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Everything posted by Bobbi

  1. Bobbi


    having trouble with the mod saving any items i add to the crafting list in game . After the mod reloads from a server restart or me just reloading the mod all items get deleted and i also cant edit any items after i make them
  2. Bobbi

    Bot map markers

    all good it seemed to fix its self after the last reset so i may have done something wrong but all is good now
  3. Bobbi

    Bot map markers

    im trying to make some bots that will show there location on the map when players open it not sure how to do this i do have "Use_Map_Marker": true, "Always_Show_Map_Marker": true, in the data files is there any thing more i need to do ?
  4. Bobbi

    Craft Menu

    sorry for the multi post new to this stuff wasnt sure it had posted also got it working ty
  5. Bobbi

    Craft Menu

    hi im looking for some help on setting up this mod for my server i add the mod to the sever and gave the default group the permission to use this but there are no items showing up to be crafted
  6. Bobbi

    Craft Menu

    hi im looking for some help on setting up this mod for my server i add the mod to the sever and gave the default group the permission to use this but there are no items showing up to be crafted
  7. thanks for the fast reply and will do
  8. the full error im getting is [BotReSpawn] FAILED TO GET ENOUGH SPAWN POINTS FOR PROFILE The Dome 0. (Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) and [BotReSpawn] FAILED TO GET ENOUGH SPAWN POINTS FOR PROFILE Abandoned Cabins 0. (Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39) the setting i have for the 2 monuments that are giving the error are "Abandoned Cabins 0": { "type": 0, "Spawn": { "AutoSpawn": true, "Radius": 10, "BotNames": [], "BotNamePrefix": "", "Keep_Default_Loadout": false, "Kit": [ "SwampBots" ], "Day_Time_Spawn_Amount": 3, "Night_Time_Spawn_Amount": 0, "Announce_Spawn": false, "Announcement_Text": "", "BotHealth": 100, "Stationary": false, "UseCustomSpawns": false, "ChangeCustomSpawnOnDeath": false }, "Behaviour": { "Roam_Range": 20, "Aggro_Range": 30, "DeAggro_Range": 40, "Peace_Keeper": false, "Bot_Accuracy_Percent": 100, "Bot_Damage_Percent": 50, "Running_Speed_Booster": 10, "AlwaysUseLights": false }, "Death": { "Spawn_Hackable_Death_Crate_Percent": 5, "Death_Crate_CustomLoot_Profile": "", "Death_Crate_LockDuration": 10, "Corpse_Duration": 5, "Weapon_Drop_Percent": 10, "Min_Weapon_Drop_Condition_Percent": 50, "Max_Weapon_Drop_Condition_Percent": 100, "Wipe_Main_Percent": 0, "Wipe_Belt_Percent": 100, "Wipe_Clothing_Percent": 100, "Allow_Rust_Loot_Percent": 100, "Respawn_Timer": 15, "RustRewardsValue": 0.0 }, "Other": { "Chute": false, "Suicide_Timer": 5, "Die_Instantly_From_Headshot": false, "Instant_Death_From_Headshot_Allowed_Weapons": [], "Disable_Radio": true and "The Dome 0": { "type": 0, "Spawn": { "AutoSpawn": true, "Radius": 30, "BotNames": [], "BotNamePrefix": "", "Keep_Default_Loadout": false, "Kit": [ "T2Bot" ], "Day_Time_Spawn_Amount": 1, "Night_Time_Spawn_Amount": 0, "Announce_Spawn": false, "Announcement_Text": "", "BotHealth": 100, "Stationary": false, "UseCustomSpawns": false, "ChangeCustomSpawnOnDeath": false }, "Behaviour": { "Roam_Range": 20, "Aggro_Range": 30, "DeAggro_Range": 40, "Peace_Keeper": false, "Bot_Accuracy_Percent": 65, "Bot_Damage_Percent": 50, "Running_Speed_Booster": 10, "AlwaysUseLights": false }, "Death": { "Spawn_Hackable_Death_Crate_Percent": 5, "Death_Crate_CustomLoot_Profile": "", "Death_Crate_LockDuration": 10, "Corpse_Duration": 5, "Weapon_Drop_Percent": 10, "Min_Weapon_Drop_Condition_Percent": 50, "Max_Weapon_Drop_Condition_Percent": 100, "Wipe_Main_Percent": 0, "Wipe_Belt_Percent": 100, "Wipe_Clothing_Percent": 100, "Allow_Rust_Loot_Percent": 100, "Respawn_Timer": 15, "RustRewardsValue": 0.0 }, "Other": { "Chute": false, "Suicide_Timer": 0, "Die_Instantly_From_Headshot": false, "Instant_Death_From_Headshot_Allowed_Weapons": [], "Disable_Radio": true all other bots spawn and work fine just the 2 monuments that are haveing truble i have tryed turning up the radius and lowering the number of bot that spawn at both and still get the same error


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