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Everything posted by Oddyseous

  1. *Holding breathe twiddling thumbs* I'm fine, still waiting, but i'm fine.
  2. Oddyseous


    This comment honestly makes no sense to me. The cost of modding the server how you want it and the price of purchasing the game have absolutely nothing to do with each other. If you want to run a cheap server go vanilla. If you want to run a good server it takes money, it takes time, and it takes a lot of work. If you want to run a good modded server and not pay anything, spend the next 5 years making your own mods, or pay for the ones that fit your server as you go. You can pay money or you can pay with your own time and efforts. The money goes towards other peoples time and efforts. This is how the world really works folks.
  3. My previous mods for other games: https://www.nexusmods.com/users/70140313?tab=user+files Skyrim https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2345467392 Crusader Kings 3 Most my modding on Rust so far is fixing broken ones I download from other authors with light edits. But looking forward to coming out with my own Rust mods in the future and posting them here on CodeFling. However, this is a monument, which I am also enjoying creating. I look forward to approval let me know if you have any questions. On a side note,@MikeHawke Your Opossums ban video is epic.
  4. nice ty Mike and chap
  5. Your hiring but don't accept applications, hope that goes well lol. I guess I'll just wait on approval....
  6. I submitted my monument along with 2 updates, it's been pending approval for a while so I was wondering how long it normally takes? Let me know, thanks.
  7. Version 1.2.3


    Welcome to Ye Old Sims Castle! ** AS SEEN ON "Life of The Rust & Famous** It's a beautiful castle with a dark, sinister secret. Nobody knows what happened to the old lords and ladies of castle. Only that some type of evil dark magic cult was involved. Explore it's beautiful decor of body parts and remains of a tragic end to a powerful dynasty. Much treasure still lurks inside for those who dare to enter. Are you bold enough? Brave enough? Crazy enough to enter? You have been warned. (The blue bubbles in the screenshots are scarecrow spawnpoints) Features: Dark sinister tone of old gardens turned to dead weeds Multiple hidden traps, danger around every corner. This castle will put a chill down your spine! Greed of Life trap, Loot one of the elite crates, you can't get out and die, leave it be, and you can leave the trap! 14 Scarecrow spawners in the old Blacksmithy 21 Scarecrow spawners guarding the old treasury vault 11 Scarecrow spawners guarding the dead remains of Ye Old Lady's mummified body and parts, Plus Recycler. 25 Scarecrows protecting the main living area, rumored to be what's left of the old court Building Block Cube Surround the Monument so players cannot build in the immediate area or on the monument. Stomach Churning Courtyard Feast Spookily Empty Halls giving an eerie tone as if those who did survive left in a hurry never to return with their belongings. No Key Cards required, Traps are the worry here, not boring key cards and fuses. Mystery and danger behind every turn. Player is forced to mine ore to get inside the doors of this ancient monument! Last but not least, extremely light and Server Resource & FPS Friendly. No need to worry about bogging down your server! Loot: Total of 3 Food Crates Total of 2 Normal Crates Total of 1 Medical Crate Total of 6 Elite Crates Total of 3 Hackable Crates Total of 1 Toolbox Barrels added Food box added More Decor added Green card spawner added Install Instructions: Use Height Map Use Alpha Map Use Splat Map Use Biome Done. Download if Ye Dare! Note: Okay, here is my only promise. Your players will enjoy this monument. I didn't spend a lot of time adding décor and other things to bog down your server, I made a fun meat and bones monument from scratch that your players will enjoy. It has traps, it has zombies to kill (Scarecrows), it has loot, it has everything they'd want plus it's unique because again I made this from scratch. So being a new author and my screenshots being terrible due to my shitty recycle pile graphics card due to current inflated 300% markup on graphics cards, I'm giving this free so you can use it, and your players can love it. Let me know how your players enjoy this monument and Happy Holidays.
  8. Oddyseous


    The amount of money you have spent so far, doesn't make the time Steen has spent making this plugin less valuable. You choose where to spend your money, you can make your own plugin, use a free one, or use a paid one. But this plugin should be $60 in my opinion so you're getting a good deal. At $40 dollars and 4+ years of work He's making less than $0.00000001 per hour per purchased plugin. How much is your time worth to you? Would you work for that? If you want to talk about what's reasonable, $40 is more than reasonable. If you want to bring up what you've spent so far, that's irrelevant to this plugin and the work put into it. You're just getting started you said, great. Don't buy everything at once, it takes time to get things right. But if you want the best, it costs money. It costs money because it's something of value. Just like your time.
  9. Oddyseous


    This is a very reasonable price. It's been worked on for years, and is one of the best plugins hands down. You aren't getting quality for free my friends. Pay up and be glad you got it free for so long.
  10. So... what's going on? Why are so many barrels/crates/boxes flying high above the monuments? I have to be missing something. Can someone please point me in the right direction here?
  11. Oddyseous

    Player Poop

    I like it how it is, VIP player's don't need to poop
  12. Hey is there a plugin to allow building at monuments and other blocked areas? That'd be great. I'd rather not have to customize the map each wipe.
    I've wanted this for years, (seriously) thank you! Works perfect!
  13. You won't believe this, but i've wanted it for years. It's perfect, including the config file options. Thank you dude!
  14. Hello, I'd like to request a mod that every time players eat, and/or a time interval you can customize in the config file players poop. Simply using the horse dung is perfectly fine although if it's renamed to human poop that would be great. Willing to pay $25 bucks USD. Hope someone picks up this mod request! Thanks.


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