designed to allow trial staff to submit mutes, kicks, bans, and lift bans without requiring full access to BattleMetrics or other moderation tools.
How It Works:
- Trial staff submit moderation actions through Discord forms.
- Actions remain pending for approval until reviewed by verified staff.
- Verified staff can accept, deny, or create a discussion thread for further review.
- The bot integrates exclusively with BattleMetrics and requires a BattleMetrics RCON Subscription to function.
Additional Features:
- All bot actions are logged in a dedicated Logs folder for full transparency and record-keeping.
- Uses BattleMetrics API to ensure secure and efficient moderation.
If you need assistance, contact bxcas on Discord.
Configuration Settings for BattleMetrics Moderation Bot
This section explains each configuration setting in the config.json file, what it does, and where to find the necessary values.
🛠 Discord Configuration
The discord section contains the bot's authentication details, server settings, and channels for admin messages.
"discord": { "clientId": "BOT CLIENT ID", "token": "BOT TOKEN", "guildId": "DISCORD SERVER ID", "channels": { "message": "ADMINS CHANNEL ID", "request": "TRIAL CHANNEL REQUEST ID" }, "roles": { "trialStaff": ["TRIAL STAFF ROLE ID 1", "TRIAL STAFF ROLE ID 2"], "seniorStaff": ["SENIOR STAFF ROLE ID 1", "SENIOR STAFF ROLE ID 2"] } }
Where to Find These Values?
🛡 BattleMetrics Configuration (battlemetrics)
This section contains settings related to BattleMetrics, which is used for managing bans and tracking players.
"battlemetrics": {
Where to Find These Values?
Server Configuration (servers)
This section defines the Rust servers managed by the bot.
"servers": [
"name": "SERVER NAME",
"id": "SERVER ID"
Where to Find These Values?
Example Full Configuration
"discord": {
"clientId": "123456789012345678",
"guildId": "987654321098765432",
"channels": {
"message": "123456789012345678",
"request": "876543210987654321"
"roles": {
"trialStaff": ["123456789012345678", "234567890123456789"],
"seniorStaff": ["345678901234567890", "456789012345678901"]
"battlemetrics": {
"organizationId": "112233",
"banListId": "445566",
"apiToken": "your_battlemetrics_api_token"
"servers": [
"name": "Main Rust Server",
"id": "999999"
"name": "Test Server",
"id": "888888"
Installation Guide - BattleMetrics Moderation Bot
To run the bot, you need a machine with:
- A server or hosting environment (e.g., a VPS, dedicated machine, or a Pterodactyl Egg).
- Node.js installed (recommended: latest LTS version).
Installation Steps
Ensure Node.js is installed on your machine.
Place the bot files in your preferred directory.
Open a terminal or command prompt in the bot’s directory.
Run the following command to install dependencies:
npm install
Start the bot by running:
node .
The bot will now run without any issues.
A Logs folder will be created automatically.
All bot activity and errors will be logged inside this folder.
If you need assistance, contact `bxcas` on Discord.