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Everything posted by Wrecks

  1. Wrecks

    Custom Crops

    It did but it required api I had to add, I don’t think razor ever added it on his side though. I sent him the code though. This was months ago
  2. Wrecks

    Bot Purge Event

    Yeah for sure, this one is one of my first plugins and a top seller. it uses pretty simple hooks that will most likely not change. when it’s updated I’ll let you know
  3. Wrecks

    Bot Purge Event

    Yeah i have a rewritten version i need to test a bit, I have another user thats been testing for a month or so and they said it was fine. Just because a plugin hasn't been updated in a while doesn't mean it doesn't work
  4. Wrecks


    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug Changed Fixed In to 1.0.3
  5. Wrecks


    That would have to be done with another plugin, Im sure there is a free one that does this to give certain items on spawn.
  6. Wrecks

    Air Convoy

    Remove the period
  7. Version 1.0.1


    If your players forgot where they parked their Little Bird , Give them the Karuza Vehicle Detector to help them Ping Their Custom Vehicle Locations! CHAT COMMAND - /GIVEKVD - GIVES PLAYERS WITH ADMIN PERMISSION THESE TRANSMITTERS BASE ITEM SHORTNAME IS - "rf.detonator" Simply add this item to your loot table via your loot table plugin or sell via shop, skin an rf detonator, with your detector skin of your choosing set in config to inherit its properties. { "Karuza Vehicle Detector SkinID": 3403374509, "Vehicle Detection Range": 20.0, "Vehicle Ping Time": 60.0, "Sphere Color - 1 Green, 2 Red, 3 Purple": 1, "Cooldown Time": 1, "Only Show Owned Vehicles": false } Video Demo
  8. You look to have found it.
  9. Add username - Karuza on discord to check them out.
  10. Wrecks

    Custom Ore

    What is it a furnace?
  11. Check my instructions in the description.
  12. Version 1.0.3


    This Plugin allows you to turn Karuza Custom Vehicles back into Deployable Items! It also features Server Rewards and Economics as optional Dependencies, to have the option for players to pay for pickup and prevent exploiting the Pickup Feature. Config features command changing, cooldown options, and price for pickup and option to disable charging. There is safety checks in line, if a vehicles inventory has contents it wont allow pickup so those items wont be lost, if there is infinite ammo or fuel, this check is bypassed, Otherwise the player is notified via Game Tip. Video Demo COMMAND DEFAULT /VH - Requires KaruzaVehicleHammer.use - Allows the Players hammer to pickup a Karuza Vehicle Back into a Deployable. PERMISSIONS KaruzaVehicleHammer.use - Allows Use KaruzaVehicleHammer.bypass - Allows unrestricted use CONFIG { "Hammer Options": { "Chat Command To Enable Hammer": "vh", "How Long to Enable Hammer Via Command": 30, "How Long of a Cooldown After Successful Pickup": 600 }, "Economy Options": { "Disabled = 0 - Economics = 1 - ServerRewards = 2": 2, "Price to Pickup Vehicle": 10000 } } LANG { "ALREADYACTIVE": "[<color=red>K</color><color=yellow>VH</color>] Vehicle Hammer is already active.", "DEACTIVATED": "[<color=red>K</color><color=yellow>VH</color>] Vehicle Hammer Deactivated.", "ACTIVATED": "[<color=red>K</color><color=yellow>VH</color>] Vehicle Hammer Activated for <color=yellow>{0}</color> Seconds.", "COOLDOWN": "[<color=red>K</color><color=yellow>VH</color>] You are on Cooldown.", "NOOWNERSHIP": "[<color=red>K</color><color=yellow>VH</color>] You do not own this Vehicle.", "REMOVEITEMS": "[<color=red>K</color><color=yellow>VH</color>] Remove your <color=yellow>Items</color> before Pickup.", "REMOVEFUEL": "[<color=red>K</color><color=yellow>VH</color>] Remove your <color=green>Fuel</color> before Pickup.", "REMOVEAMMO": "[<color=red>K</color><color=yellow>VH</color>] Remove your <color=red>Ammo</color> before Pickup.", "PICKEDUP": "[<color=red>K</color><color=yellow>VH</color>] Picked up your <color=yellow>{0}</color>.", "CANTAFFORD": "[<color=red>K</color><color=yellow>VH</color>] It costs <color=green>{0}</color> <color=yellow>{1}</color> to pickup a Vehicle." }
  13. Wrecks

    Commands not being executed

    Changed Status from Pending to Fixed Changed Fixed In to 1.2.4
  14. Wrecks

    Commands not being executed

    Figured out what i had did wrong in the update
  15. Wrecks

    Commands not being executed

    I’ll check it out when I get a chance, for now you can enable top and just put no commands
  16. Wrecks

    Custom Ore

    That’s up to your imagination, I just provide a way to add new items into the game that have x output. You can create new economy items, you can create components to craft other things. Just depends what you can come up with using this as a framework to get you there.
  17. Wrecks

    Custom Ore

    Version 1.0.6


    Introduce some new ore to your server for your players to Mine for, Smelt or Recycle. ***DISCLAIMER*** I CANNOT GUARANTEE COMPATIBILITY WITH OTHER FURNACE PLUGINS EX. SPLITTERS, FURNACE UPGRADES ETC. REFRAIN FROM PURCHASE IF YOU USE ANY OF THESE. REASON FOR SPLITTERS, ON CUSTOM ORE INSERTION, SINCE OUR "ORE" ISNT REALLY ORE, IT DOESNT GET DETECTED AS REGULAR ORE DOES. REASON FOR FURNACE UPGRADES, API WILL MOST LIKELY NEED TO BE IN PLACE IN ORDER TO GET THINGS TO WORK RIGHT. ***DISCLAIMER*** ***NOTES*** I RECOMMEND USING COAL AS THE ITEM SHORTNAME - IF YOU NEED TO CHANGE IT DO NOT USE ORE ITEMS. ORE GATHER CAN BE LOCKED BEHIND PERMISSION - IF YOU NEED TO ADD A PERMISSION USE - customore.yourpermissionname ***NOTES*** The Plugin comes preset with 7 Custom Ore items & 2 output possibilities for each, depending on if its smelted or recycled. Recycling is optional for each ore. Smelting time is configurable per each ore. Make Rare ore longer to smelt if using it as an ingredient in a currency item ex. using it as an item needed to craft gold bars etc. Set tools needed to mine for custom ore, and set what ore types can give which ore, set stone metal and sulfur to give or one type if needed. Works with Skill Tree for Ore Yield. COMMANDS /C.GI - REQUIRES CUSTOMORE.ADMIN - GIVES ALL INPUT ITEMS TO INVENTORY /C.GO - REQUIRES CUSTOMORE.ADMIN - GIVES ALL OUTPUT ITEMS TO INVENTORY { "Global Settings": { "Tools Allowed to Gather Custom Ore": [ "stone.pickaxe", "concretepickaxe" ], "Allow Stack Handling?": false, "Ore Shortname": "coal", "If using Stack Handling - Max Stackable for Ore Shortname": 1000, "Enable Skill Tree Yield Boost": true, "Enable Message on Regular Gather": true, "Enable Message on Bonus Gather": true }, "Ore Items": [ { "Ore Setup": { "Input CustomName": "Jade Ore", "Input SkinID": 3422508408, "Input Cook Time In Seconds": 5.0, "Gather Options": { "Able to be Mined for?": true, "Requires Permission to find while Mining?": true, "Permission Name": "CustomOre.Jade", "Nodes to Find this Ore? 1 - Stone, 2 - Metal, 3 - Sulfur": [ 1 ], "Gather Min": 1, "Gather Max": 1, "Gather Bonus Multiplier On Bonus Hit": 2, "Probability - 1.0 is 100%": 0.5 } }, "Output Setup": { "Smelting Output ShortName": "coal", "Smelting Output CustomName": "Refined Jade", "Smelting Output SkinID": 3422508525, "Smelting Output Amount Min": 1, "Smelting Output Amount Max": 1, "Can Be Recycled?": false, "Recycler Output ShortName": "coal", "Recycler Output CustomName": "Jade Shard", "Recycler Output Amount Min": 1, "Recycler Output Amount Max": 1, "Recycler Output SkinID": 3424669338 } }, { "Ore Setup": { "Input CustomName": "Ocean Ore", "Input SkinID": 3422508784, "Input Cook Time In Seconds": 425.0, "Gather Options": { "Able to be Mined for?": false, "Requires Permission to find while Mining?": false, "Permission Name": "", "Nodes to Find this Ore? 1 - Stone, 2 - Metal, 3 - Sulfur": [ 1, 2, 3 ], "Gather Min": 1, "Gather Max": 1, "Gather Bonus Multiplier On Bonus Hit": 2, "Probability - 1.0 is 100%": 0.5 } }, "Output Setup": { "Smelting Output ShortName": "coal", "Smelting Output CustomName": "Refined Ocean Gem", "Smelting Output SkinID": 3422508907, "Smelting Output Amount Min": 1, "Smelting Output Amount Max": 1, "Can Be Recycled?": false, "Recycler Output ShortName": "coal", "Recycler Output CustomName": "Ocean Shard", "Recycler Output Amount Min": 1, "Recycler Output Amount Max": 1, "Recycler Output SkinID": 3424669283 } }, { "Ore Setup": { "Input CustomName": "Lightning Ore", "Input SkinID": 3422508998, "Input Cook Time In Seconds": 525.0, "Gather Options": { "Able to be Mined for?": false, "Requires Permission to find while Mining?": false, "Permission Name": "", "Nodes to Find this Ore? 1 - Stone, 2 - Metal, 3 - Sulfur": [ 1, 2, 3 ], "Gather Min": 1, "Gather Max": 1, "Gather Bonus Multiplier On Bonus Hit": 2, "Probability - 1.0 is 100%": 0.5 } }, "Output Setup": { "Smelting Output ShortName": "coal", "Smelting Output CustomName": "Refined Lightning Gem", "Smelting Output SkinID": 3422509109, "Smelting Output Amount Min": 1, "Smelting Output Amount Max": 1, "Can Be Recycled?": false, "Recycler Output ShortName": "coal", "Recycler Output CustomName": "Lightning Shard", "Recycler Output Amount Min": 1, "Recycler Output Amount Max": 1, "Recycler Output SkinID": 3424669228 } }, { "Ore Setup": { "Input CustomName": "Firestone Ore", "Input SkinID": 3422509169, "Input Cook Time In Seconds": 700.0, "Gather Options": { "Able to be Mined for?": false, "Requires Permission to find while Mining?": false, "Permission Name": "", "Nodes to Find this Ore? 1 - Stone, 2 - Metal, 3 - Sulfur": [ 1, 2, 3 ], "Gather Min": 1, "Gather Max": 1, "Gather Bonus Multiplier On Bonus Hit": 2, "Probability - 1.0 is 100%": 0.5 } }, "Output Setup": { "Smelting Output ShortName": "coal", "Smelting Output CustomName": "Refined Firestone Gem", "Smelting Output SkinID": 3422509268, "Smelting Output Amount Min": 1, "Smelting Output Amount Max": 1, "Can Be Recycled?": false, "Recycler Output ShortName": "coal", "Recycler Output CustomName": "Firestone Shard", "Recycler Output Amount Min": 1, "Recycler Output Amount Max": 1, "Recycler Output SkinID": 3424669152 } }, { "Ore Setup": { "Input CustomName": "Copper Ore", "Input SkinID": 3423923076, "Input Cook Time In Seconds": 30.0, "Gather Options": { "Able to be Mined for?": false, "Requires Permission to find while Mining?": false, "Permission Name": "", "Nodes to Find this Ore? 1 - Stone, 2 - Metal, 3 - Sulfur": [ 1, 2, 3 ], "Gather Min": 1, "Gather Max": 1, "Gather Bonus Multiplier On Bonus Hit": 2, "Probability - 1.0 is 100%": 0.5 } }, "Output Setup": { "Smelting Output ShortName": "coal", "Smelting Output CustomName": "Copper Chunk", "Smelting Output SkinID": 3423923167, "Smelting Output Amount Min": 1, "Smelting Output Amount Max": 1, "Can Be Recycled?": false, "Recycler Output ShortName": "coal", "Recycler Output CustomName": "Copper Dust", "Recycler Output Amount Min": 1, "Recycler Output Amount Max": 1, "Recycler Output SkinID": 3424669038 } }, { "Ore Setup": { "Input CustomName": "Silver Ore", "Input SkinID": 3423923258, "Input Cook Time In Seconds": 60.0, "Gather Options": { "Able to be Mined for?": false, "Requires Permission to find while Mining?": false, "Permission Name": "", "Nodes to Find this Ore? 1 - Stone, 2 - Metal, 3 - Sulfur": [ 1, 2, 3 ], "Gather Min": 1, "Gather Max": 1, "Gather Bonus Multiplier On Bonus Hit": 2, "Probability - 1.0 is 100%": 0.5 } }, "Output Setup": { "Smelting Output ShortName": "coal", "Smelting Output CustomName": "Silver Chunk", "Smelting Output SkinID": 3423923356, "Smelting Output Amount Min": 1, "Smelting Output Amount Max": 1, "Can Be Recycled?": false, "Recycler Output ShortName": "coal", "Recycler Output CustomName": "Silver Dust", "Recycler Output Amount Min": 1, "Recycler Output Amount Max": 1, "Recycler Output SkinID": 3424668983 } }, { "Ore Setup": { "Input CustomName": "Gold Ore", "Input SkinID": 3423923435, "Input Cook Time In Seconds": 90.0, "Gather Options": { "Able to be Mined for?": false, "Requires Permission to find while Mining?": false, "Permission Name": "", "Nodes to Find this Ore? 1 - Stone, 2 - Metal, 3 - Sulfur": [ 1, 2, 3 ], "Gather Min": 1, "Gather Max": 1, "Gather Bonus Multiplier On Bonus Hit": 2, "Probability - 1.0 is 100%": 0.5 } }, "Output Setup": { "Smelting Output ShortName": "coal", "Smelting Output CustomName": "Gold Chunk", "Smelting Output SkinID": 3423923558, "Smelting Output Amount Min": 1, "Smelting Output Amount Max": 1, "Can Be Recycled?": false, "Recycler Output ShortName": "coal", "Recycler Output CustomName": "Gold Dust", "Recycler Output Amount Min": 1, "Recycler Output Amount Max": 1, "Recycler Output SkinID": 3424668919 } } ] } Video Demo
  18. Wrecks

    The Dealer

    Its just lumberjack npc, npcs attack that?
  19. Wrecks


    Fade it in for 5 seconds, let it stay for 5, fade it out for 5, that’s 15 seconds add another one to that list with a new image and do the same timing. Thats 30 seconds
  20. Wrecks


    This is from the description Each item has the ability to show custom images, maybe you want to make your player "Trip" and flash some Trippy image on screen. You can get as creative as you want, as you can add as many images as you want, you have control on transparency, fade in, stay, and fade out time to make the perfect experience for your players to enjoy.
  21. Wrecks

    The Offering

    Its a handy thing even if it doesnt work for this. Im working on a test version of the global multiplier. Ill send you a test version in about 30 mins.
  22. Wrecks

    The Offering

    Added to lang, in the future ill prob experiment and maybe add a multiplier and an enabler, depending on how many times the offering was completed that wipe and reset it on new wipe. Start it at 1, for a 1-1 then complete, move it to 2, etc
  23. Wrecks

    The Offering

    Request one probably wont make it sounds cool but the plugin isn't set up to handle this the way it is built. I think there is a umod plugin to automate configs maybe that would help. 2nd one I can add to lang when I get a chance
  24. Wrecks


    Which effect the visual effects?


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