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Everything posted by RFC1920

  1. RFC1920

    Player Tick

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  2. RFC1920

    Chat prefix

    It was still taking the value from the plugin itself - fixed. Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 0.3.4
  3. RFC1920

    Player Tick

    Thanks for reporting back
  4. DM Sent.
  5. Sounds easy, especially if you only handle building blocks.
  6. RFC1920

    Console Spam?

    Remove the nextgenpve.god permission from most/all users. In fact, you should rarely need it.
  7. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  8. A couple of things to check: Make sure there is a numerical value in your config for "protectionTimer". The default is "protectionTimer": 300.0 Delete the oxide/lang/en/AcidRain.json file and reload.
  9. RFC1920

    Problems with pvp and zones

    Changed Status from Closed to Pending
  10. RFC1920

    Problems with pvp and zones

    Have you added a zone to the PVP ruleset you made?
  11. You can click the X next to them to remove.
  12. RFC1920

    Changing Keys

    You can use any of the mouse buttons alone or in combination with another mouse button or one of the keybinds shown above.
  13. RFC1920

    Changing Keys

    Left-control and shift would work, a would also move left, but maybe that's acceptable. I'll get the code for that in a bit (rolling blackouts here). 200 for ctrl-shift-a.
  14. RFC1920

    command errors

    I am pretty sure you need to have whichever drone type enabled in order to run the command, e.g. ring for ring etc.
  15. RFC1920

    Changing Keys

    Sadly, alt is not available. You can use any combination of Ctrl, Shift, WASD, mouse buttons. Basically what appears here: You can add alt to any of these as well, but then it will appear as the same numerical value as well as duplicating the function, e.g. W and alt would send a '2' if you assigned leftalt to Forward.
  16. All I am seeing so far is that if the TwigDamage flag is green and the block is twig, damage is allowed. Otherwise it appears to be blocked for me. Can you type /pvelog, hit a block or two, then /pvelog again? There should be a log in oxide/logs/NextGenPVE with some details.
  17. RFC1920

    Major error spam

    Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed
  18. Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to Next Version (That was easy to add.)
  19. RFC1920

    Changing Keys

    If none of the above makes sense to you, just tell me what keystroke you want to set and I can tell you the code to use.
  20. RFC1920


    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  21. Are you talking about a specific plugin, e.g. NoEscape, etc.?
  22. RFC1920

    Error Code

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.64
  23. RFC1920

    Error Code

    This timer was removed in favor of more ideal ways to get rid of the decay notification.,
  24. RFC1920

    clans reborn

    Sorry but I do not own nor do I have a copy of ClansReborn. So, I cannot really test that. I was sure I had heard that they followed a common api compared to others but I have no idea.
  25. RFC1920

    Loot protection

    Changed Status from Not a Bug to Closed


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