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Found 2 results

  1. Zeeuss

    NPC Dancers

    Version 0.1.5


    What is it? Transform your server into an unforgettable experience with this innovative plugin! Whether you want to host epic dance parties or add immersive NPC actions to your RPG adventures, this plugin is designed to bring life and fun to your community. Let your players team up with their new animated companions and turn mundane gameplay into extraordinary moments. Perfect for dance parties and roleplay events; there's no limit to the creativity this plugin enables! Usage Make yourself or let players make the BEST dance parties ever! Also can be used for various actions for example on RPG servers (You can make NPC keep pointing somewhere etc..) Commands Main command /npcd -- Opens the menu (user friendly, contains/has the same or even better abilities than all the other chat commands) Spawn options: /npcd spawn (id) -- Spawns certain group /npcd despawn (id) -- Despawns certain group Group options: /npcd create -- Creates certain group /npcd remove (id) -- Removes certain group /npcd manage (id) -- Start managing certain group /npcd list -- Displays all dance groups Group Manage options: /npcd dancer add -- Adds new dancer with your current position and rotation to the group /npcd dancer remove (id) -- Removes certain dancer /npcd dancer list -- Displays all the dancers from the managed group /npcd group name (name) -- Changes managed group's name to the new one --Dancer's settings-- /npcd dancer manage (id) name (New Dancer's name) -- Changes dancer's name /npcd dancer manage (id) random (true/false) -- Turn ON or OFF to make dancer use random dance /npcd dancer manage (id) dance (Dance Name) -- Set's dance for the dancer Available: The Twist, Cabbage Patch, Raise the Roof, Clap, Friendly, Hurry, Ok, Point, Shrug, ThumbsUp, ThumbsDown, Victory, Wave, Chicken, Drink, Push, Kick /npcd dancer manage (id) clothing add (clothing name) -- Adds new clothing for the dancer /npcd dancer manage (id) clothing remove -- Removes clothing from the dancer /npcd dancer manage (id) god (on/off) -- Turns ON or OFF god for the dancer /npcd dancer manage (id) hp (amount) -- Set's the spawn HP for the dancer Permissions npcdancers.use -- Gives player permission to use the plugin npcdancers.god -- Gives player permission to turn ON or OFF godmode for dancers npcdancers.hp -- Gives player permission to change dancer's spawn HP npcdancers.admin -- Has all permissions, bypasses all limits in config + can manipulate with other's dance groups UI Features Dance Groups Owner OwnerID Amount of Dancers Group name Add Dancer button Spawn/Despawn button Remove button Dancers Name HP God Random Dance Clothing Remove button Config { "Max groups per player": 3, "Max dancers per group": 5 } Localization { "Syntax": "----- Spawn Options -----\n/npcd spawn (id) -- Spawns the group\n/npcd despawn (id) -- Despawns the group\n----- Manage Options -----\n/npcd create -- Creates new group\n/npcd remove (id) -- Removes the group\n/npcd manage (id) -- Let's you manage the group\n/npcd list -- Displays all dance groups", "Created": "Successfully created dancers group: {0}", "Removed": "Successfully removed dancers group: {0}", "NotFound": "Couldn't find a dance group with this id.", "NoGroups": "There are not any groups yet.", "NoDancers": "There are not any dancers yet.", "GroupList": "ID:{1} {0} - {2} dancers", "Managing": "----- Managing {0}'s group -----\nID: {1}\nGroup name: {2}\nDancers: {3}\n----- Manage Group -----\n/npcd dancer add -- Adds new dancer\n/npcd dancer remove (id) -- Removes the dancer\n/npcd dancer list -- Shows current dancers for this group\n/npcd group name (name)\n----- Dancer's settings -----\n/npcd dancer manage (id) name (Set Dancers Name)\n/npcd dancer manage (id) random (true/false) -- Dancer will choose random dance\n/npcd dancer manage (id) dance (Dance Name) -- Available: The Twist, Cabbage Patch, Raise the Roof, Clap, Friendly, Hurry, Ok, Point, Shrug, ThumbsUp, ThumbsDown, Victory, Wave, Chicken, Drink, Push, Kick\n/npcd dancer manage (id) clothing add (clothing shortname) -- Add specific clothing to the dancer\n/npcd dancer manage (id) clothing remove -- Removes all clothes from dancer\n/npcd dancer manage (id) god (on/off)\n/npcd dancer manage (id) hp (amount)", "NoManaging": "You are not managing any group right now.", "DancerAdded": "Successfully added new dancer:\nName:{0}\nID:{1}\nDance name:{2}\nRandom dance? {3}\nPos: X:{4} Y:{5} Z:{6}", "DancerRemoved": "Successfully removed Dancer: {0}(ID:{1})", "DancerNotFound": "Couldn't find dancer with that id", "DancerRename": "Renamed dancer:{0} to {1}", "DancerChangeDance": "Changed {0}'s dance to: {1}", "InvalidDance": "Invalid dance name! Changed {0}'s dance to: {1}", "NoPerms": "You don't have permissions to manipulate with other's groups!", "NoGodPerms": "You don't have permissions to toggle dancer's godmode", "NoDancersSpawn": "There are no dancers to spawn!", "GroupNotSpawned": "This group is not spawned", "GroupDespawn": "Group despawned", "SpecifyClothing": "You must specify the clothing", "SpecifyGod": "You must specify on or off for god mode", "SpecifyHp": "You must specify the amount of hp", "ToggleGod": "Dancer's godmode: {0}", "NoHpPerms": "You don't have permissions to set dancer's hp!", "SetHp": "Dancer's hp set to: {0}", "AddedClothing": "{0} added to the dancer", "RemovedClothing": "Removed dancer's clothes", "ClothingList": "Dancer's clothes: {0}", "GroupLimit": "Cannot create new dancer group! (Group limit reached!)", "GroupName": "Group name changed to: {0}", "DancerLimit": "Cannot add new dancer! (Dancer per group limit reached!)", "CUI YourGroups": "Your\nGroups", "CUI AllGroups": "All\nGroups", "NotExistWear": "{0} is non existing or not wearable item!", "NoMoreClothing": "This dancer can't take any more clothing!", "CUI SelectDancer": "Select Dancer", "CUI SelectedDancer": "Selected Dancer:\nID: {0}\nName: {1}", "CUI Name": "Name:", "CUI Random": "Random:", "CUI Dance": "Dance:", "CUI HP": "HP:", "CUI God": "God:", "CUI Owner": "Owner:", "CUI OwnerId": "OwnerID:", "CUI DancersAmount": "Amount of Dancers: {0}", "CUI Add": "Add Dancer", "CUI Remove": "Remove", "CUI NoDancers": "There are not any dancers yet", "CUI Spawn": "Spawn", "CUI Despawn": "Despawn", "CUI Dances": "The Twist, Cabbage Patch, Raise the Roof, Clap, Friendly, Hurry, Ok, Point, Shrug, ThumbsUp, ThumbsDown, Victory, Wave, Chicken, Drink, Push, Kick", "CUI ClothingAdd": "Add clothing:", "CUI ClothingList": "Current clothing:", "CUI CreateGroup": "Create\nGroup" }
  2. Raecast


    Version 1.1.1


    If you're looking to create a fun, community chatting environment for your players, Emotipedia allows players to use emotes! When an emote keyword is recognised in a chat message, the emote shows up on all of your players screens! Features Emotes fade in on a random position on screen Fully configurable emote library (any small square image via URL will work!) Twitch Emotes (BTTV, FFZ) Discord Emotes Any emotes! (not animated though ) Uses image caching (100% crisp emotes for all players, even on 0 graphics) Set size of emotes on screen How long emotes are shown for Use first or all emotes from a message Configurable emote cooldown duration Players can enable/disable emotes on their screen Commands /emotehelp - lists all emotes and commands /emotetoggle - toggles emote visibility Permissions There's only a single permission. When a player has this permission, their chat messages will be read by the plugin and display emotes. Without it, the plugin will not function on those chat messages. Grant this to all players, or keep it for your VIP groups if you wanna give something special to them! emotipedia.enabled Configuration Configuration is super simple! { "Chat message when plugin is loaded": true, "Console messages when emotes are cached": false, // Helpful for debuging if an emote doesn't seem to work. "Emote size (square pixels when displayed on a 1920x1080 screen)": 55.0, "Purist Mode (requires correct capitalization)": false, // Triggers with "PogU" (purist = true) vs "pogu" (purist = false) "Emote display duration on screen (seconds)": 5, "Only one emote per message (uses first emote)": true, // Set it to false if you really love players using emotes "If the message contains only emotes, hide it from chat": true, // EG: Typing "POGGERS" will only show the emote, not the chat message. "Cooldown (seconds before another emote can be sent by a player; can be set to 0)": 5, // Set it to 0 for fun mode ;) "Emotes": [ { "Emote Name": "OMEGALUL", "Emote URL": "https://cdn.betterttv.net/emote/583089f4737a8e61abb0186b/3x" }, { "Emote Name": "monkaS", "Emote URL": "https://cdn.betterttv.net/emote/56e9f494fff3cc5c35e5287e/3x" }, { "Emote Name": "POGGERS", "Emote URL": "https://cdn.betterttv.net/emote/58ae8407ff7b7276f8e594f2/3x" } // There are 50 popular default twitch emotes included - not all listed here! // To add more emotes, simply copy the above format. The name is the keyword // which triggers the emote to show on screen. The url should be of a small, // square image. Ideally the resolution should match your Emote Size setting. ], "Plugin Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 0 } } Future Features It's a pretty simple plugin, so nothing is officially planned. Hop on discord and let us know if you'd like to see a new feature added in the future! Currently testing for the next version: API - other plugins will be able to trigger a configured emote to show for a specified list of players. Emotes will respect global/team chat and only show for the players in said chat. Premium Support After buying the plugin, join the <I/O> Discord server! With proof of purchase, you get access to a premium support channel. Come and chat with us! https://discord.gg/TTb3f3XEhq


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