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  1. Hi, i recently had a player who killed the first few NPCs but was kicked out of the zone because another player became owner. It was hard to tell who reached the owner-state due to points without logs. Is it possible to log/puts() who is killing npcs, crashing cars, looting crates, receiving points, becoming owner, reason for kicking players out of the zone (PvE Mode plugin)? That would be great
  2. Hi, some plugins are using "scientistnpc_full_any" for their bots and they do not reward points. ("assets/rust.ai/agents/npcplayer/humannpc/scientist/scientistnpc_full_any.prefab") Could you add these to the config please?
  3. Hi, i noticed that spawns are duplicated when you change coordinates or spawn timers for example. The duplicates disappear after reloading the plugin.
  4. I uploaded the video. (I have the same problem for other plugins like SignArtist, Backpacks,.. So it is not just a GatherManager Problem but i only recorded that one because it is easy to reproduce for me Feels like the permissions are somehow cached but not "announced" to related plugins? If you need another showcase or a livesteam add me in discord "toliman" Skill-Config for GatherManager-Permission: { "Enabled": true, "Permission": null, "Type": "None", "ID (for None)": 9, "Image": "", "Title": "Green Thumb", "Description": "[DE] Sammele mehr Hanf, Beeren, Pilze und Dieselfässer\n[ENG] Collect more hemp, berries, shrooms and diesel barrels.\nLevel 1: 2x Pickup\nLevel 2: 3x Pickup 2x Crops\nLevel 3: 4x Pickup 3x Crops", "Shortname": "", "Stages": { "1": { "Permission (ex: skills.vip)": "", "Cost": 1000.0, "Value [metabolism - value, for everyone else %]": 0.0, "Value 2": 0.0, "Commands": [], "Groups": [], "Permissions": [ "gathercontrol.pickup1" ], "Required skill stages": [] }, "2": { "Permission (ex: skills.vip)": "", "Cost": 1500.0, "Value [metabolism - value, for everyone else %]": 0.0, "Value 2": 0.0, "Commands": [], "Groups": [], "Permissions": [ "gathercontrol.pickup2" ], "Required skill stages": [] }, "3": { "Permission (ex: skills.vip)": "", "Cost": 2000.0, "Value [metabolism - value, for everyone else %]": 0.0, "Value 2": 0.0, "Commands": [], "Groups": [], "Permissions": [ "gathercontrol.pickup3" ], "Required skill stages": [] } } }, GatherManager-Config: "3": { "DayRateMultPickup": 4.0 "PermGroup": "gathercontrol.pickup3" } //same with pickup1 and pickup2
  5. Hi, i am not sure where to put this problem. Situation is: Some skills grant permissions like "backpacks.use.5" for the 5th row of Backpack plugin. If i buy this skill the 5th Row is still inactiv. I cannot see the permission in the permission manager either. If i reload the whole Backpack-Plugin, i can access the 5th row. (same for other plugins. i have to relaod the plugin) Don't know if it is a skills-related problem, or a new change to permissions in global?
  6. RuGRustServer


    Ok i will try that. i only have seen them in the top-right corner so far
  7. RuGRustServer


    What ist the difference between "hud" and "overlay"? i tried both and cannot see a difference
  8. Hi, is it possible to support the Notify Plugin? (from Mevent on codefling) I prefer it over the GUIAnnouncements
  9. Hi @Steenamaroo, is it possible to make a little change, so decorative collectibles do not grant RP ? As you can see, the DeployableNature Plugin uses Skin-IDs for their collectibles. Currently i made this small extra in your hook: void OnCollectiblePickup(CollectibleEntity entity, BasePlayer player) { if (!loaded || player == null || entity == null || !conf.Settings.Rewards.PickupReward) return; //Disable Rust Rewards for collectibles with skin (DeployableNature) if (entity.skinID != 0) return; if (conf.Settings.Rewards.Use_Permissions && !HasPerm(player.UserIDString, PickupPermission)) return; if (UsedIDs.Contains(entity.net.ID.Value)) return; UsedIDs.Add(entity.net.ID.Value); if (conf.RewardTypes.Pickup.ContainsKey(entity.ShortPrefabName)) GiveReward(player, RewardType.Pickup, conf.RewardTypes.Pickup[entity.ShortPrefabName], entity); }
  10. @Steenamaroo a players is asking for a "conductor" title, since he really like trains Not sure if it is possible to somehow count time operating an entity, but i promised to ask at least
  11. RuGRustServer

    Bradleys not despawning

    Hi @Adem i have a similar issue. the bradley in my case somehow got stuck on the telephone pole. it tried to get onto the road again and was hitting both trucks. both trucks lost their armored passange vehicle module^^ Thats not fatal for me but the bradley stopped there and the NPCs were floating in the air when the convoy started to move again. The player engaged this convoy again and the first ruck was already out of the dome range, while the npcs spawned around the tank way behind the conovy.
  12. ok, i missed the rcon part. i tried via ingame console. can be closed then, thank you
  13. Hi, i tried to add "Chicken" to the animals config. But the boss spawns PolarBears instead I guess Chicken is not supported and polar bears are the fallback? Can we add chickens?
  14. Hi, I cannot spawn or kill via console (nothing happens) I can spawn (config->enabled) via chat. I cannot spawn (config->disabled) via chat. (but that would be great to manually spawn them to test new configs!) I cannot kill via chat (unknown command)
  15. Hi, we are using the Plugin "DeployableNature". You can place "decorative" entities there. Like Desks and Toilets. At the same time you allow to loot these desks and toilets. Ppl can abuse that by [placing entity->looting->pickup entity -> repeat]. Is it possible to exclude entites with OwnerID != 0, or enties that have a SkinID applied? All entites placed with DeployableNature inherent the PlayerID as OwnerID and they have a custom Skin applied. That would be great


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