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  1. Version 1.1.0


    Checks for updates for all Codefling plugins, and prints to console and, optionally, discord. Reports to console "Codefling has updates for the following plugins.", then lists the names. Config Authors - Each author name has a true/false option to enable/disable checking their plugins. CheckIntervalMinutes - How often the plugin requests updated information from Codefling. DiscordWebhookAddres - Address for your discord server's webhook, for posting updates. Ignore - String array for plugin names to ignore. eg ["one plugin"] or ["multiple", "plugins"]
  2. VORON


    Version 0.0.1


    APErrorNotify is a Rust server plugin that monitors the loading status of other plugins and sends notifications to Discord if any plugins fail to load. With support for multiple languages (English, Russian, Ukrainian, and Polish), this plugin lets users select their preferred notification language. APErrorNotify automatically scans all server plugins on startup or reload, identifies those that failed to load, and sends detailed messages, including error descriptions if enabled, as an embedded Discord message via Webhook. Key Features: Multi-language notification support (English, Russian, Ukrainian, Polish). Automatic notifications of plugin load failures on server startup and plugin reload. Configurable embed color for Discord notifications. Option to enable/disable error description in messages. Configuration: { "EmbedColor": 16711680, "IncludeErrorDescription": true, "Language": "en", "NotifyOnPluginLoadFail": true, "Translations": { "en": { "DefaultMessage": "APErrorNotify detected plugin load errors", "PluginReloadTitle": "Plugin Reload: Plugins Failed to Load", "ServerStartTitle": "Server Started: Plugins Failed to Load" }, "pl": { "DefaultMessage": "APErrorNotify wykrył błędy ładowania pluginów", "PluginReloadTitle": "Przeładowanie pluginu: Błąd ładowania pluginów", "ServerStartTitle": "Serwer uruchomiony: Błąd ładowania pluginów" }, "ru": { "DefaultMessage": "APErrorNotify обнаружил ошибки загрузки плагинов", "PluginReloadTitle": "Перезагрузка плагина: Ошибка загрузки плагинов", "ServerStartTitle": "Сервер запущен: Ошибка загрузки плагинов" }, "uk": { "DefaultMessage": "APErrorNotify виявив помилки завантаження плагінів", "PluginReloadTitle": "Перезавантаження плагіна: Помилка завантаження плагінів", "ServerStartTitle": "Сервер запущено: Помилка завантаження плагінів" } }, "WebhookUrl": "" }
  3. Iftebinjan


    Version 2.0.2


    WHAT IS IT FOR? This is a tool that creates temporary notifications on the user's screen, used to facilitate messages between plugins and server users. CONSOLE COMMANDS toastify [toast_id] [player] [message] - to send a toast notification for a specific player toastify.global [toast_id] [message] - to send a toast notification for everyone PERMISSION toastify.use- the permission to access the toastify commands API </> // Send a toast notification for the target player // Returns the ID of the toast to destroy it if necessary // @deprecated string SendToast(BasePlayer player, string toastId, string message, float? duration); // Use this new one instead of the above: string SendToast(BasePlayer player, string toastId, string title, string message, float? duration); // Destroy a toast notification void DestroyToast(BasePlayer player, string toastId); GOOD WAY TO IMPLEMENT If you want to integrate your plugin with Toastify, I recommend that you add an option in the configuration file of your plugin that the user can link their notification ID with the notifications you will use, you can see an example of how this was implemented in the FurnaceUpgrades or TCLevels configuration file. CONFIGURATION The default configuration file of the plugin: SCREENSHOT
  4. Mevent


    Version 1.0.12


    Custom notifications Commands notify.show [type] [message] notify.player [steamid] [type] [message] notify.allplayers [type] [message] Permissions You can set permission in config, for example: "Permission (example: notify.use)": "notify.use", notify.see – So a player can see notifications notify.notify – So an admin/moderator can see how it looks before sending it notify.player – Send notification to specific player (they need the notify.see permission) notify.allplayer – Send notification to all players (they need the notify.see permission) API private void SendNotify(string userId, int type, string message) private void SendNotify(ulong userId, int type, string message) private void SendNotify(BasePlayer player, int type, string message) Config Examples Config


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