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Everything posted by Unkown

  1. Unkown

    Super Medical

    How do you give the rabbit syrum? What is the command?
  2. Unkown

    Better Medicine

    can each type med kit or syringe run a command? Ie if i want it to grant a permission
  3. Unkown

    How do i use item?

    Hopw do i go about using the special colored images for syringes? How do i give one on command?
  4. @drxp was this fixed with patch?
  5. Unkown

    Refresh spawn

    OK thanks also different question I can post here? Or new support ticket? Where would I place the weapon attachment if I'm using the kits from code filing forgot the developers name starts with m
  6. Unkown

    Refresh spawn

    Can't seem to get them to only spawn/refresh every X amount. What setting would this be? Seems at night they redrawn and at day they respawn. I'm assuming that be taxing on resources sl trying to minimize that
  7. Tranguluation by KpucTaJl, The only event that he has that isnt on there
  8. I dont have your plugin installed atm but it would go behind the upkeep protection if i did have it on.
  9. Option to move it to the side instead on top? I have another plugin that i need that goes on top anyway you can add the opition to put on the sides? They overlap when i do put these on
  10. Unkown


    good talk....
  11. Unkown

    radiation lvls

    somereason radiation lvls are super high and they reach super super far away from monument... how can i edit this.
  12. i3 on the map has a mountain that is broken in the map. It allows people to goinside the map and build inside of it and see through the mountain and see clear thru the rocks facing launce site. if your on the launce site side all you can see is the mountain side but if you on the opposite side where the map is bropken u can see them clearly.
  13. Unkown

    putting flashlights on npc

    how do i place flashlights and lasers on the npc i haave them placed in the kits but they do not show up on the npc once they spawn. Better quuestion where am i supposed to place the laser and flashlight within the kit of the npc
  14. Unkown

    Raid Time

    confusing time i know right ..cant seem to get the dam time right either. Something so simple yet time brain screws me.,
  15. Unkown

    Remove NPC

    not sure i can look into it. Just seems the custom maps are messing with the kits of botsrespawn. when they respawn they all take the kits from the npcs that are at the custom monuments by the map default. Seems they have botrespawn in the cs code so im assuming that is interfering with my botrespawn.
  16. Unkown

    Remove NPC

    is there an option to remove NPc at the monument i place the new npcs? There is custom monuments on certain maps that have npcs built in them. Betternpc has an option to remove any npcs nearby when their plugin spawns in so wondering if this one has the same and maybe i overlooked it.
  17. Unkown

    Anti biotics

    Ahh I thought maybe that 12345 was a different skin for the anti rad
  18. Unkown

    Anti biotics

    I put skin code 12345 but there is no skin for this in alphaloot. Is there a skin that is included in the plugin or does it just have that blue circle?
  19. Unkown

    how to add zombienpc

    my bad for not being specific. zombiehorde
  20. Unkown

    how to add zombienpc

    cant get zombienpcs to cause the virus. I hadded ZombieNPC under the scarecrow with the zvirus
  21. Unkown

    outpost and banditcamp

    I didnt explain correctly, i meant to say since its combined teleport to outpost does not work. If there is anything you can do to work around it, or i can message the teleport plugin i bought maybe they can add something instead
  22. Unkown


    Anyway to add durability to it when wearing it? so it slowly degrades the longer you use it
  23. Unkown


    Anyway to add a countdown with playtime tracker so people can know how much longer till they get promoted to next permission? something that i would love to see.
  24. Unkown

    outpost and banditcamp

    cool map but /outpost and /banditcamp does not work since its a custom monument. Anyway to fix this or a way around?


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