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Everything posted by cameron

  1. cameron

    No chair

    What on earth Well Im glad its resolved and sorry I couldnt be of any help!
  2. cameron

    No chair

    Cam you add me on discord so i can help you better. mrcameron999#0001
  3. cameron

    No chair

    I am struggiling to replicate this issue. Can you send me your plugin list i may beable to spot something. I have many other people using it and they have not reported any issues. If you have a dev server please consider loading only this plugin. and seeing if it works. I cant see why this would have any conflicts.
  4. cameron

    No chair

    Hey BetterDeadThanZed. Unforunatly this is a bit of a game graphical glitch and cant really be fixed. It will ocasinally pop out and pop back in. This is doccumented on the plugin page. In regards to the picking up I will have to go review this problem to confirm it. There should be a blocker in play but it may have broken from a Rust update. I will try and get this done by Monday. Thank you for providing a screenshot. If anything has changed with regards to this ticket please let me know.
  5. cameron

    Drones keep despawning

    Are you playing on a custom map? Do you have the latest update as a fix was put of for something similar in the last update? Got any steps to replicate, the specific drone etc. I can try replicate but it may be hard if its not a obivous fix. Thanks
  6. cameron

    Multiple Servers

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  7. cameron


    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  8. cameron


    Use this invite link. The invite link was broken and had a space in it https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=923264306143985724&permissions=8&scope=bot applications.commands
  9. cameron

    Multiple Servers

    Yes just change the server name so you know where it comes from
  10. Version 1.0.9


    Explosive Weapons This plugin adds 10 new explosive weapons all with custom icons! 4 new rocket launcher variants 6 new grenades https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJtR93sx2FY&ab_channel=RustArcade So what weapons do you get? Check out the video above if you don't like reading. All weapons are shown in there The Jericho missile - Inspired by Tony Stark himself. "They say that the best weapon is the one you never have to fire. ... I prefer the weapon you only have to fire once" This is definitely that. Heat Seeker - This is a custom rocket launcher that launches a rocket. It will look on to any player that is near where you are aiming. (Only players). The rocket will follow the player until its blows up Follow Rocket - This is a custom rocket launcher that launches a rocket that heads to where you are looking. Bend the rocket to where you want it to go. Javalin - This is a custom rocket launcher that launches a rocket straight up into the air after a few seconds it rapidly descends to your target. The target is located where you are looking and marked with a flare. Flashbang - A custom f1 grenade. Acts like any flashbang in any other game causing the players screen to flash white for a configurable amount of seconds Healing - A custom f1 grenade. This grenade is the only grenade to not kill but instead heals all players around it with a passive heal along with an instant heal. It will also pick up any downed players Impact Nade - A custom 1 grenade. When this grenade hits something it detonates Multi Nade - A custom f1 grenade. Apon destination 4 other grenades spawn around it. Inspired from Valaront Molotov Cocktail - A custom bean can. This grenade explodes on impact and spawns fire around where it lands Stun Grenade - A custom f1 grenade. This grenade stuns all players for a brief duration causing them to all go to the downstate and be extremely vulnerable while in this state How can I use this plugin with my server? Each weapon has a skin attached to it. You can use any loot plugin and add these weapons to your loot tables along with the skin ids. All skin ids can be found in the config file and this allows you to only add the weapons you want. Alternatively, there is a command to spawn each grenade for admins. Commands The following commands gives the player who typed it the corresponding weapon /GiveJerico /GiveSeeker /GiveFollow /GiveJav /GiveMulti /GiveMoly /GiveFlash /GiveImpact /GiveStun /GivesHealing /GiveAll - gives all weapons Permissions “explosiveweapons.admin” gives access to all commands “explosiveweapons.notarget” Players with this permission can not be targeted by the seeker missile Config jerichoBigRocketCount - How many big rockets to spawn. Do not set this lower than 1 jerichoSmallRocketCount - How many small rockets to spawn per big rocket. Do not set this lower than 1 jerichoXSize - How wide the rockets should spawn. Make this low to make the rockets land more condensed jerichoYSize - How spread the rockets should spawn in front and behind the target point maxRangeForJerichoAndJavalin - max range the javelin and Jericho can target. scatterSize - How wide apart to spawn the four grenades for the Multi Nade. They will spawn through walls flashDuration - How long players should be flashed for jericoDestroyOnShoot - Should the rocket launcher break when they shoot the Jericho missile heatSeekerDestroyOnShoot - Should the rocket launcher break when they shoot the Heat Seeker followDestroyOnShoot - Should the rocket launcher break when they shoot the Follow Rocket javalinDestroyOnShoot - Should the rocket launcher break when they shoot the Javalin instaHealAmount - How much hp to instant heal from the heal nade passiveHealAmount - How much hp to heal over time from the heal nade stunDuration - How long for players to be stunned for spawnFlares – Should flare spawn on the Jericho and the javalin? The remaining 10 config items are the skins to be used for each weapon. They can be changed if you would like and they are also the ids used to add items to your loot table Default skin values jericoSkin = 2656578790 seekerSkin = 2657299588 trackSkin = 2657312965 javalin = 2657315108 multiGrenadeSkin = 2657418159 molatoveGrenade = 2657408625 flashBangSkin = 2657412999 healingSkin = 2657414983 impactNadeSkin = 2657418820 stunGrenadeSkin = 2657417547 Need to contact me for issues or private work mrcameron999#0001 on Discord Here is a exmaple of how one customer is using it (not in english) https://gyazo.com/e420a7b2f31c7b05bcae9705536ca49a
  11. Version 1.0.2


    Team Voice Chat Adds a private voice chat system for teams and clans just like the in-game private text chat for teams but for voices. Allow users with the correct permissions to use voice chat and only be heard by their teammate in their Rust team or people in their clan! What does the Team Voice Chat do? Team Voice Chat limits who can hear your voice to only people in your team or clan. It integrates with the vanilla team system or the clan plugin on Umod https://umod.org/plugins/clans How do I use it? There are several ways to use team voice chat by configuring the config or by setting up permissions. You can set all voice chats to be through the team system. You can set people with specific permission to be able to use the team voice chat and you can allow people with specific permission to toggle between team voice chat and normal voice chat. If users are not in a team they will use the normal voice chat system. Telephones work the same as well You can optionally use the clan's plugin instead of the Rust team system however it's not recommended Commands /teamvoice - toggle between on and off for team chat. Require the permission "TeamVoiceChat.toggle" This command will grant the user the permission "TeamVoiceChat.enabled" Permissions TeamVoiceChat.toggle -> allows users to use the /teamvoice chat command TeamVoiceChat.enabled -> If a user has this permission they will use the Team Voice Chat system as long as they are in a team. Lang Support Full oxide language support has been added Config UseClansPlugin -> Set this to true to use the Umod clans plugin. There will be extra performance overhead with this option enabled EnableForAll -> Set this to true if you want to ignore the permission system and instead set every player to use the team voice chat feature CustomVoiceRange -> The range for team voice chat to work from. Increasing the value from the default will have no effect as voices get quiet on the client-side. Reducing it will say you want team voice chat to only work in a very close radius Compatibility with other voice plugins This plugin will not work with other voice plugins Icon for the plugin https://icon-library.com/icon/voice-chat-icon-12.html.html>Voice Chat Icon # 257438 Need to contact me for issues or private work mrcameron999#0001 on Discord
  12. cameron


    When you get off its ment to go away. I dont seem to have this issue please try and see if you can replicate it again
  13. cameron


    Can you add more context please. After flying? After spawning in? etc
  14. cameron


    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  15. cameron


    Unfortunately Facepunch completely removed the dance. The new dances/emotes do not prevent the user from moving. I currently don't have a way of fixing it in a smart way.
  16. cameron


    Wasnt the image dimesnisons was the size of the image in mb
  17. cameron


    Looks like its something to do with my image. My bad the image was too large
  18. cameron


    Doesnt work. Will just upload a blank steam workshop item. Used to work tho
  19. cameron

    Drone Strike

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  20. cameron

    Drone Strike

    The command can be sent by the server so it can work with any other plugin. Shop, server rewards even tebex. Yes I can add an option to the text I'll have a think about the last one
  21. Hey. It works by spawning in the explosive item. The plugin doesnt create the explosive so it should work how you would expect it. Ie in your case it wont damage buildings. I cant garantee that tho. Try spawn in an explosive threw your console see what happens. Thats how it will work
  22. Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  23. I will add support but I can't translate it. I only speak English
  24. Version 1.0.14


    Drone Taxi adds another way to travel around the Rust World! Simply type /taxi to bring up a taxi selection screen. Each taxi has its benefits and different scrap costs to run. Prices are all customisable as well as who can use them! How To Use It? Typing /taxi will bring up a taxi UI. Select one of the three drone types available and it will be delivered near you. Once onboard right click on your map where you want to go. Make sure you have enough scrap to get there! The drone will try to avoid all obstacles and are restricted in where they can pick passengers up as well as a drop. Check the video for a demo Types Of Drones There are three types of drones, Drone X, Drone XL, and Drone Lux Drone X is the cheapest and simplest drone. It seats only one person! Drone XL seats three people Drone LUX is for the mega-rich players. This only seats one player but is a way better ride Permissions You require specific permission to be able to use each drone. They are as follows and respect the corresponding drone DroneTaxi.X DroneTaxi.XL DroneTaxi.LUX Commands There is only one command /taxi this brings up the taxi UI Config Each drone can have its price per second, as well as base price, tweaked. flatFeeX -> amount of scrap to charge for setting a destination for drone X flatFeeXL -> Same as above but for drone XL flatFeeLUX -> Same as above but for drone LUX varableFeeX - > How much scrap to charge per second of flight for drone X varableFeeXL -> Same as above but for drone XL varableFeeLUX -> Same as above but for drone LUX coolDown - > Time in seconds before a new taxi can be called ignoreBuildingBlocked -> Enable this to ignore building blocked sphere (monuments) This is not recommeneded Limitations Sometimes the chairs will appear invisible. This is purely cosmetic for the player and they tend to reshow after a few seconds. Contact Need to contact me for issues or private work mrcameron999#0001 on Discord
  25. cameron

    Drone Strike

    Version 1.0.1


    Call in drone strikes to bomb your enemies. Drone strikes are picked by selecting two points on the map. Highly customizable and perfect for economy servers, shop servers, vote rewards, donation rewards or an admin abuse tool! Designed to work with many other plugins. How do I use it! Drone Strike works on one command. This allows you to use it with any plugin that allows custom commands to be called. Some examples would be a shop plugin that executes a command when it's purchased. Because of how the command is designed you could add multiple drone strikes to the shop that differ in power or range. A vote reward, A donation reward could also be used. It can also be used by anyone with permission. The command and arguments are as follows. /addstrike [Steam Name or SteamId] [type] [range] [bombspeed] [heightAboveGround] [droneCount] [Steam Name or SteamId] -> Steam name or their steam id. They must be connected! [type] -> The ammo to use for the strike. The ammo and the type to enter are as follow 0 = bean can 1 = f1 grenade 2 = rockets 3 = Incendary rockets (THESE ARE LAGGY!) 4 = rocket hv (These act slow not fast) 5 = satchels 6 = c4 charges [range] -> Enter the range for the drone strike. If the user tries to make the strike longer than this value it will change the end zone to be the end of the range [bombspeed] -> How often bombs should be dropped. This value is in seconds and can be decimal points. [heightAboveGround] -> All drones independently fly and they will try to maintain this value above the ground. Setting this higher will help reduce the number of crashes the drones have [droneCount] -> The amount of drones to spawn. Setting 2 will spawn 5 drones. Example command = /addstrike cameron 6 100 2 20 6 To use this command either send it from the server console or have the permission "DroneStrike.use". You can give yourself drone strikes. One drone strike can be added per person until it's used. To call in the strike select two points on the map. The start and end zone Drone avoidance and navigation Drones will try to avoid obstacles the best they can but sometimes this will crash. If they crash they will simply despawn and stop dropping bombs. Need to contact me for issues or private work mrcameron999#0001 on Discord


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