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Found 3 results

  1. Mevent

    Player List

    Version 2.0.5


    Adds a list of players to your server with convenient options for interacting with them Commands players (open interface) Permissions Permission to use: you can set permission in config, for example: "Permission (ex: playerlist.use)": "playerlist.use", playerlist.hide (hides a player from the player list) FAQ Q: Where can I see an example of a config? A: Config
  2. Version 1.0.5


    PlayersUI give to your server with a beautiful and iterative interface for searching users and viewing their profiles. Features - A beautiful player list with a search box and pagination; - A profile for each user; - Permission to customize profile banner; - Badges on user profile with tooltips; - Highlight groups in user list; - Customizable commands; - Custom buttons in the profile; Default Commands /profile [target] - Show user profile; /players - Show the player list; /banner [url or default] - Change your current banner Demonstraton: Default configuration file: { "Player list command name": "players", "Profile command name": "profile", "Banner command name": "banner", "Change banner permission name": "playersui.banners.use", "Server default banner url (Recommended size: 1200x272)": "https://i.imgur.com/VjbhyCO.png", "Badges (don't use spaces in the ID, only alphanumeric chars and _ to replace the spaces)": [ { "id": "admin", "name": "Admin", "iconUrl": "https://i.imgur.com/v3ncrRY.png" }, { "id": "mod", "name": "Moderator", "iconUrl": "https://i.imgur.com/UV6NOQV.png" }, { "id": "sponsor", "name": "Sponsor", "iconUrl": "https://i.imgur.com/7YpivBD.png" }, { "id": "vip", "name": "VIP", "iconUrl": "https://i.imgur.com/E700MO8.png" } ], "Status display settings": { "Show kills": true, "Show deaths": true, "Show KDR": true, "Show killed animals": true, "Show killed NPC's": true, "Count all deaths (suicide, fall, animals, helicopters, etc...)": false }, "Custom buttons on profile": [ { "Button label": "<color=#FFF700>SEND TP</color>", "Button icon url": "https://i.imgur.com/diqgMnn.png", "Button background color": "0.82 0.6 0 1", "Button command": "chat.say /tpr {target_id}", "Is a server command": false, "Only admins can use": false, "Show it to your own profile": false, "Button anchor min": "1 1", "Button anchor max": "1 1", "Button offset min": "-74 -160", "Button offset max": "0 -136" }, { "Button label": "<color=#59ff00>CLAN INVITE</color>", "Button icon url": "https://i.imgur.com/EZWrsAo.png", "Button background color": "0.31 0.56 0.34 1", "Button command": "chat.say /clan invite {target_id}", "Is a server command": false, "Only admins can use": false, "Show it to your own profile": false, "Button anchor min": "1 1", "Button anchor max": "1 1", "Button offset min": "-174 -160", "Button offset max": "-80 -136" }, { "Button label": "KICK", "Button icon url": "https://i.imgur.com/zRr73cJ.png", "Button background color": "0.76 0.19 0.19 1", "Button command": "kick {target_id}", "Is a server command": true, "Only admins can use": true, "Show it to your own profile": false, "Button anchor min": "1 1", "Button anchor max": "1 1", "Button offset min": "-236 -160", "Button offset max": "-180 -136" } ], "Groups highlight": [ { "Group name (use oxide.groups on console to show all available groups)": "default", "Priority": 99, "Background color": "1 1 1 0.1", "Text color": "1 1 1 1", "Icon background color": "0 0 0 0", "Icon URL (empty = disabled)": "" }, { "Group name (use oxide.groups on console to show all available groups)": "admin", "Priority": 1, "Background color": "1 0 0 0.1", "Text color": "1 1 1 1", "Icon background color": "1 0 0 0.4", "Icon URL (empty = disabled)": "https://i.imgur.com/v3ncrRY.png" }, { "Group name (use oxide.groups on console to show all available groups)": "mod", "Priority": 2, "Background color": "0 1 0 .3", "Text color": "1 1 1 1", "Icon background color": "0 1 0 .5", "Icon URL (empty = disabled)": "https://i.imgur.com/UV6NOQV.png" }, { "Group name (use oxide.groups on console to show all available groups)": "sponsor", "Priority": 3, "Background color": "0.2 0.63 0.17 .3", "Text color": "1 1 1 1", "Icon background color": "0.2 0.63 0.17 .5", "Icon URL (empty = disabled)": "https://i.imgur.com/7YpivBD.png" }, { "Group name (use oxide.groups on console to show all available groups)": "vip", "Priority": 4, "Background color": "0 1 1 .3", "Text color": "1 1 1 1", "Icon background color": "0 1 1 .5", "Icon URL (empty = disabled)": "https://i.imgur.com/E700MO8.png" } ] } Preview images:
  3. Version 1.0.1


    THIS SYSTEM IS NOT WORKING DUE TO RUST SYSTEM Automatically sends information about the server to the discord channel. How to use this bot? 1. install the higher node.js 2. download the bot files 3. file extraction 4. open the console 5. "npm i" <- type in console 6. open to config.js module.exports = { ip: "", // server ip (domain) port: 0, // server port channel_id: "0", // discord channel id color: "#7289da", // embed color token: "TYPE YOUR TOKEN", // insert your bot token here! updateInterval: 20, // it is seconds and an integer must be entered. watcher: true // you can hide to your server ip and port } 7. edit to config.js 8. "node index.js" <- type in console 9. check to console!


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