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Everything posted by Mals
any news on this MEvent?
Is this still an issue?
Default group has access when they should not
Mals replied to RickJamesBitch's Support Request in Support
I'd recommend checking in permission manager what has been granted to the default group. -
They destroy large boxes, but I stopped them before more was damaged. They were not the owner or on a team with me. SimplePVE.json
This is how I try to find them in Damage Control: void build_dep_list() { foreach (var itemDef in ItemManager.GetItemDefinitions().ToList()) { var mod = itemDef.GetComponent<ItemModDeployable>(); if (mod != null) { if (itemDef.name.LastIndexOf(".item") > 0) { deployable_list.Add(itemDef.name.Substring(0,itemDef.name.LastIndexOf(".item")).Replace("_",".").ToLower()); deployable_list.Add(itemDef.name.Substring(0,itemDef.name.LastIndexOf(".item")).Replace("_",".").ToLower()+".deployed"); // hack to deal with some having deployed and some not } else { deployable_list.Add(itemDef.name.Replace("_",".").ToLower()); deployable_list.Add(itemDef.name.Replace("_",".").ToLower()+".deployed"); // hack to deal with some having deployed and some not } } } // deal with messed up repair_bench losing its "_" to become repairbench deployable_list.Add("repairbench.deployed"); deployable_list.Add("refinery.small.deployed"); deployable_list.Add("sleepingbag.leather.deployed"); // debugging dump //foreach (string p in deployable_list) //{ // PrintWarning(p); //} }
Wow, that is a long list (I hope I did not miss anything). Ideally anything that can be placed or parked in range of a TC should be protected. Outside of a TC, honestly I don't care, but I decay deployables outside of TC range on my servers to clean up after deployable spammers. 1module_cockpit 1module_cockpit_armored 1module_cockpit_with_engine 1module_engine 1module_flatbed 1module_passengers_armored 1module_rear_seats 1module_storage 1module_taxi 2module_camper 2module_car_spawned.entity 2module_flatbed 2module_fuel_tank 2module_passengers 3module_car_spawned.entity 4module_car_spawned.entity _base_car_chassis.entity _basetrainwagon.entity _cardtable_base _snowmobilebase abovegroundpool.deployed advendcalendar.deployed andswitch.entity audioalarm autoturret_deployed barricade.concrete barricade.cover.wood barricade.metal barricade.sandbags barricade.stone barricade.wood barricade.woodwire bbq.deployed beachchair.deployed beachparasol.deployed beachtable.deployed beachtowel.deployed beartrap bed_deployed blackjackmachine.caboose blackjackmachine.static boogieboard.deployed boombox.deployed box.wooden.large button cabletunnel campfire car_2mod_01 car_2mod_02 car_2mod_03 car_2mod_04 car_2mod_05 car_2mod_06 car_2mod_07 car_2mod_08 car_3mod_01 car_3mod_02 car_3mod_03 car_3mod_04 car_3mod_05 car_3mod_06 car_3mod_07 car_3mod_08 car_3mod_09 car_3mod_10 car_3mod_11 car_3mod_12 car_4mod_01 car_4mod_02 car_4mod_03 car_4mod_04 car_4mod_05 car_4mod_06 car_4mod_07 car_4mod_08 car_4mod_09 car_4mod_10 car_4mod_11 car_chassis_2module.entity car_chassis_3module.entity car_chassis_4module.entity cardtable.caboose cardtable.caboose_static cardtable.deployed cardtable.static_configa cardtable.static_configa_hidden cardtable.static_configb cardtable.static_configc cardtable.static_configd carvable.pumpkin cctv_deployed ceilinglight.deployed ch47.entity ch47scientists.entity chair.deployed chair.icethrone chineselantern.deployed chippyarcademachine chippyarcademachine.static christmas_door_wreath_deployed clantable.deployed coffinstorage composter computerstation.deployed connectedspeaker.deployed counter cupboard.tool.deployed cursedcauldron.deployed discoball.deployed discofloor.deployed discofloor.largetiles.deployed door.double.hinged.metal door.double.hinged.toptier door.double.hinged.wood door.hinged.industrial.a door.hinged.industrial.d door.hinged.metal door.hinged.toptier door.hinged.wood doorcontroller.deployed doorgarland.deployed double_doorgarland.deployed dragondoorknocker.deployed drone.deployed dropbox.deployed drumkit.deployed easter_door_wreath_deployed electric.flasherlight.deployed electric.sirenlight.deployed electric.sprinkler.deployed electric.windmill.small electrical.blocker.deployed electrical.branch.deployed electrical.combiner.deployed electrical.heater electrical.memorycell.deployed electrical.modularcarlift.deployed electrical.random.switch.deployed electricfurnace.deployed elevator fireplace.deployed flameturret.deployed floor.grill floor.ladder.hatch floor.triangle.grill floor.triangle.ladder.hatch fluid.combiner.deployed fluidsplitter fluidswitch fogmachine frankensteintable.deployed fridge.deployed furnace furnace.large gates.external.high.stone gates.external.high.wood generator.small giantcandycane.deployed giantlollipops.deployed gravestone.stone.deployed gravestone.wood.deployed graveyardfence guntrap.deployed hbhfsensor.deployed hemp.entity hitchtrough.deployed hobobarrel.deployed icewall igniter.deployed industrial.wall.lamp.deployed industrial.wall.lamp.green.deployed industrial.wall.lamp.red.deployed industrialcombiner.deployed industrialconveyor.deployed industrialcrafter.deployed industrialsplitter.deployed innertube.deployed innertube.horse.deployed innertube.unicorn.deployed jackolantern.angry jackolantern.happy kayak ladder.wooden.wall landmine lantern.deployed large.rechargable.battery.deployed largecandleset laserdetector laserlight.deployed locker.deployed locomotive.entity magnetcrane.entity mailbox.deployed medium.rechargable.battery.deployed microphonestand.deployed minicopter.entity mining.pumpjack mining_quarry mixingtable.deployed mortarblue mortarchampagne mortargreen mortarorange mortarpattern mortarred mortarviolet newyeargong.deployed orswitch.entity paddlingpool.deployed photoframe.landscape photoframe.large photoframe.portrait piano.deployed planter.large.deployed planter.small.deployed pookie_deployed potato.entity poweredwaterpurifier.deployed pressurepad.deployed ptz_cctv_deployed pumpkin.entity reactivetarget_deployed refinery_small_deployed repairbench_deployed researchtable_deployed rfbroadcaster rfreceiver rhib romancandle romancandle-blue romancandle-green romancandle-violet rowboat rug.bear.deployed rug.deployed rustigeegg_a.deployed rustigeegg_b.deployed rustigeegg_c.deployed rustigeegg_d.deployed rustigeegg_e.deployed rustigeegg_f.deployed sam_site_turret_deployed scarecrow.deployed scraptransporthelicopter searchlight.deployed secretlabchair.deployed sedanrail.entity sedantest.entity shelves shutter.metal.embrasure.a shutter.metal.embrasure.b shutter.wood.a sign.hanging sign.hanging.banner.large sign.hanging.ornate sign.huge.wood sign.large.wood sign.medium.wood sign.neon.125x125 sign.neon.125x215 sign.neon.125x215.animated sign.neon.xl sign.neon.xl.animated sign.pictureframe.landscape sign.pictureframe.portrait sign.pictureframe.tall sign.pictureframe.xl sign.pictureframe.xxl sign.pole.banner.large sign.post.double sign.post.single sign.post.town sign.post.town.roof sign.small.wood simplelight skull_door_knocker.deployed skull_fire_pit skullspikes.candles.deployed skullspikes.deployed skullspikes.pumpkin.deployed skulltrophy.deployed skulltrophy.jar.deployed skulltrophy.jar2.deployed skulltrophy.table.deployed skylantern.deployed skylantern.skylantern.green skylantern.skylantern.orange skylantern.skylantern.purple skylantern.skylantern.red sled.deployed sled.deployed.xmas sleepingbag_leather_deployed small_fuel_generator.deployed small_stash_deployed smallcandleset smallrechargablebattery.deployed smartalarm smartswitch snowmachine snowman.deployed snowmobile sofa.deployed sofa.pattern.deployed sofa.static sofa_pattern.static solarpanel.large.deployed soundlight.deployed spiderweba spikes.floor spinner.wheel.deployed splitter spookyspeaker stocking_large_deployed stocking_small_deployed storageadaptor.deployed storagemonitor.deployed strobelight submarineduo.entity submarinesolo.entity survivalfishtrap.deployed switch table.deployed telephone.deployed teslacoil.deployed testridablehorse timer tomahasnowmobile traincaboose.entity trainwagona.entity trainwagonb.entity trainwagonc.entity trainwagonunloadable.entity trainwagonunloadablefuel.entity trainwagonunloadableloot.entity trophy.deployed tugboat tunalight.deployed vendingmachine.deployed volcanofirework volcanofirework-red volcanofirework-violet wall.external.high.ice wall.external.high.stone wall.external.high.wood wall.frame.cell wall.frame.cell.gate wall.frame.fence wall.frame.fence.gate wall.frame.garagedoor wall.frame.netting wall.frame.shopfront wall.frame.shopfront.metal wall.window.bars.metal wall.window.bars.toptier wall.window.bars.wood wall.window.glass.reinforced watchtower.wood water.pump.deployed water_catcher_large water_catcher_small waterbarrel waterpurifier.deployed windowgarland.deployed woodbox_deployed workbench1.deployed workbench2.deployed workbench3.deployed workcart.entity workcart_aboveground.entity workcart_aboveground2.entity xmas.lightstring.deployed xmas_tree.deployed xorswitch.entity xylophone.deployed
Would it be possible to protect deployables when in TC range and the person trying to damage it is not the owner? I just had someone shoot up town on a PVE server.
The saves were to try to work around the nre, but it did not seem to help.
Try the attached and let me know how it goes... yes, it is a lot of skins. addskins.txt
I confirmed my steam api key is present and valid. I had added some skins when i first bought it, this happened when I was trying to add hundreds of skins.
I am getting this too trying to had hundreds of skin, even after 3 I get this error, and none load
I am using this plugin on staging. You most likely will have to patch for this weeks release, based on these messages in staging: [SimplePVE] SimplePVE Loaded, Intitilizing.... Command 'simplepve' already exists. Command 'simplepve' already exists. Command 'simplepve' already exists. Command 'rsp' already exists. Command 'rsp' already exists. Command 'rsp' already exists. Loaded plugin SimplePVE v1.1.2 by Ifte [442ms] A hook request for 'CanBeTargeted[d569bd]' received: - The current status is FAILURE: Method System.Boolean GunTrap::CheckTrigger() cannot be patched. Reason: Invalid IL code in (wrapper dynamic-method) GunTrap:GunTrap.CheckTrigger_Patch0 (GunTrap): IL_004e: call 0x0000000f - Check for possible errors on the log file Error while patching hook 'CanBeTargeted[d569bd]' (Method System.Boolean GunTrap::CheckTrigger() cannot be patched. Reason: Invalid IL code in (wrapper dynamic-method) GunTrap:GunTrap.CheckTrigger_Patch0 (GunTrap): IL_004e: call 0x0000000f )Carbon v0.2023.4274.1152-Debug-rust_beta/staging-4923c2a, 4 mods, 41 plgs at MethodInfo HarmonyLib.PatchFunctions.UpdateWrapper(MethodBase original, PatchInfo patchInfo) at MethodInfo HarmonyLib.PatchProcessor.Patch() at MethodInfo HarmonyLib.Harmony.Patch(MethodBase original, HarmonyMethod prefix, HarmonyMethod postfix, HarmonyMethod transpiler, HarmonyMethod finalizer) at bool Carbon.Hooks.HookEx.ApplyPatch() in D:/a/Carbon/Carbon/Carbon.Core/Carbon/src/Hooks/HookEx.cs:line 219 A general error occured while installing 'CanBeTargeted[d569bd]' NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Sorry, I think I missed that one. We don't normally check owners since we have no permissions, to make the toggle of lights as efficient as we can. You might find https://umod.org/plugins/night-lantern has per player permissions, and you could leave it up to the players to turn on their lights. If people are being jerks, you could use https://umod.org/plugins/entity-limit to throttle back the billion camp fire lag-fest compound defense move.
- #lighting
- #automation
- (and 6 more)
This is such a fun little plugin to keep players both interested and on their toes. The update for Halloween is an amazing value for an inexpensive plugin. This event is a unique boss plugins with a lot of configurability. If you are looking to add a fun event, especially for Halloween, highly recommended.
On my server, they did not come on when placed, but did come on when checked. I will work to correct them to turn on when placed... Okay, I have fixed it so weapon racks light on when placed (based on config). But had no issues with the timer turning them on. I will need your configuration to debug this please.
- #lighting
- #automation
- (and 6 more)
- #lighting
- #automation
- (and 6 more)
Would it be possible to get support for Server Rewards as a currency?
I checked and no account strikes or restrictions. Perhaps try a different browser? Can they see discussion on other plugin? If so, then Raul or Death will need to check if there is an issue with the set-up of discussion on your plugin.
Hi Mr01sam. When creating a permanent discord link, you need to edit it: The default is it expires after 7 days, set to: That should give you a permanent link. I hope that is what you were looking for. If the description is not letting you put in a discord link, I will check with Death to see if it is being blocked. -Mal
Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed
Please test the released version, I had no errors with /atp or /atp2 If you are still getting errors can I get a list of other plugins, perhaps there is a conflict? I won't close this till we confirm this solves the issue.
Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress Changed Fixed In to Next Version
Did they use the full name of the person they are teleporting to? I will add some checks that it is a valid player.
Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug