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Everything posted by Rubiks-Q-Bert

  1. Was this resolved btw? Hadnt seen any mention of it.
  2. Interesting. I was more trying to understand it all. But if it's what people know and it's doing what it's meant to do, keep it. Short version is the server I worked for closed for awhile and re-opened late last month so this change was new to us. Just wanted to understand it a bit better is all. Thanks for the explanation!
  3. So here, despawn time is set to 30 minutes, gives people time to find loot they missed or w/e. Lockout is 15 for easy and 30 for medium. I can do an easy and be back at base and the lockout timer will disappear after 15 minutes and then pop up another 15 minutes later once it despawns. Same with medium, right after the initial lockout ends, it despawns and then gives another 30 minute lockout. So that's intended? Edit: I don't know what exploit you're referring to. I assume jumping from raid to raid. But you could already limit players by not allowing them to enter other raids until the first one is done. Excuse my ignorance, just trying to wrap my head around this.
  4. Lockout timer starts upon raid being finished, but then resets once it despawns Essentially adding extra time to the players lockout timer. Bug or missing a setting somewhere?
  5. I mean, just because you can't set it up properly... Been using this for a year or so. I've personally made more than a dozen raids for the server I admin. It does have the occasional problem but always gets fixed. The only time I've ever seen lag is if the base is of an exceptional size with lots of entities spawning or despawning. Which should be expected. The erasure problem was fixed. I've only seen one exception of this since the fix and I think it was tied to a bad save on the server. Your other complaints, I don't really understand because of translation.
  6. No errors to speak of that the owner could see. But those 3 bases were def still there.
  7. Just came across a raid (3 actually after backtracking through logs) that had not despawned. Same thing as before. No locks on doors, traps inactive, loot in the boxes. And we are on the latest update. Did have a server restart. Seems they did no despawn when the server went down, only went inactive.
  8. Correct. Myself and the owner are the only ones who mess with settings and we are in constant communication. We did mess with the sliders so they are more in line with player damage now. Other thing, the mountain profile disappeared and was replaced by what's in the picture. Which if enabled is just generic settings.
  9. Following up on that. Seems they are cut down to about 1/5 of player damage. Example, bone club hits me for about 2-4 damage. I hit it for 10-20. Body vs head shots. Tested an npc with a gun. Mp5 hits me for about 5ish. I hit it for 23.
  10. Does that do what I think it does? Basically puts them to sleep so to speak if no one is around?
  11. Estimated arrival on that? Rolling back to 2.4.4 isn't exactly ideal with the despawn issue.
  12. We might just have to scale their damage then. They are super weak now for some reason. Thanks!
  13. Did damage output get nerfed somehow. We have loads of zombies using low level weapons like bone club, bone knife, etc. And they are doing substantially less damage and nothing has changed in our settings. Like a bone knife is doing 5 damage. But if I use a bone knife on one of them, it dies in 10 hits. Health is at 200.
  14. As far as the bug, probably nothing you can do besides you and your admins checking on them regularly to despawn them if it happens. In our case, we just disable the plugin. Which hurts, as raidable bases is a big part of the server. Locks, doesn't matter. All our bases are locked before saving and the removal of the locks still happened.
  15. Just had an example of that on the server I admin on. This particular base looks to have been there for at least a day as well so it's not despawning like it should. I had to remove it with our removal tool. We've had to disable the plugin until a fix is found as this is to big of an exploit.
  16. When train tracks get added, will it come with the new trains or will we need to manually spawn those in?
  17. They are set to parachute down when someone hacks the chinook crates. So airfield, water, dome, etc. Worked fine for the longest time. I don't normally do crates but someone informed me it's been broken since last wipe which is when we switched to the new version of the plugin. No settings were changed on our end.
  18. This profile is no longer working and there have been no changes to it on our end.
  19. They tend to behave like normal in whatever area they are in. Will aggro onto players, will chase them. Outside of being grids away from where they should be, they behave normally. Most of our custom AI is zombie so it's not a huge concern to have a gas station zombie outside his normal area. But we have a few with guns that can be more problematic. Set in places for the challenge. So for a desert base guard to be out in the wild is a bit problematic as they are extremely lethal.
  20. They are but what's keeping them from resetting to where they should be once they lose aggro? This is happening in various instances across the map. Players and NPCs. It used to be once an npc lost aggro, it would go back to where it should be. Example, we have zombie npcs around most monuments and have found an outpost zombie more than 7 grids away no longer aggroed to whatever it was that drug it out there. Same with gas stations, harbors, etc. Before this new version, never had that issue. They would get out of range and just meander back to where their normal area. Based on another reply, they would have to be x meters away (X being deaggro) for a default of 20 seconds for them to stop following, but then they stay way outside of their zone rather than jogging or snapping back to their area.
  21. Def a deaggro issue. Got bots half the map away. Bringing it up because I saw the talk of convoy. We have zombies chasing it clear around the map.
  22. This is working now. Late response.
  23. Any way to get raid guards to attack custom npcs or npcs in general?
  24. Also staying aggrod on to people that are way out of the area. Like I've got a zombie aggrod onto a player half the map away. Might have something to do with it. Def feels like something to do with DeAggro not resetting.
  25. Abandoned Military Base has been set at that for months with no issue. Just seemed to start after we updated last weekend. Here is Mining Outpost for example. Found a couple 4 grids away.


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