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Everything posted by Bxcas

  1. Version 1.0.0


    THIS TOOL REQUIRES A BATTLEMETRICS RCON SUBSCRIPTION Overview The BattleMetrics Moderation Bot is designed to allow trial staff to submit mutes, kicks, bans, and lift bans without requiring full access to BattleMetrics or other moderation tools. How It Works: - Trial staff submit moderation actions through Discord forms. - Actions remain pending for approval until reviewed by verified staff. - Verified staff can accept, deny, or create a discussion thread for further review. - The bot integrates exclusively with BattleMetrics and requires a BattleMetrics RCON Subscription to function. Additional Features: - All bot actions are logged in a dedicated Logs folder for full transparency and record-keeping. - Uses BattleMetrics API to ensure secure and efficient moderation. If you need assistance, contact bxcas on Discord. --- Configuration Settings for BattleMetrics Moderation Bot This section explains each configuration setting in the config.json file, what it does, and where to find the necessary values. --- 🛠 Discord Configuration The discord section contains the bot's authentication details, server settings, and channels for admin messages. "discord": { "clientId": "BOT CLIENT ID", "token": "BOT TOKEN", "guildId": "DISCORD SERVER ID", "channels": { "message": "ADMINS CHANNEL ID", "request": "TRIAL CHANNEL REQUEST ID" }, "roles": { "trialStaff": ["TRIAL STAFF ROLE ID 1", "TRIAL STAFF ROLE ID 2"], "seniorStaff": ["SENIOR STAFF ROLE ID 1", "SENIOR STAFF ROLE ID 2"] } } Where to Find These Values? --- 🛡 BattleMetrics Configuration (battlemetrics) This section contains settings related to BattleMetrics, which is used for managing bans and tracking players. "battlemetrics": { "organizationId": "BATTLEMETRICS ORGANIZATION ID", "banListId": "BATTLEMETRICS BAN LIST ID", "apiToken": "BATTLEMETRICS API TOKEN" } Where to Find These Values? Server Configuration (servers) This section defines the Rust servers managed by the bot. "servers": [ { "name": "SERVER NAME", "id": "SERVER ID" } ] Where to Find These Values? --- Example Full Configuration { "discord": { "clientId": "123456789012345678", "token": "YOUR_DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN", "guildId": "987654321098765432", "channels": { "message": "123456789012345678", "request": "876543210987654321" }, "roles": { "trialStaff": ["123456789012345678", "234567890123456789"], "seniorStaff": ["345678901234567890", "456789012345678901"] } }, "battlemetrics": { "organizationId": "112233", "banListId": "445566", "apiToken": "your_battlemetrics_api_token" }, "servers": [ { "name": "Main Rust Server", "id": "999999" }, { "name": "Test Server", "id": "888888" } ] } --- Installation Guide - BattleMetrics Moderation Bot Requirements To run the bot, you need a machine with: - A server or hosting environment (e.g., a VPS, dedicated machine, or a Pterodactyl Egg). - Node.js installed (recommended: latest LTS version). --- Installation Steps Ensure Node.js is installed on your machine. Place the bot files in your preferred directory. Open a terminal or command prompt in the bot’s directory. Run the following command to install dependencies: npm install Start the bot by running: node . The bot will now run without any issues. --- Logs A Logs folder will be created automatically. All bot activity and errors will be logged inside this folder. Support If you need assistance, contact `bxcas` on Discord.
  2. Bxcas

    Friendly Fire

  3. Thanks The first time the bot runs, it will fetch all the skins/dlcs from steam store and twiwtch drops. After that, it will check for updates every hour. If you want to test it, you can use temporary webhooks for private channels as an example. To reset database, delete the .db file if you are using sqlite. If you are using mysql, you can simply drop the items table or remove a row. If you need support, feel free to contact me on discord : bxcas
  4. Bxcas


    Done !! Thank you for the suggestion ! Best Regards, Bxcas Do you like my job? make sure to submit a review
  5. Bxcas


    Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed
  6. Bxcas


    Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress Changed Fixed In to Next Version
  7. Bxcas


    Hello, Yes I can, I wil work on that
  8. Hi! No, the bot doesn’t need to be connected to a Rust server. It runs independently. What’s Needed: Node.js Installed: To run the bot scripts. Discord Webhook: A webhook URL to send updates to your Discord channel. Simple Setup: Edit the config.json file, run npm install, and start the bot with node index.js. Hosting Options: Windows: Run the bot easily on your PC or server with Node.js installed. Linux: Perfect for VPS setups or dedicated servers. Pterodactyl Egg (Container): Use a Node.js egg to host the bot in a Pterodactyl panel environment. It’s super easy to install! If you need help, feel free to message me on Discord: bxcas.
  9. Version 1.0.4


    Introducing the Rust Store & Twitch Drops Updates Discord Bot – your all-in-one solution for keeping your Rust community informed about the latest in-game items and exclusive Twitch Drops! This bot automatically checks for updates from the Rust item store and Twitch Drops, delivering them directly to your Discord channel. Perfect for Rust server communities, content creators, and enthusiasts who want to stay ahead of the game without manual tracking. --- What This Bot Does 1. Rust Store Updates Automatically checks the Steam Rust store for the latest skins and items. The bot sends updates in a beautiful embed format, including: Item Name Price High-Quality Image Direct Purchase Link 2. Twitch Drops Notifications Keeps track of Twitch Drops and notifies your community about: General Drops available on all Rust streams with the "Drops Enabled" tag. Streamer-Specific Drops with details on the specific streamer to watch, the time required to earn the drop, and an image preview. 3. Fully Customizable Adjust colors, text, and database preferences in the simple config.json file. The bot supports both SQLite and MySQL, allowing it to scale from small communities to large, high-traffic Discord servers. 4. Efficient and Lightweight Built for speed and reliability, the bot ensures no updates are missed, with configurable intervals to suit your community's needs. Why Use This Bot? 1. Stay Updated Automatically Never miss a Rust store or Twitch Drops update – the bot does all the tracking for you. 2. Engage Your Community Hype up your members with instant notifications about new skins, exclusive Twitch Drops, and more. 3. Support for Twitch Drops Ensure your community is informed about limited-time skins available through Twitch events, boosting engagement and excitement. 4. Easy to Configure Whether you're running a local server, VPS, or hosting on Pterodactyl, the bot is simple to set up with clear configuration options. Features Rust Store Updates Weekly updates about new items in the Rust store. Twitch Drops Notifications Real-time notifications about available general and streamer-specific Twitch Drops. Customizable Embeds Easily adjust text fields, colors, and footer messages to align with your community's branding. Database Flexibility Use SQLite for smaller setups or MySQL for more complex environments. Ideal Use Cases - Rust Server Communities: Announce new items and keep your server members engaged. - Rust Content Creators: Share weekly updates with fans and followers to keep them engaged with your community. - Twitch Streamers: Integrate this bot to notify viewers about Twitch Drop items and make your streams the go-to place for exclusive updates. --- Feel free to contact me on Discord: bxcas for any questions, customizations, or support! Config File { "check_interval_minutes": 1440, "enable_steam": true, "enable_twitch": true, "steam_webhook_url": "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/your-webhook-url", "twitch_webhook_url": "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/your-webhook-url", "embed": { "steam": { "title": "Steam Store", "title_field_name": "Item Name", "price_field_name": "Price", "footer_text": "YourCompany © 2024", "footer_icon_url": "https://example.com/path/to/icon.png", "color": "FF0000" }, "twitch": { "title": "Twitch Drops", "streamer_field_name": "Streamer", "watch_time_field_name": "Watch Time Required", "footer_text": "YourCompany © 2024", "footer_icon_url": "https://example.com/path/to/icon.png", "color": "9146FF" } }, "database": { "type": "mysql or sqlite", "mysql": { "host": "your-database-host", "user": "your-database-user", "port": 3306, "password": "your-database-password", "database": "your-database-name" } } } General Settings check_interval_minutes - Interval in minutes between each check for new Rust items. Example: 60 for every hour. enable_steam: true/false - Enable/Disable Steam Store notifications enable_twitch: true/false - Enable/Disable Twitch Drops notifications steam_webhook_url: Your Steam Discord webhook URL for sending updates. twitch_ webhook_url: Your Twitch Discord webhook URL for sending updates. Embed Settings (Customize Discord Message) title_field_name - Label for the item title in the message. Example: "Name". price_field_name - Label for the item’s price in the message. Example: "Price". footer_company_name - Name of your server or community displayed in the message footer. Example: "Rust Server". footer_icon_url - URL for an icon image (like your logo) shown in the footer. Example: "https://yourwebsite.com/logo.png". embed_color - Color of the embed message Database Settings type - Type of database to use. Options are "sqlite" for local or "mysql" for remote storage. MySQL Settings (Only if using "mysql") host - Hostname or IP address of your MySQL database. Example: "localhost" or "". user - Username for accessing your MySQL database. Example: "root". port - Port number for connecting to MySQL. Default: 3306. password - Password for your MySQL database user. Example: "mysecretpassword". database - Name of the specific MySQL database for storing item data. Example: "rust_store_data".
  10. Bxcas


    It's already there in "Key Features"
  11. Bxcas


    Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I can understand how it might seem that way, but I assure you, the PlayerVisionTracer plugin is entirely different from Admin Radar and shouldn't be compared. While both plugins allow admins to monitor players, the features, functionality, and configurability of PlayerVisionTracer set it apart. In the PlayerVisionTracer plugin, everything is customizable—from line colors, thickness, and length, to whether the line stops when it hits an object or player. The plugin is tailored to provide a real-time visual experience that’s more focused on player vision, not just general movement or positioning. These details give admins granular control over how they want to track vision and interactions in their game. Comparing plugins isn't always fair—if that were the case, almost every plugin would be considered a copy of something else! The goal here is to provide admins with a flexible, fully configurable tool that allows them to fine-tune every aspect of vision tracing. Feel free to explore the differences in the features listed in the description, and I hope you'll see that PlayerVisionTracer brings something unique to the table!
  12. Version 1.0.1


    PlayerVisionTracer is a powerful Rust Oxide plugin designed to give server administrators unprecedented insights into player behavior. By visualizing where players are looking in real-time, admins can monitor suspicious activity, guide new players, and manage in-game events more effectively. Key Features: Real-Time Visualization: Draws lines and arrows from players' eyes to where they are looking. Configurable Settings: Customize line color, thickness, length, hit-stop, and more. Permission-Based Targeting: Control who gets monitored based on group permissions. Efficient Monitoring: Set thresholds to minimize unnecessary visual updates and control whether the line stops at hit objects or continues. Auto Vision Control: Automatically start or stop visualization for admins when they join or leave the server. Hit Detection Color: Configure a different color when the line hits a player. Improved Admin Control: Admins can toggle visualization, refresh tracers, and more via chat commands. Supported Languages PlayerVisionTracer is fully localized and supports multiple languages. The following is an example of the language file used: { "NoPermission": "{0}\n\nYou don't have permission to use this command.", "VisualizationOn": "{0}\n\nLook direction visualization is now <color=green>ON</color>.", "VisualizationOff": "{0}\n\nLook direction visualization is now <color=red>OFF</color>.", "LineLengthSet": "{0}\n\nLook direction line length set to <color=yellow>{1}</color> units.", "ViewRadiusSet": "{0}\n\nView radius set to <color=yellow>{1}</color> meters.", "LineThicknessSet": "{0}\n\nLine thickness set to <color=yellow>{1}</color>.", "UpdateIntervalSet": "{0}\n\nUpdate interval set to <color=yellow>{1}</color> seconds.", "StopLineAtHitSet": "{0}\n\nStop line at hit set to <color=yellow>{1}</color>.", "SyntaxError": "{0}\n\nSyntax error.\nUse <color=#44b9fc>/{1} help</color> to see the correct usage.", "Help": "{0}\n\n<color=yellow>Commands:</color>\n<color=#44b9fc>/{1}</color> <color=white>- Toggle look direction visualization on or off.</color>\n<color=#44b9fc>/{1} help</color> <color=white>- Show this help message.</color>\n<color=#44b9fc>/{1} radius <value></color> <color=white>- Set the view radius in meters.</color>\n<color=#44b9fc>/{1} length <value></color> <color=white>- Set the line length in units.</color>\n<color=#44b9fc>/{1} thickness <value></color> <color=white>- Set the line thickness.</color>\n<color=#44b9fc>/{1} interval <value></color> <color=white>- Set the update interval in seconds.</color>\n<color=#44b9fc>/{1} stoplineathit</color> <color=white>- Toggle whether the line should stop at a hit.</color>" } Configuration: PlayerVisionTracer offers extensive configuration options to tailor its functionality to your server's needs. Default Configuration: { "TitleHeader": "<color=#44b9fc>Player Vision Tracer</color>", "CommandPrefix": "tl", "UpdateInterval": 0.1, "ViewRadius": 100.0, "LineLength": 10.0, "RequireTargetsPermission": true, "LineThickness": 0.5, "ArrowThickness": 0.3, "LineColor": "#FF0000", "ArrowColor": "#FF0000", "HitEntityColor": "#FFA500", "MovementThreshold": 0.1, "StopLineAtHit": true } Configuration Options Explained: TitleHeader: The title displayed in all chat messages related to this plugin. You can customize it with HTML color tags. CommandPrefix: The command used to interact with the plugin in the chat. The default is /tl. UpdateInterval: The time (in seconds) between each update of the visualization. Lower values mean more frequent updates but could affect performance. ViewRadius: The maximum distance (in meters) within which the plugin will visualize players. LineLength: The length (in units) of the line drawn from a player's eyes. RequireTargetsPermission: If set to true, only players with the playervisiontracer.targets permission will be visualized. LineThickness: The thickness of the line drawn to represent the player's view direction. ArrowThickness: The thickness of the arrow at the end of the line. LineColor: The color of the line in hexadecimal format (e.g., #FF0000 for red). HitEntityColor: The color of the line when it hits a player (default is orange #FFA500). ArrowColor: The color of the arrow in hexadecimal format. MovementThreshold: The minimum movement required to redraw the line, preventing excessive updates for small movements. StopLineAtHit: Set to true to stop the line at the first hit object, or false to allow the line to pass through entities. Permissions Explanation: PlayerVisionTracer uses two key permissions to control access and functionality: playervisiontracer.admin Who: Admins and moderators. What it does: Allows you to turn the visualization on or off and change the plugin’s settings. playervisiontracer.targets Who: Players you want to monitor. What it does: Only players with this permission will have their looking direction visualized by admins. How It Works: Admins get the playervisiontracer.admin permission to control the plugin. Targets get the playervisiontracer.targets permission to be monitored. This system lets you easily control who can use the plugin and who gets monitored. Important: Before upgrading to version 1.0.1, you must delete your lang folder and existing config files to ensure compatibility with the new version. Use Cases: 1. Monitoring Suspicious Players: Scenario You suspect certain players of using cheats or engaging in suspicious activity. Solution Assign the playervisiontracer.targets permission to a group like suspects and monitor only those players without overwhelming your resources. Support If you encounter any issues or have questions about the plugin, feel free to reach out to our support team. We’re here to help ensure you get the most out of PlayerVisionTracer!
  13. Are you ready to take your Rust server and online presence to the next level? With experience since 2019, I offer a full range of software development services designed to enhance your Rust server and beyond. I specialize in: Custom Plugin Development: Tailored plugins crafted to meet the unique needs of your Rust server. Script Creation: Automate and optimize server functionality with custom scripts. Server Configuration: From initial setup to in-progress server optimization, I've got you covered. Bug Fixing: Quick and effective solutions to keep your server running flawlessly. Full Customization: Personalize every detail of your Rust server to reflect your vision. Web API Development (.NET): Build robust, scalable back-end systems for your server or website. Front-End Development (Angular): Create stunning, responsive user interfaces that engage and delight your users. Join the thriving communities at Nukerust.com and Rustportugal.com by leveraging my expertise. Whether it's enhancing your Rust server or developing a web application, I'm here to help bring your ideas to life. Contact me today to start your project! Nuke Community Rust Portugal Community
  14. Bxcas

    Friendly Fire

    I will work on that, thanks !
  15. Bxcas

    Friendly Fire

    Version 1.0.2


    FriendlyFire This feature allows you to enable or disable friendly fire for teams, clans, clan allies, and friends. Unlike the standard plugins, this version provides comprehensive protection, including against rocket damage, ensuring a safer and more controlled environment for allied players. Permissions No specific permissions required. Only team leaders can change the friendly fire state for their team. Configuration { "Command": "ff", "Send warning message to attacker when friendly fire is off": true, "Include check if friend": true, "Include check if team member": true, "Include check if clan member": true, "Include check if clan allies": true } Command: The chat command used to toggle friendly fire. Default is "ff". Send messages when friendly fire is disabled: If true, sends a message when friendly fire is disabled. Default is true. Send messages to attacker when attacking friends: If true, sends a message to the attacker when they attack a friend. Default is true. Send messages to victim when attacked by friends: If true, sends a message to the victim when they are attacked by a friend. Default is true. Include check if friend: If true, includes a check to see if the attacker and victim are friends. Default is true. Include check if team member: If true, includes a check to see if the attacker and victim are on the same team. Default is true. Include check if clan member: If true, includes a check to see if the attacker and victim are in the same clan. Default is true. Include check if team allies: If true, includes a check to see if the attacker and victim are allies. Default is true. Localization { "FFOn": "Friendly Fire Protection is now <color=#00FF00>enabled</color>!", "FFOff": "Friendly Fire Protection is now <color=#FF0000>disabled</color>! Type /ff to enable it.", "NoPermission": "Only the team leader can change this setting!", "NoTeam": "You don't have a team!", "FriendlyFireOffWarning": "<color=#FF0000>Warning:</color>\n Friendly Fire Protection is <color=#FF0000>disabled</color> and you will damage your teammates! \nType /ff to <color=#00FF00>enabled</color> it." } FFOn: Message shown when friendly fire is enabled. FFOff: Message shown when friendly fire is disabled. NoPermission: Message shown when a non-team leader attempts to change the friendly fire setting. FriendlyFireMessage: Message shown when an attack is prevented due to friendly fire being disabled. Commands /ff: Toggle friendly fire for the team. Only available to team leaders. Installation Download the plugin file. Place the plugin file in your server's /oxide/plugins/ directory. Usage Once installed, team leaders can use the /ff command to toggle friendly fire for their team. The configuration settings allow for customized messaging and checks for friends, team members, clan members, and allies. This structured documentation should help users understand how to configure and use your FriendlyFire plugin effectively. Gives you the ability to enable or disable friendly fire for teams and allies.


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