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  1. well your feet have to be in the water. since world 2 has changed the mechanics the check logic had to be also changed.
  2. hello, please go a bit more in the water and make sure you have v1.1.7
  3. Changed Fixed In from 1.1.6 to 1.1.7
  4. Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.1.6
  5. Hello hid333, thank you for letting me know i will have a look and provide a fix as soon as possible.
    Using this tool to set up my servers and i am very pleased with how easy, fast and reliable it works. The simplicity of the tool is what it makes it so great for me.
  6. @hid333 designed the plugin so that only one permission is set per player or per group. you can create 2 different groups and add the players in those depending on the desired cooldown.
  7. Changed Status from Not a Bug to Closed Changed Fixed In from 1.1.0 to 1.1.2
  8. the fix is to unload the plugin , delete the files and reload the plugin. can you come to my discord? http://discord.milkdrinkers.com ?
  9. @xAlloshFN could you resolve it ?
  10. Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug Changed Fixed In to 1.1.0
  11. Hello. Please unload the plugin ( o.unload MyVehicle ) and delete the config file ( oxide\config\MyVehicle.json ) and the data file ( oxide\data\MyVehicle\SpawnedVehicles.json ) than reload the plugin ( o.reload MyVehicle ) and it will resolve the problem.
  12. Hi guys! I am working on an update and try to implement most of the wishes but will need time because it is my first plugin and I'm not that fast with coding and need also to do testing before i can release it. @Garlandar i did not implement that on purpose because it would be something that players could exploit since the vehicles spawn directly with fuel and you can set the amount in the config. I think players just need to get used to take their fuel out of the vehicle. The PVP players do that anyways. I will think about it. @xAlloshFN can you explain what would be the purpose of that? I mean with the Despawn function you achieve that a player always has a single vehicle of a kind what he can despawn if he leaves it somewhere. @hid333as a little update: I added more vehicles including Snowmobile. still struggling with some car settings but they are already in just with random modules.
  13. @hid333Hi. I will have a look at Showmobile and Modular Car option.
  14. @mcsigu Hi! I do not know/use GUIShop but if you can set it to grant a permission when a player buys something than it would be doable. The despawn/delay functions only work on vehicles spawned with MyVehicle plugin. If you can sell a permission in GUIShop than you could manage the vehicles in MyVehicle.


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