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Everything posted by MON@H

  1. MON@H

    Latest Upodate Broke

    @Gay Sparkly T-Rex you can stick with 1.6.5 (last standalone). It's stable. But I would recommend to find a way to get dll.
  2. MON@H

    Latest Upodate Broke

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  3. MON@H

    Latest Upodate Broke

    Switched to Rust.UIFramework for improved performance and compatibility of future updates download Oxide.Ext.UiFramework.dll from releases page and put it into RustDedicated_Data\Managed
  4. MON@H

    Latest Upodate Broke

    Please read update notes
  5. MON@H

    Limit Entities

    @SlayersRust open logs folder, find folder with plugin name and open log file...
  6. MON@H

    Limit Entities

    @Dave, you can have as many permissions as you want. You are free to add/remove them comepletely including default one. If you're removing permission, don't leave an empty name there, remove the while block. What exactly you want to customize in prefab names, I don't understand. @SlayersRust, use limitentities.list console command to get all supported prefab names into log file. Open log file in logs dir and find the one you want.
  7. MON@H

    Limit Entities

    @SlayersRust the one in default config is correct: "assets/prefabs/deployable/windmill/electric.windmill.small.prefab"
  8. MON@H


    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  9. MON@H

    limits admin command

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  10. MON@H

    limits admin command

    Why do you need name there, you just entered it when using command? This is unnecessary
  11. MON@H

    limitentities.admin permission

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 2.0.10
  12. MON@H

    not sure what this means

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  13. MON@H

    Update Broke

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.6.5
  14. MON@H


    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  15. MON@H


    I will add it in next version.
  16. MON@H


    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  17. Changed Status from Pending to Can't Reproduce
  18. OnEntityKill (from the error you posted) is called when an entity is destroyed. This error does not affect anything related to real entities on your server, just as the plugin itself doesn't. All this plugin does is prevent players from placing new entities if the limit is reached, so it has nothing to do with "TC being deleted and also the entire base decaying." You should look for the reason elsewhere. Try unloading plugins related to entities, etc. As for the error itself, I can't reproduce it. In the next version, I will add an additional check to avoid logs, but just to clarify, there is nothing broken on the plugin's part. It seems that you have some sort of plugin that is destroying entities in an unexpected manner.
  19. MON@H

    Limit Entities

    @BadLands the limit is set per player, so if a player has "Limits Global" = 5, each player can place 5 entities. 2 players can place 10 and so on, I already told you, "Limits Building" is meant to restrict entities per one "base," but it only applies to entities placed on building blocks. However, "furnace.large" does not fall into this category. For "furnace.large" and other entities that are not placed on building blocks "Limits Building" simply won't work.
  20. MON@H

    Limit Entities

    @BadLands You can set clan members amount limit in your clan plugin settings. default config contains 3 permissions: default vip elite Create as many as you like. For example: default tier1 tier2 ... tier100 Just grant permission "limitentities.tierX" when player got new tier
  21. MON@H

    Limit Entities

    @BadLands why do you have only one permission? Create one for each tier, the higher tier the higher limits amount. Lets say 1 tier only 1 furnace allowed, ter 2 - 2, and so on. Or set lower limit for clan members amount Also, why does your "Limits Building" = "Limits Global"? That doesn't make sense, you can just remove entities from "Limits Building" in that case and only keep ones that have lower amount than "Limits Global" Think of it as "Limits Global" = total amount on the server, "Limits Building" = total amount in one "base". If you set "Limits Global" = 5 and "Limits Building" = 5, then there is no sense to use "Limits Building", since they will not be able to build more anyways.
  22. MON@H

    Limit Entities

    "Limits Building" is meant to restrict entities per one "base," but it only applies to entities placed on building blocks. However, "furnace.large" does not fall into this category. So, if 5 players each place 5 "large furnaces," no limits will be imposed. Implementing limits based on territory, such as "in TC range," is feasible, but there is a significant risk that this could lead to performance issues. This plugin was designed with the primary concern that performance > functionality. Perhaps I'll come up with something in the future, but no promises.
  23. MON@H

    Limit Entities

    @BadLands I con't understand what exactly are you talking about. I'm not aware of any method which allows to avoid limits. Give me detailed description of what exactly going on on your server and maybe I'll be able to help you. If you are talking about building limit with multi TC, then range will not help
  24. MON@H

    Limit Entities

    @BadLands what do you mean?
  25. MON@H


    @BILLY there is no such thing as timed disabling builded in, but you could simply unload plugin with command by this plugin in desired time.


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